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Everything posted by Wondershot

  1. Ren was standing in the middle of a big open field, confused. This happened a lot, but this time there were others next to him doing the same. They were told to go to facility SA on the east side of the facility, but there was nothing there! Ren wondered why their Recon and Tactical Training teacher had gotten the adress wrong, when a massive explosion rocked the ground, causing everyone to fall down. A man emerged from the smoke, he had neat parted hair, silver, as well as a dark tan. "You see?" he asked the group. "If that had been real, you would all be dead." Everyone looked around, still very confused. "I am Lt. Commander Seth Akashi, However you will refer to me as Lt. Akashi or Sir. The purpose of Recon and Tactical Training is to show you just how effectively a superior strategy will own superior weaponry any day." Ren groaned, thinking of the Hikigane family motto, "always pack more heat than the next guy". "For your first lesson, your objective, is me." He said, everyone looked confused, Lt. Akashi walked over to a patch of weeds lying on the ground and then stopped. "All of you, charge straight at me, NOW!" The group of people obeyed and rushed for their tracher, only to fall into a giant pit which had been covered with grass. "You see?" Seth told to the body pile below. "You fell for it without a fight, that is the idea behind this course, to know more than the others." Ren grimaced, this guy had quite a sense of humour, but recon wasn't quite his thing, so he waited for further instructions. "I am afraid that class cannot continue until you all get out of that hole." Ren looked up in agony, the hole was some 15 feet deep and no footholds were in sight. However, using his acrobatic skills, Ren was able to just reach the edge of the hole, and lift himself up. However, on his way up, the instructor pushed him back in! "You'll have to do better than that."
  2. Seth was quite distraught at the news as well, and he was wondering if the students had heard the news as well. However, he would have to go talk to Charli later, as he had a class to go to now. He wondered how the students would react when they meet their new teacher. He smirked in spite of himself. It would be an experience none would forget...
  3. Whatever you see fit is fine with me. I am glad this is going well, but we could use more members. If not enough people come, then we may have to have 2 characters for a few ppl. I may start the story soon anyway though, so tell others about this, ok?
  4. "Damn! I can't believe he saw through that!" Ren said, quite annoyed. "But if he did, what was all that screaming?" John asked. His question was answered a moment later when Dai's friends Richard and Ritchie came running into the mess hall, screaming at the tops of their lungs, they looked into Ren's bag and came out with 2 bottles of water, which they consumed in an instant. "You idiots didn't try to eat my sauce?!" Ren scolded, the boys nodded in unison between gulps. Ren began to bang his head on the table. "Well, what are we going to do now?" Dai asked sheepishly. "No matter, I'm gonna get that son of a b**** Clark if it's the last thing I do!" Ren stood up and placed a hand over his heart. "And I swear that upon my name as a Hikigane!" "And with that ceremonial outburst, I think I'll get out of here." John got up and left. Dai left too, along with the boys, whose mouths were still aching. Ren looked around and then reached into his backpack to see what was next. He looked in confusion at his next class, "Recon and Tactical Training". Ren got up slowly, but still had his latest evil scheme to think about. He laughed to himself, he couldn't wait to see the look on Clark's face when they pull their next whammy on him!
  5. Name: Kura Shirei Age: 26 Weapons: Bladed staff Sex: Male Bio: His father and older brother were known to be great holy men and keepers of wisdom. However, when the meteor hit, his father died and his brother disappeared. Certain that his big brother is not dead, Kura left to find him as well as spread his family's wisdom throughout the ravaged land.
  6. Great work, everyone! I hope we can get a few more people and this seems to be going great. However, K.K.C. and T man, you cannot both have Lightning, so sort that out amongst yourselves. If necessary I could decide, but aside from that, tell ppl about this and I think it will make a great story! Pics can be used too, in fact I would love to see them, keep them characters coming!
  7. "Ok, anybody got some kind of a plan?" Ren asked the group. They needed to pull a fast one on the Col. before he could catch up, emphasis on "fast". The kid Swift wasn't too sure about the idea, but if he told the Col. about their ideas then he would get a beating later. "Best course of action, we mess with his food. Just look at him eat, he won't know what hit him!" Ren was starting to get jumpy. "Any suggestions?" Ren looked around for some kind of an idea and noticed that the Col had some gravy with his food, that lucky... "That's it! I know what to do! Wait here." Ren ran off in hopes of finding that famous family recipe that would knock the Lord of Hell's socks off. He went to the pay phone to make a collect call. "Hi, Aunt Mia?" "Hello dearest! and how is school going?" The woman on the phone asked. "Alright, but I was wondering if you could send me some of your SPECIAL sauce anytime soon, I can't get enough of it!" Ren began to giggle out of nerves and excitement. "I put some in your bag, sweetie, I know you love it!" "Seriously?! Thanks!" Ren was ecstatic and hung up with a quick "goodbye". He rushed back into the mess hall with some of the "sauce" (complete with Hikigane family logo!) and told his friends what they were going to do.... "Sir!" Ren adressed the Col. "What the hell do you want, Stimpy?" The Col. was still eating. "I require the use of my weapons for my next course, sir!" "Well, that's too bad." "Sir! I am required to..." "SHUT UP, STIMPY!" The Col. wheeled and got up, proceeding to yell in Ren's face and "drop down and give me 50!" However, he had failed to notice that Dai's friend Ritchie had slipped some of the "sauce" into his food, concealing it perfectly, since the gravy and sauce were the same color. After the torture that Ren was forced to endure, everyone returned to their seats. "What was all that about?" John asked. "The sauce...the food...hehehehe!!!" Ren began to giggle. "What is that sauce?" Dai asked. "Hikigane Family Special." Ren replied, "Or as I like to call it... 3 drops 9 responses! hehehehehe!!!" All that was left was to sit, and wait. Suddenly a piercing scream rang troughout the mess hall, and Ren could barely contain himself. "AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
  8. It's okay, I said you could have free rein with characters, so B.C. time could be used. All I ask is that everyone remember to PUT DOWN WHAT TIME THEY ARE FROM. If I have any serious problems with characters, I would send you a PM. So, Dmitri, your character is great, and I am more eager to see where this goes!
  9. Sorry, I just meant evil in the sense that he treats everyone badly in hope of chanelling their fury, but I can see what you mean. However, my character would be considered "evil" in the sense that he can manipulate people through their own minds and do what he wants with them (kinda like the guy on Law and Order: CI). Hence the idea that he teaches tactical and recon training. However, I was also wondering what your other character would be, Dmitri. You should know far more about this than me, so I am wondering myself.
  10. In the Year 40XX, Humanity is eventually wiped out by its own greed and decadence. However, a special research institute founded for the basis of time travel discovers that there may be something that can be done. Humanity will die no matter what happens, but there may be a way to reconstruct the world and start over. To that effect, the scientists breed a special human designed to withstand the stress of time travel. By giving his DNA a special genome known as a Dragon Soul, he is able to survive time travel. His mission is to find 13 others with Dragon Souls and find a way to recreate the world. Okay, there are 13 spots and I allow free rein with your characters, they can be from any point in time up to the year 4000 and they need to have a Dragon Soul. The 13 possibilites for a Dragon Soul are Forest, Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Metal, Sand, Ice, Holy, Lightning, Rune, Technology, and Spirit. (quite a lot, but you do as you like) Also give you Dragon Soul a name and preferred weapon. Here's my character. (my character uses another element, Time) Name: Cross Mirai Age: Unkown, but looks 19 Dragon Soul: Chronous Element: Time Weapon: 3 pronged boomerang dubbed "Seeker" Bio: Bred in a genetic research laboratory, Cross was meant to withstand the process of time travel. However, the researchers did not have enough time to program his brain, and therefore he knows very few words. His mission is to find the other 13 in order to save the world from extinction. First come, First served, A Dragon Soul can only be used once, so tough luck to those who don't make it. I will pick you guys up one by one, and then I will divide us into 2 teams, so choose who you want on your team amongst yourselfes, then PM me with your descisions. I hope that you guys have fun with this! P.S. Please remember to put down what time you came from so I know where to go!
  11. Name: Glenn Age: 21 Bio: Glenn came from the far east in order to find solace from the political strife ravaging the countries. He loves to collect swords, ornamental or real, and sometimes sells them for a profit. He was apparently related to a great eastern swordsmith, but there is little to support that, and Glenn has never tried making his own sword. However, he has apparently taught himself to fight with one, but he is even happier that he has never had to fight, he despises killing. He has long golden hair down to his knees, he keeps the hair in the back tied down into a ponytail, but in the front he has enormous bangs. He usually dresses normally, but on occasion he is seen wearing a kimono and sometimes walks around with a sword-cane. His hair usually flutters gently in the wind, but sometimes it blows when there is no wind outside. He went to Central park after watching the news that the wind was blowing from the north, but when he checked, it was blowing to the south, indicating a strange anomaly. THinking it might be a tornado, he rushed out of the house only to find others there, perhaps curious meteorologists? Element: Wind
  12. Name: Dokuja Raiko Age: 17 Weapons: bokuto and kunai (wooden katana and throwing knives) Desc: Spiky green hair, brown eyes, green tattos of scales on his arms, green vest and pants with black sash, combat boots and wristbands. Bio: Tall green hair and green scales tatooed on his arms have earned this young man the title of "Poison Snake of the East" (Hence the name Dokuja, meaning poison snake) He apparently aquired an immunity to poison, and it is said that he was aboandoned by his family as an infant, and when a poisonous snake bit him, he felt no pain. He learned some reading and writing from an old teacher, and after a while, Dokuja began sparring and learning martial arts. It is said that after he had been beaten by his master and embarassed, the master had been bitten by a poisonous snake in his sleep. Dokuja is somewhat of an outlaw due to his infamy, and he is uncertain what twists of fate had conspired to make him the way he is.
  13. OOC: Sakura kid, I applied for a teaching job, it's on the recruit board. Dmitri, glad you like the name, sorry for jumping the gun earlier. IC: Ren rushed out of class to eat. He was quite hungry, but so many pushups made him feel like vomiting. On the way to the mess hall, he bumped into Dai. "Hey, Dai!" Ren called out. "...Hi..." Dai managed weakly, he had problably had a run-in with the Lord of Hell himself. "So, what are you in for?!" Ren laughed out loud, but Dai seemed distressed. "Hey, whoa! I'm sorry! I only meant it as a joke!" Ren babbled apologetically, but Dai shook his head and managed a weak laugh. The boys had arrived in the mess hall a minute later, and they immediately rushed to get their food. Ren felt hngry enough to eat o horse, but an angry sick rumble from his stomach told him to go light. He picked up his plate wrapped in tinfoil, and unveiled a bit of dried meat and a single baked potato. Ren looked ant the contents, then sat down next to Dai, putting his plate on the table. "Well, I guess I don't have to worry about my diet plan!" Ren said aloud, nearly causing Dai to choke on his food. Ren patted him on the back. "You okay?" He asked, Dai nodded, and then another boy sat in front of them. "And who might you be?" Ren asked coyly. "John Grey." The boy replied, the latter seemed annoyed. "Well, Mr. John Grey, I figure by the look on your face you had a run-in with the Lord of Hell earier!" Ren said, keeping his voice down. "Now, if you guys want to see him come down as much as I do, I suggest that we work together. So we need: a) a plan, and b) a team name! So, any one got any ideas?" OOC: Dai, John, If you have any team name ideas or you want out of this team idea (sorry Sakura kid if you read my last version), PM me.
  14. Sakura kid, I was wondering if I could apply for a teaching job as well. Name: Seth Akashi Age: 32 Job: Recon and Tactical Training (I hope this is valid!) One of the newest teachers at the school, Seth trains people to survive behind enemy lines and blow away the opposition with superior strategy. He is perpetually evil, but unlike Col. Clark, he prefers to play mind games. His only goal is to make sure that he can teach his students the importance of intel at all costs, and he is known to let classes run extremely long, even into the night. Title: Lt. Akashi or Sir.
  15. I'll give it a shot too. Name: Trent Ryouko Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance: long greasy brown hair, green eyes, small nylon vest and sweats, and a brass choker. Bio: Somewhat of a goth, always alone and only seen outside at night. During the revolution, he was said to sneak up behind police and cut their throats. Sometimes seen with bloodstains around his mouth. A master of stealth and seems to keep his own agenda. Apparenly somewhat of a traveller, seen in alleyways and doing odd jobs for cash all around the country. Suspected of smuggling and drug dealing. Not greedy but will do anything to survive.
  16. Ren had rushed back from the barber's after watching his beautiful long hair ripped to shreds, kinda like his pride. He raced back wondering what the Almighty Col. Clark, the Lord of Hell had planned for him. After having to do a nauseating amound of pushups, (as per the devil's instructions) he had to sit back and listen to him rap about whatever self defense and stuff like that. Hand to hand wasn't his style, since he had recieved his prized weapons. He reached into his pack and realized that they were gone! "Looking for these, Stimpy?" Col. Clark had swiped his guns! "..." "Answer me, boy." "...Yes, sir..." "And this?" The Col. had also taken his bandanna! Ren felt a lump in his throat, who the hell did this guy think he was?! "...Yes, sir..." "Well, don't expect to see them again anytime soon!" The Col. pocketed the items. Ren was infuriated, the Hikigane family name was at stake! In either case, Ren finally decided that it was time to shut up and drop it, he was sure he would get his things back, someday... He looked into a corner and saw a young boy with brilliant red hair, albeit shorter than his..was. "Hey," "Oh, hi." The kid looked like a wreck, he probably had a run in with the Almighty Col. earlier. "Ren Hikigane, nice to meet you." "Daisuke...Dai." Ren smiled, he only hoped that the Lord of Hell never learned that this kid had a nickname as well. In either case, he was somwhat surprised at the fact that he had gotten away with using his nickname, but not for long. "Shut up when I am talking! Drop down and give me 50!" The Col. roared. Ren snorted, then got down and began. "One...Two." Suddenly a pain shot through his back, the Col. placed a foot on Ren's back! "Three...Four...Five..."
  17. Ren was genuinely annoyed at the school so far. As he had to make a mad dash for his first training session, he wondered what kind of an idiot built a high school campus with facilities whole miles apart. Ren thought to himself as he ran, there are two things that I seriously hate in this world, running and Daylight Savings Time. Since he was late for class, he had to do pushups and was left without a chair. Then he protested when a superior officer told him to remove his bandanna, which earned him several laps. He smiled in spite of himself, he had begun to earn himself a reputation! Later that day, however he had recieved an order to go see his commanding officer A.S.A.P. He rushed over to the head office despite exhaustion, but was greeted with a pleasant surprise. "Rijin Hikigane, correct?" the officer asked him. "Ren, sir." he replied, annoyed as ever. "We had your package cleared with full authroization from the commander and your father, here you go." He handed Ren the package, who tore it up gleefully to reveal a pair of submachine guns. complete with the Hikigane family logo. "WHOA!" Ren looked in stunned surprise at the weapons which had been inscribed "Angel" and "Glory". However, they had not come with clips, and there was a note inside which said that they would be sent later. "Pleased?" The commander asked him. "Yes, Sir!" Ren exclaimed gleefully. "Well, I am afraid that you are already late for the next course, now go!" Ren rushed out of the room without a second thought, but then cried out in glee as he ran at top speed for his next class.
  18. Ren and his uncle Teo were flying in the sky over the school, Ren was bouncing up and down with excitement and the fact that he wanted to make the plane rock. Teo looked back at him with disgust. After pushing his blond hair out of his eyes, Teo began to descend slowly. "Ok! I'll drop you off at the lake!" He waited for a reply, but then turned around to see that Ren had jumped out of the plane! "WOO-HOOOOOO!!!" Ren yelled back at his uncle, he had take the parachute used for emergencies with him. Teo rolled his eyes, then turned around and headed back for home. However, Ren's parachute had failed, and he was now freefalling towards the lake! Fortunately, he crashed into a large patch of trees which lined the lake area, they broke his fall just enough to keep him from death. He got up slowly, checking that nothing was seriously damaged, then he laughed out loud and brushed his long black hair out of his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his prized black dragon bandanna, which he proudly double-knotted around his neck. He reached into the pocket of his leather bomber jacket and looked for his map, only to realize that he had left it at home! He stumbled through the brush trying to find a clearing, and banged into a chain link fence which marked the military school property. He saulted over it with ease, and rushed for bunker 'b' where he was stationed. Upon arrival, he was greeted by a sour looking officer, sporting bright purple spiked hair. "Name?" "Ren Hikingane." "You aren't stationed here." "What? Oh, wait... RIJIN Hikigane." "Oh, alright, come in." Ren was annoyed at the fact that he would have to teach these people to use his nickname, but he reached into his backpack for the package. He gave it and the note to the officer, who looked at it for a moment, confused until he had read the note. "This your package?" "I dunno." "I am afraid that this is considered contraband. I will have to clear it up with the principal and your father before I can let you have this." "...yes, sir..." Ren was genunely annoyed, he was now dying of curiosity as to what the package contents were. "Very well, now finish unpacking, class will be in session momentarily." The officer left quickly afterwards. Ren sat down on the edge of his bunk, what was in that package?...
  19. Name: Rijin Hikigane Nickname: Ren Age: 16 Has an unnatural obsession with firearms, as well as a tendency to give them names. Loves to joke around and never seems to take the most dangerous situations seriously enough. However, he is usually level-headed and doesn't screw up too badly. He is somewhat of a reckless daredevil and always seems to get out of situations that would maim or kill others. One of his favorite articles of clothing is a black dragon bandanna tied around his neck. He is part of the illustrious Hikigane family and they build some of the finest weapons in the nation. He decided to come to the military school of his own free will in order to keep up the reputation of his family. He recieved a gift from his father, Vujae (vOO-yai) and was given a letter which was to be given to his superiors at the school. He leaves with his uncle Teo in a seaplane and plans to get off on the highway...
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