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Everything posted by Neoclone-7

  1. Um... Mina, why was my character not included in that last list of people who'd joined? Do I not get to join?
  2. Neoclone-7


    Name: Will O'Connell Age:19 Time line: Present Weapons: Two bowey knives (for knife-fighting) and countless shurikens Spells: None Bio/personality: This albino is a master martial artist, knife fighter and an extreme adrenaline junkie. He is covered with scars of all sizes from some of his less succesful fights and more painful crashes. His quest for the ultimate thrill has landed him in jails world wide and is widely regarded to have stemmed somehow from his "moderate" insanity. His insanity is harmless but has him convinced that he is a Japanese princess.:sweat: He has white dreadlocks and wears a tie-dye hooded cloak, blue, patch-covered jeans and blue, fingerless gloves.
  3. I would have to say Golden Sun: The Lost Age for best video game music, it sounds so epic, like classical music. I can't believe I said that. ^_^;; For best anime music I've got to say anything from Akira, especially the one that plays during the motorcycle sequence in the beginning.
  4. I forgot to put in a description of my true form so... here: She grows much more muscular, and much taller. Her skin turns black and two ridges of spines grow along her back, each spine has three glowing spots on it. She also grows short fangs.
  5. Name: Keiko Shima Age: 15 Fraternity: Rakksha Rank: Member Ability: Futuresight Personal description: Has cropped short, spiky, blue hair(dyed). Has purple eyes(contacts). About 5'3". Wears black, baggy jeans, a flowing black trenchcoat, black combat boots, and a gray, camo tanktop. Bio: Born in Tokyo, Japan, Keiko was found abandoned inside a mall arcade. She was a long time member of an infamous, Tokyo bike gang, which is due to the fact that she used her ability to avoid crashes and other bike gangs' weapons. Despite her rebellious personality she is at heart a good person, though, and will go out of her way to help people.
  6. Neoclone-7

    otaku prom

    Neoclone-7 walked by and looked in the door. Hmmm... I wonder what's going on? "Ooh... FOOD!!!" Neoclone-7 runs in and immediately trips on the door jamb and falls flat on his face. He jumps back on his feet. I hope no one saw that. he brushes himself off, blushing like a tomato, and casually walks over to the food table. He grabs six huge handfuls of chips, two brownies, and three glasses of punch and walks over to a dark corner and sits down to enjoy his food. I wonder if anyone will ask me to dance.
  7. Grr... why not Gourry and Zangulus? Gourry especially cause he beat the monster in the first season of slayers. And what about Ryoko Mitsurugi from Real Bout Highschool (the manga, not the anime) I mean she beat up the Street Vipers, Azumi Kiribayashi TWICE, and seriously maimed countless random thugs. ... okay, I'm all done ranting.^_^;;
  8. Does anyone know if there is a Trigun manga, and if so where can I get it? I've seen the anime and it is EXTREMELY cool. So I was curious if anyone knew if there was a manga for it.
  9. Yeah, Slayers is a manga but it isn't near as good as the anime but that's kind of unfair cause it takes a really good anime/manga to be as good as Slayers. The best manga... probably is... Chobits, Ah! My Goddess and Ragnarok (even though it's technically a manwha (korean manga)).
  10. Well, all my freinds say I'm like a cross between Lina Inverse from Slayers. This is is because I eat like I'm a black hole and get [b][color=red]REALLY ANGRY[/color][/B] :flaming: when people mess with my food. But I'd say I'm a cross between Lina Inverse, Xellos, and Hideki from Chobits. ^_^;
  11. Okay, we've all seen them and now it's time to decide which Matrix movie is better. Personally, I think the first Matrix is better, even though the action and special effects in the The Matrix Reloaded are miles ahead, the story and the philosophy of it were a bit of a let-down. :bawl: And the sex scenes were just ucky. :o So what does everyone else think?
  12. Neoclone-7


    Death isn't as bad as some people think. I'm not afraid of death, only the process. But I believe in reincarnation, so I shouldn't fear death.
  13. My dad HATES anime! If he had his way he'd take all animes in the world and nuke them in a microwave. :butthead: He keeps trying to ban me from watching any anime but I really don't give a flip what he thinks. :devil: Luckily my mom's a lot cooler about the stuff and doesn't care unless there is nudity and "action".
  14. I would definitely pick Spider-man he's awesome! He can stick to walls, shoot webs, he's really strong and agile and he's got spider sense. He's definitely the best!
  15. Usually I fall asleep flat on my stomach and stare at the wall for about 20 minutes then I kick off my blankets and try to sleep on my side then I pull my blankets back up and when I've almost fallen asleep my cat either jumps on my head or knocks my lamp over. *sigh* ^_^;;
  16. Hmm... If I was president for a day I would: 1. Abolish school gyms and in their place put laser tag arenas 2. Make becoming fluent (or at least competent) in at least two foreign languages mandatory in school. 3. Make it illegal for people to own cars that don't get at least 25 miles to the gallon. 4. Lower the price on hybrid cars and make them HIGHLY tax deductible. 5. Make video gaming mandatory in 1st through 3rd grade to increase hand-eye coordination. 6. Make it illegal to stick gum to the bottom of furniture (chairs, tables, walls, etc.) And a ton of other stuff... ^_^
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