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Everything posted by Wondershot

  1. "I am afraid you are very much mistaken." A voice said from behind Ken. Arika wheeled and saw a young black haired man standing behind Ken. Ken wheeled and confronted this man, Nika shouted with joy. "Tsura-san! You're here!" The man stepped forward and bowed to Arika, albeit sarcastically. "I am Tsurara, and this is my brother, Kaiyute." Tsurara introduced, giving Ken a light hug. "It's good to see you, little brother." Ken looked at Tsurara in shock, he had long black hair and pale skin, as well as a large black trenchcoat and a belt with a black sun buckle. He also had red eyes and spoke with a mild Georgian/French accent. Ken stared at him for a long time, before he moved out of his way. "Come inside, brother, and make yourself at home, this is your true home, after all." He said with a glare in Arika's direction. The two walked inside, but then Tsurara slammed the door the door in Arika's face, she tried to move the handle, it was locked. She looked around, what was Ken thinking?... "Little brother, I don't know how many years it's been." Tsurara said as he poured a glass of...something. Ken couldn't tell what it was. Tsurara put it on the table in front of him, taking a sip himself, he motioned toward Ken to drink. He did, and it sent a chill down his entire body. "Revitalizing, no?" Tsurara said as he picked up the glass, he brushed Ken's hand, and frustration clouded his face for a second before he left. As he put away the glasses, he began talking again. "I wondered where you were, I was afraid that I had lost you, but now you are here with..." He turned and saw that Ken was gone, and the window was open. "me..." Tsurara went and opened the door, Arika stood there with an expression of dismay. "Where's Ken?!" She demanded, Tsurara shook his head. "He is gone, go look for him if you like." Arika dashed off, leaving the bewildered group behind, Tsurara opened the door. "Would you like to come in? A drink, perhaps?" "Oh, no, we have to find..." David began, Tsurara interrupted him. "I insist." He said with a look that was no longer inviting. He ushered David and the others in, locking the door behind them...
  2. Zohan looked around the train when suddenly the power cut out, leaving him and the many other people onboard looking around in confusion. Suddenly it started up again, and passed the station they were supposed to be stopping at! Zohan got on the phone. "Sparkes, what the hell's going on?!" "There's an Agent taking control of the train, bail out now!" zohan shut off the phone, then sliced through one of the doors with his kwan dao. He jumped out, just barely grabbing onto a support beam, and hung there for a good few seconds until an Agent jumped down with him. The two locked eyes for a moment, and then Zohan crouchd down, holding his hands at face level. The Agent took a few steps forward, and Zohan focused deeply and did a cartwheel, kicking the Agent in the face. It reeled for a moment, leaving Zohan a small window with wich to cut it with his kwan dao. It jumped to the side and produced a gun, so Zohan began running. The cell phone sprang to life. "Sparkes, get me out of here!" "There's a air vent grate to your left, go for it and you should find Soren." Zohan hung up and dove to the side, slashing the grate on his way through, he rolled into the openeing and ran along the side, the Agent following not far behind...
  3. Yeesh, I've been playing around with my paint programs and created a Chrono Cross banner. Tell me what y'all think, just don't flame me to a crisp cause I have a bad paint program:mad:. Criticism and suggestions are appreciated. :toothy: Wondershot
  4. Sorry to butt in, but I have a couple of things to say. 1: Isn't Saft's army supposed to have custom AC's (this is to Meteora) 2: I made an image of my AC: "Whatever", it's attached. 3: If anyone wants me to make custom AC's, send me a PM and I'll do my best. (I own AC3, so try and shoot for something that is possible within it's boundaries.) I posted this separately because I wanted to add the above comments, if this is wrong, let me know. That's it for the announcements. Thanks. Wondershot EDIT: This is Meteora's AC, Chaos. So as to avoid being accused of spamming, I'll just post any new AC's that I build here.
  5. Reena walked down the path with the rest of the group, feeling very down, head hanging low. Roya turned and looked at her. "What's up with you, or are you making sure you don't trip over anything?" she asked mockingly, Reena just sighed. "You should know, I really don't want to see anyone get hurt." "Yeah, I know." "No, I mean [i]anyone[/i], even the humans." "After what they did to you?! What's wrong with you?" "I...they are a lot like us, you know, they don't deserve to live any less than us." Reena sighed and dropped her head down again. "Reena..." she looked up, it was Rann. "I know you don't want to see anyone get hurt, but you have to protect yourself and be strong." Reena didn't say anything. "Those humans want to hurt us, If we want to stop them...I'll need your help." Reena looked up at him. "You don't think...there's any other way?" "I swear, if there was, I'd do it." Rann turned away. "But there isn't, I'm afraid too that it came to this, but I don't want to see anyone get hurt any less than you..." He stopped, Reena smiled. "Thank you." "What?" "Thank you..." Rann turned around and saw Reena was starting to smile. He turned around, Reena held her head up and continued walking...
  6. "Kaiyu-san! come on!" Nika yelled back to Ken, who was panting from running so much. "How...how can you run so much..." He said with a gasp. "You're just a grumpy old man, Kaiyu-san!" She replied with a laugh. Ken laughed slightly, then rounded the top of the hill and an amazing sight met his eyes. The world was made of metal. Many multi-story buildings rose up miles from the ground, which was also metallic, Ken also noticed that the metallic ground was only a shell, since he saw many balconies and ladders moving towards a world underneath, which was completely dark. He looked around and saw blue liquid-like lamps which provided light, if not heat, to the world. Ken looked at Nika. "This is...my home?" "It is, baka! You don't remember?" Ken loooked around, then he looked back and saw the forest they had come out of, it was dark green and even blue from a distance, and the dew on the trees made it look like an ocean. Ken stared at Nika, then put a hand to her face, she gasped. "Kaiyu-san! You feel...so...nice!" She said rubbing her face against his hand. Ken felt her skin, it was very cold. "It's warm." Ken explained. "wa...ramm?" Nika asked in perplexity. Ken stared at her, this world must be eternally cold if she had never even understood the meaning of warmth. Ken looked at the city below, then Nika grabbed his hand and began running. "Where are we going?" Ken asked. "Our house, baka!" She supplied, Ken just followed her, wondering if he would see his family...
  7. Piers woke up from a restless sleep not moments earlier. He grumbled and put on his slippers and picked up his pipe. Throwing on a robe, he walked down to his basement lab and checked the files of his patients. He carefully examined each one, then something came to him... "Wait..." He said to himself, smoking his pipe. He looked at all of the images once again to make sure, but it was undeniable that every patient had three things in common. They were all anemic, they all turned into monsters not days later, and they had bite marks on their necks! "Impossible, there's no such things as...vampyres." He said sneaking off to test his chemical concoctions again. He carefully examined one, then checked the files for traces of chemicals inside his patient's blood. He looked over at his array of serums and antibiotics, and began mixing and matching them. Suddenly an idea came to him. He dashed upstairs and proceeded to get dressed in sich haste that he had woken his wife up. "Dear, what are you doing?" She asked in a drowsy haze. "I have to go to the hospital...immediately!" He said while getting into his jacket. "I think I've found the answer!" He said as he dashed outside. He rushed down the rainy streets at top speed, clipboard and blood samples under his arm. He burst through the doors to see his friend Manson already there. "Doctor! We have another patient already!" Manson exclaimed in a panic. "Don't stand there, man!" Piers raged, scaring Manson slightly. "Take me to them!" Manson led Piers through the maze of corridors, revealing a young woman convulsing violently while strapped to the operating table. Thinking quickly, Piers pulled out an antibiotic and inserted it into the lady's arm. The convulsions stopped, and she fell asleep. "Check and make sure she's alright." Piers said defiantly, he turned to Manson, giving him the antibiotic. "Give them this if any more come in." He said as he walked out, lighting his pipe. As he walked out of the hospital, he couldn't help but have the sinking feeling that someone was watching him...
  8. Not half bad, Leh...wait...Isn't that Irvine? Is it? Just curious, but it is a good banner. Congrats and confetti.
  9. Hmmm...that's good work. I really like all of your work, and have been looking at it for some time. Congratulations, I'm impressed, and I'm not impressed very often. Either way, congrats on your work, it shows.
  10. Ken was falling through an infinite blackness, he was completely unconcious. He opened his eyes slowly and felt himself falling. It felt almost like floating, but his hair and scarf fluttering above him implicated that he was indeed falling, albeit slower than normal. He looked around and saw nothing but infinite space. He looked up and saw a star, which looked like a tiny ball of water, glimmering a light blue. He reached up, as though he expected to touch it, when suddenly he heard a tiny fluttering sound behind him. He looked over just in time to see a massive black dragon hurtling towards him. He quickly moved out of the way by shifting his weight. He reached for his gunblade, but realized with some shock that it wasn't there. He looked to the side and noticed the dragon was making circles in the air. Suddenly it shot upwards and back down, narrowly missing Ken. Suddenly an object flew out from underneath Ken's shirt, it was a strange black talisman. The dragon looked at it in perplexity, as did Ken. Suddenly the dragon sidled up to Ken, and floated just underneath him... Moments later, Ken was riding at top speed on the dragon's back, he looked ahead and saw a small, glimmering planet. It was completely black, with several steel structures protruding out of it and small blue spheres which apparently produced light. Suddenly the dragon shifted forward, catapaulting Ken from it's back, and he was in freefall. He landed on a large hill with lots of trees, and looked around. A small girl's voice rang out. "Kaiyu-san!" She yelled in surprise and happiness. Ken looked over and saw a little girl, dressed in black, running towards him. She clung to his legs and began to cry. "Kaiyu-san! I missed you! I'm...I'm so happy!" She said, tears streaming down her face. She looked up at him. "You recognize me?" Ken looked at her for a moment, then she straightened herself and brushed her hair back. "I'm Nika, your sister!"
  11. When I get mad, I usually just talk back at the person who did so, if they get violent, then I just ignore it. Sometimes I take a rest, be really angsty for about an hour before thinking of something to do to get my mind off it. I am sort of casual about that, so no one has really seen me in a rage.
  12. Reena walked back to where the group was, she looked at the tree where Roya was sitting, now in her cat form, and walked over and climbed up, sitting next to her. "What do you think about this coming battle?" she asked gently stroking Roya's ears, the cat purred contentedly, but Reena knew Roya quite well, she knew that they weren't interested in fighting, that all they wanted to do was live peacefully... Rann glared up at her. "What were you thinking?! Those humans could be getting reinforcements right now! You gave us away!" "They won't, they don't even know where I came from." "You can't go off anytime you please! We have to work together to win this war!" "What makes you think I even want to be here?!" Reena snapped. "I don't want to fight! I don't want to hurt anybody! I don't want to go to war!" "What makes yuo think you have any choice?" "I won't! I won't do it! I'll never kill!" Tears streaming down her face, Reena jumped out of the tree and began running. She was nearly blinded by tears, but she completely ignored everything else around her. "REENA!" Rann barked, but she didn't respond, she just kept running. Rann sighed and sat down on a rock, grumbling... Reena sat down at the end of a large lake. She didn't need anyone, she wasn't going to war, she wasn't going to kill. She sighed and looked at her reflection in the lake. She looked human, but she wasn't, people hated her...why? Because she was different? Because she had done something wrong? She let her head hang, and tears dropped from her face into the lake...
  13. Reena couldn't help but laugh. "Nice to see you too, still getting chased by children?" Roya didn't dignify that with a response. She just turned on her heel and looked at Rann. Reena looked deep into the woods and saw something alarming. Humans. Humans had arrived already and were looking around, evidently explorers. Reena turned on her heel and looked at Rann. "Humans at 12 o'clock, maybe we should get out of here." "I'd like to see them try and get me!" Roya snarled, Reena just put a sympathetic hand on her arm. "Don't worry, I'll get them away." She said, walking forward... "I told you, it's that way!" "No, this way!" "I'm the leader, I say it's that way!" "Who says you're the leader?" The humans had gotten lost on their way there, and were now arguing over which direction the road was. Reena stepped out from behind a tree. "Is there a problem?" She asked coyly. The men just stared at her for a moment before looking at each other and saying. "Uh, yeah, where's the road?" She pointed behind them, sure enough, the path was just back there, they had missed it. They all stared for a moment, then two of them turned and started to leave, but the third contiued to look at her. "I know you... you owned that teahouse..." Reena rolled her eyes, oh great, this is going to turn into a confrontation... "Guys! This girl is a dragon!" "A dragon?! HER?!" The leader shouted in surprise, looking at Reena, the other man turned around. "There's a price on her head, you know." He said with a smile, the three men walked forward, drawing knives. Reena sighed. "I don't want to fight now, go away and forget it." She said with a look of pity. The three men ignored her. "Fine." She said with a frown, suddenly she caught fire, and transformed into her half dragon form, removing her kimono so it wouldn't get burned. She lunged forward and struck a large tree, knocking it over. The men looked in astonishment, then one made the mistake of lunging forward with his knife. Reena simply grabbed him by the collar, and with a quick breath, burned his shirt off. The other two ran off in surprise, as did the third after Reena dropped him. She sighed and put her kimono back on, wondering if and when this would ever end...
  14. To Logan: um...it's always like that no matter what I do... I saved this one in .jpg, see if it's any better. To Stuart: I use Corel Photo House and only started learning all the tricks yesterday, therefore don't come after me cause I have a bad paint program. Hopefully I'll be getting a new PC with PSP 7 or 8 soon so I'll be back! To dbzanimegirl17: Whaddya mean who am I? Anyway, here is another Doraemon banner, this one took more time to make but since I don't know how to fade very well it didn't come out so great. Tell me what you think, and if you have any ADVICE I would love to hear it.
  15. Name: Zachary "Teotihuaca'n" Radin Age: 33 Description: short brown hair, goggles, brown eyes, 6'3", light skin, brown bomber jacket, white shirt, black fingerless gloves, faded jeans, army boots. Rank: AC Custom: black and white paint style, heavy arms, legs, and core, small wrist mounted laser grenade launcher (right) and spread shot howitzer (left) chain gun and grenade launcher on back, extremely high attack power, medium speed and flight power, high defense, and special attack power, only weakness is extremely high rate of energy consumption, name: "Whatever" Side: Saft Bio: An AC mechanic and test pilot for years, he became sick of watching as others less experienced than him got the chance to become full-fledged AC pilots, so he accepted the offer from Saft to become an AC pilot. He was given some money to start with, and so he built what he believes to be the perfect AC. His inexperience in actual combat may be quite evident, but that doesn't stop him from charging headlong into battle and pulling off all the best moves in the book. Sex: Male
  16. Rui stepped out from the sonar room. "Are you sure about that, Enix? I did the research, no matter who you are, even if that Dragon Soul was yours, the tests show that at best, chances of survival are just under 30%." Rui said with a frown, Enix stared at him. "What?" "Those forces at full power are more than any human body can handle, even if they were once yours, they changed now." Oni walked in. "Hmph, now you see why I am the best candidate for this job?" Rui stared at him, Oni looked at him with mock pity. "You said it yourself, any [i]human[/i] wouldn't be able to take it, but I am not human." He looked at Enix mockingly, who just shot him a look that could melt steel. Oni looked at him pityingly. "I'm only trying to stop you from throwing your life away." Oni said as Enix turned to leave. He froze, then kept walking, blood boiling. Oni turned and looked at Rui, who began discussing a strategy with the rest of the group... Enix walked out to where Win was, he was crouched on top of a railing, Enix went over and sat on a crate. He sighed deeply, Win stared at him. "Oni?" Enix nodded, then glared back belowdecks. "He's a snake, I can't believe he says he's trying to help us." Win looked ahead. "He said it himself, though. If he tries anything, what's he gonna do afterwards?" Win looked at Enix. "Cross taught me a lot about human tendencies, especially Oni's. He'll never do anything to interfere or harm, until his safe future is assured." Win looked down. "But..." "What?" Enix said, looking over. "Cross said that...Oni might have another plan..." Suddenly a massive water jet erupted from underneath the ship, causing it to tilt to the side. Win lost his balance and fell over, into the jungles beneath. Enix, in a panic, rushed over to tell the others what happened...
  17. "Man, this is boring, where the heck is Oni?" Cay said, annoyed. "It's probably better that we hope that we don't find him." Tami added. "If he finds us here, we're dead." Arielle looked up from the corner. "Do you want to know where Oni is?" She asked innocently, if a little annoyed. "Where is he?" Cay asked, pointing her glaive at Arielle's throat. "Close your eyes." Cay glared at her, but Tami made her put the glaive down. Cay closed her eyes too. Suddenly another voice, not Arielle, spoke. "Now, open them." Cay jumped back in shock as she saw Oni standing right there! Arielle was already up, and standing next to him, Oni began to laugh evilly... Meanwhile, the group was still looking for Oni, when an announcement came through the public adress. Everyone looked up in shock, it was Arielle. "Your attention please, would all of our guests please report immediatement to ze roof, that is of course, if you want to see your friends alive again..." Enix looked at Saina in confusion, when another voice came through the system. "I suggest you do it." "ONI!" Enix cried out in shock, he rushed madly up the stairs two at a time... Oni was waiting on the roof of the complex, his demon arm around Arielle, Cay and Tami had been bound and gagged in front of them. "What are you doing, you monster!!" Enix shouted in outrage. "Simply, my job." Oni said, releasing Cay and Tami. They looked at him in confusion, then rushed to their friend's sides. "What kind of a host would I be, if I had not allowed you all to fight me?" Oni explained with a smirk. Arielle stepped forward. "We only wish for clean confrontation, if any more than two people attempt to attack Oni at once, I will kill them myself." She said with a sneer. Oni looked at her with a smile. Suddenly a big portal opened up, and Cross stepped out, right in the middle. "Everyone." He said quietly, "This is not the end just yet, I want to see what you've learned, so..." He took a few steps back. "I'm going to let you take care of Oni."
  18. Reena dashed through the forest at top speed, desperately trying to wring the water out of her hair. She had forgotten the time, and was now horribly late for the group meeting she was in. She stumbled and fell face first in front of the group, sho got up, still slightly wet, and tried to brush herself off. "Sorry! Lost track of time..." She said, cleaning leaves off her kimono. Rann glared at her. She glared right back and put her zori on, in her haste she had forgotten to put them on when she left. Rann sighed and looked around, he must have been waiting for someone else. Reena sighed with relief, at least she wasn't the only one late. She looked over and saw a cat lying on the ground. She grinned and looked at it for a moment, thinking that it looked strangely familliar...
  19. Name: Alexi Ryoujin Age: 20 Gender: Male Class: Heat/Light Guncaster Weapon type: Handguns Weapon Name: Ryu no Katsugan (Dragon's piercing eye) Magic: Heat Shower: Jumps in the air and fires rapid-fire magical bullets from his handguns. Description: fiery red spiked hair, green eyes, about 5'11", light skin, gold choker, green vest with a red dragon pattern, red armlets and gloves, twin belts with holsters for the Ryu no Katsugan(s), faded green cargo pants and walking shoes. Personality: Relaxed and easygoing outside of combat, but a real hothead in battle. He tries hard to make friends, despite the fact that he is partially hyperactive, but he is a good person to talk to. History: Alexi was originally trained as a mage, but his imatient nature and rebellious attitude got him into more trouble than he was worth. He left the school just barely earning some magic skills, and left to travel the world. The Ryu no Katsugan was developed by a family who was close friends of his, but despite the fact that he isn't a good gunfighter, he was the only one who could use the weapons effectively in combination with his already acquired magic skills. He enjoys travelling with friends, but so far, has no one to travel with...
  20. Ning looked at Vorless, Zone gave Ning an attack plan. "I don't know much about her, but stay agressive." Zone cautioned. Ning dashed forward and hurled the stick at Vorless' face, surprised, she leaned out of the way, giving Ning the chance to roll to the side and kick her in the head. Stunned, she swung around and tried to hit him, but he rolled over and picked up his stick. Noticing a wrought-iron fence along the right edge of the road, Ning ran to the side, then dashed forward up and along the fence. Vorless, shocked, dropped her guard and Ning smashed her in the face with his stick. Suddenly he looked over and saw that Kage had been felled by the rest of the group. "Guys! We'll deal with them later!" Zone looked over and saw the police were coming, apparently dispatched by Domi's parents. "Come on! Let's go!" He said running... A few moments later, the group was gathered in the park, trying to devise a plan. "The people at Domi's know what I look like, so maybe we ought to stay at a hotel until this blows over." Shinjikyo nodded. Enix looked over. "Where are we gonna stay?" "You know any good hotels in the area?" Shinjikyo asked Zone, he nodded. "There's a great place in Ginza, wanna go there?" "Sure." Domi said, the others nodded, then went to the train station... Zone looked at Gan Ning, who seemd restless. "Are you alright, Ning?" "It's strange, I thought that I wouldn't have to fight anymore..." Ning said with a frown. "But not even death can keep me from combat." "Well, look on the bright side. You are fighting on a team of justice." Zone pointed out, Ning nodded, thinking about wether or not he was right. "I certainly think so." Zone said, reading Ning's mind. "We do things to help others, so I say that sounds like justice to me... HEY!" Zone jumped up, then headed to where the rest of the group was. "I got a name for our team!" "What is it?" Domi asked. "[i]Seigi[/i]!" "[i]Seigi[/i]...justice?" Shinjikyo asked. "Yeah! It's what we do, right? What do you think?"
  21. Reena was taking a little time off for a change. She always goes to the hot springs when she wants to take a break. The springs were known to boil normal humans alive, but Reena, being a dragon, found it relaxing and comofertable. She sighed deeply, inhaling vapor, it was good to be able to come back again. She looked back and saw a small root growing out of the ground, curious, she picked it up and took a small bite. Not half bad...but... She reached into her bag and pulled out a small mortar, with which she ground the root into a fine powder in moments. She tased it with some of the hot water...pretty good. She felt the springs starting to cool, so she began to focus deeply and the water heated up even more. She sighed and sunk up to her neck in the water. She heard a small branch break behind her, she wheeeled her head and saw a young man standing behind her, staring. she blew a small fireball dangerously close to his face. "Leave me alone." She said, the man rushed off in shock. She sighed and leaned back, hoping that this war would end soon...
  22. Zohan wandered down the city streets with Scope. They had a current assignment, Captains Soren and Corrupt were currently trapped inside the underground subway system, and Zohan, Ghost, and Scope were being dispatched to investigate and rescue. Ghost was already ahead disarming security. Suddenly Zohan's phone began to ring. "Sparkes?" He answered. "Okay, you need to get Scope to move down this block and catch the train in the area, you are going to use the terminal a few blocks ahead." "Gotcha." He said, shutting off his phone. He nodded to Scope, who decended down the stairs to the station, he began to move at a quicker pace, beople began to stare at him... "Oh sh**." Zohan said to himself, suddenly people around him began morphing into Agents, so he made a run for it. Amid a hail of gunfire, Zohan ducked into the station terminal where he was going. He looked down the stairs and saw someone else was morphing into an Agent. Breathing deeply, Zohan jumped and rolled down the rest of the stairs and tackled the Agent into the rail pit where he was electrocuted and stunned for a moment before being run over by the arrving train. Dusting himself off, Zohan got into the train and looked around for a signal of some sort...
  23. Heh, they're cool cause you don't have to work to read them or understand them. The first one was a bit weird, the second was...okay. The third I found to be the funniest. The fourth was cool, but you have do do something about your obsession with marsupials. Anyway, I think it was kind of funny, but that kind of humour wears thin pretty fast. That's just me.
  24. Heh, I was bored as heck so I decided to make a Doraemon banner for fun. I know Doreamon is a kid's show, but I found it amusing when I saw it, so I made this (my first banner, so help would be appreciated). Comments/criticism?
  25. Sergio waited quietly in the trees waiting for his friend. Since Meara was going ahead, he could delay for a few minutes and meet up with her later. "Hi, Serge!" The cheerful voice from underneath nearly knocked him out of the tree, he looked down and saw Kitty. He began to shake his head. "[i]E Sergio, idiotas, isso e o meu nome, porque ninguem sabe dizer Sergio? Meu deus, idiotas.[/i]" He began muttering as Kitty climbed up the tree. "How you doing?" She asked. "All right, you?" "I'm preparing for a big 'party'." She said with a grin, Sergio smiled and looked into her eyes, then looked to the side and saw a big dust cloud in the distance. "Hmm? a battle already?" He said quizzically, he looked back at Kitty. "[i]Desculpa, mas eu tenho de partir, ate logo, querida.[/i]" He said, giving her a quick kiss before he jumped out of the tree and began running. "Bye, Sergie!" She called as he left, once he was sure she couldn't see her, he punched a tree while running. "[i]Esses idiotas, o meu nom e SERGIO![/i]"
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