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Everything posted by Elk

  1. Maybe he thinks his dad is still alive some where.(saiyain aren't the smartest race)
  2. I would like to know who is your favorite and least favorite character is out of all the PS and PS2 games you've played. Mine are: Favorite Character: Jr. from Xenosaga because he's just so cute and i like people that use guns! Least Favorite Character: Sesshomuru from Inuyasha He has bad attacks sounds gay he just plian old sucks!
  3. A: The decendents of Fianna. Q: How many fights have Crim and Sora had through the whole series?
  4. Here's what I wondering: If Vegeta's dad died and he was the king of all sayians and Vegeta's the prince would'nt that make Vegeta king now? And Trunks would be the new prince and Bra the princess!
  5. I justed remembered that Dr.Komioji's son was named Ichiro like Ichiro from Kikaider 01. And here's a something I thought about(I don't know if this needs spoiler tags): Ichiro was killed while they were working on an android. Dr.Komioji finish the android and named it after him, but what if the android some how absorbed Ichiro's presonality, 'cause in the first episode where Ichiro/Kikaider 01 appered he didn't seem like a normal android without a gemini, he sort of did have one, cause when they're fighting any normal robot would have just killed the girl cause they thought she got in the way but Ichiro said, "Should I kill the girl, she'll only get in our way." and he sort of places a trust in Jiro I don't think any normal robot could do that. Plus, he's sort of has a funny personality, unlike Rei who is quiet and uneasy. It could just be me but if anyone agrees then just post it here.
  6. Here is 1 very weird dream ive had and sorta gives me a sick feeling in my stomach: Trunks and Goten from dbz were flying into the strange world that was sorta like candy land. they land inside a ring and yell, "Hey the stupid leader of this stupid world better come out for a fight now!" a guy with long blue hair and is dressed in a blue shirt and pants with a puple jacket lands in the ring. trunks and goten say, "alrigt you gay guy thet cant even beat a 3 year old get ready for a fight!" the guy replies, (in a girly voice) "your right i cant fight, so ill go and plant flowers in the park. the guy flies in the deriction of the park and trunks and goten just blink. they turn around and the guy comes back and hits them from behind. the guy leaves to the park and trunks and goten get up from the floor and hear a beep. trunks pulls out this thing from his shirt and they look at it. on the screen is their agent. "trunks and goten get to my office now!" he screams. they fly to their agent office and he asks, "why didn't you win?" the answer, "he was to fast!" "well then why dont you just do the fusion really fast?" "because then this will happen." they do the fusion at lightning fast speed and when they're done they're not even gotenks they're just trunks and goten without any clothes. the agent looks around and sees their clothes everywhere. "i dont care just kill the guy!" the agent yells. the say ok and fly to fight the guy. they get there then call the guy out again he says "havent had enought yet" they do the fusion super fast and turn into a naked gotenks,they the beat the guy up and turn back into trunks and goten and put their clothes back on and then i wake up. well theres one i post another one later which is about me when im about 21 and working as a vet and is very weird espically our boss and our secret hiding place so we can get away from work.
  7. Besides if they did walk around they'd more than likly have to remodel their rooms alot and what if they knocked down their computer!:( And in infection their lips don't even move, so you really don't know what the feel unless you pay close attention!(which i really hate!):flaming:
  8. Id say Crim if they ever get to finish one of their fight i think Crim would win!(maybe they finish it in one of the games?)
  9. Yes! Yes! I need more episoides! *start jumping up and down* alright more episodes thats awesome!
  10. Well the way i see it is Crim hits Tsukasa with the side of his spear(the meatl part) and Tsukasa feels it so he starts screaming and then Crim stabs him and he dies. Crim wins plain and simple! ^_^
  11. I have it can beat it in half an hour even though i always die with miroku.(im better with very long distance attacks) i can beat a stage with koga in 3 minutes inuyasha about 4 minutes, the rest about 4 t' 5 minutes.
  12. I wish they would make a game with great graphics and great game play to go with it. Like the graphics from Xenosaga and the game play of the .hack games. insted of standing there taking turns (like monsters would even remember whose turn it is?) you move around and just go stright up and hit them. Also me and my step dad (I call him Orlando by his name) came up with this idea of 2 player RPGs, such as you form a party and lets say i control 2 characters and he controls the other 1. wouldnt that be fun? (Hope they make games like that someday and soon not when im to old to care!) Share you ideas and thoughts. I should go to sleep it's 1:30 a.m., but i'm not! Thank you.
  13. I dont use any characters besides BlackRose, Elk, and Mia unlessed forced to use other people. My choices go: Elk (1 level below me no matter what i do!) BlackRose (1 level below me too) Mia (2 levels below me) and that's about how the stay no matter what i do! P.S. I have never upgraded Elk's weapon and have only upgraded mine to Steel Blades (Lv. 1)
  14. Has anyone seen that new anime called Big O? it's very good but the begining theme song is sort of weird all it say is Big O and one other line. Some of the best parts are the mass destruction, like every time Big O comes up from underground he destroys a biulding. Very good story line,good character design. i really like it.
  15. Very funny i'd give it 4 out of 5 stars!
  16. A:He works with semi conducters and eching or however you spell it.(yelling as Mimiru calls it) Q: What was the color of the door Tsukasa & co. go through to get to the broken man?
  17. Answer: You have to guess who it's like someone comes from behind and suddenly covers your eyes he dosen't even say guess who and then suddenly takes their hands away but there's no one there there's only you with a little less of yourself standing there. Q: Crim said he can't team up with sora because?
  18. And he has another one that sounds like "bon bon" back to the subject Crim could beat him esay in 10 second if he was trying his hardest and mimiru said she wanted to "protect" Tsukasa so Crim would have to beat her to but it be esay for him.
  19. Nope not in half a minute more like 40 seconds and though Tsukusa dosen't use any spells he could have about the same as his look a like in the game, Elk. (He has this attack that when he says the name it sounds like "My gum!":p
  20. nope he'd beat Tsukusa sooner!
  21. Yep, I hope so and I think he didn't have time.
  22. What's the whole point of Crim starting the Crimsin Knights if he was just going to leave them? I think he just ran out of time for them. I never saw the episode where he quiet them, tell me why he quiet 'k.;)
  23. I agree with you Crim would win, I just wanted to know what everyone thought. I really like Crim he kicks ***.
  24. Elk

    I need help

    Wow thanks that helps a lot! P.S. I like you banner, Azurewolf!
  25. Elk

    I need help

    Thanks for your help and if anyone esle knows how to get diffrent grunties, I'll be waiting!
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