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Everything posted by Wondershot

  1. Hmm...well, my thoughts on being Canadian... We seem to be living on an island here. From what I hear, there are cases of Americans getting things mixed up about us. A girl in my high school wrote a speech based on a survey taken down in the states. It said things like most of Florida thinks Canada is a national park, and don't know what state it's in. I also watch Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans, which is basically the same thing. He goes down to the states and feeds people all kinds of lies to see how they react. However, some of those lies are actually based on stuff that happens here in Canada, after all, truth is stranger than fiction. Let's see, I watch shows that make fun of both governments, I hear all kinds of peacekeeping talk from the news and the news satires. I watch a show about TV in Canada, which is unlike anything I've ever seen on TV before, and we try to express our individuality, in a way, by pretending to be what some Americans think us to be, people who live in a year round deep freeze and who wear funny hats for all occasions. Remember those weird Team Canada toques they had at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City? That's what I'm talking about. The funny thing is, I happen to have a friend who is from the States, and he is one of the coolest, most knowledgeable (sp?) people I know. I never mean to insult the States by anything I say, but politics, specifically, political satire becomes commonplace in Canada. My American friend and I talk about stuff like this all the time, and poke fun at both countries. To quote my friend on what he thought of the States bombing Japan in WW2 and sending money later: "That's what we do in the States, we bomb people and then say 'oops'." I apologize if anyone is insulted, but that's the way my friends and I look at things. I guess my view of Canada is..we all live in a screwed up world, and we take things in stride using comedy to appleal to the common Canadian citizen. Our government makes mistakes, and sometimes whe don't know what to think. I suppose a phrase to sum up Canada would be: "Laughter is the best medicine." -Longest rant ever *stands up and takes a bow* -Won-daa-shot
  2. Much like DMC, this story is M rated due to language and gore. In the future, little has changed. Society grows, generations come and go, and there are always demons running around messing stuff up saying they want to take over the world. Whatever. To this day, people have fought demons trying to preserve their freedom. Some demons have joined the cause of peace, and one of them was the legendary Dark Knight, Sparda. A demon who sought to free the human world from the clutches of the underworld. He had a son, Dante, half demon, half human, who took his place and hunted the bane of the living world for decades...For a price, of course. Now, Dante sees that it is time to throw in the towel and pass his demon hunting business: "Devil May Cry" to the next likely candidate for demon hunting hero. Also, he hears that people have been setting up demon hunting businesses of their own, making for some interesting competition. He wonders what the world...both worlds will have in store for the future... Here is the signup. Name: Age: (over 20 at least) Race: (demon or human, ppl who want to be demons must send me a three paragraph post over PM, I choose who gets to be a demon, humans are weaker and don't have as many skills.) Business: (Work in Devil May Cry or make your own demon hunting business, I'll only allow two others and only demons can found businesses.) Weapons: (One short range, (sword or the like) three long range (guns, throwing knives, etc.)) Devil Trigger: (Demons only, Devil trigger is where you turn into a full demon and gain special powers and techniques, as well as a kick a** appearance. Describe them to me.) Description: (Work on this people, dont just say "looks like {insert character here}) Bio: (your life until now, how and why you found(ed) this business, etc.) Ok, if anyone wants to be Lucia or Trish (no Dante) from the DMC series, PM me unless you think you can put in a detailed description to avoid having a mod breathe down our necks. I'll put my own sign up later. If you have any questions, use the PM system, not this thread. Oh, and [b][u]posts must be at least three paragraphs long.[/u][/b] I [u]may[/u] let it slide once, but do it more than once and you're out! Ok, that's about it, happy hunting! -Won-daa-shot
  3. Alli looked back and made no move to strike. She instead gazed deep into Arika's eyes and placed her into a hypnotic trance. She couldn't move. "That's it, just relax, I'm not going to hurt you, I'll just let you sleep peacefully." Alli said, holding her sword up. David became aware of this and turned to yell. Alli took another step forward and began to swing the blade upwards, out of nowhere, Ken jumped in the way and took the slash to the side of his face, from the jaw to the forehead, close to the right eye. Alli gasped and let her sword drop to the ground. She held Ken in her arms and began to cry. "Kaiyute! No! Why...why'd you have to do this?!" strangely enough, shimmering white blood began to ooze from the wound, and the group stared in surprise. Alli just continued to sob and held Ken closer. Suddenly the wound began to glow and turn black, and Ken's entire body began to shine a bright white. Alli let go and stared in shock, backing away. Ken got up, and the wound had transformed itself into a strange ivy-like tattoo (think Zell-FF8) and when the light began to fade, Ken himself looked different. He was now dressed in a white trenchcoat and most of the clothing underneath was black. His skin had changed shade too, he was now much darker, but the rest of the group felt an undeniable power wash over them. It didn't feel good or evil, or even familliar, it wsas pure power, nothing else. The group stared in shock, but Alli was the first to step forward. "Hirei?" She asked, Ken just stared right back, poker faced. Alli fell to her knees, although out of exhaustion and surprise. Tears were still in her eyes, but she was smiling now. "Hirei..." The rest of the group just stared in amazement. Ken stared straight ahead, as though there was no one around him. The rest of the group just looked at each other nervously. What was going to happen next? Alli stood up and drew her sword. "If this is going to happen now, then there is nothing I can do to stop you. Hirei has chosen his newest form, and now that he has, he and his allies are the only ones capable of finishing this job...However..." Alli turned to Arika, holding up her sword. "You are still a formidable rival, once this is over, I hope to see you again." "When this is over?" Arika repeated, Alli nodded. "Now, I believe that all of you are strong enough to win, but keep your guards up. Goodbye, Hirei." She walked up closer and whispered into his ear. "I love you, my son." And with that, she turned and left, swallowed entirely by the darkness.
  4. "[i]Lifestyyyyles of the rich and the famous, They're always complaaainin', aaaaalwayyys complaaaaainin'.[/i]" Glenn stopped himself when he saw that he was getting close to the school. He blushed sheepishly, and Motimon popped up from inside his backpack. "Get back in, someone'll see you." He said calm as ever. He looked at the campus and saw that there were already people going inside. He had arrived late due to the unexpected meeting. He looked around, and all he saw was a young girl behind him, also moving towards class. He thought he spotted movement inside her backpack, but then shrugged it off, walking inside. He wandered into the building, wondering what his first class was. It wasn't before long that he saw most of his group wandering towards the science lab, so he followed... ..A few minutes later, Glenn was coming close to going catatonic at his desk, bored out of his mind. Well, not bored, but wondering what he was going to do with Motimon... "Perhaps Mr. Reid would like to solve our problem." The teacher said speaking up in Glenn's direction. Making no attempt to cover his disenterest, he asked. "What?" "What is Co2, Ho2H, and H2O?" The teacher asked smugly, Glenn blinked once, and then responded almost mechanically. "Carbon dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, and water." He said, then placed his head back on his desk. The teacher stared at him for a moment, then continued the lesson. Glenn sat there, thinking that some things never change... Glenn though back to his childhood, some of the things he had done and the places he had seen... "Hey, you." "What?" "You look like the perfect guy for my lesson." "Lesson?" "Easy, you just go like this...and this!" "Ow!" "Sorry, did I hurt ya?" "A bit." "It's part of the program, you want to learn it with me?" "Sure." Glenn awoke with a start as though someone had just punched him in the face, he gasped and was immediately expelled from his chair as it slid under him. He looked to the side and saw that a larger kid had pulled his chair out from under him. Amid laughs from some others, he grabbed his chair and sat down. The other boy sneered at him, so Glenn just returned a look of amusement, earning him a dirty look. He looked ahead, and thought that he might as well stare at the clock for the rest of the day...
  5. It's just a weird banner I made using several sunburst and neon effects. I don't think it turned out half bad, actually. Here is my latest bit, an animated avi used from pics I motion captured from Outlaw Star. It's basically a piece of the opening.:p Tell me what y'all think. EDIT: Oops, too big, here is the real one
  6. I would recommend Outlaw Star to anyone who likes both light hearted humour, as well as the more serious protagonist vs. antagonist conflicts. You usually see two different types of battles. The first is usually quite slow moving, as the ships battle each other at long range with missiles, there are parts in the middle of combat where the characters talk, and then there is the faster paced grappler combat, where the ships increase in speed and actually fight at the rate of any martial arts choreography movie. Apparently you can tell the difference between the comedic episodes and the more serious ones because they are drawn by different artists. The music quality is great too, and I highly reccomend it in general. As for the questionable episode, Hot Springs Planet Tenrei, I agree that it is very R rated, with suggestive themes including the cat girl (Aisha) naked, as well as a scene at the end where a young woman makes a dirty video for Gene (you don't see much though). If you want to avoid it, you can just skip it over, since the episode was taken off CN, it doesn't have much to do with the story, it's just a vacation episode. On the other hand, it is really funny, so if you or your parents don't have a problem with it, it's good for a laugh. Uh, I guess that's it, enjoy if you get it!
  7. Reena gulped, she wasn't looking to fight, but maybe she could scare some of them off. She looked at her surroundings, and noted that the enemy forces were going in straight lines... She contemplated a method of escape, and to do so, she began to focus on her half dragon form... [i]I am at peace, but the dragon inside me cries for blood, it is my rage, my hate, my fear, my death. It won't stop until the world around it has been destroyed, it will kill, it lives only for the taste of blood, it breathes only to hear the screams of torment from it's victims. It kills to survive, it kills to thrive. It kills because it is death...[/i] Reena transformed into the half dragon girl once more, it felt good to be awake, and it yearned for the taste of human blood. She jumped high into the air, and blew a massive fireball from her mouth, landing with a mighty explosion of flames onto the ground, scattering the troops and casuing them to break apart. She landed on the ground, just in time to see a group head towards her. The first one swung his sword, but she just stepped out of the way and bit with relish into his neck. He screamed horrendously and fell to the groud, bleeding to death. Another man rushed forward, but Reena just ran him through with her clawed hand, impaling him with her whole arm. The third just watched in horror, but Reena walked up to him and wrapped her tail around his neck, and with a single motion, broke his neck with a horrible crunch. She laughed and let the man drop to the ground, then she walked forward, ready to take them all...
  8. "Please, you misunderstand." Alli said pleadingly. "I don't want to hurt anyone, all I want is for my son to be safe." "How do we know you're telling the truth? More importantly, safe from what?" David demanded. Alli let her head hang. "If I am not certain that he is ready to fight, I won't let him go. He will be killed if he takes the master lightly. I almost died myself, I don't want my son to suffer the same way." She looked at the group, tears streaming down her face. "Don't you understand? I haven't seen my son since he was a child, he has changed so much, and I can't believe that he has lived his life so well, and now you just want him here to die." "That's not..." Arika began. "No, I'm not going to stand here and watch my son die for a lost cause. I know you all mean well, but please leave my son out of this." "It's not our choice, Ken knew what he was doing the moment he came here, if we can't beat the master everyone will die." Christian retorted. "No, I don't care about the world, all I care about is my son." She said, holding Ken as though he were still a child. Suddenly he snapped up and drew Tsurara's Darksol. "Even if you're my mother, I can't just sit here and let my home, my two homes, fall to pieces around me because you're afraid of what will happen." He said defiantly. The rest of the group readied their weapons. Alli just looked at them with a brightness in her eyes. "If I don't do something, even you won't be able to survive it. Please, get out of our way, or we'll fight you too!" Alli laughed slightly and began to remove some of her heavy armor. "I always knew that my sons would be strong." She said as she removed the armor on her skirt. "I knew he would have strong friends, I knew he would have a strong bond between them." She reached back and pulled out a large pearl blade with a dragon head as the hilt. Suddenly she sprouted perfect white wings, and readied herself in a battle stance. "If you think you have the strength, show me!"
  9. Heh, I guess I'm a little behind... Some of my fave banners include Elli, Otogi, Dagger, Kain and Ben's banners, and all of your Love Hina art (yes, even the pink one). I'm quite impressed. What type of paint program you use? I'm just curious. Hope to see more in the future.
  10. Tai raced down the street, looking hastily for the group that he was supposed to be meeting with. Agony twisted his face as he wandered, almost completeely lost down the winding roads. To get a better view, he focused deeply and ran right up the side of a house, launching himself into space. He scanned the block feverishly, not really noticing anything unusual. At least, before he saw the demon. It flew past him at breakneck speed, and he could tell already it was looking for blood. He spun around and drew his prized weapon, Ryu no Katsugan. Slowing down time, he dove backwards, firing rapidly. he landed on the next roof and righted himself just as he finished reloading. Low on energy, he resorted to firing normally, despite poorer aim. The demon made a quick circle in the air before swooping down and flying straight at him. He slowed down time again, and in full concentration, bounced off the demon's face. Flying in the air, he spun around and unleashed a hail of bullets, blowing the demon's head off in a flash of dark blood. He took a moment in midair to savour his victory before he realized that he was about to fall to the street below. With a mighty crash, he landed in the middle of the road, in front of a large group of other fighters, who just stared at him. "Oh," He said, dusting himself off and grinning. "I guess I'm in the right place after all."
  11. Glenn had already been up since early that morning, and was now sitting peacefully on a huge rock in his backyard, part of his rock garden. He sat there motionlessly meditationg, when he heard a noise from inside his room. He looked at the back window, then, in a single motion, got up and bounded to another rock, from which he could jump and barely latch his fingers onto the windowsill. He pulled himself up slowly, but nothing could prepare him for what he saw next... He stared at this tiny pink blob which had now jumped onto his windowsill, about an inch from his face. He didn't yell, but the shock caused his hands to jerk spastically from the rush of adrenaline, and he let go of the windowsill, crashing to the ground. He looked up in perplexity at this small pink intruder which had now taken over his room. It stared at him for a good ten seconds before jumping of the sill and landing with a soft thump onto his stomach. It oozed itself onto the ground and introduced itself. "I'm Motimon! Pleased to meet you!" "Pleased to meet you..." Glenn replied, sitting cross-legged on a huge rock to listen to Motimon's long story... "Glenn?" Came a voice from the upstairs room. Glenn smiled slightly at Motimon. "Hide," He said simply. Motimon dashed behind a rock, and a black haired girl appeared at Glenn's bedroom window. "You okay? I heard a noise." "Yeah, just moving some stuff." Glenn responded casually. The girl stared at him for a minute. "What are you doing up so early?" "I'm always up at 6, you don't see me cause I go to school early." "Why are you still here then?" "I was gonna go in a minute, I was tired. Pass me my schoolbag?" Glenn asked, the girl laughed, then hurled the bag with the force of a cannon right at Glenn's face. He caught it, but the force knocked him off the rock. Motimon looked down to see if he was okay. "I'm fine, but I gotta go to school." He read the confusion on Motimon's face perfectly. "That was my sister Sari, she's into martial arts." Motimon nodded understandingly, then walked with Glenn towards the school, at leeast until Glenn began to sing. "[i]Alays see them on TV, Read them in the magazines, Celebrities, they want sympathy...[/i]" Motimon covered his ears, not used to this music. "[i]All they do is piss and moan, Inside the Rolling Stone, Talking about... how hard life can... be...[/i]"
  12. OOC: Training consists of inanimate firing range targets, and then live combat against MT's (pre-built army units that are far weaker than AC's) Also, you usuually get into an AC by removing the head and climbing into the core through the "neck" area. The two men, Teotihuaca'n and Meteora walked down the long hallway to the AC garages, where thier units were waiting for them. Teotihuaca'n threw away his cigarette and began to stretch his arms, Meteora just waked calmly, not fidgeting or anything. "Hey man, you nervous?" Teo asked of Meteora. He got no response, Meteora was very stoic and focused, then they stepped into the hangar, where their massive AC units were waiting for them. Meteora looked at Teo. "Thanks..." Teo grinned, he had helped him build the AC, after all. They ascended the elevators, pressurized by gases, and carefully stepped into their units. The AC's were lifted up to the facility roof by elevators, and Chaos immediately went into Overboost and sped off. Whatever, on the other hand, simply turned and sailed off using normal boosters... The two arrived on the training field moments later, Teo noticed a fammiliar AC that caught his eye. He opened communications to it. "Yo, w'sup?" He asked, the girl on the other end just groaned. "What are you doing here?" She asked, very disinterested. "Can't I see the AC I helped you work on?" "You didn't help much, you just ran off and built something without even telling me what you did, If it wasn't for my dad I might never have figured out how to work this thing." "But you concede that I helped you use the AC and become a pilot, right?" There was another groan, and Teo laughed. "Relax, Crystal, I didn't mean anything by it..." "HEY!" The superior officer yelled. "No talking! The training is starting!" As if on cue, several targets shot up around them, and the group was racing around taking out as many targets as they could. Teo noticed that Crystal was having trouble. "Hah! Your AC doesn't work too well far away, eh?" Teo on the other hand, just turned on his side boosters, and was having an easy time picking off targets with single rounds from his chain gun. Even though he couldn't see her, he felt Crystal's ice glare penetrate him. He wheeled around and picked off a far away target with a grenade shot. He looked around, seeing how all the others were doing...
  13. Stephen was already in the kitchen, he had finished preparing food rations for the party that was heading out to save Renie. He looked at the packed group outside, finished wrapping up the meat and carried the load outside, distributing it among the soldiers. He looked earnestly at Clyde. "Don't kill yourself, now." He said, only partially joking. Clyde nodded and picked up the food rations, the rest of the group departed shortly after. Now, Stephen was in the kitchen and he was searching through the mountain of grapes Claudio had picked earlier. They would make a great wine, and he was already filling casks full of ale to replace the ones that had been drunk last night. He looked over, Kitty, Claudio and even Kell seemed preoccupied. He abandoned his current project and walked over to them. "You think they'll come back?" He asked, motioning to the window. Kell shrugged. "The bandits? I hope not." "Not after the chaos yesterday." Claudio added. Kitty looked at him. "Why? You want them to or something?" She asked jokingly, Stephen shrugged. "If it's good for business." Kell laughed, Stephen stared at her. "That's not like you." She said earnestly, Stephen stared. "That's not like you either." He said, smiling only slightly.
  14. Uh huh, thanks for the advice, you're right about the cut and paste thing, so I'll try and integrate it better next time. Here is one of ny strangest bits yet. I just started messing around with PSP and used a lot of special effects to make this. Tell me what you think. (PSP is like drugs, you have to experiment :p)
  15. I'd have to say "Throught the Night", the main theme song from Outlaw Star. it's very electronic, which is normally a turn-off for me, but I still like it because of the lyrics, and the video is quite good. Some of the highlights include Aisha falling off a cliff, Gene checking his teeth in the mirror, and Gene and Jim sitting in their underwear drinking milk (Jim) and beer (Gene). I have the full 4-minute version on my pc, and unfortunately no idea how to translate it. Also, it's cool when Melfina sings "Hiro no Tsuki" in English during the series. I think we ought to put more in the posts so we don't get closed, just a suggestion.
  16. OK, here is the latest banner made with pics ARTommy put up. He asked for a banner out of them, but I can't send it to him now, so I'll put it here. Comments?
  17. Stephen looked at Kell as she began to ascend the stairs. "Selling information acting like [i]that[/i]? How appropriate." "Shut it." Kell growled, slinking upstairs. Stephen violently sliced a cucumber in half, wondering when he would be able to go home. He looked outside and saw that it had begun to rain. He groaned and began grinding up some pepper. "You can go." Stephen wheeled and saw Kell standing there, looking tired. "I said, go." She said, although still tiredly, Stephen nodded understandingly and began out the door. "Tomorrow, then?" He asked, she sighed, and returned upstairs. He shrugged and began walking off, he thought he might pay someone a visit...He looked down and noticed that his clothes were filthy, and they were starting to get small for him...Lissa! He could pay her a visit, and get some new threads at the same time. He began whistling a little tune as he wandered down the street to Lissa's...
  18. Ken looked at the rest of the group reluctantly, but Arika jumped off and began to walk into the blackness, however, Ken called to her. "Arika..." Arika turned around and looked at him expectantly, she seemed confused. "Are you..okay with this?" "What?" Ken looked at her forlornly, she still seemed confused, Ken let his head hang and he continued to speak. "You know, this may be the last fight...but do you really think you want to go through with it?" Arika let her head hang too, Ken looked at her. "He is your father, you know..." Arika looked at him angrily. "Of course I know! I just don't want to think about it, that's all! He wants to take over the world, he never even cared for me as a child! What kind of father is that?!" Ken looked at her, tears streaking his face. "Do you remember...when I asked you if you could remember your family?" Arika stared at him. "I finally found my family...even though I had never met them, I...I felt complete...Now you just want to kill your own father?" Arika looked at him openly. "Maybe that won't happen..." Suddenly they heard footsteps behind them, high heels to be precise. Arika wheeled and saw a blonde woman in white battle gear standing in front of them. She seemed amused with something. "Who are you?" Ken demanded, The woman just smiled and moved closer, she walked right up to Ken and ran her fingers through his hair, he seemed unable to resist. "You look so much like your father...you know?" She said gently. Ken began to fall to the floor, more like he was gliding down softly, the woman sat down and gently rested Ken's head in her lap, she began stroking his hair. "Just like when you were a baby..." She said, then began to laugh softly. Arika suddenly snapped out of her trance and looked at the woman. "Who are you?! what have you done to Ken?!" "Shhh..." The woman said soothingly, Arika began to feel extremely tired as her blood pressure began to drop, suddenly she fell into an incredible hallucination. She felt as though she was underwater, light gently shimmering from the surface onto her, and she felt completely relaxed, as though she could never move again. She made no attempt to break the illusion, and neither did Ken. "Hmmm...you really didn't want to fight, did you?" The woman said gently, letting Ken fall to the floor, completely unconcious, she walked past Arika, who suddenly woke up and scrambled to her feet. "Hey! What did you do to Ken?!" "He's just sleeping." The woman said soothingly, she smiled at Arika and began to turn. "Who are you?" Arika asked, calming down, the woman turned and bowed slightly. "I am Alli, Kaiyute's mother."
  19. Stephen was still working in the kitchen, albeit more self-conciously than normal. He had heard rumours about these Snakeskin Bandits, and hoped that he hadn't owed any of them money. He looked out the window for a moment before returning to fixing the afternoon salad. He noticed Luminous and Kell sittting outside, when Kell yelled at him. "HEY! Is that salad ready yet?!" "YEAH!" Stephen hollered back, he picked up the bowl, quickly adding some diced tomatoes, and spun it overr the counter, where Claudio picked it up and handed it to one of the waitresses, who delivered it to the table. Out of the corner of his eye, Stephen thought he saw Kattarin, but shrugged it off, hoping it was just some hallucination. He returned to his cooking, when a group of bandits barged in, yelling loudly. One of them stepped out of the chaos and went to the bar. "Whaddya want?" Claudio asked with a hint of disinterest. "Ale and meats!" The man roared, getting approval from his mates, Claudio looked back at Stephen with a pained look. "You heard him..." He murmured. Stephen nodded, and began to spice the meats. He looked at a small jar in the corner, which held a strange spice that he had dicovered once, by refining it properly, he could make a person very sick with it. He rached for it, but then drew his hand back. He wasn't about to cause any trouble, unless someone deserved it...
  20. Stephen was already hard at work in the kitchen, chopping up a hot pepper and adding it to a small roast pork dish that he had fixed moments earlier. He was still at work, grinding herbs and curing meats since before sunrise. He glanced out of the inn kitchen to see how things were going, and he was quite startled to see the mayor sitting at the table. He stopped chopping, only to hear the mistress, Kell, scream at him. "Hey, no slacking off!" Stephen groaned then grumbled incoherently. "Yes, ma'am." He put the pork in his oven, as he looked into the furnace, he wondered if she would fit inside it... "HEY!" "Alright, already!" Stephen had racked up quite a tab at the bar, so now he worked tirelessly in the kitchen, sometimes he would get so tired at night Kell would put him in one of the rooms and then charge him for it the next morning! He looked outside and noticed the mayor again, thinking he might just fix up a special dish for him. He went to work, boiling a pot of water and adding some garlic...then potatoes...then he pulled his roast out of the oven and added a little more spice...constantly rechecking the potatoes all the while, Stephen brushed some of the crumbs and herbs from his apron, then put the food on a large plate with a flourish, and went out personally to give the mayor his food. "Mr. Mayor, one of my dishes, compliments of the house." "Ah! So you're that Stephen Reidman we have herd so much about! t's good to see you again!" The mayor took Stephen's hand and shook it, Stephen flushed slightly, then retreated back to the kitchen before Kell noticed that he had gone. He began to chop up an onion, periodically glancing outside, eager to see what the mayor thought of his food...when Suuchin suddenly bounded into the kitchen, late for work...again. "Hello, Su." Stephen greeted nonchalantly, he reached under the counter and pulled out a loaf of spiced bread, which Suuchin began to munch on with relish. "Miss breakfast again?" Suuchin just glared at him, still chewing. "I've been busy, and Kell's been really tough lately..." She said, mouth full. Stephen nodded sagely. "Ah, yes, our mistress could put any slave laborer to shame." He began to peel more potatoes, wondering what was going to happen next...
  21. Reena looked up into the sky. At least, she tried to. She wans't really aware of anything around her, just that she had been transformed, and now she had no idea what was happening. She felt as though time had no meaning, and she was alone in her own world, illuminated only by the warmth of her soul. She winced, hoping that she hadn't hurt Pheadra, since the two seemed to be polar opposites. She felt Pheadra slip her into a pocket, but Reena had also noticed a slight burn mark on her hand. Reena wondered where they were going, and what they were about to do...
  22. Norris raced down the streets of Porre, after having been returned to his home, the strangest things have been happening. First, he receives this weapon from an unknown benefactor, then he is kicked out of the army for no reason, and then monster attacks become even more constant. This one was tough, and it managed to get inside the city, to everyone's shock. Norris dashed around the corner and loaded a bullet, this weapon, "Ryujin" used bullets unlike anything he had ever seen before, they were long and golden, as well as twice the size of anything he had ever seen before. He rounded the corner, and peeked over the edge... BOOM, the weapon made a large explosion sound, as well as a strange shriek which reminded him of the Dragons. The bullet sailed through the air and pierced the beast's armored face. However, it still wasn't stopping. Norris looked at it in surprise, then crouched back around the corner, checking his pocket device. "The element is...green." He said while reading his device, he responded by pulling a large yellow bullet out from under his jacket. He loaded it, and looked around the conrer again. He focused deeply, and pulled the trigger... This time, the explosion was twice as loud and powerful, and instead of a bullet, a giant yellow dragon erupted from the barrel, making a few arcs in the air before crashing with a deafening roar into the beast. It exploded in a great display of thunder and lighting, and the monster was vaporized instantly. Norris sighed, then smiled slighly in triumph, as the other Porre soldiers looked around in amazement, wondering what had just happened. Suddenly a massive roar came from the alley, and Norris wheeled just in time to see a larger demon hurtling towards him. He jumped out of the way, then crashed into an empty building...or at least...he thought was empty. He looked around in surprise at the unfurnished building, as well as the perfect silence that filled the air. He turned around and saw in some shock that the door behind him had disappeared. In fact, he couldn't see any doors or windows in this room, making escape unthinkable. "What the..." He turned to his side and saw a pale woman in white battle gear standing there. He looked to the other side and saw an old man in a rocking chair. He turned back to the woman. "Who are you...and what is this place?..."
  23. Hey, that's some good stuff. The first one is good considering it was done with MS Paint, but I think you could have added a bit more color to the blue border, it would have looked better. Try airbrushing to make a bit of a fading effect. The second one is really good, keep it up and I think you'll become a good artist.
  24. Name: Stephen Reidman Age: 22 Race: Human Occupation: Master chef (meh, best I could think of) House: Wooden, complete with Japanese sliding doors, bits and pieces of furniture made of wicker, as well as many small bookshelves. Also has a very large collection of bonsai, and a kitchen complete with every tool and ingerdient you can think of. Description: 5'11", light build, light brown hair, slight tan, usually wears a dark green or black T shirt and khakis, wears apron and hat when he works, sneakers. Bio: Stephen, or Steve, used to do a lot of travelling, and would love to search the world to find new recipies and invent his own. He was the envy of cooks everywhere, but his excessive travelling, his unsteady job, and limited budget landed him flat broke in a foreign country with little luggage and no method of getting home. This was when he was 16, so now he forgets what his home looks like! He found Black Haven when he was out looking for somewhere where he could cook again. He noticed that the town was almost entirely self reliant, despite being cut off from the rest of the country. He decided to open up shop there, and soon dazzled folk around town with his great food. He isn't a sucess quite yet, but no one's complaining.
  25. "Eh? O que raios..." Juran jumped up at the sound of the announcement, and realized that he had fallen asleep playing solitaire on the card table in the living room. He jumped up out of total surprise, suceeding only in banging his knee on the table. After jumping atound for a moment or two, he made a small dash to the dining room. He noticed with some shock, that everyone else was there already, and now they were staring at this blue-haired outcast, some in amusement, some in disgust. "Ai, que dia e esse, nao posso nos acordar mais tarde?" He muttered to no one as he slipped silently into a chair, amid glares from the other guests, he sighed. "Man, I wonder how I got myself into this." He muttered, some of the people next to him seemed stunned that he could speak english. He sighed and picked up a glass of water, taking deep gulps at a time.
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