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Oooh, LoD again.... Dragoon Name: Cody Hoderi Age: 13 Description: blond hair, blue eyes, about 5'9", light tan, yellow vest, baggy yellow pants, zori and socks, yellow bandanna with two long tails, right arm is covered with armor and chains. When Dragoon, gains yellow armor covered with spikes and bent blades. Weapon: large claw mounted to right arm. Element: Lightning Spells: Thunder Fist, Shock, Break Bolt, Storm Session, Question: will our characters also have special combos like in LoD? EDIT: Oops, sorry, slight misunderstanding
"Hey, guys!" Zone called up to Enix and Shinjikyo, as the train began to move. "I'll stay here and look after Domi! You go ahead!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out the house key. The train began to meve, so Zone had to throw it while running, just as he was about to step off the platform, he threw the key and Shinjikyo caught it. Zone flashed him the thumbs-up signal, then turned around. "Gotta get into that house..." Zone said, then, with a flash of inspiration, he walked into a costume shop... ...Moments later, the dorbell to the large house rung, and the lady went to answer the door, she came face to...top of head with a man in a dark suit and a large hat, he was on the short side so she ony saw the top of the hat. "Excuse me, madam, may I have a word with your daughter?" "Who are you?" "I am merely a businessman, I wish to speak with your daughter because she has helped me promote my business." "So that's where she's been..." The lady muttrered. "May I?" "Of course..." Without wating for another word, The man helped himself in, brushing past the lady. "Please remove your hat." The lady said. The man froze halfway up the stairs. He walked back down to the lady, head down, he slowly removed his hat, and the lady stared in astonishment at Zone, she just stood there, out of breath, as Zone inched his way backwards towards the stairs. She yelled and rushed after him, he raced up the stairs and looked for some kind of clue as to where Domi was, he noticed a man rushing after him from the opposite hall, so, out of options, he raced in the other direction and broke open the door to the room. Domi was standing there with a petrified expression on her face. "Domi! Am I glad to..." He was cut short as he saw two other shamans in the room with her. "Oh! DAMN!" He yelled, jumping back a good three feet. The shamans glared at him. Suddenly he recognized one. "You're Kage!" "That's right, how did you know?" "Enix told me about you..." Zone said, gritting his teeth. Suddenly the old lady came into the room with a security guard, not even noticing Kage and Siaga, she had the man throw Zone out the front door. He dusted himself off, then got out of the cheap suit he was wearing. He was walking down the exit hall, when suddenly he saw Kage, Siaga, and Domi on the street in front of him. Kage had a knife pressed to Domi's neck, Siaga was standing in front of her. "If you want to see her live, you'll have to defeat me." She said, cracking her knuckles. Zone held a fighting stance, then pulled out his bamboo shoot. "With pleasure!" He said, integrating with Gan Ning...
I dunno if you got my PM, Logan, but you forgot me. I am the purple haired guy from Sigma Fi Omega. I would appreciate the banner, thanks. Oh yeah, and Orien Xel told me that he would be on vacation for a week, so I think he's still gonna sign up.
"We need some kind of a plan, since we no longer have our elemental powers, it becomes a lot harder to deal with that thing." Win said, the others nodded. "How are we gonna do that, though?" Enix asked, Rui got up. "I think that we can somehow develop a weapon to deal with that thing, however, if my theories are correct, we..." He stopped and thought about it for a moment. "What is it?" Kitty asked. "We...we need someone to...absorb the dragons." "Absorb?! How are we gonna do that?" Ki asked. "Simple matter, really. All we have to do is trap the dragon for even a moment, that could be done with simple procedures of compression...then we need someone to...hold the dragon inside them." Rui looked down at the ground. "The only problem is...I don't know if the host'll survive." Everyone looked down at the ground, when Oni walked forward. "I volunteer." Everyone stared at him. He stepped into the circle. "I have nothing left to do here, so why not me?" "I think I should do it." Win said, standig up. "You could protect the group a lot better than me, I'll do it." Win glared at Oni, who glared right back. "Well, we don't have to worry about that now, I still haven't developed a plan to do this yet." Rui said, standing up. "I'm gonna be checking the signals in the energy room, holler if you need me." He left, as did everyone else, but Oni and Win continued to stare at each other. "Why do you start to disrust me now?" Oni asked with his trademark mocking grin. "I know what you have planned, you cling to power, if you do survive that energy, you will get the Dragon souls back, I can't allow that." "Oh, so I get the Dragon souls...then what? I have nothing here, why would I want power now?" Oni smiled and walked away, leaving Win standing there, smouldering hatred into Oni's retreating back...
Hmmm...I'll give this a shot. Name: Norris (Chrono Cross) Age: 26 Sex: Male History: Norris is a high ranking officer from Porre, who is loyal to his cause, even though he isn't certain of wether or not he is on the right side. He is a skilled gunfighter and he was once working under Lynx during the takeover of Termina. He also is the commander of the Black Wind, who disappeared during an undercover assignemt. He is skilled in gunfighting and is also quite fast, his abilities relate greatly to his skills with guns. Personality: Quiet and calm, will take orders and follows them very well, the paragon of a soldier. Weapon: Musket-style pistols. Special Weapon: a large flare-firing rifle. from the butt to the barrel is about 3 feet, the barrel itself is about 2 feet. Very decorated with dragons, "Ryujin" (king/god of dragons) is engraved in gold on the side. Appearance: Picture attached Played: I've played all but FF5, and I own FF3(6), 7, 10, and Chrono Cross.
"[i]This is sickening, I just came here for a good time, and I end up being trapped inside a game. Yeesh, my dad always told me this would happen.[/i]" Valiant thought to himself, he wondered if he could get out again, but at the same time he was curious about what it would be like to live inside a game, as well as what causes it to happen. He looked at Nitsu. "It's kinda weird, you know? Why that monster of all things? And any ideas as to what happened to Tsukasa?" "Why are you asking me all this?" Nitsu replied, apparently annoyed. "I dunno, I figured you knew more about this than me. I'm still new at this." "Well, there are stories of things like this happening before, but I've never heard any proof." "Huh." Valiant sighed, then stopped. "This is confusing, and more importantly, WILL WE BE ABLE TO JACK OUT?!" "I don't think so, if we are becoming part of the game, jacking out is impossible." Ijimeru sighed. Valiant groaned. "My folks are gonna kill me."
Teo watched patiently from an alley as a man came rushing past him. He looked like the guy. Teo stepped out of the shadows and crushed his cigarette, then pulled out a switchblade and began spinning it in the air. He threw it at the man's head, so he stopped and caught it. Teo, stunned, decided that this guy was tougher than he thought, so he pulled out 8 swichblades which he held in his two hands, then dashed forward and struck. The man wheeled and tried to slash him, but Teo jumped to the side and threw 3 blades at once. The man caught one, dodged one, and blocked the third with the knife he was still holding. Teo dashed forward and tried to stab, but the man dodged and slashed Teo in the face. Teo jumped into the street to avoid, when suddenly he was hit by a car. The car pulled up next to him, when a man in a black suit pulled him into the car and then drove off. Ijimeru looked at the car in perplexity, what had happened?
-The World--Carmina Gadelika- Valiant was jumping and dodging to get ahead of the creature. It began to hop madly in search of it's prey, but Valiant ricocheted off a wall and struck it, knocking it on it's back. He jumped up and brought his arm down, splitting it in half and winning. "YES!" He said in triumph. He got up and decided that it would be best if he stuck closer to the entrance, since he had spent 8 of 9 lives just trying to deal with enemies deeper inside. He hung around the entry gate and proceeded to whistle "In the Mood" of all things. He turned around as the gate behind him opened, and three more players arrived. "Hey," He said simply. "Hi, you been here long?" one of them asked. "Just a few minutes, you need a party?" Valiant asked. "Sure, we could use the help." "Excellent, so could I." He replied extending his hand. "I'm Valiant." "I'm Nitsu, this is Siroken and Enix." Nitsu introduced, everyone shaking hands with Valiant. "Well, what are y'all doing down here, throwing a house party?" "No, we could just use the exp." Enix replied "Yeah, well, so could I, and I was looking for some company." Suddenly a bigger monster jumped out at them, Valiant knocked Siroken out of it's path and Enix launched a wave at it, knocking it back. Nitsu and Valiant then jumped in the air at the same time, and the two long arms struck the demon at once, killing it. "All right, le's go." Valiant said, the group heading deeper inside... OOC: I don't know too much about .hack, so if I make a mistake please tell me.
Name: Reena Kiyo Age: Looks 19, Actually 239 Gender: Female Race: Dragon Alliance: Rebellion Weapon: Massive scimitar with a silver body but a black blade. The scimitar is about 5 feet long and 1 foot wide, and she can hold it up with her dragon strength. Whenever she looks at it like a mirror, she sees her dragon body. Appearence: (Normal) long red hair, 5'11", green eyes, red and green kimono with the kanji for "dragon" on the front, zori and socks, choker and bracelets with dragon insignia. (Half-dragon) hair has been singed and shortened and perpetually wilder looking, most of the clothes have been burned off so only a top and a skirt remain, legs and arms become scaly and grow claws, veins appear around the eyes and neck. Bio: Reena used to own a small teahouse in the human world so she could live normally. It was quite a sucess and she loved her customers, but when the king wanted the building to be taxed and closed, she turned into her half-dragon form and killed the soldiers. She wears the choker and bracelets to prevent herself from turning into a full dragon, since she can't change back afterwards. She shows sympathy towards the humans, and doesn't really want to hurt them. She will do what has to be done, but she will never kill on a whim.
Before Ning joined up with Zone, Zone gave him a small warning. "I've seen his attack, it's quite deadly, but I know how to counter it. Leave it to me." "I trust you." Ning said as they fused. Ning then began to swing his stick around and taunt Kiro. "They call me Gan Ning of the Bells, are you ready to lose?" He said holding his stick up. The two dashed forward and struck each other. Ning grinned and tried a low attack, but when Kiro tried to jump, Ning spun around and heel kicked him in the side. After spinning wildly, Kiro righted himself and landed on his feet, then he dashed forward holding his stick out. Ning saulted backwards and ricocheted off a tree, then smashed Kiro in the face with his head. Ning laughed and charged forward, holding his stick backhanded. Suddenly Kiro split into five and stood in a straight line. "NOW!!" Zone cried out in his mind. Ning saulted to the side and landed on his feet, bells jingling loudly, all of the Kiros were lined up in front of him. He dashed forward and initiated Musou Chi, rushing forward so fast that he struck all five Kiros at once, causing them to return to one and fly backwards, unconcious. Ning separated from Zone. "YES!!" Zone cried out triumphantly as Enix got up slowly. Zone looked at him. "You okay?" "I'm fine." Enix replied, holding out his hand. "Good match." Zone shook his hand, then helped him back inside...
Sergio got out of bed slowly, he was still extremely tired and wished wildly that it was still the middle of the night, and it was. As he was about to drift off again, someone began to shake him. He looked up and saw that Meara was trying to get him up. "Serge! Serge! Wake up!" Sergio began to lift himself up. "It's Sergio." He said annoyed, until he became aware that [i]Meara was in his room![/i] He tried to cover himself up. "Hey! What are you doing?!" He began to protest. Meara shook her head. "Nothing, get dressed, we have a mission." She said as she hurled his clothes at him. He looked at her in annoyance. "Can I have some privacy?" He protested, but she was still getting dressed herself, sighing, Sergio began to get into his clothing, as he pulled his pants up, he asked. "What's going on, anyway?" "Bounty Hunter raiding party." Sergio shook his head. "[i]Aye, aye, aye, aqueles idiotas vao me matar um desses dias![/i] Those idiots are gonna kill me one of these days!" He said in outrage as he struggled into his sweater. He reached behind the headboard of his bed and produced his giant chakram which he attached to his back. "Let's go, Serge." Meara said halfway out the door. "[i]Sim, vamos.[/i]" Serge said. "[i]O meu nom e Sergio, grande mulher louca, eu sou Sergio![/i]" He complained as he walked out the door...
Teo smiled as the car wheeled off, then he walked off in the other direction. He loved walking along the docks at night, listening to the sounds of the city, smelling the air... Suddenly a big black car with tinted windows screeched right towards him. One of the windows opened, and someone, Teo couldn't see who, threw a disposable cell phone at his feet. The car spun around and drove off, and the cell began to ring. "Hello?" Teo began. "Teo, I heard that your mission had failed." "What?! I hadn't even started yet!" "Lethal got to him first." Teo grimaced, Lethal always got to the target first. However, he noticed that the man seemed nervous about something. "I have a new mission for you." "You okay? You sound like you're shaking." "That doesn't matter. Your target is a man named Ijimeru, he raped a girl and drove off, our employer is...very insistent." "How much?" "100,000, I know it's not much but this is a lower-class assigment." "I'll see what I can do. Deadline?" "A.S.A.P." "Ok, take care." Teo turned off the phone, then threw it into the water. He shrugged and walked in the other direction, he hadn't made a hit like this in years...
Piers arrived home a few moments later, he was greeted by his wife, Ellen. "Richard! I was so worried! You were out late again!" She gasped. "It's all right, my work is never done, you know." Piers replied as he slipped his coat off. He went over to his desk and pulled out a pile of papers, which he examined carefully, then he reached into his briefcase and pulled out several chemicals and blood samples. Ellen snuck up on him. "Dearest, are you worried about something?" She asked walking up to him. "I am afraid I cannot tell you, that would be breaking the oath I took when I first became a doctor." "Well, I hope you will take a holiday soon, we haven't seen a pound from that hospital in a month! When will you get the money?" "Please dear, look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. Don't worry, I'll be done soon and afterwards I'll take you on a holiday anywhere you like." "...All right, but I'll be planning for it!" She replied with a laugh as she walked down the hall. Piers smiled, then returned to his work, mixing and matching chemicals...
"My parents aren't even around" Zone said, everyone stopped and looked at him, he shook his head. "Nonononono, they aren't [i]dead[/i] they just aren't here. They are in Canada." "Why are you here, then?" Tony asked him. "Cause I'm a travelling student, I got into an exchange program, and since I have this place I just live here, that's all. The place is ours." "Huh, cool." Domi said sitting down on a beanbag chair. Ning looked at Zone. "Will we start training soon?" "Maybe after a short break, aren't you tired from the train ride?" "Not really, it was quite a ride, though." "Yeah, must be different from those ships you lived on all your life." "How did you know about that?" "You're in all the history books, everyone knows about Gan Ning of Wu." Zone replied handing Ning "Romancing of the Three Kingdoms" in Chinese. Ning flipped through it. "Wow, I never expected people to remember me like this." Zone had to laugh. "Well, you know what they say: History is written by the winners." He chuckled. Ning looked down at the book, then Zone got up. "Ai'ght, I'm rested, who wants to fight me and Ning?"
My 2 favorite names are... (boy) Seth: I like it because I derived it from the name "Sephiroth" from FF7. (girl) Nell: It is the name if the girl from the TV show "Bickman's World" Nell is the name of Max Bickman's daughter, and she always talks about controversial issues such as neo-facism, surrogate motherism (if that's a term), abortion, and so on. I find that pretty cool, and I like the sound of the name.
Win jumped to the side to dodge a stray shot, then began to fire .45 bullets at Tahu, which had little to no effect. "This is useless! We gotta run!" Win said as he began to climb back up. He yelled to Kitty to come down and get back on board as he helped Ki up... Oni batted a fireball back at Tahu and looked to the side as Milo was firing shots from his Uzi. suddenly a massive fireball came hurtling towards him, and Oni jumped in the way and blasted the fireball backwards. He grinned at Milo and began to concentrate. In a flash of blood, a new, larger sword exploded out of the palm of his demon arm. It was about 5 feet long and 1 and a half feet wide. He looked at a fireball headed right towards them, so he whacked it back and it hit Tahu right in the face. Rui suddenly jumped out from belowdecks. "Everyone! This is useless! We have to fight this thing later, once we can devise a plan! Everyone back on board now!" Enix, Win, Kitty and Sakura did so, but Milo kept staring at Oni, who had saved his life. "You heard the captain." Oni said simply as he walked casually towards the door. Moments later the ship blasted into high drive and flew away. Tahu simply looked and then flew away itself... Oni looked at the group belowdecks, they seemed demoralized, and also annoyed to be in the same room as him. Milo walked up to him. "Yes?" Oni asked expectantly.
"David! Leave this thing to me!" Ken yelled, about to dash forward again, this time the demon blocked it. "Kai-yu-te-kun? don't you remember me?" It asked him, he just stared at it, a smile started to appear on Ken's face. "No, I don't and that's not my name." "It is, Kaiyute, you must have forgotten when Hirei-kun threw you away..." "Ken? What's he talking about?!" David yelled, Ken dropped his gunblade. "You must be awfully homesick, Kaiyute, wouldn't you like to go home?" "Yes..." "Ken! Don't listen to him!" Ken, however, was beyond reason at that point. He had to have an answer. Suddenly the ground began to shake, and an image appeared in everyone's mind, a lake in the middle of the desert. "Kaiyute, you know how to get back, don't worry about this world, Hirei will be glad to see you, good luck." "KEN!!" David yelled as Ken walked out of the field. The demon turned back towards David. "Now, where were we?" "Ken!" Arika yelled as Ken walked out of the orb. "Ken! Why isn't that thing gone?!" Ken, however, ignored her completely. He had a far away look in his eyes, as though he was looking to the future. "Kaiyute..." He said as he kept walking... Arika, having had no choice, had to follow him until they got to the place that Ken had seen. The desert with a tiny lake, more of a pond right smack in the middle. He held his palm out towards the lake and strange things started to happen. First, the sky began to fill with clouds, and they were swirling and spinning right over the pond, then the pond itself started to turn into a whirlpool, a massive globe of water emerged from the center, and hovered a few feet away from Ken. Suddenly, two jets of sand shot out from the ground on opposite ends of the lake, swirling around and around before they met right over the globe, and poured sand into it, making a misty looking ball of water and sand. It began to rain, and the rain was moving around eratically, spinnning around the lake as though they were right in the middle of a cyclone. Suddenly, the water rose up to ken and created a sort of watery staircase. Arika tried to stop Ken, but a glass-like forcefield had appeared around the pond, and she banged on it helplessly trying to get Ken to stop. "No...no...it is so close now..." Ken said to no one as he walked forward until he was face to face with the globe. Arika was crying and screaming at him to stop, but he wasn't listening. "Into water, sand and sky..." He said as he stepped forward, making a tiny dip in the globe witch enveloped him not a second later. Suddenly the clouds dispersed, the sand jets ceased, and the water returned to normal, there was no indication whatsoever that anything had happened, except for the fact that Ken was gone. "KEN!!!" Arika cried out to the heavens...
Zone looked as the mountainous region began to give way to some plains. He looked to his friends. "We ought to be there soon, everyone got everything?" the group looked around and checked their equipment, they were set. "Ok, looks like..." Zone began, but stopped when he realized he was missing something. "NING?" He called out, Ning rushed into the room. "Oh, good, you're still here." Zone said with a smile, Ning looked embarrassed. Zone hoisted his pack over his shoulder. "Ai'ght team! Let's boogie." He said as the train began to slow down. The team dismounted as the train stopped at the station, the group got off and looked for a bus or something, Ning and Zone just walked off the platform. "Don't we need a car or something? Enix asked, Zone shook his head. "Naw, it's a short walk." The team dismounted and began their trek, the roads behind them started to shrink and they watched in awe as the plains stretched out before them. "It's kind of a small village, but our place is nice." Zone said, leading the way. A few minutes later, they had arrived. The house was beautiful, if a little small. There were windows and skylights everywhere, the house seemed to take good advantage of the nice weather in the region. Everyone watched with baited breath as Zone unlocked the door, letting them inside. The rooms were kind if bare and lacking in decoration, but there were great hardwood floors and comfortable furniture, as well as a TV and radio, a fridge with everything one could want inside it, and a pile of books and papers for Zone. "Ok, now we can relax." Zone said sinking into an armchair, Shinjikyo was raiding the fridge, Tony, Domi and Enix were watching TV. Zone looked at Ning. "Whaddya think?" Zone asked him, Ning just looked around. "It reminds me of home..." He said, Zone just watched him, wondering what it was like to never see a home again...
Can I try too? Name: David Reid Age: 13 Description: 5'11", brown hair, green eyes, white t-shirt with "Nova Scotia" written on it, as well as one black sleeve and one red sleeve, dark loose-fitting blue jeans, New Balance sneakers. Bio: an exchange student from Canada, David is usually quiet and misanthropic. He finds it difficult to make friends or get a date, and he always feels that there is work to be done. He is a writer and dramatist, and good at both. He is also a pacifist, and might crack an insult at someone who doesn't like him, but that's it. Schedule: 1st: Homeroom: Mr. White 2nd: Math: Ms. Kim 3rd: English: Mr. Knight 4th: Gym: Mr. Brown 5th: Art: Mrs. Denko 6th: Mrs. Scott: Science 7th: Lunch 8th: Mrs. Bacon: S.S. 9th: Homeroom: Mr. White Items: Roots backpack with many notebooks and school textbooks, as well as tons of looseleaf paper with his illegible cursive written on them, a pencil case with everything in it: pencils, pens, erasers, geometry sets, sharpeners, calculators, you name it. Nothing for personal entertainment.
I hardly know anyone here, but I understand that everyone has to go through pain, and no matter who they are, stranger, best friend, or worst enemy, they don't deserve it. I am very sorry about all this, and I believe that no matter how hard things get, you'll always have someone to turn to here. All the best, Wondershot
Zone sat down, he was bored and had nowhere to be at the time. He looked up at a man sitting next to him. The man was staring at him with evil red eyes. "Can I help you, son?" "Nothing really, I'm just bored." "Well, I'll see what I can do about that." The man said reaching into his pocket, a moment later he produced a handkerchief and pressed it to the boy's mouth. "What do you smell?" Zone inhaled deeply, and passed out. The rag had been soaked with chloroform, the man was a pirate seeking to earn a ransom for kidnapping... A few hours later, Zone awoke on a ship headed out to sea. He looked out the window and saw a man standing there, his back to the door. Zone patted his hips, then trimphantly pulled out his weapons. A minute later, the man was shot dead with a laser blast, and Zone crept out, looking for a sign as to where they were...
"Hey," Teo sid to the girl next to him. "Oh, hello." She said looking at him, she stared for a moment, then wet back to her drink. "You don't even recognize me, do you? Midi?" Teo persisted, she looked at him a while longer, then did a double-take. "Teo?" "No, I'm not your uncle." Teo said laughing. She punched him playfully on the shoulder. "Teo Hikigane! You evasive little bastard! How are you?" "Fine, thanks, I haven't seen you since high school." "Same here! What have you been doing?" "Uh..." Teo had to think of something fast. "I'm in...accounting." "Oh, uh... Me too!" There was a long deep silence between them. Suddenly they spoke simultaneously. "You're lying." Teo shook his head. "If you're lying then I'm lying too." "Sorry, but I can't say anthing..." The two looked at the ground, then returned to their drinks...
Ning looked at Shinjikyo and laughed. "Ha! I could do twice that much!" He siad as he slipped into Zone's body, the second time the lady with the cart passed around, Ning talked through Zone with his throaty rasp. "Hey! I would like some wasabi too!" "How much?" She said, slightly unnerved with this boy's strange voice. Ning looked though Zone's bag and pulled out a soup bowl. The lady looked stunned as she shoveled the wasabi into the bowl, Ning looked at the others. "Alright, count to [i]three[/i] and it will be gone!" Ning lauged heartily as the others closed their eyes. A moment later they looked up in perplexity as Ning was laughing really loud. "AHAHAHA! Just like the good old days!" He said, slipping out of Zone's body. Zone looked around, a face over his mouth. "I feel...sick..." He said, running off to the bathroom, Ning kept laughing and Shinjikyo just stared.
Teo kept walking, he had nowhere to be right now, so he decided to stop in for a drink. He saw a bar, the "Ole Faithful Whisky" and thought that a little shot might calm his nerves. He went inside and sat down and ordered a tequila shooter. He took a big gulp and looked around. He saw a woman sitting a few seats away from him. "Hello, Lethal." Lethal whirled in her chair and looked at him, he waved, she moved over to the seat next to him. "Hello, Teo." "I'm not your uncle." He said laughing. She stared him down. "So, what's a pretty girl like you doing here in the middle of nowhere?" "Nothing." She said, although Teo noticed that she was looking around. "A new hit, I'll bet." "None of your damn business." She said glaring at him, she continued to scout the area. Teo shrugged and took another shot of his drink, he then began absentmindedly twirling his switchblade, then two, then three on three fingers, he laughed, Lethal watched him closely. "Stop that." She growled, he put away the switchblades. "Yeesh, what's up her a**?" Teo though to himself. He then decided to stay and watch, see if anything interesting popped up... OOC: "Tio" or similarily "Teo", is Portuguese for "uncle"
I have extremely low blood pressure. So sometimes when I get up from a sitting or sleeping position, my ears and nose start to pulse, I get a violent headache, my vision gets all black and blurry, and once I nearly collapsed. One time my parents had to practically put me back in bed, and I almost fell asleep even though it was 5 pm. Anyone ever have that happen to them?