Plain Dane was very confused. He had taken his towel and gone off to find the others. He hadn't been able to locate Bear, but he had found Saio and Anya quick enough by following the screams and the carnage.
What he saw before him was horrible. It was the fabled [b]The Gothopotomus[/b], which was confusing him for two reasons: 1) he thought they were extinct and 2) the grammer required to address [b]The Gothopotomus [/b]was sometimes horrendous.
In his confusion, Plain Dane hurt himself, much like a pokemon in the GameBoy games. Luckily, all his fingers were still attached as he drew his hidden blade. What was it his father had said about it? It was only for sword fighting, not close range assasination? No, no that didn't seem right. He withdrew his hidden blade and withdrew his sword.
Plain Dane smiled and charged at [b]The Gothopotomus[/b] right as the beast was charging at Saio, but the mighty beast roared at him and he stopped dead in his tracks.
He raised an eyebrow.
"[i]Oh ****[/i]."