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Everything posted by RainbowGuy

  1. Gee, i wish i played an instrument in my high school's band (instead of just in my bedroom), so i could have gone to Band Camp.... ....:laugh: .... and one time at Band Camp, we ....
  2. I guess my first kiss was with the first guy i got involved with, the famous Mark :p ... a lot of guys (strangers) that i met for (sex) wanna kiss!! And i kinda want to, too! It gets so hot!! :tasty:
  3. Hey there, Lalaith! Did you have your hot visitor come see you yet?
  4. I find it very strange how some people follow the Bible as God's word ! Same with the Koran... Oh yeah, God talked to these people and they wrote it all down! (Sorry if this offends anyone) Geez, don't people really know who wrote the Bible?? And those people were not intelligent people, sorry! They did not know about natural disasters or extraterrestrials or evolution or science, etc...:drunk: And, over the thousands of years, people have translated and read the Bible, etc. to suit their own opinions, needs, purposes, etc. I am not trying to offend religious people, sorry but, geez, get educated!
  5. My parents don't seem to mind that i'm gay, even though they are very Catholic. No one in my family really came out, except by bringing guys over or living with some, or going out with some... I have an older bro who is gay. And he would bring his boyfriend(s) over over the years. And we would have dinner with them, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas or birthdays! My parents are cool! And I have a lot of "straight" friends that have a lot of gay friends. But people are really open-minded out here where i live.
  6. I wonder if this will help some other guys in here to come out, or deal with their repressed feelings, emotions, needs, and sexuality ;) (you know who you are) Good luck with Shaun! :tasty:
  7. Well, the perfect date would be to have a very hot guy come over, or go over to his place... He would have to be pretty well endowed... and let me videotape the session! Then go totally pig wild having all kinds of nasty hot sex for about an hour or two... then leave when it's over ! The more the merrier ! By the way, don't ever pay for sex because you can always find people to do it for free! ;)
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