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Everything posted by Wondershot

  1. Huh, my full name is Vincent Manuel Correia Reid, because I'm half Portuguese, and I'll break it down a little. Vincent: From the Roman name Vincentius, which was from Latin vincere "to conquer". This was the name of several saints. The postimpressionist painter Vincent van Gogh was a famous bearer of this name. Manuel: My Portuguese grandfather's first name, the Spanish version is closest to Emanuel, it means God is with us. Correia: My Portuguese grandfather's last name, no idea. Reid: Uh, I got the English version which meant "Red haired" (which I'm not). And my OB name Wondershot comes from the game Chrono Trigger. When I was a kid, the first time I played Chrono Trigger the character Lucca was my favorite. She fought with a ray gun and her very best weapon was called the Wondershot. The name I use for everything on the net, like hotmail and other forums I go on.
  2. Seeing as how my machine character will do little more than be a presence and a nuisance, I was wontering if I could play the role of Agents in the Matrix, thanks.
  3. The World Name: Valiant Gender: Male Description: 5'10", brown hair, blue eyes, brownish skin, white t-shirt with green vest over it, brown cargo pants, heavy boots, facepaint in hourglass shape on cheeks, goggles on head, chains around neck, wrists and ankles. Class: Long arm Outside Name: Reinhardt Davidson Age: 15 Gender: Male Description: brown hair, blue eyes, 6', white t-shirt of the Azores, paler skin than world counterpart, loose blue jeans, sneakers, chrome wristwatch.
  4. "You know what? Fine. You can keep that...thing." Win said, pointing to Lox. Lox began to growl at him. "Are you sure?" Kitty asked. "Yeah, I trust him too." He glared at Ki for a moment, then turned on his heel and left. Oni was watching the world go by from his vantage point on top of a railing on the main deck. He was reminiscing about one of his old friends. He had always liked standing on railings too... suddenly he felt something... a strange presence. He looked up and then turned around, heading to the back of the ship. Enix was wathcing him carefully. Suddenly there was a massive explosion at the back, and Enix jumped to his feet and looked over the back with Oni. There was a massive ball of fire just behind the ship. And there seemed to be something swirling around inside it. Oni looked at Enix. "Don't you recognize it?" Enix just stared at him. "Look closer." Enix leaned over the side and looked, the form inside the fireball appeared to be a dragon of some sort. "Tahu?" Enix said, stunned. Suddenly the dragon broke free from the fireball and swirled into the air, then it took a steep nose-dive and whizzed past the ship. Oni tackled Enix to the ground to avoid it, when they got up, Oni's skin had been burned. They looked over the edge as Tahu made a pass underneath, and Oni had to pull Enix away from the edge to keep him from getting burned. "We have to fight it!" Enix said. Oni stared at him with a look of amusement. "How? How do you plan on defeating that?" Oni asked of him, Enix looked at it. How were they going to beat it?...
  5. Wondershot

    Silent Gun

    Teo wandered down the road looking for a drink, he was tired and thought a shot of vodka might help him relax a bit. In his haste, he bumped into a woman in a hurry. "Oh, sorry." Teo said, the woman just glared at him ad strolled off, she was in some kind of hurry. He rounded a corner and peered into an alleyway, he looked over and saw a small red streak on the ground. He got in closer and saw a man lying dead in a pool of his own blood, he recoiled and looked around the corner. He thought that he had seen that woman before. Lethal...I think. Teo shrugged and looked down at the man. If Lethal had done this, he would gain nothing by getting in her way. He walked out, making sure that no one was wathcing, and strolled down the street, a few minutes later he heard an incredible scream of horror, he wheeled and saw a lady come running out of the alleyway he was just in. He looked at her for a moment, then turned and left...
  6. Name: Hiro Kodinawa Age: 23 Origin: Oyohama Affiliation: good Ronin Occupation: mountaineer Style: Iai-jutsu (sheathed-sword technique) Weapon: Kodachi Appearance: Dark tan, green eyes, 6' tall, medium length brown hair, green vest and shorts, sometimes seen with white kimono, oi (straw pack) filled with climbing equipment, metal chain around the neck with charm, zori (wooden sandals) and white socks. Bio: a mountaineer part-time, he specializes in rescues and exploration. He is known to keep almost anything inside his oi, and everyone on an assignment is more relaxed when he's around. He trained under his uncle in the Iai-jutsu school of swordfighting, but his master was killed when Jukinu was destroyed, he moved to Oyohama to get away from the bad memories, but he instead found more news. Sick and tired of the RR, he joined the battle against them, fighting when he can, but keeping his normal employment.
  7. Real Name: Zack Reid Age: 20 Delta Name: Zohan Kiyute Delta Age: 20 Team Name: Sigma Fi Omega Class: Ninja Rank:[color=red]now rank 2![/color] Weapon: Bokuto (wooden sword) Picture: attached Bio: Quiet and misanthropic a lot of the time, he fails to undertand anything other than logic and purpose, he also wonders why he needs others to help him, even though he did join a team. A bit of a contradiction, but he does hate having to work in a group, his only wish is to use people on his quest to become stronger.
  8. "Huh, well, my folks do have a place here..." Zone pulled out a ring with a whole lot of keys attached to it. He looked through them, they had been tagged. "Canada... U.S.A... China... Thailand... Oh, here we go, Japan!" Zone triupmhantly pulled a key off the ring. "You own that many houses?!" Domi asked, shocked. "Well, me and my family do travel a lot, so we like a home wherever we go. If you want though, you can stay at my place when I'm not here." "Where is it?" Shinjikyo asked. "In the mounatins, Kyushu District, we should catch a train." And so they did, The group took the train, while Ning was wandering around, marvelling at the wonders of the future, Usajin just sat and stared ahead. Domi, Shinjikyo and Zone sat in a booth. "So, what's your house like?" Domi asked. "It's okay, kinda small since we can't have everything. Kitchen, bathroom, living room, 1 bedroom, a few chairs and a TV, nothing special." "That sounds better than the streets." Shinjikyo replied. "Yeah, I've kinda lived a sheltered life, even if I do travel, but I've always wondered about life elsewhere." "It's not as good, trust me." "It's not about wether it's good or bad, it's just about...experience." "Experience?" "Yeah, doing something you haven't done before, you know? This whole shaman thing is new to me, and no matter what happens, I'll always look back on it without regret, because it brought me experience." Ning came back a moment later. "You are quite a wise man, Mast...Zone." "Hey Ning, I'll bet you haven't seen a home for a while. I'm not sure how much our place accomodates ghosts, but I hope you like it." Shinjikyo stared out the window. He thought it would be nice to have a place to stay. Zone looked out the window too, he thought it would be nice to have someone to stay with. Domi also watched the scenery pass by, she finally had friends...
  9. Zone rubbed his cheek where Domi hit him, Ning looked at him with concern. "Are you all right?" "Yeah, fine, Ning. Do thay have that 'hell hath no fury' expression in China?" Ning looked confused, Zone just grinned. "Nevermind." "You certainly have learned some strange things from your experiences, Master Xun." "Yeah..." Zone looked over at Domi finally trying to communicate with her ghost. "Ning?" "Yes?" "What do you think you would have done...if I hadn't found you?" "I dont know...possibly have wandered around for some more time, a lost soul..." "That's kinda sad, and now you won't find Sun Quan anymore..." "Yes..." Ning looked up at Zone, he looked pained. "Master..." "Yeah?" "You don't have to lie anymore, what is your real name?" Zone looked stunned. However, Gan Ning reassured him. "It's all right, I now know for certain that you could not be him. What is your true name?" "Zone Reid." "Very well, the Han has passed, and now I have a new master." Ning turned to Zone. "Master Zone, what is it that you wish of me?" "I just...want you to stay with me and help, at least until we are through this tournament, and I just want you to be my friend, I don't have to be your master." Zone was starting to cry, as was Ning. "Friend? No one has ever asked me that before..." "Same story here. I guess, it was really cool meeting someone new, you know?" Suddenly Shinjikyo called over. "Xun!" Zone didn't answer, Ning, however, did. "You mean Zone?" "What?!" "He knows now, it's alright." Zone called over, beginning to walk back. He looked back at Ning, who was smiling. "Go on, it is...was unlike Master Xun to keep his allies waiting." Zone smiled and ran off, Ning looked up into the sky. "Zone..."
  10. Wondershot

    Silent Gun

    Teo looked around the street for some kind of a sign for his next assignment, his employer always found ways of getting to him. He walked past a corner garbage can when he heard it begin to ring. He looked around and then reached into the garbage can, pulling out a disposable cell phone. He answered it cautiously. "Hello?" "Teo, I have a new mission for you." "You still haven't paid me for the last one." "Look in the garbage can." Teo rummaged around inside the garbage can, and eventually produced a sealed envelope, he opened it and found a check for half a million dollars. Teo grinned, this guy thought of everything. "Okay, what now?" "Simple assignment, I need you to eliminate a presidential candidate to replace the other one." "May I ask something?" "I cannot promise an answer." "Why all the presidential candidates?" "I do not decide the assingments, Teo, I only relay them to you." Teo shrugged. "How much?" "250,000." Teo looked around, slightly annoyed. "I know it's less, Teo, but you have made enough hits to make you a millionaire by now." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, just where is he?" "That's up to you to find out." "What's our deadline?" "The end of the week." Teo grimaced, it was already halfway though the week, giving him roughly 3 days. "Tough job, I know, but you've done harder, good luck, and remember to destroy this cell phone." The line went dead, Teo dropped the phone and stomped on it, then threw the remains in the garbage. He wandered down the street, looking for a bank that was still open...
  11. Dr. Piers looked with a baffled expression on his face as his anemic patient began to write and scream bloody murder, he watched, almost calmly as the man was sedated and put in a strait jacket and carried away, his associate, Dr. Manson, looked at him in shock. "Doctor, this is the fifth case this week! What are we going to do?" Manson asked, Piers pulled out his pipe and decided that a little tobacco might help. As he took a long drag, he looked at Manson. "I have no idea, dear friend, but there must be some kind of explanation for this, there has to be." "Perhaps some exotic strain of disaese?" Manson suggested, Piers shook his head. "That doesn't explain why all of our patients are anemic, it is more than coincidence that these people come in with serious cases of anemia and then turn into these monsters." Piers blew out a wave of smoke. "However, for almost any case, there must be some kind of cure, and my experience in this matter grows with each passing day." Piers blew out a smoke ring. "It is only a matter of time until it is found." "Of course, doctor, you will be the one to find it." "That is unlikely, my friend, I expect you to find it first." "That is flattering, but..." "It is not flattery, it is the simple truth. You know about as much of this as myself, and you do carry far more knowledge into the human anatomy than I do. Your knowledge of biology should be enough to find us a cure." "Then what will you be doing?" "I will be researching, and after this horrid nightmare is over, I plan to take a vacation. How about you?" "Maybe I should do the same..." "Good choice, man, now it is late and we should be going to bed if we hope to find the answer in our lifetime. Good night." Piers walked out the door and wandered down the street, blowing smoke every few steps, not realizing someone was watching him carefully... OOC: Don't turn me into a vampyre yet, I'll do that in one of my posts.
  12. "Well," Zone began. "If he doesn't want to show himself, maybe there is one way to get him out." "What's that?" Domi asked, Zone whistled loudly and Gan Ning rushed up. "You're gonna have to fight me." "What?!" "Master Xun, are you sure?" Ning asked. "I'm sure, Ning, she may not look so tough but she's got a powerful ghost behind her, hold nothing back." "Of course not, Master Xun." Ning replied as he integrated with Zone, Zone then looked up with Ning's gleam in his eyes, and spoke in Ning's throaty rasp. "I'm Gan Ning of Wu, who are you?" "I...I'm Domi..." She stuttered, she was scared. Suddenly Ning threw her a stick. "What is this for?" "Prepare to do battle! HA!" Ning yelled as he rushed forward and struck, Domi yelled as she clumsily blocked and fell over. Ning jumped in the air and brought the stick down, so Domi rolled out of the way as Ning's stick threw up a huge cloud of dust. He glared at the angel Danneirro with a belligerent look that taunted him. "You don't have the power to protect your master, coward!" Ning struck Domi again, this time hitting her square across the face, she yelped and began to cry. Dannerrio, finally having enough, moved over towards Domi and integrated with her. She got up and shot a glare at Ning that could have given him a heart attack. Suddenly she pointed a finger at him and shot out a beam. Ning tried to block it but the stick just disintegrated and he was blown back. Domi looked at Danneirro in shock, and Ning got up, releasing himself from Zone. "Master, I believe we have accomplished our mission." "I believe you're right, good work, Ning." Zone replied, the two of them bowing their heads and then looking pleased at Danneirro and Domi...
  13. Wondershot

    Silent Gun

    Farther down the street, a man was running for his life. He rounded a corner and came face to face with a dead end. He desperately searched around for a fire escape. Thankfully he was able to find one, he climbed up the ladder two rungs at a time, he was desperate for his life. Once he reached the top, he looked around and saw another adjacent building, swallowing deeply, he ran and jumped, landing just on the edge of the other building. He gasped deeply, and looked around. His assailant was gone, he felt like laughing to himself but he was out of breath. Suddenly he heard something, a small whirring, the sickening sound of a switchblade being spun through the air. His heart stopped, he turned around and a switchblade hit him right in the chest, piercing a lung. He gasped and wheezed, rapidly losing oxygen and blood. He looked up at his asailant. "Teo...please..." He stared as Teo pulled out another switchblade. In an instant this second one went right between the man's eyes, he stumbled for a minute, then fell backwards off the building. Teo looked down and grimaced at the man's splattered remains, it was a long way down. He turned around and walked slowly down the fire escape...
  14. OOC: THANK YOU T MAN! Cross stood about 5 feet away from Oni, out of the corner of his eye he saw the rest of the group above him, Enix had managed to find Arielle, excellent. "Well, it's certainly been a long time, Cross." Oni said, seeming to calm down. "What interest is it of yours? You left me for dead." "It was either you, or me. If I had known something like this were to happen, I would have sacrificed myself for you. Do you think you would get that kind of close brotherhood from anyone else?" "..." "I didn't think so, we are very unique, but still very much the same, we only want the best for this world." "Then why do you wish to kill us?" "Oh, you hadn't told them what's going to happen to them yet?" "..." "If they dont know what's going to happen, then... Oh, Cross, you cowardly snake, how could you let this happen? You should have just killed them and saved yourself the trouble." "Shut up!" "Don't you see? That is the difference between you and I, you pretend to be solely logical, when you only try to hide your inferiority! En garde!" Oni rushed forward and tried to slice Cross, but he dodged to the side and brought Seeker down, pinning Oni's weapon to the floor. "Don't be afraid, if that is your goal either way, I can help you..." Cross swung madly but missed, and Oni took advantage and made a square hit to the stomach. Cross recoiled in agony, and clutched his waist. Oni just laughed. "Well, how about that? You have my blood, now." Cross looked down and saw that the blood from Oni's stained sword was now mixing with his own. "That is the secret of Katana No Kijin, the victim is infected with my blood, and dies..." Cross lunged forward with his charged Time Blade, and slashed Oni hard in the arm, which began to bleed profusely. Oni just laughed. "I have no reason to fight. I've already won!" Cross held the Time Blade close to Oni's throat. "Go ahead, kill me, you've already lost." Cross retracted the blade, and stood back... Circulatory system in critical condition...blood coagulation rate increasing...critical mass will be achieved in 10 seconds...initiating emergency procedure... Cross looked up, then smiled at Oni. "You know, I couldn't have killed you either way." "And why not?" To answer, Cross spit Oni's blood, which had been removed mechanically from his system, onto the ground, Oni just stared. "Well, you may be able to bypass my poison...but..." suddenly a portal opened up behind him. "Your friends won't be able to!" He jumped in and it closed behind him. "Damn." Cross said to himself, he rushed upstairs to check on the group's location. He figured that Oni and Arielle wouldn't be able to beat all of them, so instead, he had decided to go after their next target... Jumal rode through the desert on his horse, thinking about what he was going to do next, he was hungry, and hoped to find a dying animal, or better yet, a dying person along the road. Suddenly there was a flash of blue light before him, and he was thrown from his horse. A young man with a scarred face stepped out, and Jumal drew his scimitar, looking quite pleased at his next meal...
  15. As it appears that few others are joining, I'll make another char. Machine Id No.: RAS001001 (Raptor Special Generation 001 Nomber 001) Type: Raptor Special Series (I'm addicted to Z.O.E., sue me) Purpose: A newly developed war machine, the first RAS model is buils for speed and manuverability as well as quick kills. Appearance: small camera-like eye which also fires small laser bullets, cone shaped arms and legs concealing weapons, a thin column in the center that resembles a spinal column, stands upright. (More Z.O.E.) Alliance: Against Humanity Hope this is acceptable.
  16. Oni looked over at Sharlette, who simply turned away, disgusted. He cast a look towards Win. "So, do you not trust me?" "I have no reason not to, and yet no reason to either." "Hmph, Cross did train you well. An emotionless machine, just like him." "You say that as if it's a bad thing. Besides, look who's talking." Oni chuckled. "Touche." "..." Oni looked across the deck as Win headed downwards. Well, he had earned himself a reputation, after all. Besides...he wasn't done quite yet. If he could live until these people populated the planet sucessfully, he could send [i]him[/i] a message... Win looked around belowdecks, everyone seemed down about Oni still being here. Win looked over at Sharlette. "You okay?" She looked up at him, he sat down. "Why are we letting that creep come with us?" "What would he gain from trying to kill us? Even he knows that he can't live in a wrold like this. I'm not sure he's turned over a new leaf quite yet, but if he is helpless, then we probably have nothing to fear. Besides," Omni X-1 clicked, and the massive blade popped out of it. "If he tries anything, I'll personally remove that arm of his." Sharlette still seemed down. "But where do we go from here? This world isn't safe yet, is it?" "No, but maybe we can find some way of getting these wild elements under control. Where there's a will, there's a way, right?" Sharlette laughed. "Uh, I didn't think it was that funny." "No, no, I'm thinking of something Tami told me. Cross always seemed to be in his own world, and she figured that if it wasn't for the fact that they had Dragon Souls, he would have wanted nothing to do with us." "So?" "So, maybe you aren't so bad after all if Cross trained you." Shhe laughed again, Win smiled... Oni was still outside getting a good look at the new world, when he noticed he was being watched. He spun around and saw Enix watching him very carefully. "Can I help you?"
  17. OOC: Yes, our ghosts have to be in our bodies to do anything. After the battle though, Ning and Usajin were arguing over wether or not someone was cheating. Zone looked over at Enix leaving, then decided to sit back and relax, he heard Ning and Usajin arguing, still. "Ning, if you're gonna argue, go away, I want to rest." Zone told him, Ning nodded, then wnet over to the park bench and sat cross-legged. Shinjikyo looked around, then noticed something shocking. "Um, your friend Tony...what does he look like?" He asked Zone. "Uh, a bit shorter than me, black hair, tan, blue shirt and jeans, Chinese... why?" Shinjikyo pointed over to something, when Zone looked over, he saw his friend Tony moving down the street! "TONY!" Zone called over, he tried jumping over the park bench, but tripped over it instead. He got up, then raced over and kept yelling. "Tony!"
  18. Name: Yuri Age: 15 Gender: Male Weapon: kwan dao Power: Time
  19. Risuke was really bored by now, so he had begun pacing. He made an annoying "clomp, clomp, clomp" with his boots everywhere he went, until Prof. Redwood screamed at him to stop. He did, for about half a minute, then started again. He needed some kind of a match, he missed his gym already, then, having enough, he announced. "Anyone want to take me on?!"
  20. OOC: Oni is not a giant now, he's his normal size, about 6'1" Win stared at the screen in shock, how could this guy be alive? Oni looked back at him, then suddenly he sprouted large black wings, and began to fly. "Guys! He's coming here!" Rui yelled nervously, Win and company jumped out onto the deck, weapons drawn, Oni had landed on a railing, and was looking around with interest. "What are you doing here?" Win demanded, Oni shook his head. "I am only an observer, it would appear that Cross was prepared for this...so like him." Oni chuckled. "Why are you here? Do you want to fight us again?" Enix asked. "My dear boy, I no longer have an interest in fighting, please do not misjudge me." "What are you talking about?" Kitty demanded. Oni shook his head. "Is it so difficult to believe that I no longer wish to fight?" Oni looked wounded. "Now that the world is gone, I have no more reason to exist, and yet here I am." "Well, what do you want?" Win asked dubiously "Now, I want to come with you." "What?!" Enix cried out, stunned. "I would need some help in this strange new world, at it seems you would too." No one said anything. "Give us one reason why you wouldn't kill us." Win finally spoke. "I would gain nothing now that the Dragon Souls are gone." "...Fine, welcome aboard." Rui spoke up from behind the group. Win stared at him, but no one seemed to object. "Thank you, you won't regret it." OOC: Feel free to socialize or something.
  21. Hey, this sounds cool. Name: Richard Piers (Dr. Piers) Age: 25 Gender: Male Race: Human Location: England Description: Medium brown hair, blue eyes, lightly toned skin, about 5'11", cotton dress shirt with collar, black tie, green tweed jacket with leather elbowpatches, reading glasses on a chain around the neck, black dress pants and leather shoes, sometimes smokes a pipe. Bio: Richard, or Dr. Piers, is a famous surgeon who is known to save lives. One of the best in England, until people started coming in with cases of anemia (severe blood loss) and then turned into monsters days later! Scientists across the country were baffled, and now Dr. Piers is working on a way to reverse people turning into these monsters. Now, they have begun to target him, and he has a secret lab which has not been discovered...yet. Any serious historical inaccuracies let me know!
  22. Zone awoke a few moments later, the battle was over, and Shinjikyo had lay him down on a park bench since he was unconcious. In the background, he could hear Ning and Usajin still bickering, finally he spoke. "Shut up, Ning. They won fair and square." Evryone turned and looked at Zone, Gan Ning bowed his head to the ground. "Master Xun! Are you alright?!" "I'm fine, Ning, I just didn't see that coming." Zone looked at Shinjikyo. "Good fight, man, I had no idea you could do stuff like that." "It's nothing, really, just a few ninja techniques which can be acquired with training." "Simple or no, it was incredible, good match." Zone shook Shinjikyo's hand. Ning and Usajin just looked. "Master Xun is such a polite man, to honour even one who beat him..." Ning began, but then muffled his next comment. "...by cheating." Usajin turned around. "I heard that! You want to try me again?!" Ning clenched his fists, but Zone spoke up. "Not now, Ning, take it back." "But Master Xun..." "TAKE IT BACK!" Zone barked, Ning looked at his feet. "Very well, you are a good opponent and I honour you..." Usajin started to laugh, but Shinjikyo spoke up. "Now you say the same." Usajin looked up. "But..." "NOW!" Usajin looked at his feet. "Uh...you didn't do bad...yourself." THe two looked at each other and shook hands, then they started to argue again. Zone laughed. "I guess you can't get those two to change their minds, no matter what." Shinjikyo smiled. "I guess you're right."
  23. "Well, if you are ever looking for a challenge, myself and Ning will gladly take you on." Ning looked up from the book. "Are you prepared to fight?" He asked. "Hmph, you're the one who needs preparation." Usajin retorted, getting in Ning's face. Ning began to feel his blood (figure of speech) boil, he stared right back. "You really have no idea who I am, do you? I'll make you learn not to take me so lightly." Ning snorted. Usajin glared, and Zone looked at Shinjikyo. "Take it outside?" Zone asked, Shinjikyo nodded, and the two went outside... In the park, Zone and Shinjikyo stood about 10 feet from each other, stretching and preparing to do battle. "What are those?" Shinjikyo asked, pointing to the large round bells attached to Zone's hip. "They were once Gan Ning's, I thought that they were cool, so..." Shinjikyo nodded. Finally, the two picked up the bamboo poles they were to use as weapons, and integrated with their ghosts. The first thing Gan Ning did was take his shirt off. "Prepare to face the wrath of Gan Ning of Wu!" Ning roared as he dashed forward, Usajin jumped out of the way and swung his stick behind him, turning quickly for extra damage. Ning ducked and let his stick take the hit, the spun around and tried to connect with a heel kick, but Usajin blocked it with his free left arm and turned around again, trying to stab with the stick. Ning rolled out of the way, planted his stick in the ground, kicked himself off a tree, and jumped up in the air, bringing the stick down as hard as he could. The impact shattered both sticks, and now they were only half as long. An evil smile split Ning's face, he held his stick backhanded, and roared as he dashed forward. The pure energy of Musou Chi blew Usajin away, but he blocked with his stick, and Ning pushed him back almost 50 feet, Usajin's feet digging into the ground and leaving large skid marks. Ning jumped back, and laughed, holding his hand out and signaling Usajin to bring in on.
  24. Name: Zack Raiten Age: 15 Race: Lizard-clone Gender: Male Special Skills: unaffected by changes in temperature, extreme speed and can run along walls, sensitive to environment, quick regeneration. Weapons: kwan dao, tail that can regenerate. Bio: Parents both lizard-type, he is actually kind in nature, but very sinister in battle. He is very calculative and has a way of killing people by fear first. Very stealthy, but can also fight on a large scale. When asked why he stalks and kills the way he does, he says. "It's more interesting if you get inside their heads, first." Occupation: Unemployed most of the time since no one trusts him, but otherwise a mercenary assasin.
  25. "Hmm... that could be a problem..." Enix admitted. The group began to pace, trying to think of a plan, when suddenly Zone got an idea. "I know this guy from San Fransisco! He might give us a hand!" "San Fransisco? Why would he come all the way here?" Shinjikyo asked. "Well, he did say he was looking for something like this for a while." Zone walked over to a pay phone and swiped his calling card and dialed the number, however there was no answer at his place. suddenly the answering machine came up. "Hello, this is Tony Lau, I can't come to the phone right now, so please leave a message at the tone." There was a beep. "Tony, man! This is Zone, I'm in Tokyo and I met a couple of other guys who are shamans too! There's gonna be this tournament, see, and it's shamans only. Get down here right now so that we can make a team! I gotta go." He hung up. "Boy, I hope he gets that message. "Well, if he does, then we still have to find one more person." Sihinjikyo amended. The group continued pacing...
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