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Everything posted by Wondershot
"Hey," Ken said to Arika. "You worried about something?" Arika turned and looked at him. "Yeah, just want to make sure everyone else is all right." "Well, they are busting property and destroying media info." Ken admitted, Arika looked at the ground. "I think they'll do fine, they have powers too y'know." Ken amended, Arika looked at him. "You think they'll be okay?" "You want me to go ask them?" Ken replied, with a touch of sarcasm. "Stop being so insensitive." Arika got up and headed upstairs, leaving Ken staring at the spot where she was sitting. He then called up after her. "You know, we could try helping them out, maybe bust a few demons, how 'bout it?" He heard the upstairs door slam, he sighed and turned off the TV, and began reading "The Vinyl Cafe" again. Ken wondered why he could read people so well, even himself, since he reads "The Vinyl Cafe" whenever he is stressed out about something. He sighed and dropped the book, heading outside. He picked up a handful of pebbles and threw them at Arika's window, hoping to get her attention...nothing. Ken sighed and strolled down the street, he noticed that it was getting dark. He walked down a few blocks before he gor the feeling he was being watched. He spun around and saw a monstrous yellow moth fluttering in the sky just behind him. He drew his gunblade, what else could go wrong today?
"Hmph, cute, but we have more important things to do." Win siad finally. It was interesting for everyone, espesially Rui, to find these new species. However, Win could feel some sort of disturbance in the air, and this was made evident as another full grown tree exploded out of the ground. He decided to go a little farther into the woods, and instructed his group to wait for further instructions. He wandered ahead, and noted that the energies were getting stronger. He walked closer, he figured that if these readings were aaccurate, he should be standing next to a massive...something by now. He kept walking, and bumped into a young girl with fiery red hair and strange clothing. He looked up, stunned, who was this girl? No one could have survived the apocalypse. "Hello." Win said, waving a hand in the air, the girl copied his movement perfectly, with a puzzled expression on her face. Win was certain that these energies were somewhere in this area, and he took another look at the girl. She took a step forward, and suddenly the ground seemed to explode as a massive rock jutted up from underneath her, lifting her into the air. WIn lloked up in amazement at this girl who stood there like a statue on a pedestal, and decided that she could be hostile. He released the blade from his weapon, and he jumped up and took a massive swing... Crack. The blade snapped in two when it contacted with the girl's stomach, as though she were made of stainless steel. Win looked up in surprise, she seemed angry. Suddenly a massive wave of fire erupted from around her, and it threw Win all the way back into the clearing where his group was, they all stared at him in amazement. "What was that?!" Rui asked him. "I dunno, but I think you better check for energy signals. Whatever it was, it was powerful." "What was it? Did you see it?" Kitty asked. "It was a...girl." "A girl?" Enix asked, stunned. "It looked like one, it was extremely powerful." "I'm goona go back to the ship to check these energy readings, you guys stay here and holler if you see anything else." Rui ordered. Win looked back into the woods, who was that girl?..
OOC: To ensure that no one is confused, I'll tell you where you are at. Cay and Enix are with Tiga Oni and Arielle are missing Milo is still with Cross and everyone else is after Jumal Cross smiled. "I am glad to have you on my side, there are others with similar powers who would seek to kill us." "I am prepared, my lord." "Formalities are unnecessary, my name is Cross." Suddenly a massive explosion came from the upper floor, and Cross rushed up to check it out. Oni had materialized in the middle of the facility, but Arielle was not around. Several scientists were already dead, and Oni looked at Cross. "Are you ready to die for me now, vermin?!" He laughed insanely. "This is Oni, he is a demon, and one of those sent to kill us." Cross explained. "Be prepared for the worst..." Suddenly Oni began to glow a bright green, and his body began to change again. This time, he had transformed into a giant with a bird's head, holding a javelin in one hand, and a battle axe in the other. He immediately lunged at Cross, but he dove out of the way and fired a massive Time Shot, stuning Oni for a second. "Cay, Enix!!" Cross yelled "Get Akira back here immediately! Oni is invading the..." He was cut off as Oni swung the axe at him, forcing him to jump out of the way... ...A moment later, Cay and Enix got the message, and decided that explanations would have to wait. "You have to come with us, there's not time to explain!" Enix said urgently. "...Okay, but if I'm not back for dinner my mom's gonna kill me." Tiga replied. He watched in awe as the portal opened up once again, and Enix pulled him through... ...Cross was just about finished whan a blast of fire came from the portal and knocked Oni's spear back. Cay, Enix and Tiga jumped out of the portal, ready for action. Milo prepared his spell, and Cross charged up his Time Blade. "Glad to see you could make it! Let's go!" The group charged at Oni, all of them roaring battle cries...
Upon re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, several shutters plunked down all over the ship to prevent the cryo cells from being damaged. The ship rumbled as it begun it's hard descent. Once a safe distance was acquired, the outer rim of the ship popped open and caught fire in the upper atmosphere. The rest of the ship, however, floated serenely through the sky, as though it had been there for a while. The automatic computer calculated that the planet was safe for habitation, and the cryo cells were opened. Win stepped out of the cell at the back, as did his friend Enix. "Well, we got a job to do, help everyone else up, and we can start looking for some place to live." Enix nodded, and the duo went around the ship opening cryo cells everywhere and relesing their inhabitants. Win helped up a young girl whom Cross had told him about. Sharlette opened her eyes slowly and saw Win carrying her out of the cell. She got up on her feet and streched, it felt good to be awake. Enix helped Ki and Kitty out of their cells, and the entire crew and civillian population on board went to the deck to recieve further instructions. Win decided to give the first speech. "All of you are here, because this new land needs you. We were the victims of a terrible apocalypse, and all of you are required to do your part and save the human race. Some of us..." He looked at the group he would be travelling with. "Will carry a greater burden than others, but if all goes well, the world should be back to normal soon. I will now give the floor to our captain, Rui Rikaiga." Amid scattered applause, Rui stepped onto the "stage". "All right, we are looking for some kind of area which could accomodate us, a place where we could have easy acess to natural resources, and where we can build facilites that are necessary. Hopefully there should be no magor problems, so everything should work out..." He was cut off as a massive exposion rocked the ship, and Win looked over the side, and saw that a giant tree had sprung out of nowhere. He called to his group. "We should investigate, move out!" Win climbed down the tree first, he was curious to see what would happen... OOC: Maybe this story doesn't have much direction, but the idea is that the world is totally diffrent, new species, new plants, etc. Be creative! Anyone who still wants to sign up can do so in recruitment.
Ken looked in some stunned shock as the demon tried to emerge from the bathtub. However, it wasn't very big. "Sheesh, can't a guy relax for a change?" He said as he plugged in the hair dryer. "KEN! This is no time to dry your hair! We gotta fight this thing!" Arika yelled in exasperation. "Relax," Ken said coolly, turning on the dryer. He then threw it into the bathtub, causing a large electric shock which paralyzed the demon. Ken then rushed forward with his gunblade and plunged it into the heart of the monster. Christian then fired a bolt at it, killing it. The rest of the group only stared in mute shock, until Arika screamed. "MY BATHROOM!" "Sorry about that, I'll help fix it." Ken said soothingly, and Arika nodded. "Okay, but my parents had better not find out about this." "Heh, don't worry. I'll take care of it." He looked at the rest of the group. "Well? Are you gonna let me get changed or what?" The group decided to back off. Arika was the only one left. "I'm sorry about the room, I hope I can make it up to you." Ken said. "Hmph, well..." Arika blushed, Ken nodded earnestly. "Take you out to dinner? Sure." Ken then closed the door, leaving Arika staring at it, stunned. "Okay..." She said quietly, then went to the kitchen with everyone else.
Ren was already outside helping Seth with his class. He had just finished covering a massive hole with a few centimeters of soil and a net. He couldn't wait to see those kids in it. "Ren! Come here, please!" Ren raced up to Seth, or now Lt. Akashi once again. "Yes sir?" "That was good work, you can go take a break." "Yes sir!" and Ren began to walk off. "Wait!" Ren stopped and turned around. "You can't leave me here, I can't move!" Ren, feeling embarrased, went back and wheeled the Lt. to the firing range. He picked up a .45 revolver. "You any good with that?" Seth asked, Ren looked at him, then he picked up the gun with his left hand, and fired six shots without even looking at his target, he held the binoculars up to Seth's eyes. "6 shots...dead center...how in the hell?" Ren reloaded the gun without looking at it. "I fired my first gun when I was 2, I began scoring consecutive bulls eyes when I was 4, I learned to shoot with both hands when I was 5, I could start to shoot blindfolded when I was 7. The Hikigane family has a long history of working with guns. So it's kind of natural to me." "Huh, well, that sounds like...a tough life." "Not really, if you live as I do." Ren stared at Seth, then looked and saw a small paper fluttering in the wind, it landed on the table in front of him. "...Drill team?" "You can't do that, you know, you aren't a part of this school anymore." "...I guess you're right, but since you are a teacher, we could participate." "Yes, there have to be judges. We could do that." "Hmph, I want to know exactly what goes on around here. I have been kind of out of the loop ever since...ever. I want to see what this is all about." "That's the spirit. Now, unless I am mistaken, it's almost lunchtime." "Yes, sir!" Ren wheeled the Lt. towards the mess hall.
Okay, you impatient people, you. I guess I'll start this up pretty soon, but others can still join up as they see fit. T man and oekakiotaku, I still could use descriptions from both of you. It is now 4 a.m. at my place and I'm starting to get tired, so I'll start this up a bit later.
Ken laughed in spite of himself. It felt strangely good to be able to talk to someone after all this time. He thought about that demon, though. He was uncertain that it was dead, and he seemed to recognize it from somewhere, but more importantly, it seemed to recognize him... "Hey, don't leave me behind!" "Sorry little bro, that's the rules, you broke em, you gotta leave." "I didn't do anything! It was an accident!!" "Accident or no, you got too involved, if you like that place so much, you oughta live there. See y'around." "You don't really mean that! Please let me go!" "Goodbye, little bro..." "NO!" Ken snapped out of his daze because Arika had begun to shake him and ask if he was okay. He decided not to mention anything, but suddenly he felt extremely tired. He also noteced that he was stained with blood, not his own. "Arika, would you mind if I took a bath?" He asked sheepishly. "...Okay, just don't touch any of my things." Ken got up and headed to the bathroom, a few moments later he was lying down reading his favorite book, "The Vinyl Cafe". He took a deep breath and noticed that there was a scented candle on the edge of the tub. He lit it and a nice lavander scent wafted through the room that made Ken feel more relaxed. Suddenly and incredible rumbling started to come from under the tub, and one giant leg exploded out from under the tub. Ken jumped out and grabbed a robe, then shouted to his friends. "GUYS! There's a monser in the bathroom!"
Ken decided to follow close behind. "I hope you dont mind me butting in." Ken told Christian patiently. "Huh, just try not to get in our way." Christian snorted. "Hey, I have a new plan. Maybe it'll work if you guys listen to me." Ken wlaked out of the house and saw that it was already dark out. Suddenly an incredible tremor rocked the street and the giant beetle pounded down the road, threatening to flatten them again. THe group dove out of the way, but Ken jumped over it. "I got an idea, Christian, when I say 'go', fire a lightning bolt at me." "What?!" the beetle suddenly spun around and charged at Ken, who jumped out of the way, but slashed a fire hydrant just as the beetle moved over it, the extreme water pressure caused it to flip over, exposing a soft underbelly. Ken jumped into the air. "GO!" He cried, Christian focused deeply and shot a bolt at Ken, the energy was absorbed by his gunblade, and he brought it down, pulling the trigger. The resulting explosion was so massive that the beetle's body had disappeared entirely, leaving only a hard shell. Ken climbed out. "Tenjo No Rai-Ken." Ken exclaimed suddenly. "What?" Destiny asked, confused. "When you have an attack like that, you gotta give it a name." Ken explained. "Why?" "Cause it's not as good without one." Suddenly a black flash came out of nowhere, and Ken was pinned to the ground by the same demon as before. Christian and Destiny gasped, but they had no time to react. Just as the demon was about to pull the trigger, however. He saw Ken's dragon stud earring, and he seemed so shocked that he jumped off and vanished. "...What happened?" Ken asked, Christian and Destiny could only look at each other in shock...
Col. Clark was just about to head off to eat when an MP rushed up to him. "Sir! Lt. Akashi and Rijin have arrived!" "What?!" The Col. rushed off to see what the hell was going on around here, and saw that General Hathoway had arrived too. Ren and Akashi were standing outside, Seth looked serious, but Ren had a big smile on his face. "General Hathoway!" Ren lifted up Seth's arm to salute the General. "I have come to get my job back!" "What? I thought you were accused of murder!" The Col. exclaimed. "Rijin and his family have dropped all the charges against me, the state department felt that with the support of the Hikigane family, there was not case against me." "Oh, well, you can't have your job, you are paralyzed." Hathoway said, almost apologetically. "Well, I am still perfectly capable of teaching, on one condition." "And what would that be?" "Rijin has to come with me." The Col.'s eyes bulged "What?!" "His antics at this academy have earned him nothing less than the status of a dead man, he is the perfect candidate to be my aide." The Col. and the General were dead silent. "I expect no special tratment, I only ask that we put this behind us and pretend nothing happened." "...Very well...Welcome back." The General admitted, the Col. was stunned. "You can't be serious! We have no need of him!" "COLONEL!" Hathoway barked. "You can't expect to teach every class in this academy, we need Akashi, he is one of my best teachers." "But...HIM?!" The Col. choked, pointing at Ren. "He is right, he is the best person to help, it's a lot better than having to pay disability insurance and get him a real aide." "But..." "If you have any problems with either of them, BURY THEM NOW!" Hathoway ordered. "Open that gate." He told the guard. Ren wheeled Seth in, but stopped and extended his hand to the Col. "It's good to see you, sir." The Col. looked at Ren's hand, then slapped him and walked away. Ren looked up, the smile still on his face. "...I missed you too..." He muttered as he wheeled Seth into the mess hall...
OOC: Note to K.K.C. AKIRA is a GUY! Tiga looked up at the two in surprise. "Wow, so you can do that too?" "Yes, now will you let us explain?" Cay asked. "I'm all ears..." Cross looked Milo in the eyes. "You may not realize it yet, but your potential is incredible. If you wish to fight me, then prepare to lose." Cross drew his Seeker and threw it, but Milo efortlessly blocked it. Cross caught it and went close contact. Milo jumped back as Seeker slashed upwards and he tried to land a hit, but Cross fired a Time Shot and blew him backwards. Milo regained his balance, and suddenly his sword became blessed with a strange symbol. Milo roared and struck Cross in the chest, sending him flying into a wall. He dropped his sword, amazed at what he had just done. "You begin to understand, the power of Rune comes in the form of written language. A belief in spoken incantation. The power to bend reality through words..." Cross explained. "What is this power...? I beseech you, tell me what is happening!"
Ken overheard some of the conversation that Christian and Destiny were having, and decided that it would be best not to interfere. He went outside and decided to go for a little walk. He had barely gotten a block away from the house when he realized that he was being followed. He wheeled and saw a man with a video camera focusing on him. Ken yelled at him and chased him down the street, but as he rounded the corner he saw something awful. The man was dead. He was lying in a pool of blood, and the camera had been smashed. Ken looked up in horror and saw a demon of some sort. It had a human shape, and was enveloped in black flames. It lifted up it's weapon, a gunblade, and challenged Ken... Ken rushed forward and tried to strike, but this thing jumped out of the way and made a hard downward slash. Ken blocked it, but this thing pointed the blade downwards and pressed the trigger, causing Ken to fly backwards. He jumped into the air and used his energy to try a stab downwards, but when he landed, the thing was gone. He looked up just in time to see this thing dive from the sky at him. As an aforethought, Ken held up the blade and the creature landed on it. Ken watched as a steady stream of white blood seeped down the blade, but even more surprisingly, the demon got up and walked away. Ken made no move to stop it, he was completely mystified. "I gotta tell the others about this..."
OOC: Hmm, I suppose that would be a major problem. However, I think that Ren gets on everyone's nerves enough that they wouldn't let him get away with leaving. Right? I do need a way back in, and besides, no one has even mentioned Ren's disappearance, so maybe they don't notice? Ren drove down the road to the school, but then stopped short and thought about what he was going to do next. "You're worried about getting back into the school?" Seth asked. "...Yeah, it isn't really my place, but I did go because I wanted to." "Well, you haven't been gone too long, maybe people won't notice." "I tried fooling the Col. once, you know, It didn't go very well." "Well, maybe you should give it a try. I'll support you." "...Really?" "Yeah, I owe it to you, of course." Ren then decided that if he couldn't get back in, he would execute one last plan, one that that hell-hole would always remember him for. He turned around and began to go in the other direction. He had an idea...
Ken was relieved to see Christian and Destiny had rushed to help, and he took advantage of the hawk's temporary weakness to plunge the gunblade into it's head without having to pull the trigger. He tunred around and saw that the other one was making a straight dash for him, so he ducked and it plowed into a tree. Ken jumped and brought down a now heavier gunblade, it was all over. "Heh, thanks for the help." Ken said, smirking. "You really have ways of getting into trouble, don't you?" Destiny scolded. Ken couldn't help but grin. "Well, that's what I do best, y'know?" He was cut off as the ground began to rumble. Suddenly a giant beetle rampaged down the road and nearly flattened the three, but Ken focused his power and jumped into the sky with Christian and Destiny. "Now what?" Ken groaned, this thing would have to go down. He landed the other two safely in trees, and then brought the blade down. The beetle had a thick shell though, and the blade had no effect whatsoever. "Oh, great..."
I'll try too, hope this is okay. Name: Zone Miller Age: 13 Weapon: Hikigane EX-S-MANTA, A laser pistol which can fire charged shots and blow holes in walls. It is made entirely of non-magnetic materials, and therefore can pass through metal detectors, EX-S stands for "extra stealth". Appearance: short brown hair, blue-green eyes, "Roots" sweater and jeans with a large belt, heavy walking shoes. (I just described me!) Bio: A young fella from Canada, Zone is an aspiring writer and travels around the world with his family looking for cool stuff to write about. His parents don't know about the weapons and he keeps them hidden at all times. He likes video games and listening to music. (me yet again!)
OOC: Why, thank you Ken got tired of the arguing, and decided to go home. He walked slowly along the beach, when suddenly something enormous dropped from the sky in front of him. It was a giant hawk. Ken reared back and drew his blade. Before he could react, however, the hawk picked him up and threw him into the air. Ken then floated into the sky to avoid a rough landing, and watched patiently as the hawk circled below. "Wait for it..." He said to himself, then squinted as he waited for it to stop. Suddenly it flew straight up and tried to grab him. "NOW!" Ken increased his weight abruptly and dropped down to land a heavy blow to the head. As the blade cleaved through the bird's body, he pulled the trigger and it exploded. Ken landed on the ground triumphantly, watching as the bird fell to the ground. He figured he should run back and tell his frioends about this. Suddenly two more monster hawks dove out of the sky at him. Out of options, he called to his friends. "EVERYONE, COME QUICK!"
"Quite simple, my dear. Those insects want your power, and they could kill you to get it." Oni explained calmly, he hugged her to his chest with his demon arm. "As long as you are with me, no one will touch you..." OOC: Sorry if you are confused Ohkami, I'll give you something to do. Cross wandered down to the sub basement level to release Milo from prison, when Sakura jumped in his way. "Cross, I need to go out and do something! I'm bored!" "Very well, I have sent Thomas and Alazar to capture a man with the Sand element, take Saina, Tami, and Dango and help them. However... they might try to turn on you, so be careful." "Okay!" Sakura replied and cheerfully bounded off to get the others, Cross couldn't help but grin slightly. He wandered down and saw Milo in his prison. "Are you prepared to duel me now?"... Tiga looked at the two in surprise, how did they know about his power? A friend of his walked up to him. "Hey man, what are they talking about?" Tiga felt his blood boil, focusing heavily, he turned one of his fists to steel and punched the older boy in the face. Then he tured his other arm to steel to block the hit coming from the girl. Then he jumped back despite suprised looks from his freinds. "Don't call me Akira, I'm Tiga!" TIga roared as he dashed forward. OOC: Cay, you have a huge advantage against Tiga, since metal conducts electricity!
Uh, sadly people are forgetting what I said earlier. YOU CANNOT HAVE CONTROL OVER AN ELEMENT! Simple powers like walking on water or short bursts of controlled flight are relatively simple and could be obtained by chanelling energy from the self. However, the idea of the story is that the elements rage out of control, and not even the most focused warrior can channel them, so please edit. T man, your Dragon Soul is gone now, it was a condition of saving the world, the Soul has to go. Also add descriptions anyone who has not done so. If there is any confusion as to what I want, please check my first post more carefully. I am sorry if I hadn't made this clear at the beginning, but I am trying to make it clear now.
The doctors jumped out of the way in surprise as the doors to the operating room burst open and Ren flew out at top speed, carrying Seth on his back in a fireman's carry. He rushed past security and bounded out a window, pulling the fire alarm on his way out. He landed on the fire escape and climbed down a couple of floors before jumping to the ground. He dashed across the street in a panic, and noticed that the fire trucks were already there. He smirked, a perfect distraction. Seth looked at him fearfully. "What are you doing?" Before he could get an answer, Ren raced down the suburban avenue and stopped in front of a house. He tried to kick the door open, but it opened on it's own and Ren fell forward stupidly, the woman inside ushered him in hastily. "Hurry up! Get in!" She shout-whispered, and Ren obeyed, hoisting Seth over his back and racing into the kitchen. He sat down and put Seth on the table, the woman came in, and Seth noticed that she was carrying guns. She walked right up and slapped Ren. "What do you think you're doing?! Your father sent you to a military school, why are you here?!" "I missed you too, mom." Ren replied, rubbing his cheek. Ren's mother looked at Seth. "I'm Nell Hikigane, I am terribly sorry for my son, please tell me what I can do to help." "I came back to get you because I want to hear the truth." Ren told Seth, Seth nodded sagely. "I knew you would, but I have nothing to tell you." "Why not?" "Your father was a good friend of mine, I had nothing to do with trying to kill him..." Nell jumped up in shock. "YOU?!?! You killed my husband?!" She pulled out a gun and held it to his head, she was about to pull the trigger when Ren swatted her hand away. "Mom, I don't wanna kill him, I just want to know what is going on..." Nell looked at Ren, then began to laugh, tears coming down her eyes. "You really aren't anything like your father, you know that?" She pulled out a small letter and handed it to Ren, he began to read Dear Rijin, or Ren, whatever I know my death must come with some shock, but all I can say is don't worry about it. I always taught you not to cry over nothing, and although I'll never see you, I have something important to tell you. I am giving the family business to you, you should have graduated school by now, so I think it would be best of you took care of the store. You can live with your uncle Teo and aunt Mia and help the store prosper. It's all yours now. I also have some other things to give you, but ask your mother first. I know that you'll miss me, but don't worry, cause I miss you more. Sincerely, Vujae Hikigane Ren looked at the letter for a full minute before looking at his mother, she was definetely crying. "You really aren't like him, are you?" Ren looked into her eyes, but then she pulled a key out of her pocket and handed it to him. "You can go now, do what you want but please come back and see me. Just don't let anyone catch you." Ren was completely mystified until she said. "It's in the garage."... ...Ren looked with amazement at the beautiful Kawasaki Ninja ZX5 tucked away peacefully in the basement. It was a dark black and the Hikigane kanji had been painted onto it. There was a letter attached to the side. Ren opened it. Happy Birthday! Love, Vujae Hikigane Ren stared at the letter, then noticed that the bike had something on it. He looked at the seat and two small guns were attached to it. "Angel and Glory!" Ren cried with delight, he hid the weapons in a small compartment under the bike. Seth just stared with amazement. Ren got on the seat and pulled on the helmet. Then he lifted Seth into the back and secured him with tape. As he drove off, Nell watched him from the front porch, and couldn't help but smile. "Maybe you are a bit like your father..."
During this conversation, however. Oni appeared from behind a door. "She already knows everything you have to say, and doesn't have to hear it from insects like you." He said "Oni? qu'est ce qui ce passe!?" (Oni, what's going on?!) Arielle asked, Cay and Enix were stunned that she knew Oni. "Of course I know her," Oni said, reading their minds. "Elle est mienne, maintenent." (She is mine, now) "I've had it with you! Let's see what you got!" Cay drew her blade, but Arielle launched a beam at her, knocking her back. "She is already aware of her power." Oni chuckled, he put his arm over her shoulders. "Oni, je veut partir." (Oni, I want to go now.) "Oui, ma cheri." (Yes, my dear) On cue, a portal opened up and swallowed up Arielle, Enix tried to stop Oni, but he was blown back by a wave of pure power. Oni escaped. "Cay, Enix!" Cross said. "Abandon your current assignment, your new target is a boy named Akira Futeki. I'm opening a portal to him now." The portal opened, as usual, and the two were sucked in... "Targ...Aki...teki..." Akira, or Tiga almosed dropped the ball, but kept running and jumped up and dunked the ball. His teammates groaned, and Tiga whooped with joy. "Man, you gotta take it easier on us." a younger boy said. "I take it easy on no one!" Tiga laughed, but then he heard that voice again. "T...get...ira...uteki" Tiga looked around, but then decided that he was just tired. He walked to the drinking fountain, when suddenly a blusish light swept over him, and he saw two other people step out, a young girl and an older guy, dressed oddly at that. Tiga's jaw dropped, then looked at his friends who were still there. He knew he had to use his special power, but he couldn't do that in front of his friends. He gulped, then looked at the two. "Wh...what are you lookin at..."
Okay, I have 2 issues to deal with here. dbzanimegirl17, you cannot have control of the natural elements. Unless you have some sort of chi (life force from the body) energy and elemental based attacks cannot be used. The idea of the story is that the elements are out of control. Furthermore, I recently recieved a (possibly angry) letter from T man kindly reminding me that my first Dragon Soul story hasn't been finished yet. I am aware of this and I didn't see anything wrong with doing 2 stories. If anyone has a problem with me doing both stories at once please send me a PM or post here. If so I can freeze this story and wait until my first one is done. If not, I still have to wait for others to join before I can continue. I'm hoping for at least 7 or 8 people, but spots are unlimited.
OOC: My bio has been edited. IC: Ken looked at the battle from atop a tree, he knew he had to act fast, so he launched himself into the air and drew his gunblade. He focused, causing his own weight to increase to deal the blow more damage. He came down and slashed the beast in the face, also making a small crater with his own body. He looked up in some shock that the monster was still standing, albeit reeling slightly. He jumped out of the way and two things happened. The monster struck the ground, and Destiny struck it with the charged up staff, dealing some damage. Ken focused a little harder, lifting himself off the ground, then bounced off a tree and spun around once, pressing the gunblade trigger just as the blade connected with the tree. The explosion caused his sow super-light body to fly forward at an incredible speed. He hit the demon with the blade, pressing the trigger a second time. The explosion sent him crashing into a park bench, and he looked up in dismay to see that the monster still wasn't dead. He got up, only wobbling slightly, and held the blade in a defensive position, he had to take a small rest, for now...
Ren awoke dazed and with a sore throat, he was in the hospital and it was still light out. He tried to whoop with joy but his throat hurt so bad that all that came out was a dry gasp and a few drops of blood. He looked up and saw that no one else was with him, they had all expected him to be asleep. He looked over and noticed a small window. He was located just outside the hall, and he could see the patients list from inside his room. He craned his neck slightly and noticed something. -Akashi, Seth- Ren flattened himself on the bed. Seth was here?! he looked around to make sure no one was watching then he slipped out of bed and looked for Seth's room number on the board, he noticed his own name, and saw with some pleasure that Seth's room was quite close. He crawled along the ground and opened a small air duct by bashing it with his head. It was rusted. He climbed in eagerly and crawled... Seth looked around in boredom. He was waiting for news of the trial, and the police were keeping him here because the doctors were more willing to take care of him than the police. He heard a small crash and turned his head towards the air duct. He peered at it suspiciously then noticed something. Blood. Blood had begun dripping quietly out of the duct and landing on the floor. Seth looked at it in shock. Was he going to hell? Suddenly there was a loud bang and the grate over the duct burst open, Seth considered screaming for help, but he wondered what was going on. He looked at the duct and saw a face. Rijin. Rijin grinned at him evilly, blood dripping from his mouth. He got up slowly, like a zombie, and walked towards the wheelchair, then he began to wheel him out of the room...
For any of you who know me, you will know my Dragon soul story. This is the second part, which takes place after the apocalypse. I extend a special invitation to my friends from my first Dragon Soul story to use their old characters if they wish. Anyone can join, though. After the Dragon Souls were released, the barren world began to rebuild itself, plants began to grow again, water began to flow, the elements of the world had returned. A ship was sent into space with many candidates from the year 4000 to ride out the apocalypse, and return to Earth when it was deemed safe for habitation, because the process took thousands of years, the candidates were frozen in cryogenic cells. When the process was finished, the ship returned to Earth only to find that it was nothing like they had remembered, new species roamed the lands, and the elements raged out of control, natural disasters were deemed to be an effect of the Dragon Soul's fury, and they always raged at catalcysmic proportions. Nevertheless, the people strike out in search of a land in which they can live... I'll need this information from you all Name: First and last please (Nickname if you want) Age: Description: Bio: A bit about yourself, as well as any important history. (Anyone in my first story please tell why you came.) Weapon: anything unique about it. Power: Any unique skills that have been acquired. (Anyone in my first Dragon Soul story keep in mind you can't use your old powers anymore.) Here's my character Name: Win Hikigane Age: 23 Description: about 6'5", purple hair, big black trenchcoat, jeans and army boots, black t shirt underneath. Bio: Cross Mirai (from my old story) taught him everything he knows. He is a member of the Hikigane clan which is famous for being skilled gunfighters. He is usually calm, but will risk his life unnecessarily if given the chance. He is curious about the new world, but everyone knows that his curiosity and his reckless nature will be his downfall one day. Weapon: Hikigane Omni X-1, a giant device mounted on his right arm whic conceals a blade, as well as fires .45 bullets in rapid fire and launches napalm rockets. A deadly toy indeed! Powers: Can detect energy signals, and sometimes predict danger. I hope you have fun with this!
OOC: I signed up earlier. Downtown at the local pub, there was a massive brawl going on, people were flying out of windows, unconcious bodies already littred the streets, and Ken stepped out of the carnage, holding a wad of cash. He snorted, those idiots should have paid up. Suddenly a strange wave washed over his body, one that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He paused and looked around. Then decided that it was about time to go visit his old friends, focusing with all his energy, he lifted himself off the ground, then bounced off a wall and launched himself skyward. His power to control gravity allowed him to bound as high as he pleased. He only hoped that his friends might still be there...