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Everything posted by Mitsuko

  1. You really don't want to peirce scar tissue or a birthmark, mainly for the reason that it will be extremely painful and healing may not go so smoothly. I think a minor surface scar isn't going to be a problem, but anything signifigant will cause some complications. Yes you can do it, a needle will go through just about anything, but I really wouldn't recomend it.
  2. The word is that they'll be making a live action Sailor Moon tv show. Ewww, I know it's going to be as cheesy as the Power Rangers. Zeram (the Iria movie) wasn't terrible, but it sure wasn't good. The same for the live action Wicked City. It was just well, weird. The Fist of the North Star movie was so horrendous I couldn't even finish watching it. I heard they made a DBZ movie some years ago, but I heard also that it was one of the worst films ever created. I don't know any facts about that claim though. Anime movies don't have the best track record for being good. I have hope that the Eva movie will be good, but I'm not counting on it. Even though the people who worked on LOTR will be doing the CG, I'm still a little hesitant to get my hopes up.
  3. I have my labret pierced. It didn't hurt much getting it done. As it healed it felt like nothing more than a mouth sore. I have my eyebrow peirced. That one hurt a little more getting it done, but I hardly noticed it as it healed. I had my nose peirced. It makes you sneeze a lot. I had my tongue pierced, but the idiot who peirced me peirced straight through the blood vessel and I had to get stitches. That sucked like nothing else ever has. But my bad experience is like a one in a million chance. I had the side of my lip peirced but it ripped upwards one night and I had to take it out and I now have a funky scar. My ears are peirced and stretched. It doesn't hurt to stretch them as long as you don't do too much at one time. I had multiple peircings in my ears, but they all got ripped out except for the main two(which are stretched now) I had my um... well some other things peirced but had to take them out. They just weren't healing correct and it was more uncomfortable than anything else. Some places peirced effect people differently than others. I know how to do a lot of peircings myself and I lived with a couple of profesional peircers a while back, so I might be able to answer questions if anyone has any.
  4. I loved Juri and Utena's duel. For the first time in that series I though Utena might actually lose. It's insignifigant in the grand scheme of animes, but I really like the fight between Ryoko and Azumi from the first episode of Real Bout Highschool. Rayearth vs. Regalia in the second season of Magic Knight Rayearth. Truly some of the best mech fights I've seen.
  5. I've always loved the Scarlet Witches powers. She can literally manipulate reality. That is so cool. Jean Grey is another favorite. I love the many things you can do with telepathy and telekenisis.
  6. When I was a little younger, you could have swaped me for Sailor Jupiter and none would be the wiser. Now though, it's a little more difficult. I think maybe Haruka from Rahxephon is most like me.
  7. I was hanging out with my boyfriend/husband (not married but might as well be) one night, and he started coughing and choking. That seemed normal enough, people choke and cough all the time. Then his head fell back on the couch, his face turned ghost white. He had no pulse. His eyes were open and devoid of life. He died. If only for a few seconds. After me freaking out trying to wake him and my best friend about to dial 911, he woke and said "Whoa..." He was fine. None of us understand what happened. The fear of losing him was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me.
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