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Everything posted by Elk

  1. Have you ever noticed that in that episode where Helba calls every one and Crim calls Tsukasa.(i can't rememder the name) that Crim's hair is a little longer. And that in the opening theme (some people might not want to read this) Aura is actally naked and she's inside a womb. I just wanted to see if anyone noticed.
  2. The story: Ichiro and Rei were destroyed by Jiro and the monk remade them ( and Bijinder too) so, now they want revenge!:flaming: They are on a quest to kill Jiro and along the way they meet more people who want to kill Jiro because of some personal gruge or something. So in this story I'm ganna need: Ichiro, Rei, Bijinder, and about 5 made up ones. And here's what you need: Name: Description: (Human and Robot form) Attacks: Personality: Here's mine: Name: Ichiro Description: Human: His hair is brown like his eyes and his hair spiky but sort of flops over to his right side. red jacket with blue pants and a blue under shirt. Robot: His head at the top is see though and between his eyes is a black line that seperates the color from the see though and his body the top part of his chest is see thourgh left arm is blue and right is red same for the rest of his body. Attack: Sunrise Beam. If you haven't seen it then: He charges up with energy from the sun and lets it out in one big blast. Personality: Childish and funny, a wise guy. Edit: I forgot to say you have to put their attacks.
  3. Hey did you know there's a kikaider and a kikaider 01 (I'm talking bout the series)? Well there is and cartoon network sucks for putting them together! And thats why some people don't understand the time jump.(But i dont that much) I guess they thought "it too short lets put the series together" lazy bastards not whanting to change the title!
  4. Ah yes KOS-MOS but as I said before I like Jr. he's sooooo cute and soooo cool. KOS-MOS attacks are cool and I heard that in Xenosaga part 2 theyre ganna focos more on Jr. so YES! heres a pic of him.
  5. I dont wanna go back to that hellhole *starts rolling around on the floor and cries* in other words August. but if you got miroku with you then you can just jump in and out of his hand. (I did say it was a hellhole)
  6. Okay let me just say 2 things. 1)I have aol and it said i was banned. 2) My grandpa is in the hospital so i can't go one the internet during the day in case he calls. Here goes: Knives and Spike hide behind what looks like the remains of a manshion. "Too bad I cant use my Angel Arms, lately my gun just cant trigger that reaction." Knives said, back agenst the wall. "Yeah too bad or then wed win in a second." Spike said looking over to where Grave and Wolfwood hid. "So whats the plan?" Spike asked turning to Knives. "I'd say wait for them to make the first move or would you like to do the honnors?" Knives asked a smile coming across his face. "Youre to kind." Spike said coming out of his hiding place. He shot at the place where Wolfwood and Grave hid. He nerrowly missed Wolfwoods shoulder. Wolfwood came out from his hiding place and returned fire to Spike. "Ah, what the hell!" Knives said. He came out from behind the manshin and shot Wolfwoods left shoulder.
  7. And the battle starts: The first to arrive is Jr., he looks around and sees the place has no one there, but seems well taken care of. He sees a house that seems like it might have something to eat. He walks over to the house and slowly opens the door. The place is abandond so he lets himself in. He finds the frig which is stocked up on all shorts of food. He helps himself to a can of instant ramen while he waits for everyone esle to arrive.
  8. She appers in episode 21, which was this week's episode.
  9. I don't know(sadly) but he travels alot.
  10. A: That's easy since I'm Elk, Looks: Elk's: Green ball, has a red ribbin around it,and it's gray with yellow Tsukasa's: Red ball, no ribbin, just gray Level: Elk, Lv.1 Tsukasa, Lv.99 and rare and of course the diffrent attacks it gives them. Q: What colors are the sheets on Arua's bed?
  11. And the next to arrive is... KNIVES. He enters the ghost town to see no one but then spots the lonesome priest. He takes a deep breath and walks slowly over to Wolfwood. He stops in front of him and takes another breath. He stares at Wolfwood with nerrow eyes, then decides to take a seat next to the priest. They are both now waiting for the next person to arrive.
  12. Name: Million Knives Anime/Manga:Trigun Desciption: male, short blonde hair, blue eyes, dresses in a red and white jumpsuit Bio:Vash's twin, who is obsessed with killing Vash and all of man kind. Skills with a gun are about the same with Vash. Weapon: .45 long colt revolver
  13. A: Suburu getting involved with Tsukasa. Q: Where was Aura and what was she doing?
  14. A: number # Q: which eye from the bear did Tsukasa poke out first?
  15. Here's the one where i'm a vet: the dream starts that i'm driving around looking for a job on a pillow that slides along the road. i see this vets office and dive into the parking lot but all the good spaces are taken by real cars so i have to park very and i mean very far away. i get off the pillow and go in to the office and say "im here for a job" the asssistent repiles"go see the boss hes through that door" i walk through the door and it looks like a mall but with animals every where. i walk into the boss' office and say "i want a job" he says "k your hiered" he calls this really big guy and he takes me to my own office. he leaves and i fix up all my things which are strangely in a box next to the desk. i go out to the waiting room and i see inuyasha sitting on a chair i whisper "inuyasha" and blink then hes gone. i then decide to go to the bath room for no good reson and in the bath room theres a bunch a stall and both men and woman use them and theres this guy musculer guy let's call allen and he asks "your a newbie right" and i nod and allen replies "then come with me so i can show u the place we go to get away from work" he moves the sink and we slide down to a secret room with chairs, refirorator, and every thing. allen says "the sinks easy to move so come here any time you want" i look to the left and there are a bunch of weights. thus ending my first day but not the dream. i drive to work and when i get there i see inuyasha, kagome, and shippo in the waiting room and run over to them. "what are you doing here" i asked "well since inuyasha half human we thought he should get a part time job." i take them to met the boss and he says that the can work there so we're walking through the halls and i notice that inuyasha has black hair and no ears so i say "whet up with inu's hair in not night time and what about his ears" kagome answers "the hairs a wig and his ears are taped down" we walk past this hall where allen and the boss are fighting allen yells "you havent given me a rise even though ive worked here for 10 years" then i say "Inu take care of that" inuyasha say k and leaves to go fight the boss allen is on the floor unconcins and inuyasha defeats the boss in 1 swing every one starts crowdig around him saying thabk you and they carry him, me, kagome, and shippo away to a party and we leave allen behind. There it is. Happy Dreaming!:sleep:
  16. Well i'm sorry if i break one of the rules but see my sig.
  17. Yes but notice SAIYANS no one said anything about him being the prince of the plant(even though he is)
  18. I agree Piros is sooooo annoying. I hate him he's my runner up because he's annoying, he's annoying, he's annoying, and he's very slow(stupid heavy axemen), and did i mention, he's annoying!
  19. 9/10 this episode was good but slow. it made me sorry for Tsukasa (that's weird!) because (in my opinon) he was already tramatized enough with his mother dying and Aura and all and then that happens and it's like he's brain dead! he poked the bear's eye out and then started doing the same to the other(bet he'll beat the crap out of the bear then go after bear cause he soooo stupid now he thinks bear's a bear!) i like the parts with Crim and with Sora making fun of SK. I think Maha feels sorry for (brian dead) Tsukasa and that is probly the reson Mia loves Arimatic Grass and why Elk (that's me!) loves Mia. Poor Crim!(if he did die which is likely)*starts crying for Crim*
  20. I think... CRIM, Sora is strong too but i think Crim is stronger.
  21. Have you ever played a video game and then stop and say, "It's time for my favorite anime!" and when you watch the anime and there's this person and he looks like the one in the game you justed played? And the people that created the game and the anime aren't even the same. and for that matter anime too. Well post them here!(list the resons they look alike) Here's one: Balmung (.hack//sign) and Albedo (Xenosaga) 1)The feathers/wings they have attached to their arms. 2)Their silver hair and hairstye (messy). thats all i can think of right now, but post yours.
  22. Hmm, thats intersting. i wonder, maybe i'll try it (and end up going to a lv. 70 dungen and dying about 8 times in one shot just because i am very cirios) lol but thats a good theory.
  23. Yeah Crim totaly kicked butt in episode 21, he fought the "undefeatable monster" and he didn't die too quickly (I hope). Also I can picture Crim sitting on Tsukasa while he's squriming to get away and Crim's hitting him over the head with the pole part of his glaive :blackeye: while eatting, falling asleep, ect.:laugh:
  24. I think Xenosaga would make a good anime cuse the story line and enerything.
  25. I live in a place called La Joya, that's all there is to say i guess.
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