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Everything posted by Wondershot

  1. Hey, if it's not too late I'd like to try too. Name: Kaisuke (Ken) Hikigane Age: 19 Description: 6' tall, silver hair, 3 piece white business suit, dragon shaped stud earring, large scarf. Bio: Ken fights with a gunblade and is quite adept at using it. His last name is that of famous family that adopted him. He is somewhat of a young gentleman, but is plagued by thae fact that his past is a mystery to him. Ken doesn't understand why other people don't have their own powers, since he believes that people waste so much of their potential. He is usually very cool and collective, and he refuses to cause trouble, unless someone asks for it... Element: Gravity Element Effect: Can create small black holes and crush enemies by increasing their density. Also can float for a short time, but controlled flight is impossible. Hope i'm not too late!
  2. Outside the school on the highway, a man was driving down the road in a Chevy pickup truck. He was on his way to town to get some goods and visit old friends, as he rounded the corner, he saw something so shocking that he almost forgot to slam on the brakes. There was a kid lying in a pool of blood in the middle of the road. He got out of the truck and bent over to look at the kid. He turned him over and saw that his eyes were glazed over and his skin dry. "Help..." The boy rasped, then coughed up a stream of blood. The man tried to help the kind into the truck, and then burned rubber for the hospital. He looked at the kid and noticed that he had some ID. He looked at the card... -Hikigane, Rijin- OOC: I'm back!
  3. Juran looked around in astonishment. "Meu Deus..." He was looking at the enormous spiral staircase in the middle of the room, vaulting up three steps at a time, he looked down at the room which stood before him like a challenge. He sat on the banister and slid down, however he lost his balance and fell off the edge, landing headfirst into a wicker chair, and making an enormous crash. "Ai, filho da mae!" He cursed, but then after regaining his composure, got up and tried again, this time falling off the edge and landing on the tiled floor, cracking a tile. "Eh, eu espero que eu nao tehno de pagar por isso..." (geez, I hope the Count won't make me pay for that...) Without another thought, Juran raced up the staircase to try again...
  4. Ren awoke from his deep slumber a few hours after the explosion, he was still somewhat groggy, but looked around in disdain. He was still in the sick bay, the explosion hadn't been enough to send him to the hospital. "All right...Plan B..." He told himself. Getting up discreetly so as not to alert any nurses, he began to slink out... Outside, several soldiers were posted in front of the gate. Ren looked around with disgust, then dashed at top speed for the edge of the facility where he had landed in the plane, being careful to mask his identity. Suddenly a soldier snapped to attention, noticing this kid all bandaged up. "Where are you going, soldier?" The MP asked, Ren was relieved that the soldier couldn't see him too well. Ren made a mad dash for the fence. "Hey, STOP!" The MP yelled and called for support. Ren was too fast, however, and vaulted over the side fence and hid in the brush, sneaking off towards the road. Back on campus, the MPs sttod around in confusion combing the area, they had never even seen Ren's face, so Ren was safe for now. Sneaking off, he reached the roadside and dashed at top speed for town, even though it was miles away. Ren's priority was to get out and back in time before anyone could catch up to him... Seth, meanwhile was being held in the local hospital. Due to his condition it was out of the question for him to be held in custody in a jail. He waited for the information on his trial to go through, then he would go to the local courthouse. He looked at the table where most of his belongings had been strewn. He looked at a picture of himself with Vujae Hikigane, wondering what Rijin was doing now...
  5. Virtua looked with some disdain about something to talk about. He looked to the side and noticed a small island with a ring of water around it, he looked at it for a minute before realizing something. "Oh my God! This is PERFECT!" He ran and jumped over the small ring of water and ran around for a bit before collapsing onto the ground. "What?" Virtua failed to realize that Sharia was still looking at him. "Oh, I'm working on inventing this game." "A game?" "Yeah, a sport. I'll explain some of the rules..." OOC: Sharia please take over my character while im gone, don't do anything I wouldn't do!
  6. "Unfortunately, Dragon Soul energies are only at their peak powers for a little while, some never notice them. Therefore we are required to acquire them at their highest intensity..." Cross was cut off, then a horrible image flashed through his head... Oni, despite his earlier folly, was making quick work of the insects below him, his Dragon Soul at full power. Everyone got up and prepared for another assault, but suddenly they recieved a warning from Cross. They all heard the voice in thier minds. "All outside teams, evacuate your positions immediately! There is a problem back at home base. Evacuate Now!" Suddenly several portals opened up and all of the team members were thrown inside. Oni looked around, then another portal opened and he walked through... "If you wish for a duel, come with me where we can battle properly." Cross told the young man. "What place is this...?" Cross, without waiting for another word, tackled the boy into a portal which had opened up behind him and the group was swallowed. Back at the base, all teams materialized together once again, and Milo was being held in containment until something could be done about him. "All teams, Oni Yorimasa is on a rampage, he has acquired two other Dragon Souls and is using them to destroy whatever stands in their way." "What are we supposed to do then?" Tami asked. "All other teams are to intercept Oni's location and trap him. He must not be killed, however. I am required to stay here and stabilize the facility. The damage that Oni is causing will damage the threads of time, and I am the only one capable of repairing them. All teams must dispatch on their assignments, I am required to stay here." The meeting ended and the teams decided to go after Oni. OOC: I'm going away, so I can't post again for 2 weeks. Until then everyone has to split up and find Oni. The other 2 bad guys are posted in recruitment, so go check them out and you can chase after them. See y'all later!
  7. Ren walked out of mess earlier than usual, he knew he had to execute this plan before anyone saw him. He raced down to the area where he had hidden the bomb and went over his plan one more time... He began to feel a little bit queasy as he wired up the bomb with the detonation. He placed the detonation only a few feet away from the bomb. He was about to step on it when he heard a voice behind him. "REN!" It was Swift, the last person Ren expected to see at this time. "What are you doing here, you're gonna be late." Ren looked down. "This is my last plan, I'm gonna set up this bomb and blow myself up." "What?!" "Not enough to kill me, just to knock me into a coma and lose blood, they'll have to take me to the hospital, and I can meet Seth." Ren wondered why he was telling all this to Swift, they hadn't gotten along well. "You sure about this?" "There's no time, I have no choice, keep walking." "Why do you want this so badly?" "I want...the truth..." "..." "Please go, I have to do this now. Say goodbye to everyone else for me." Swift walked off and Ren stood there, waiting until the area was clear. Just as he stepped on the detonation, he looked up into the sky, it was a beautiful day... A moment later Ren was enveloped by a blast of sound that covered him like an air matress. He felt the searing heat behind him sear his skin and he felt his clothing disintegrate in the heat. He lapsed into unconciousness a moment later, lying there, his body and clothing ripped to shreds. Miles away, Seth awoke from a deep sleep as he felt an uncomfortable chill run over his body, he could tell something horrible has just happened... OOC: Okay, I'll be back in 2 weeks! I'm in Portugal, in case anyone is interested.
  8. Ren looked around with disdain. He hadn't had the chance to put his plan into action last night, so it would have to be tonight. That night sniper class was the ultimate kink in his plan, so he decided that the plan would be executed at sundown. He hoped nothing got in his way this time. He stopped eating and walked down to the spot where he had found the bomb that Seth had planted for his classes, he had buried it deeper and cut the trigger so no one else could find it. "You're my ticket outta here." He said to the ground, he got up and looked for his next course. He had Tactics with the Lord of Hell today, well at least he was glad that he wouldn't have to see the Col. again for a long time if his plan worked. He shuddered to think what would happen if it didn't. He walked down to the field where Tactics was held, and waited... OOC: I can't post again for another 2 weeks after tomorrow, so Ren's next plan HAS TO WORK so that I have an excuse for not being here. Sorry but theres nothing else I can do, I'm on vacation and have almost no access to computers.
  9. Xu rolled up to the restaraunt in his Diablo, Win was with him in the side seat. Xu had gotten his car repainted and Win had bet him 2k that he couldn't jump the unfinished bridge down the street to cut ahead of traffic. Another easy 2k. He jumped out the window while Win took the door like a normal person. "Why can't you ever use a door?" Win asked him "Yeah, right, I'm too crazy to use a door." "At least you admit it... Why are we stopping here, anyway?" "There's gotta be other racers here, didn't you see the other cars?" "You're right." Xu and Win walked into the restaraunt, Xu looked at the area and decided that this would be perfect. He loved Japanese food. "Sake" He told the waitress, then Win looked at distaste at the menu. "Sake for him too." Xu ordered for Win. "Sake?! That's just rice juice, man!" Win growled. "Come on, it's the best booze in town." Win reared back and figured that Xu would probably be the last one to die in an accident involving alcohol. "So, where are we gonna find a racer?" Win and Xu began scanning the restaurant for anyone likely to be a racer...
  10. "HEH, HOLY *****!!" Xu jumped out of his Diablo through the window, he looked at his friend Win, who began counting the money he owed. Xu grinned, he looked back at the giant hole he had made. Win had dared him do drive into the local church with his Diablo and raise some hell, then exit through a window. "You'll take a check?" Win asked hopefully. "No f**king way, you don't ***** me like that, man." "Yeah, whatever." Win gave him the money, a cool 3k. "You said 4!" "..." Win walked off with his tail between his legs. Xu shrugged, he wasn't in this for the money, really. Win was his best friend in the world since he joined the street racing universe. He looked at his car, somewhat scratched, and thought he could update the looks a bit. He jumped in again, checked the suspension, and drove off...
  11. OOC: Uh, Ohkami, you're supposed to be with Dango fighting Oni right now... Oni looked at the pile of rubbish in front of him. This was supposed to be a cyborg?! How pathetic... He wheeled and noticed that the other two had already regrouped and were heading his way, he then looked at two other men who were causing some mayhem, they were also Dragon Soul carriers! Oni began to get a bit nervous, there was no way, even in his condition, to take on all six at once. He grinned, at least, not like this... "The rats have gathered, I congratulate you..." He looked at the group which surrounded him. "I will even allow you to charge up your Dragon Souls, however I must do the same..." He looked to make sure everyone was ready. Then a green light floooded from his body, and he began to change. He grew in size, and his body began to transform. His body was covered with iron plating and he acquired a horned helmet. However, he was now over 8 feet tall and also quite wide, he looked like a statue. Suddenly he lunged forward and brought down the enormous sword in his hand... "MEET VERSION 1, CHILDREN!" The machine roared...
  12. Juran raced off at top speed trying to get to that boat on time. He had a bad habit of forgetting the time. He looked into the fog and took a leap of faith for the boat. "SAFE!" he yelled upon landing, scaring everyone elso on the boat. "Ai, raios..." He said to himself. "Eh...Ola, pessoal! Hi everybody..." Juran was quite embarrased, he figured he would be in hot water the second he had arrived. "Qui estas fazendo?! What are y'all doing?" He asked of the group, testing his Poruguese. This was going to be quite a trip...
  13. Virtua looked with some dismay at Fate, whose cheeks were turning black and blue. He turned and looked at Sharia, the only girl he hadn't hit on yet. He tried to sneak up on her, but Virtua gave him a look that turned him to stone. Slinking off, Virtua tried to engage in conversation. "So, uh, is this your first time waking up on some strange island?!" Virtua laughed nervously. [I]What the hell was that?! That wasn't funny! [/I] Virtua stopped laughing and looked at Sharia. However, Fate had snuck up behind them and made the mistake of trying to get their attention. He looked at Sharia with that egotistical look of his. "Hey, I'm..." "BUZZ OFF!!" Virtua yelled at Fate, causing him to recoil and slither off again. "What a loser..." Virtua sat down and looked at Sharia, then returned to the grueling task of finding something to talk about.
  14. Ren looked at Charli with some disdain. He had no idea what do do next. "...Nothing..." "Are you okay? Is there anything I can help with?" "Thanks, but I don't think there's anything you can do." "Okay, I'll see you in class." Charli left a moment later. Ren kept walking, what was he gonna do? Suddenly he stumbled over something, then looked down at a small wire. Curious, he followed it, and it went into the ground. He unearthed the wire, and discovered that it was attached to a small bomb! Ren thought back to the first day he met Seth, didn't he use a small bomb to scare them? Ren suddenly got struck with an idea. He thought that this would be an idea to end all others, but he figured that it could be dangerous. He then wondered what would happen if it didn't work. He felt very sick to his stomach. He walked slowly back to his bunk to regain his composure, and he saw that Swift had pinned a note to his bed...
  15. Virtua looked with some embarassment as Fate flirted shamelessly with every girl in sight. He wondered why he had to be stuck with the self-proclaimed ladies man over there. A young lady came over and talked to him. "Hey" Virtua greeted in his nonchalant way. "Hi, I'm Sharia." The girl introduced. Virtua looked over and saw Fate get slapped by Praetor's spirit, Jasmine. "Have you met Fate?" Virtua laughed, then remembered something. "Oh, I'm Virtua, nice to meet you." He shook hands with the young lady, this might not be so bad after all...
  16. Oni looked with some resentment back to where the young fools were. He had no time for such foolish games with children. He looked ahead and saw two other friends of Cross. He could tell because he could sense the energies emenating from their bodies. He walked up behind the young girl, who didn't notice him, and he attacked her. "Oniken!" Oni called upon his attack and sent a wave of power out through his demon arm, knocking the girl into a building. He looked at the man, who wheeled to face him. "Do you think you can do any better than your friends?" Cross looked at the young man. "I was the one that called you here. I have something very important to tell you. The world will end in about 3000 years from now, and I believe you have the power to help me stop it." "What are you talking about?" "I need you to come with me, you may not have felt it yet, but you have a great power within you." "I don't know what you are talking about!" The youth drew his sword. Cross drew Seeker, this wasn't going to be easy... OOC: I'm in Portugal! So I can't post for awhile after this.
  17. Oni looked around at the decadent city. These poor fools are slowly killing themselves and there was nothing anyone could do to help. He walked down the alley at a slow pace, trying to hide his massive demon arm under a cape. As he rounded the corner, he saw a young man and a little girl. "Oh? Are you lost, children?" He asked with an evil grin. "Hey, it's you!" The girl cried out in surprise. "So it is, Cross sent you, correct?" "How did you...?" "Cross is something of...an old friend." "What?" "Well, whatever he has planned, it is worthless. I, on the other hand, believe that this power could go more easily toward world domination...It is pointless to try to help the world after it is gone... so I think it would be a lot simpler to save the world by taking it over!" "What are you talking about?!" The boy cried out in a rage. "Oh, I apologize, we haven't introduced ourselves properly... You must be Cay and Enix, correct?" Oni threw off the cape revealing his demon arm. "I am Oni Yorimasa, and you have the honour of being killed by me!" Oni rushed forward and tried to smash Cay, but she jumped out of the way and pulled out her glaive. Enix tried to dash forward, but Oni balanced himself on his arm and kicked him in the face. Cay dashed forward and tried to stab, but Oni jumped off his arm and kicked her in the back of the head. Enix got up, but Oni sweep kicked him causing him to fly into the air, then he did a heel kick while Enix was still in the air. The impact caused Enix to spin around several times in the air before hitting the ground, unconcious. Cay dashed Oni from behind, but he jumped up, bounced off a wall and dropckicked her in the face. Then he did a backflip kick, knocking her high into the air, then he finished it off with an explosive thrust kick which sent Cay crashing through a window. Oni looked at Enix, then he pulled out his sword. He looked at Enix for a second, and then changed his mind, he would be more entertained if they lived to fight another day...
  18. Ren walked around while waiting for his next class. He was taking the firing range course with Charli. For once in a long time he was actually looking forward to going to class! He wondered if his plan had worked. He had threatened Seth, and then he was ready to pin a count of murder on him. As he walked down the hall, he heard a couple of kids talking. "You heard too? Lt. Akashi is a murderer?" Ren stopped to listen. "Yeah, some guy accused him of a murder, so he won't be going anywhere." Ren froze in horror, he had pinned the kill on Akashi too soon! Now that there was a suspicion of murder in place, there was no way for Akashi to contact them! "NOOO! MY PLANS CROSSED WIRES AND BLEW UP IN MY FACE!!!" Ren screamed, scaring the two boys half to death, then he dashed across the mess hall trying to find... Ren stopped dead. He had nowhere to go, all of his plans had failed, and now Akashi wasn't going to talk. His only alternative was some means of escape, but no opportunity had presented itself. With a heavy heart, Ren walked to class early... OOC: In the next couple of weeks I won't be able to post much, so my next plan has to take Ren and Akashi out of the picture for a little while. I'll be back posting more often in about a month, but don't wait for me if the competition comes up before I get back.
  19. OOC: It means out of character, you were right Trent looked at all of the bloody bodies around him, he was laughing. "You thought that you could kill ME?!" He began to laugh even more demonically. A man crawled up his leg, but Trent responded by picking him up and then slashing his throat. Trent looked around, this is what he lived for, this is the only reason he lives to see the sun come up, the taste of blood... "Trent...?" "Yeah?" "You really think that you will become a great warrior?" "Yes, hasn't that become obvious?" "Well, you could always change your mind..." "Why would I do that?" "Don't you get sick of killing? Don't you want to live in peace?" "I don't understand, I was born like this, why should I stop?" "I won't try to make you change your life, but I was only wondering." "Alright, master." "I am not your master anymore, I'm just your girlfriend." "..." "Is that okay with you?" "...Yeah." Trent snapped out of his memory and then wondered why Sara kept coming back to him. He had nothing to do with her anymore, but then he decided to wonder himself. He looked over and saw Rad and his group formulate a plan. He walked over. "If you need a distraction, I would help." He offered. "Sure, that could come in handy." Rad replied. "What's your name?" "Trent Ryouko." "Well, Trent, I hope you are ready for this, man!" "...One thing..." "What?" "...Tell Sara I won't be coming back...but that I love her..."
  20. Cross had recieved word from the facility that all of the remaining members had acquired their targets. He then relayed their new orders. Thomas would be going alone to acquire a man named Alazar Corrupto. Enix, Sakura, Cay and Dango would be going to acquire a man named Oni Yorimasa in Neo Tokyo. Cross ordered Tami and Saina to come with him to find their young man. The girls appeared a moment later and they all decided to follow the trail of destruction. Cross arrived ahead of the others, and noticed a small armed compound. "The boy is inside, we cannot enter due to danger of combat." "So what do we do?" Tami asked. "We wait, but perhaps I can find some way to signal the boy..." Cross pressed his palms together, then began to emit a wave of energy that he hoped the boy could detect...
  21. Oh yeah, you're right! Vicky posted sort of recently, but I haven't seen dayday or T man at all, I gotta pm them.
  22. Name: Xu Gamushara Age: 22 Bio: Xu lived as a somewhat sheltered child, but when his rich parents bought him a Lamborghini Diablo for his 18th birthday, he went nuts. He joined street racing to see what everyone else was like, and he wanted to see the world and be with others who are full of life. Personality: Xu is a nice guy, but he is extremely impulsive and is known to speak before he thinks. He is also known to spend money like a fiend, but occasionaly knows when to stop. He loves to take unessesary risks for fun, (or money) and his last name means "Reckless Daredevil" go figure. Description: Xu usually wears a sleeveless shirt and expensive leather vest. He has large tan cargo pants and army boots. He has a reddish complexion and brightly bleached blond/white hair. He also is known to pack heat, and carries around a pair of Ingram Macs wherever he goes. Car: Lamborghini Diablo Color: Blue with "dragon and tiger" theme Notes: Xu decided to get the car fixed up when he joined the street racing world. He had it customized with nitro injection and rear wheel hydraulics. (I don't know anything else good about cars.)
  23. Virtua awoke in the middle of an island. He had no idea how he had gotten there, he never even remembered being knocked out. He just opened his eyes and here he was. He felt a bit of a headache, but when he reached up he saw that he was holding a translucent green rock. "What is this?" He looked at the rock in confusion. "I know what you're thinking. I ain't some junk rock!" A strange voice replied. "What are you?" Suddenly a brilliant flash enveloped the area, and he looked at a young man, a little shorter than Virtua albeit with pale green hair and eyes. They were wearing the exact same clothes. "Hey, I'm Fate, nice to meet you." Virtua only looked at the boy in confusion "Oh, nice to meet you too." Fate mocked, mimicking Virtua's voice. "Who, or what are you?" "I'm an emerald spirit, your emerald spirit! We're like partners!" "So, what are we supposed to do?" "If I were you, I'd introduce myself to the chick behind you." Virtua wheeled and saw a young girl and a guy standing next to her. They had a striking resemblance. "Oh, hi." Virtua said, slightly nervous. Fate shook his head. "Come on man, that's not how you do it!" Fate mocked. He went over to the young girl. "Hi, I'm Fate, where have you been all my life?" "Hiding from you." The girl replied, Virtua whistled. "Do I smell smoke? cause that was a..." "Shove it, kid." Fate retorted. Virtua walked over to the rest of the group, who had been waiting behind trees. Introductions were passed around, but Virtua failed to listen to half of them, since he was wondering what he was doing here and how to get out...
  24. Seth looked around the office in disdain. Not only was this investigation going badly, but now he was paralyzed and had nothing to do. Suddenly a message stuttered out of the fax machine and a secretary came out almost immediately to pick it up, she looked at it for a moment, confused, and then looked to Seth. "It's for you." She held up the message so that Seth could read it. -Dear Lt. Akashi -What happened to you? I heard that there was some kind of problem with your legs, but I don't care about that. What kind of business did you have running my dad over? I am certain that there is some kind of a plot behind everything, after all, everyone seemed to be dying at the same time, right? And you are a Recon teacher, you are supposed to know everything that goes on, right? If this is one of the government's sick plans, then I think you ought to f**k yourself if you are a part of it. Now, you must know something, right? Come on down to the military academy to tell me, or rather tell everyone who suffered a loss because of this. I want you to be in person, and I want the truth. If you don't help, then you're gonna pay. You owe me. -Sincerely, -Rijin Hikigane Seth looked in disbelief at the message, then looked at the secretary. "Am I allowed out of here?" "Well, it's not like you can get far, so just tell us where you are going and I can get you an escort." "I want to go to the military academy A.S.A.P." Seth looked out the window, what was Ren planning for him? The secretary went outside for a minute, then returned inside with an agitated look on her face. "Sorry, I can't do that." "Why not?" "You've just been accused of murder."
  25. Cross had another mission to take care of. He jumped into the next portal, his target was a young man in the middle ages named Milo Baer. His occupation was listed as "squire" Cross was uncertian as to what that was but knew that the boy had to have some fighting prowess. He dropped out in the middle of a field, there were bodies and holes in the ground everywhere. Cross looked around, and then followed the trail to where he believed that the victors were going. With that kind of a battle he was certian that the boy couldn't be far behind...
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