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Everything posted by Elk

  1. When you think about it aren't our lives sort of like Tsukusa's? *starts crying* Well not really all that much like Tsukusa's but just a little.
  2. Well I sort of wanted to cry when Tsukusa died, or maybe I did cry how do you know?! P.S. I did cry a little but as for the rest or the show it's not depressing.
  3. Who do you think would win, Crim or Tsukasa? They both have very strong traits like Crim with attack skills and speed, and Tsukusa with maigcal skills and smarts. Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I think Crim is smart too though Tsukusa thinks things out in battle more.:blackeye:
  4. In the game, you feed the grunties and they grow up with diffrent personalites so far the only one I can get is the noble grunty, so will some one tell me how to get diffrent ones, like with what kinds of food?
  5. Elk


    Man if you were like Tsukusa and you died in the game you would feel the pain of dieing and then you would feel the pain of coming back to life then that would really suck.:flaming:
  6. I'd be a twin blade or a wavemaster, can't decide which. I'd like to be a twin blade 'cause then you'd be small and fast, not like the havey axmen in the game. Or a wavemaster because you'd have very stong magic as long as you kown how to use on which enemy.
  7. I like it but I wish they would bring Trigun and Cowboy Bebop 'cause they rock!
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