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Cross looked ahead with an apathetic expression, Sakura was somewhat confused as he began to walk forward an into a school... ...Scanning region...target acquired...Tamika Winters within 75'... "She is definetely here, come..." Cross began to walk towards the athletic complex and looked at the massive lacrosse field. He saw many girls were practicing their best shots, but Cross also noticed an unnatural wind. ...Dragon Soul Zephoria identified...Tamika Winters within 30'... "She is definetely here..." A whistle blew and the girls went for the locker room, each one giving Cross a strange look as they went by. The last girl apprached more slowly... ...Energy receptors rising...Tamika Winters within 10'... Tamika looked at Cross, but then he spoke. "Wait..." Tamika stopped to look at him. "I need to speak to you... Miss Winters..." "Who are you?" "Someone who needs your help..."
Seth had a dream, he was standing, or rather, floating in the middle of space. He looked around at the stars, but they weren't stars, they were tears. He looked to his side and saw Ren with an apathetic look on his face. Seth reached over to put a hand on his shoulder and suddenly fell over. In real life he had rolled off the hospital bed and landed on his side. An alarm rung and several nurses came in to lift him up and put him back in bed. He looked around with a confused look on his face. He tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. One of the nurses looked at him. "Are you alright? everything okay?" She spoke in a tone as though she was deeply sorry for him. He tried to speak, but a rough groan escaped his throat. "I'm sorry, but you can't speak because of the medications." Seth tried to get up, but he couldn't, he couldn't feel anything below his neck. "Oh dear... I'm sorry to say this, but you can't move..." Seth looked up in agony and felt a tear roll down his face, he had been paralyzed by the accident. Suddenly he felt extremely anxious and commanded all of the energy in his body to speak. "...Who...?" The nurse looked over in surprise. "Who..did I...hit?" "It was in the news, I'm so sorry..." "Who...Who..?" "His name was....Vujae Hikigane.." Seth felt overcome by the most incredible sadness in his life, and another tear rolled down. He had killed Ren's father, what would he say? Suddenly the doors opened and another nurse stepped in. "They want to see him now." "He's not in stable condition yet, he won't be able to..." "NOW!" The nurse was very insistent, Seth rolled his head to the side and saw a wheelchair. The two nurses picked him up and placed him in, then proceeded to roll him out into the hall...
Glenn was stunned by this flow of news. He turned to Elli for some kind of support, but she was as confused as he was. "What is happening to us..? Why... why is this happening now?" "I have no idea." Elli replied, Glenn was never struck with the idea that he would have to save the world, but he did have some power, and he shared it with Elli. "What is all this...?"
Name: Niyente Azayaka Appearance: Fine light blond hair, blue eyes about 5'9", usually seen in a grey jacket and sweats. Bio: An orphan who has a natural knack with technology, he found a broken PET lying on the street and fixed it, he even programmed it himself. He loves to hang around with friends and is a great guy to talk to. Chips: Barrier, Satellite 3, Recov, Dash Attack, Mega Bomb, Attack: Kijin Form Navi Name: Jet Navi Appearance: Black and white suit, small bladed triangles on hands and feet, jetpack on the back. Navi Bio: His creator is quite good to him, and always looks to engage in a conversation. His data is also related to that of another Navi, but since he was reprogrammed, he cannot remember what the other Navi was like.
OOC: Thomas is creepy, man, We are running out of characters so anyone feel free to create a second character in recruitment. I suggest trying to make them from other time areas, almost everyone is somewhere in the year 2000, so spread it out a little IC: Cross and Cay returned to the place where their friends were, and noticed that Sakura was already with them. "That was fast, what happened?" "I came to your side because I chose to." Sakura replied. This annoyed Cross, since he had to do all the fighting. "Excellent, we can now divide into three and get the next group." Cross looked around at his team, deciding who would go best with who. "Thomas, you will go with...Cay." Cross had a suspicion that this man had something sinister in mind, but the young girl was more than a match for him, he was certain. "Enix...you go alone." He felt that since Enix was experienced with his Dragon Soul, he could take another one on one. "Sakura, you will come with me. Now, there are 3 others that I have recieved data on, and they exist in different time periods. Thomas and Kay, your target is a man named Dango, a genetic superhuman, so be careful. Enix, your target is a young lady named Saina, she is of a stronger element than yourself, but your experience should be able to beat her power. Go!" Two portals opened up and the groups jumped in. "What about us?" Sakura asked. "We are looking for Tamika Winters, she is quite powerful and skilled, so be on your guard." The last portal opened and the duo jumped in...
"General Hathoway, Sir! I think that there may be some kind of link between all the deaths that have been going on!" Ren reported. "What is it?" "These deaths, they all happened to students and even a teacher, there must be some kind of reason!" "What the hell is it then, boy?" The General hoped that there would be a point to this. "I am not certain, but I think that these deaths are... part of our training, sir!" "The training? How?" "Well, you explained it yourself to me, sir. All of the awful things that had happened to the Col. made him into a hardened soldier. So, somebody may be trying to do the same to us!!" "That's quite a theory, son. What kind of proof do you have?" "Proof...uh..." Ren was firing blanks there... "Nice try, boy, but you can't raise up an issue like conspiracy without proof..." "I've got it! I need to see Lt. Akashi!" Ren formulated a plan. If he was right, Akashi had lured himself into a trap... "Lt. Akashi is on trial, he...killed..." The General wondered how to break it to the boy. "I already know about that!" "What?" "I need to see him before the trial is over!!!" "I don't know how you can do that, son." The General began to get irritated. "But sir! If I am correct we can get him to tell us the truth!" "That's enough! Nurse, make sure this boy doesn't move around too much, he's having a bad day..." "General Hathoway, sir!" "Goodbye, Mr. Hikigane." Ren was about to protest further, but he felt a sharp pain in his arm, then began to feel drowsy... OOC: FYI Dmitri, your signature says "You may defeat me but you can never defeat me." (defeat appears 2 times!)
Ren slowly awoke from the haze of anethstetic sleep to find himself in the sick bay. He tried to get up to protest but a sharp pain shot through his arm and he nearly screamed. However, he lay back down slowly and allowed the events of the past night to replay themselves. Then again, he wasn't sure if it was last night, or the night before, or the night a week ago. He had lost all sense of time, but he realized one thing, his father was dead. He felt strange, but the words of his father flowed back into his mind. "Don't cry over me after I'm gone, Hikiganes don't cry, and you will know that I won't be going down without a fight..." "Dad," Ren thought to himself, was this all some kind of psychotic dream? What was happening to the world around him? Why was everybody's world falling apart like this?! Ren thought furiously for an answer... he thought about everyone who had fallen victim to this horrible mishap... but he wasn't sure it was like that. He figured there must be something happening, something big. Why was this happening? Clark had had it hard enough... Clark?!?! Ren began to get extremely agitated, he had figured something big out!! "HEY, HEYY!!!" Ren began to scream for help. "SOMEBODY!!! ANYBODY!!! COME QUICK!!!"
Ren awoke with a shock. He was extremely tired, but he had to get up and move around. He had another dream, and it ended with him being buried alive in sugar, but that was of no importance. It was the middle of the night, and his watch said 2 AM. Ren groaned, but unfortunately he woke up Dai's friend Ritchie. "...Wen?" He asked innocently. "Oh, sorry." "Where are you gowing?" "I need to walk around a bit, I'm too restless." "Oh, kay." "Go back to sleep." "Goodnight, Wen." The boy began to doze off. "Goodnight." Ren got up, careful not to wake anyone, and stepped outside. He had no shirt on, and it was extremely cold, but he was too restless to do anything else. He raced as fast as he could to the front gate to look at the road. He checked his watch and realized that he had set a new record, nice. Suddenly a mail truck came by and stopped in front of the school, the driver got out and looked at Ren. "This the Academy?" "Yeah." "Got a package here for...Rijin Hikigane." "Ok, I'll give it to him." "See ya." The man left as abruptly as he had come, Ren looked at the package wrapped in newspaper, but then he noticed that the package was the newspaper, and on it there was a note. "I'm sorry." It read, Ren, ever curious, read the article on the front page, and his eyes widened at the headline... *** LOCAL WEAPONS AND MUNITIONS STORE PROPRIETOR SLAIN *** -Vujae Hikigane, age 44, was killed today in a traffic accident. He was hit by an 80's Buick which was travelling down the road in excess of 80 MPH. The driver, Lt. Commander Seth Akashi of the local military acadamy, was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, but he did drive up onto the sidewalk and run over Mr. Hikigane, whereupon he immediately ran into a wall, and is now being hospitalized. It is expected that he will be disabled, and he is still being charged with 2nd degree manslaughter. There will be further investigation into the matter, as police will be visiting the academy to check on the Lt.'s status in the academy, as well as the victim's son, Rijin Hikigane... Ren didn't even bother to read the rest, he dropped the paper on the ground, and he thought to hismelf "So, it's finally happened..." Suddenly an incredible voice came from behind him. "WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" Ren wheeled and saw the Col. standing some 20 feet away, in a rage. "Why the hell are you here?! Get back to your bunk NOW!!" Ren stood there, thinking for a moment. "COME HERE NOW!!!" The Col. began to walk forward, but Ren dashed at him and was caught. A moment later, however, Ren pulled out the Col.'s knife... "Give me...!" Ren jumped away and held the kife in the air, as though he wanted the world to see it, then he thrust it down into his chest....
"Truly you must be the one! At least allow me to explain..." Cross was cut off as every machine in the area shot a lightning bolt at him. Cay stood back and began to laugh. "Now you know not to mess with me!" She rushed forward and began to spin her glaive around in the air. She jumped and brought down the weapon, but Cross jumped up and sent out an energy wave to block the hit. He put up his Time Blade and began to fight. Cay spun around and triet to hit Cross from a low angle, but he jumped to the side and bounced off a wall. He brought down the blade, but it was blocked easily and Cay threw him off. He landed on top of a machine, but it began to spark and electrocute him. Cay rushed forward, holding the blade low, and tried to uppercut, but Cross rolled out of the way just in time and the machine was cut in half. Cay turned around, but it was already too late, as Cross had fired a Time Shot which knocked her over and temporarily paralyzed her. Cross threw Seeker and it pinned her weapon to the floor. "The world will be ending around the year 4000. I am here to collect people who can posess the powers of the Dragon Souls and rebuild the world." "Why should I believe you?" "Because you have this power, why not put it to good use? Why would I lie?" "Hmph, it's true I can do this..." Cay got up, but her weapon stayed on the ground. "I still am not sure if I can believe you, though." "That doesn't matter now, I just need your help, please." "...Maybe..." Cross opened up the portal, and jumped inside, Seeker following. Cay thought for a moment, then picked up her glaive and followed...
Ren rolled around in bed. He was asleep, but having the weirdest dreams. He dreamt that he was Col. Clark, running from a bunch of zombies as well as Charli and her fiancee. He kept on running, but then banged into a glass tower, looked up and saw his family. Suddenly the tower tipped over and fell on him, and he saw for an instant that it was a giant jar of the Hikigane's hot hauce. Ren awoke with a start, and looked outside, It was dark out, but there still seemed to be some activity going on outside. He got up to see what everybody was doing, and he saw that it was still only 8 PM, but a lot of people were crowding around the flagpole. Ren got up and looked at the activity, and noticed that someone had set up a shrine of some sort. Ren wasn't sure why, but then it hit him that this was a memorial! Ren thought for a moment, then prayed a bit for all of the recently deceased, which was as close to religion as Ren had ever gotten in his life. He then returned to his bunk to catch a bit more sleep, since he was extremely tired. He then had another dream where he jumped out of the plane again, and landed in a lake full of tomato soup, when his uncle Teo showed up on a paper boat and threw him a giant macaroni noodle to use as a life raft. Ren thought that he wouldn't tell anyone about this, but he was beginning to get a little hungry... OOC: what drama! Anyway, I won't be here very much as of this Thursday, just so you know.
"You are Cay Graff, correct?" Cross asked the young girl. She was stunned that he had noticed her. "So what if I am?" She replied, vey annoyed. Cross hoped that they would not have to engage in combat. "I am here to tell you something, something about why people look at you the way they do..." Cay began to get nervous, who was this freak? "You are the possessor of a Dragon Soul, one of 14 at anytime in this world. I am much like youself, able to manipulate the energies that I am closest to..." "Shut up! What is it that you want?!" "I want you to come with me... to help me save the world..." "What are you talking about?! Stay away!" Suddenly a bolt of lightning erupted out of one of the machines and struck Cross, however he was barely fazed. "You see? That was your doing..." "Leave me alone!" Another bolt shot out, but Cross blocked it with his Time Blade. "You cannot escape, either come with me quietly, or fight and show me you are truly the one!!!" Cross dashed forward to strike, but he was blocked by another larger bolt of lighning, Cay began to glow bright yellow. "Electrinok! Thunderburst!" She yelled, and a large sphere of energy erupted from her body, blowing Cross against the wall. He got up, tasting blood. "This could be interesting..." OOC: As of Thursday, I'll be on vacation and won't have easy access to a computer, so I won't be here very much. You guys try to take over from then on!
Ren left the office in disgust, he had gotten the answers he was looking for, but he was right, they weren't what he wanted to hear. He went to the mess hall to eat dinner, even though he wasn't hungry. He preferred to have a little something so he didn't grow too weak. On the way, however, he bumped into Dai, who seemed mad or upset about something. "Hey man, what's happening?" He tried to be kind, but Dai just left. Ren thought to himself why nobody ever told him anything anymore. He had a little food, just enough to restore some strength, and left for his bunk, he wanted to get a little sleep and think over what had happened that day. He fell asleep, but woke up after 20 minutes, realizing who he could ask for help. Ren rushed into the mess hall, looking for Lt. Akashi, but when he asked the teachers told him that he had disappeared earlier. However, Ren gave up and returned to get some sleep, he didn't care what time it was, he had to get these ideas out of his head.
"Unbelievable, why is this all happening now?" Seth was very confused, even for a man of his profession. He had just heard the young lady Reggie cursing something about her father, as well as Swift falling off the top of a flagpole. The youth Ren seemed somewhat distraught as well, but now Seth had no idea what was going on. Investigation is key, he thought. He had left the bunker just before Dai's awakening, and he now had to find out what had happened to to Miss Genki. He walked towards the mess to get something to eat, but bumped into Col. Clark. "My apologies," He said hastily and kept walking, but noticed that he dropped a letter. As he left, he picked up the letter, wondering if he should read it. His natural knack for finding out things about people was more of a curse, it was the sole reason no one liked him. He read the letter and dropped it when he had seen the news. "My God...." Seth was now more infuriated than he ever was in his life. He rushed outside to the parking lot and got inside his car. "No more...not again..." He hastily started up the car and drove off, he needed some time to clear his head...
"It is less than a simple matter, I am afraid..." Cross told Enix, "The world will be ending in only a few years, therefore, we require your assistance, as well as Tahu, to rebuild it." Enix was surprised, but he still had to make sure Cross knew what he was talking about. "Why should I believe you?" "You've seen it yourself, you are the only one who can use that power. Besides, this will happen in your lifetime, and you could have the opportunity to rule the new world!" "...Very well, so long as I have nothing better to do..." "Good, now, we need a new plan of attack, the other 11 must be found quickly! Enix and Thomas, I will transport you both to the year 2010 to pick up a young woman named Sakura. You will know her when you see her. I will be in the year 2065 to get my next target, Cay Graff." "Just get on with it!" Thomas roared in disgust. The two portals opened and the two groups jumped in... ...Cross awoke in the year 2065 in the same location... he could feel and incredible energy signal coming from afar, based on an EM wave. "Cay Graff...prepare yourself..."
Glenn looked around in confusion at everyone around him. These people weren't meteorologists, some were quite young. Glenn looked over and felt the wind blow against his face, but his hair wasn't blowing. He noticed something on his back, and realized that he had brought his sword cane with him. He looked to the young lady next to him. "Who are you?" "Ny name is Knoelle, Elli" She looked rather distraught at something. "Do...do you feel it as well? The winds are shifting inconsistently..." "Of course, I have some kind of power when it comes to wind. I was playing lacrosse one day, and I made the wind change, I was sure of it..." "Hmph, sometimes I can predict the weather, and my hair blows when there is no wind around..." Glenn was far from certain as to what was happening, but he could definetely feel something coming...
"The world will be ending some 3500 years from now." Cross continued to speak the native tongue. "I am searching for those capable of helping me rebuild the world, and you just happen to be one of them." "What?! 3500 years? Why does it matter, I will be dead!" "You wouldn't rather save other lives?" "They have no meaning to me!" "Very well, how would you envision the power the change the world at your will?" Cross had begun attempting to trigger a human emotion listed as #182: Greed. "Change the world?" "Yourself, and that Dragon Soul Buliwyf could dominate the new world!" "Domination..." Thomas was beginning to take a liking to this. "It is all yours if you seek to join me..." "I will consider..." "I am afraid we haven't much time, the second one awaits, and I must see him before my life falls in danger!" "Very well! I will have to take charge, though!" "I am afraid that is impossible, I am the only one able to initiate the time travel, you can only survive it." "Alright, but I will not answer to you!" "Oh, and the only thing is, what you see may be...surprising..." Cross gave the signal to search out their new coordinates, and when the portal arrived, the duo jumped in and it carried them all the way back to the year 4000... "What is this?!" Thomas cried out in astonishment at the buildings. "I told you you would be surprised." Cross began searching for their next target. It was acquired almost instantly, meaning that it was very close... ...Enix Kiro....
OOC: The same to you. IC: Cross came to just in time to see Thomas press two swords to his throat. "Wait!" Cross yelled in German, causing the man to pause only momentarily. "Did you feel that? That fury, that anger, that power? It is inside of you as well..." Cross began to get a little desperate, but maintained his composure. "That power is inside of you as well!" "Lies!" Thomas roared and brought down the swords, which were stopped by an energy field. "Show me..." Cross caused a surge of energy which knocked Thomas far back enough to allow him to get up. "Show me you have this power!!!" Cross began to glow white again. "Buliwyf!" Thomas roared as a giant tree bent over at an amazing speed, threatening to crush Cross. "Time Blade!" Cross yelled as a large light sword appeared attached to his fist and sliced through the tree, Cross still had to jump out of the way, however. Thomas controlled another tree and caused it to swing to the side, Cross needed to push a little harder to leap over it, but when he came down, Thomas had begun charging at him. Cross split his Time blade in two, and they began to fight. Cross spun around once to break the charge, then lunged forward with both blades out. Thomas blocked with great accuracy, and then began a flurry of blows which even Cross had a hard time dealing with. "His strength and speed are superhuman! He truly is the one!" Cross thought to himself, but then he decided to think back to phase 3 of his parameters, any person or persons considered haphazardrous are not considered liabilities... Cross ducked and then jumed upwards to break Thomas' momentum. When he landed, Thomas was alredy behind him, they spun around and pointed their swords at each other. Cross grinned, the end wasn't in sight quite yet...
Seth was all alone, he had no more classes for the rest of the day. and his encounter with Day seemed less than pleasant. He watched the sun begin to set, and wondered what was happening. He always seemed so closed off from the outside world, which was in direct contradiction with his policy as a Recon tracher. However, he could see that everyone seemed distraught as of late. First Charli, then the Col. Now he noticed that Ren had seemed fairly distraught, Day was in a bad mood as well, since she didn't seem to fit in. In addition, he had just seen the Col. deliver a letter to that boy Dai, with a very disoriented appearance. What was happening? Seth jogged to the boys bunker, only to see the boy Dai asleep on the bunk, his friends next to him. "Hello Mr. Akashi." the boy Bradley said. "Is he sleeping?" "He fainted." "Oh dear, what happened?" He noticed a letter lying next to the bed, and he opted to read it and learn the awful news... He looked solemnly at the poor boy, and placed a hand over his chest out of sadness. "Please don't tell him you read it." Bradley asked. "I...promise." OOC: Sorry Daisuke! (all those who had not read the original disregard this)
OOC: Well, Dmitri, wether I have really learned anything or not, it still makes an interesting plot twist, no? Besides, that's not even what I think, I put that in because i figured it would be more interesting if Ren had been wrong. The "best person" I was thinking of was Lt. Seth Akashi, since he is pro at knowing everything about everyone, but I'll play it your way. IC: Ren dashed at top speed for the principal, or General's office. These thoughts whirling around in his head made him dizzy, he even got so distracted that he ran into a wall. No matter what he decided to with the answers he got, his top priority now was getting them first. He slowed down as he approached the General's office, and, trying his best to calm his nerves, knocked on the door. "Come in." Ren thought he was about to be put in the electric chair, but then he opened the door and saluted the General. "At ease, soldier." However, Ren held his stance for a moment before snapping out of it. "What do you want?" The General asked, apparantly a bit busy. "General Hathoway! Sir! I...I..." "Speak up boy, I can barely understand you." "I..I..I would like to ask about...Col. Clark..." the General looked puzzled. "What's your name, boy?" "Ren...Rijin Hikigane, sir!" "So you're that boy, I had your guns sent out, Col. Clark said you were somewhat of a haphazard." Ren frowned, Haphazard? Me? He snapped out of it so that he could continue. "I..wish to know about Col. Clark's... personal... info..." "Why?" "I...I don't know, sir." "You don't know?" "No, sir, I have no clue, sir!" Ren began to feel more confident, even though he looked like an idiot. "I want to know, sir, for the sake of... the Col.'s well being!" "Son, I am afraid that whatever Clark is, or was, is of no business to you." Ren, however, wasn't going down without a fight. "Sir, I only ask out of... pity..." "Pity?" "Pity for the Col." "Son, I have no idea what you have planned, but I am not about to turn this school into a bleeding hearts soap opera..." "Sir! I promise that no one will hear of this...sir!" Ren knew what he was saying was true. If he did finally learn the awful truth, he was certain that he would regret it later...
Ren got up long after everyone else had left. He was lying on the ground, deep in thought. What was Col. Clark's problem? For some reason, Ren wasn't angry or spiteful, he was puzzled. The Col. seemed to be experiencing some drastic mood swings lately, maybe he was having some kind of problem. Ren thought back to what Seth had said earlier. "Miss Howards has left on a personal assignment..." Ren then thought that he had seen the two together in the mess hall... then from the Col.'s last words before he had left, he figured that the Col. had seen some pretty awful things in his army days... but then that never accounted for Charli's advice in the mess hall, and then... Suddenly the answer hit Ren like a ton of bricks in the face. Col. Clark and Charli are...in love?! Ren had to shake his head to clear the barrage of thoughts that followed. The Col. and Charli... They didn't seem to get along but, maybe they are just hiding it? Maybe the Col. was angry because Charli had left? That paired with what the Col. had said earlier... that would definetely put any normal guy in the nut house. However, there were too many pieces of the puzzle missing, but he figured out the one thing that would lead to all the answers... He had to find out what happened to Charli... he had heard some news in the school, but he had to know the real reason, so he looked around for his friend Dai. "Dai! Dai!" Ren called out, he had rushed to the sick ward as fast as he could. "What happened to Charli?!" Ren asked hastily, seeming very agitated. "You didn't he..." "OF COURSE I DIDN'T HEAR!!! No one ever tells me anything!!!" Dai was scared by Ren's haste. "She... her boyfriend died in a war... she wanted to go clear her head..." Ren stopped dead, the answers had all come together, just as he had predicted. Charli's boyfriend had died in a war... Clark liked Charli... Clark was in a war where terrible things had happened... Clark is like this because...he hates himself??? Ren felt stranger than he ever did in his life... the answers had come together, the mystery was solved... almost solved... Ren began racing in the other direction, leaving behind a very confused Dai. There was one more thing that he had to know, to make sure he was right... and he knew who to ask...
OOC: Very impressive Dmitri, I never knew you had so many talents. IC: Damage to lower portion... knee continuing functions as normal... damage indicator only 40% at maximum... Cross looked up at the strange man speaking a foreign language... Translation in progress... "If I cannot have deer, then I shall have man for dinner!" The man said evilly. Cross then darted upwards and pointed auxiliary weapon "Seeker" at the man's throat. He ducked out of the way and tried to ready another arrow, but Cross had lunged away in an instant. The man tried to return to hunting, but suddenly Seeker flew out from behind him and pinned him to a tree. The man was far from immobilized, however, as he shot another arrow that hit Cross in the chest. There was no other choice. Initianting emergency procedure... Cell format restructuring in compliance with activation of DNA anomaly Chronous... Energy levels rising... Cross began to glow a bright white, and the Dragon Soul had begun to activate.... Primary, Secondary and all Auxiliary energy supplies at 100%... Diffusing energy into mainstream... Focusing into cavity... Auxiliary cannon function has been activated... Target acquired... Fire... "Time Shot..." Cross focused the light into his hands and when the man tried to shoot an arrow, it stopped in the air in front of him. Cross then fired the Time Shot, causing the man to twitch and then stiffen... Searching for any DNA structuring anomalies...found... DNA in direct link with cells relating to Chronous... Target has been confirmed... Cross smiled, this was the man he had been looking for, now all that was left was to explain...
Ren was finally glad to be out of that pit. That kid Kyle was something else! And his good buddy John was quite the innovator! Seth, somewhat impressed by their skills, allowed them to leave early to get to their next class on time. Whereas everyone else had to stay behind for wasting their time in the pit. A good half hour after the next class started, Ren made a mad dash for the airstrip, since his next class was paratrooper training with none other than the Lord of Hell. "You're late, Stimpy." Ren wondered why he pointed that out, since he clearly wasn't the only one. "Yes, sir." "Tactics with Lt. Commander Akashi?" "Yes, sir." "Heh, he always does that." The Col. walked off, Ren was stunned that he recieved no punishment. "Today's class is paratrooper training, you will not be using the plane anytime soon, since this will take days of practice! However..." The Col. looked at Ren. "Stimpy here has quite a reputation of suicide attempts, think you'll survive a second try?" "I'm a Hikigane, sir, of course I'll survive." "Hikigane, what the hell is that anyway?" "Japanese, sir, it means 'trigger'." The Col. walked off, muttering something about why he was stuck with all the Japanese freaks. He wheeled and began to adress the class on how they would be exercising inside a wind tunnel. He took the boys inside and showed them how to do it, but Ren wasn't paying any attention. "You got a problem, Stimpy?" "I already know how to parachute, sir." "Okay then, hotshot, show us your moves." The Col. said cockily. Ren stepped into the wind tunnel and began to float, he then began doing tricks like falling faster or slower, spinning around and doing barrel rolls. The class was impressed, but then the Col. got tired and cut the power, sending Ren crashing back to earth. "Not bad, but now you'll give me 50 for not paying attention." Ren grinned, he was getting used to this by now. "Heh, keep this up and you might just get your name back." Fat chance, Ren thought, he'd rather have his hair.
Cross Mirai awoke with a start, he had finally been awakened from a genetic sleep, and was prepared to carry out his mission. Chronous inside of him felt ready as well. "Subject E243, please carry out proper introduction." a woman holding a clipboard told him. "Cross...Mirai." Cross said. "Please state mission parameters and objectives." "No unnecesary violence to avoid interference with timeline, do not attempt interference in important historical events, do not state full mission outline to outsiders, hazardrous subjects possessing Dragon Souls must not be marked liable. Mission: Find any and all persons containing even the slightest trace of Dragon Soul data in their DNA. Continue operations as planned." "...And?" "Please enter level 5 security code to recieve data." "Urrgh, stupid thing. At least it works all right." The woman moved over to a large metal casket. Cross followed and got in, whereupon a coundown began. "Reactor at 60%, 30 seconds to initiation, vital signs and brainwave data cleared, 20 seconds, Reactor at 80%, lifeline expiry estimated at 50, Zero Zone cleared, confirmation has been established, 10 seconds, Zero Zone active, initiating coordinates...complete... Initiating..." Cross felt nothing as he was sucked down into a deep portal of some kind. He was uncertain as to where he would arrive, his only instruction was to acquire Dragon Soul data... He arrived a moment later in a large clearing, whereupon he began to search for info... Time line uncertain, subject aquired, searching for DNA data... Dragon Soul data acquired, Subject name is Thomas Hidenburg, German, Time line data yet to be resolved... Cross walked forward, this man, Thomas, had to be found...
Sign Up Dragon Souls: Journey Across Time (13 spots)
Wondershot replied to Wondershot's topic in Theater
Ok, I figure that we have enough characters to begin, but not to end the story. Ppl can still sign up, but I think I'll start it off so more ppl know what it is. (Does it usually take long to get enough members? I dunno, but I'll give it a try) -
OOC: Where is everybody? Have they dumped the story? IC: Seth paced impatiently around the edge of the hole, he pushed in anybody who tried to get out, (except Dai for some reason) and went on with his lesson all the while. "Tactical strength is as important in battle as weaponry and experience. If you cannot use it effectively, there is no chance of survival." Seth reared back as all of the hole's occupants jumped out at once and mad a mad dash for their instructor. However, they activated a trip wire and a pair of boulders that they were attached to fell into the hole, the tension caused the wire to snap back, catching the ankles of each and every student and drag them back into the hole. Seth groaned, and continued. "Oh, by the way, Mr. Hikigane. I heard of your failed attempt to poison the Col. with a jar of hot sauce. I would like you to know that the Col. is one of the less predictable people I've met, and that Charli will be unable to help you." Ren looked up. "Charli? What happened?" "Oh, you hadn't heard? Of course, my luring you out here effectively cut off your communications from the building, leaving you out here to..." "What happened to Charli?!" "Miss Howards has left on a personal assignment, I have no obligation to tell you what it is, though. In addition, all that time you spend in that hole will be taken outside of class time, and you will be reported late to your next teacher." Ren groaned, he had the Col. in his next class. What else could go wrong today?!