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Everything posted by Wondershot

  1. Alright everyone, there are only 2 elements remaining and I think they will all go to bad guys. (I am posting another right now) they are Holy and Technology (Psycho dropped out) If anyone has any other ideas post them here, but I think of a Technology character right now. Name: Oni Yorimasa Age: 19 Dragon Soul: Valiant Element: Technology Bio: Comes from Neo Japan, around the year 2800. He is known for his strange powers and is suspected of being half demon. He is in fact a demon and has one massive right arm with long fingernails. He also holds the Kijin Katana (demon man's sword) and it is known to kill any non-demons who touch it. When he picks up the sword, the blades in the handle cut his demon hand open, but he feels no pain. He would prefer to use his powers on his own terms, and doesn't like Cross' ideals. He contains the Tech element and it is evident because despite his ancient Japan demeanor, he does know a lot about electronincs, especially how to destroy them! Warning: All those who choose to make an evil character will have to see them die or get locked up and never heard from again.
  2. Name: Virtua Ryoujin Age: 16 Element: Plasma Emerald Color: Pale green Ability: Teleport anywhere within clear view. Weapon: Ibitsu Shin Dokou (Very bad Japanese, I interpret as "Ancient Sword of Distorted Reality")
  3. Ren stepped out of questioning. His plan had been implemented, but now it was up to the judicial system to decide wether or not it was to be carried out. That wasn't good enough, Ren thought, he knew that his plan had to be carried out. "I gotta find Akashi..." Ren said just as he rounded the corner and bumped into, or rather bounced off of Col. Clark. "Ah! Sir!" Ren tried to salute the Col. but his arm was still in the cast, he ended up hitting himself in the forehead and hurt his arm even worse. "Ack! Sir! I apologize sir!" Ren was genuinely afraid this time. "No matter, at ease soldier." The Col. seemed more relaxed for some reason. Ren looked at him with some interest. "Did I hear you had to find Akashi?" "Yes, sir." "Well, I am afraid that you won't be doing that on my watch." Ren stood back to let the Col. pass, but then decided to get the last word. "Permission to speak freely, sir?" "...Granted." He was curious to hear what he had to say all this time. "I'm going to have to find Lt. Akashi, wether you like it or not." Ren knew what he was saying, this was his mission now. "We'll just see about that." The Col kept walking. Ren just stood there, dumbfounded. What was all that about?
  4. Name: Naomi "Reena" Kiyo Age: 19 Race: Half-dragon Bio: Reena was a product of the unnatural relationship between a human and a dragon. Although she has dragon powers and the ability to turn into a full dragon, she ages at a normal human rate. She works at a teahouse in ancient Japan and disguises herself as a human. However, when she sees her reflection, her hair is a bit wilder looking, and she has large scaly ears protruding out of the top of her head and tatoo-like veins around her eyes. Even as a human, she is incredibly strong and fights with an incredibly wide scimitar, however she has few combat skills. (Another interesting note, the name Kiyo was actually the name of a mythical Japanese woman who turned herself into a dragon to kill her ex-boyfriend.) Weapon: Scimitar, can sometimes turn into a dragon. Timeline: Japan around the year 800. Appearance: about 5'11, red hair which is wide and parted, wears a red and green kimono with the kanji of "dragon" on the front, a hint at her true nature, also wears zori (wooden Japanese sandals)
  5. Cross laughed in spite of himself. "Certainly, Miss Winters." "Just call me Tami." She rushed into the changing room, then came out a few minutes later in her normal clothes. "Do not worry about your future, after this is over I can send you back here." Cross opened the portal and jumped in, Tami and Sakura following. They arrived in Cross' home base, the year 4000 and Cross motioned to a woman scientist, she spoke with a thick French accent. "Monsieur Cross, did you suceed in finding ze subjects?" "Only 50% of main operations have been completed, I am required to travel to the ather subjects to pick them up from their current assignments." "Excellent, you may go and find ze last of zem. Madames, come with me s'il vous plait." The girls headed to the interior of the complex as Cross went to check on the other groups...
  6. Trent was grinning despite the fact that blood was pouring out his mouth. He had been caught and was now in the process of being tortured. He was being hung up on a wall and beaten with a whip, slashed with a knife, prodded with a hot iron, bandaged up so that he wouldn't bleed to death, and then the process was repeated. He already had several permanent scars, and yet he refused to make a sound. "What the hell are you? You think you can kill us whenever you want?" "..." "What, cat got your tongue?" The guard prepared a hot iron, and continued to prod at Trent's skin. "Come on, say something, you're taking the fun out of this." The guard gave up with the iron and pulled out a chain. He took several lashes at Trent, who did little more than bleed. "Gotta hand it to ya, kid, you are great at ignoring this." Suddenly Trent burst out of the shackles that held him to the wall, then he had a quick fist fight with the guard, and then ended it by pushing him into the furnace used to heat the iron. Closing the door, Trent waited for the man's screams of agony to cease, then he went outside. He too had heard Rad's transmission. He figured that if the escape was being planned, he might as well slaughter a few guards. Trent grinned, nothing got him excited like a mass bloodbath...
  7. Ren sat in the waiting area to see the General, he was wondering what was taking the Col. and Charli, but he figured that this might be good, he could implement his plan without having to admit to the Col. that the General had told Ren the Col.'s life story. Also, if he was to get Akashi to spill the beans, the General would be the best person to ask for help. He only hoped that the General could trust him... "You can come in now." A voice from inside the office said. Ren obeyed and sat down in a chair, he was flanked on either side by two men in suits. "Where are Col. Clark and Sgt. Howards?" General Hathoway asked him. "They'll be arriving soon, sir." Ren figured that the plan would run more smoothly if they were not around. "Gentelmen, he is all yours." Ren looked at the two other men and he was soon led out of the office. and taken to another classroom not in use. "We are here on behalf of the state department, on the case of Mr. Akashi's accident and the death of your father. We would like to ask you a few questions." "Would it be possible to...see Mr. Akashi?" "I am afriad that is impossible, he has been paralyzed." Ren looked at the ground, he felt sorry for Akashi, but he still had to carry out his plan. "What do you want to know?" "Your father and Mr. Akashi were close friends, so we were wondering if you could tell us anything about their relationship." "Well, I am...uncertain, my father never told me about Mr. Akashi." "No? Not once?" "Never." "Is there anything you think we should know?" "Well, maybe... It is only a theory, but I may have some proof." "What is it?" "I am uncertain, but...I don't think that this was an accident..." "Why would you say that?" "There have been a lot of deaths as of late, and they all seem to be related to people at this school. I have a feeling that this is not only a coincidence..." "You can't wave around accusations, son, where is this proof?" "I...need to speak with Mr. Akashi before I can give you any proof." The officers decided that this kid was too uncertain, and a theory of conspiracy for murder couldn't hold up in court. "I'm sorry son, but you can't accuse a man of murder like that." "I'ts not so much the murder, but I need to see Mr. Akashi." "Why? What could you get out of him?" "Nothing much, just the truth." Ren had always wanted to learn the truth. If his father had died meaninglessly at the hands of a man who is part of a chain of murders, then he at least deserves the truth...
  8. Trent, finally tired of all the crap, delivered a flying kick to one of the guards from atop a tree. "Why don't you try fighting another man for a change?" Trent taunted. The guard whirled and recieved a swipe with a sharpened rock to the throat. Bleeding profusely, he tried to hit Trent, but he simply stepped out of the way and let the guard fall over and bleed to death. Trent smirked, then looked for some other source of trouble. Suddenly another guard snuck up on him from behind and put him in a chokehold. Trent tried to stab him in the stomach, but couldn't. He felt a gun being pressed to his head, then was carried off...
  9. Seth arrived at the police station for information a few minutes later. He looked up to the men in uniform and they led him into a room with two men and a woman, one of the men was his lawyer. "Hello Mr. Akashi," The woman greeted, she seemed to be all business. "Hello...what is this for, may I ask?" "This is merely a little exchange of information." "Hello Mr. Akashi. I am Leon Williams, your attorney." "I am not certain that I need one, Mr. Williams. I admit that I killed Vujae Hikigane and I am prepared to face my charge of 2nd degree manslaughter." "Well, that is not quite how it is." Williams told him. "An investigation is currently being given, we are only giving you a bit of a check before the sentence is official. We understand that you currently are employed as a military academy instructor?" "Yes, Recon and Tactical Training." "Well, we will only have to clear your name with some of the authorities at the school, as well as Rijin Hikigane... Mr. Hikigane's... "Vujae's son, I know who he is." Seth felt sorry for Ren, he knew the news would crush him. However, he really wondered what Rijin would say about him... *** Ren sat at his table, he hadn't eaten a thing. He was getting up to go to his next class, when an announcement rang throughout the mess hall. "Your attention please, would Sgt. Howards, Col. Clark, and Rijin Hikigane all report to General Hathoway's office immediately." Ren had a feeling that he was going to be sick, he knew this was about Seth and he had the perfect opportunity to set his plan in motion, but if he spilled the beans in front of Col. Clark, he would be dead for sure. What was he gonna do? With a heavy heart, Ren began to walk to the office...
  10. Kura continued to race furiously, these thieves were fast! He followed the thief around a corner and suddenly the thief was blown back across the street and through a store window! Kura raced over to see what had done that, but nothing was there! He went into the store and calmly got his money back, but then had an idea as to what may have caused the man to fly backwards. Kura raced around the corner and looked for some kind of a clue. he noticed a few footprints, and some broken glass, and decided that he had no proof, as he turned around to leave, he noticed something shining in the sand, he then picked it up and noticed it was a long strand of blond hair. "...Rai?" Kura decided that it was of no use, but then wheeled around and saw a young man had tried to pickpocket him! In an instand he kicked the man to the ground and pressed his bladed staff to his throat. "Who do you think you are?!"
  11. Trent looked down at the guards assaulting the people below, and then decided that it was of no use. He could survive here, he could kill anyone he wanted. He thought that these people could do nothing to help him. He looked down the hill and saw something surprising. "...! Is that?!" He could have sworn he had seen Sara! He turned around and saw her sitting down next to him! "What are you doing here?!" "I wanted to help you..." Sara began to inch closer to him. "Remember those nights? We were young and had nowhere to go...?" "You must be just an illusion..." Trent began to shake his head. "Aren't you glad to see your old girlfriend?" "You aren't my girlfriend, you are my lord." "Hmph, say whatever you like, but I just wanted you to know that I am okay, and that you can come see me whenever you want..." She began to laugh slightly. "So you want me to get out of here?" "Of course, as soon as I learned you were here I had to help you get out." She put her arm around his head. "You're too hot to be in a place like this..." She giggled. "You think I ought to leave?" "Of course, don't you want to see me again?" Trent looked up at the stars for a moment, then looked over and Sara had vanished... Trent looked back at the guards, then decided that he might as well help the other kids out, maybe sneak up behind the guards and cut their throats...
  12. Hey everyone, it's cool to see everyone so enthusiastic. However, I'm sorry Kesaki, but Dmitri already has earth, so plz pick another one. Also give your Dragon Soul a name, be creative! Also, Dmitri, sure u can make bad guys, but everyone has to have a different element, so plz use one that hasn't been taken. I hope this clears everything up, and if anyone has any idea who they want to be paired up with, plz PM me, the teams that have been asked so far are: -Cay and Enix (K.K.C. and T man) -Thomas and Alazar (Dmitri and Dmitri?!) anyawy, if u would like to get involved with either team, plz let me know, I am not sure which one I'll be with yet.
  13. Trent looked down at everyone else in the camp, he had seen a little boy being buried by three other girls, and then an argument of some sort. Pitiful fools, he thought to himself, why do they even bother, they hadn't even seen the boy until then, what was the point?... Trent looked over and saw Sara standing in the middle of the dirt path, it was lined with sand, and the buildings in the area were dilapidated. "This is my home...or was..." Sara spoke slowly. "What happened to it?" "I...killed everyone...they wanted to hurt me..." "Good for you." "What? How can you say that?!" "They threatened you, so you killed them without a problem, that is strength." "What are you?! You think killing like that is alright?!" "If necessary for survival, yes." "What kind of monster are you?! Don't you care that you are taking human lives?!" "...No..." "Do you even have a heart...?" Sara fell on her knees and began to cry. "Do..you have a heart...?" Trent looked down at the people below hatching an escape plan of some kind... when a guard tried to sneak up on him. Trent whirled and punched the guard in the face, then slipped behind him and broke his neck. "No...I guess I don't..."
  14. Ren woke up for the third time that day. These injections were starting to get old. He was still obsessed with his conspiracy theory, and yet he had no idea if Charli had believed his orders or not. He wondereded if it was all really worth it. Seth was an okay teacher, but he had to know something about these strange goings on... Sick and tired of all the crap, Ren got out of bed but was halted by a nurse. "You shouldn't try to get out of bed so fast, you have still got to recover from the effects of the aenesthesia." "Which was given to me by whom?" The nurse decided to back off, this boy was impossible. "Thank you, where are my clothes?" The nurse pointed to the foot of the bed. Ren got dressed in a few moments and then looked at the clock, he had just missed breakfast. He got up and headed to the mess hall to see if anyone was still there. He was lucky enough to have a piece of bread and a glass of water, and he went to sit down at his usual table. He saw Dai sitting at another table, and called over to him, he could use a little friendly company. "Hey man, s'up?" Ren asked, but Dai didn't feel much like talking. "Hey man, what's eatin' ya?" Ren asked in an attempt to cheer the boy up, but it didn't go over so well. "Hey man, I've had enough problems today man. I get stuck three times with the needle, I get this junk for breakfast, that a**hole Akashi runs my dad over, and now you don't wanna talk to me. What's up with that?!" Dai looked over. "Lt. Akashi ran over your father?" "With an 80's Buick, a Hikigane at least deserves to be run over with a better car..." "Aren't you..sad?" "Not really, it was bound to happen sometime or another, and I had always thought my dad would be the first to go..." "How can you talk like that...?" "I'm a Hikigane, we take death as it comes, and it's not such a big deal, y'know? I know my dad told me not to take death that seriously, it's just a part of life, and it's not so big. Either way, it ain't worth crying over and we Hikiganes never go down without a fight!" "...You aren't sad?...you won't miss him?" "Sure I'll miss him, but just because he isn't there doesn't mean he...isn't there..." Ren thought that last statement made no sense. "Anyway, we are all gonna die eventually, so there's not much to worry about. Death is just another phase in the universe, and you can't help but wonder what happens to us when we die..." Ren stopped dead, and began to feel a tear run down his cheek, then another... Ren laughed to himself, he had just made history. For the first time ever...a Hikigane cried...
  15. Trent looked out at the moon, full and brilliant. He thought of his friend Sara, she had always loved looking at the moon... "Hey! What are you doing?" Sara asked Trent with a smile. "Looking at the stars." Trent was lying back on the cool grass, admiring the beautiful night sky. "Sounds like fun!" Sara lay down next to him and put her arm over his chest. "Tell me a bit about them!" "What?" "You sound like you know a lot about the stars, so tell me about them!" "Well, you see that formation there?" "Yeah." "That's the Big Dipper, and over there is the Little Dipper, and that's Orion over there, and up there is the North Star." "Neat! What else?" "...That's about all I know..." "Oh, well that's okay!" Sara seemed to be trying to get him to talk. "Well, I was hoping that I could get you to talk to me a little." She continued, Trent wasn't amused and he didn't want to talk. "You are my master." "No I'm not, you keep calling me that but I'm not!" "You are the strongest person I know, so you are my master." "Is that all you can think about? I don't want to kill, but I had to, and I'm not any master or anything like that... I just wanted to be your friend..." Trent looked at the night sky, wondering about those nights... It didn't matter anymore, Sara was weak, and he never understood why he couldn't see her for what she really was. He sighed, and headed back into the caves...
  16. Name: Juran Ryujin Appearance: Blue spiky hair and bright aqua colored eyes. Is about 5'7 and wears a big blue and gold trenchcoat and gloves, underneat is a black sleeveless shirt and jeans. Also wears heavy hiking boots. Pesronality: Although a bit flaky and forgetful, Juran is quite a character. He loves to joke and does things a little thoughtlessly. He gets into fights and also loves to swim. He sometimes writes when he's bored and is usually quite good at it. Posessions: Pocket knife, several gold chains and medals, pen and ledgers, wristwatch, ornamental tonfa. Background: As a youth, Juran was on the swim team at every shool he was in and got lots of awards. He fought a lot too and was also suspended on several occasions. He has a sister and a girlfriend whom he looks after. He sometimes practices kung fu and fighting with tonfa. Outstanding qualities: Juran likes writing stories in his spare time, and he knows how to speak French and Portuguese. Other: He wants the money to buy himself a small plane to travel around the world, as well as a Lamborghini Diablo for himself and his girlfriend.
  17. Okay, since it seems that not many others are gonna join, we ought to have enemy characters with Dragon Souls. Guys who would rather use their powers to destroy the world instead. If anyone has any ideas let me know, but if not I'll make them myself.
  18. Trent looked up in disgust, who did this guy think he was? It didn't matter, escape seemed futile. Trent himself had a reputation of escape, but now he just didn't care anymore. He went over into a dark corner of the cave, these days he was getting more and more silent. He was awaiting death. He figured he might as well kill a guard for fun or something, maybe eat him afterwards. Trent has thoughts like this on a regular basis, since the world turned around like this no one cared about him anymore. He figured he might as well do as he pleases and no one would care less or try to do anything about it. He sat back and tried to absorb some of his childhood... Trent, as a child, was not much different as he is now. He was always taught to kneel before someone more powerful than him. He looked out into the street and saw a young girl with a black ponytail and black clothing blowing back anyone who tried to challenge her. She fought ferociuosly and took large swings with her katars that sliced through whole groups of people at a time. When everyone was dead, she looked around with tears in her eyes and then saw Trent kneeling down before her... "Hi..." She said, Trent did not respond. "My name is Sara, Nice to meet you." She started to brighten up a little, thinking she had made a friend... That was in the past. If that girl was more powerful than him, how come he was still alive? She had disappeared from him a few years after they had met, and that is why Trent is the way he is today... He got up and started to leave "Where are you going...?" A younger boy asked him. "Out...if anyone has a problem, I'll kill them..."
  19. Kura walked through the city streets, exhausted. He had to be careful of thieves, but he was on a quest to find his family and spread their religion. Kura looked around desperately for an inn or a tavern or somewhere he could rest, and he settled for a place called the Dragon's Paw inn. He went in an everyone took notice of him, he was wearing some fine clothes, so he pulled out his bladed staff as a warning. He sat down at the bar and ordered a "Lionheart", one of his brother's favorite drinks. He took a deep gulp, since this was his first try, and was nearly knocked out. The drink was a little sweet, but extremely strong! He still tried to look aware to avoid getting pickpocketed, but he was getting drowsy. Suddenly he heard a familliar voice next to him order a "Lionheart" as well. He turned and saw his brother sitting there! "Rai...?" Kura wasn;t sure if this was an effect of intoxication, but when he leaned forward to make sure, he was certain that it was. "Hello, brother!" Rai greeted kindly. He had long golden hair and was wearing a fur coat, although his arms were not inside the sleeves. "Rai..." "It's been too long! How have you been?" the illusion of Rai smiled at his brother. "Rai, you aren't there..." "Maybe I'm not, but I am alive, I can tell you that!" "...Really?" "Of course! Let me tell you right now that you are on the right track, and we will meet again soon!" Rai grinned broadly, and then vanished in a haze. Kura turned around and noticed that a young man had just stolen his money! He chased furiously after him, hoping his brother truly was alive...
  20. "You have a power, the power to bend the forces of nature, the threads of reality..." Cross noticed that the girl was carrying a large blade, he hoped to avoid conflict. "What are you..." "I am from the future, I need your help to save the world. You must be aware of your power..." "I don't know what you're talking about!" "Why do you lie? I only need your help..." "Shut up!" She pulled out her blade and dashed forward, but her hit was blocked by an energy field. "Fine...we do this the hard way..." Cross sent out an energy wave which knocked her back. "Time Shot..." Cross thrust his palms forward and blew the girl back with an extra powerful Time Shot. "What now?" The young girl Sakura asked him. "Stand back..." Cross cautioned as the girl began to get up. Strangely enough, it was more like she was being lifted up, her body began to glow green and two crescent shaped blades shot out of her body. Crosss made no attempt to dodge them and they sliced past his face, one flying up, the other to the side. "This is that power, do you not see?" Cross asked of the girl. "Yes...but why do you need me?" "The world will be ending around the year 4000. I need your help to save it." "I see...your face!" Tami looked as Cross began bleeding from the right eye. Her blades had slashed a cross shaped scar over his right eye. "It's all right..." Being a genetic breed, Cross had a very high threshold for pain. "Then, what is your descision?"
  21. Glenn looked at Alex with a bit of resentment. He didn't like being treated like a child, since he was the oldest one there. However, he was not one to hold a grudge, and he doesn't want to use his power much either. He began to think a little about himself, why he was here, and what he was supposed to do next. He began to wonder how things were going back in his home country, when his hair began to lift of his back and blow quietly. He barely noticed, but then he began to think about these other people, what had gotten them there, why such forces had conspired to bring them there... Suddenly his hare come loose from the binding at the back and flowed freely. He wondered what was going on. He began to feel sorry for everyone around him for getting into this mess. He was certain that this would be a very difficult trip, and some might even perish. Suddenly he began to think of his childhood in the eastern countries... growing up in a family... ***flashback*** Glenn raced against the wind as hard as he could... he was in a giant field of rice in a race against his brother, Kato. "Yay! I'm gonna win!" Glenn cheered to himself, but Kato was gaining on him! "No way! I'm gonna win!" Kato began to taunt. Glenn loved his brother, but he didn't like being second in the family. Suddenly a large gust of wind came up and seemed to lift Glenn off his feet. He raced as hard as he could and ended up at the finish in seconds! "WOW! How did you do that?!" Kato asked, suprised beyond belief. Glenn wasn't sure himself... ***end*** That was 15 years ago. He was six, and his brother Kato was nine. He wondered if he would ever find his brother again... "Glenn?" Elli looked at him strangely, he had noticed that his hair had been blown to his full length, and streched out to an incredible extreme. As soon as Glenn stopped thinking, his hair stopped moving. "My hair..." Glenn held some of it in his hand, and looked at it in disbelief. "My hair reacts to...my heart?" "What?" Elli asked, she was lost. Glenn, on the other hand, motioned to her to stand back. Thinking of his childhood, he dashed forward at full speed, and realized that he was moving at such an incredible pace that he could barely see! In an instant, he was at the other end of the park. He concentrated deeply, then dashed all the way back. This time he didn't stop, he wanted to see where he would go... He opened his eyes a moment later, and saw the Atlantic Ocean! He paused, then turned around and ran back to the park... "Kato... for once I have something to thank you for..."
  22. "Charli, I need your help real bad..." Ren thought as hard as he could, he had recieved a bit of aenesthesia, so he was a bit drowsy. "Lt. Akashi killed my dad, and I think it was more than just an accident." "Well, what does that have to do with me?" "I can't tell you why, but I need to be able to get hold of some authority at the trial..." "How do you plan on doing that?" "I can do it with...your help..." "Okay...what is your plan?" "I need you..." Ren was beginning to fall asleep. "I need you to get to the police... tell them that Seth killed my father intentionally..." "What? Why?" "Because... I can get... Seth to...." Ren had passed out cold before he could finish. Charli looked ahead in disbelief, Ren wanted to accuse Seth of murder? He obviously had a reason, but now he was asleep and had no way of telling her. She wasn't sure what to do... *** Seth was faced with a charge of 2nd degree manslaughter, and he knew that he deserved it. He was now paralyzed in a wheelchair, but that wasn't bringing Vujae Hikigane back... Seth thought of himself in his younger days. He had infact been friends with Vujae, but when he joined the military, he never saw Vujae again, since he seemed to have some kind of vendetta against the armed forces. Despite that, he ran an independent weapons and munitions store, and was made a sucess. Vujae was never the type of person to look back, but he could have at least told Seth that he had a son... Seth looked up an the police officers, who wheeled him into their cruiser and drove off...
  23. Ren had begun to awaken once again, these nuses had to stop pumping him with aenesthetics, already! He looked for the General but didn't find him. Now what was he going to do? He was certain that he had a plan to get Akashi to talk, but he needed some authority on his side to help implement it. The Col. wouldn't be any help, because he would have to tell him that he knows about his past, which would leave Ren in the cemetery! He looked around for some kind of an answer, but then saw a girl standing outside talking with an older lady. Someone who looked like... "CHARLI!!! CHARLI!!!" "What?! Not again..." The nurse prepared another needle... "CHARLI!!! I NEED TO TALK TO CHARLI!" Ren looked over as the nurse was about to put the needle in his arm. "STAY THE F**K AWAY FROM ME!!" The nurse jumped back in shock. "CHARLI!!!"
  24. Glenn looked ahead for some kind of technique he could use, but then pulled his sword cane out. He unsheathed it and threw it into the air, concentrating deeply, he began to miake it spin around and around like a boomerang. He made it rise, descend, fly around and do tricks like a toy airplane. Elli laughed a little, thinking it was like a toy. Then Glenn moved the sword about 100 feet away, then it rushed at him with an amazing force. He spun around and grabbed it, and the g-force traveled through the air and knocked a tree over and into the street. Elli laughed a little. "Cute."
  25. Ouch man! What is with you and cannibalism?! Name: Akira "Tiga" Futeki Age: 17 Time: 3275 Dragon Soul: Ironin Element: Metal Weapon: Iron kendo stick Bio: Akira (which he never likes being called) loves to play basketball, hang out with friends, and loaf around the rest of the weekend. He becomes aware of his power when he gets hit in the back with a steel beam in a construction accident and isn't injured! He wants to get a nice job and do something fun with his life, but saving the world wasn't what he had in mind.
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