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  1. I'd like to say thank you to the people who responded to my question on how to beat the second race to get Epona. The tips helped me a lot! Thanks Again! -Link2000 [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]keep the thank yous in the same thread... but on behalf of all your welcome that what we are here for is to help[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. Yes, I know that I don't have a "New Game," (Majora's Mask, or the two GBC Zeldas) but I need to know tips, if anyone has any. I need some tips to get Epona in the second race Ingo challenges you to. I can't wager 50 rupees every time...soon I'm broke! If anyone has any tips that would help me win this race, I would appreciate it. A lot. -Link2000
  3. I just want to thank the people who gave me sites for the "hobby" I have. I am going to try and use some of these fonts. Again, thank you. -Link2000
  4. That's okay if you didn't understand me. I was kind of tired last night, so my words may have been a bit hard to understand. Just forget about it. If anyone else has any help, though, I'll be happy to accept it. Thanks, Link2000
  5. No, you're not stupid. Actually I should have explained. I'm doing this to open up a site (scheduled 2002) called "famousfonts.cjb.net." Also, I need many "Jurassic Park" fonts for a game I'm creating...opening 2003. If you go to [url]http://www.jp3nl.com[/url] and look at the titles of the languages, THAT's the font I'm really looking for. (I haven't even made the logo for my game yet! :o)
  6. All right, I'm going to keep this post short and sweet. As I hobby, I collect Famous Font, or famous typefaces. A typeface is the style of your text, like "Times New Roman," a default Windows font. "Arial" is another one. I collect fonts from movies, tv, publications, and more. If anyone knows a place that I can find FREE famous fonts, aside from [url]http://www.eliteentertainment.net/famousfonts[/url] or [url]http://www.flaimo.com/famousfonts[/url] I would be really grateful. Check out the above sites and get free fonts from your favorite movie, tv show, even favorite band. Thank you. (If no one understands this, that's okay. Thanks again, Link2000
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