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Alright then, I wrote us into the van so we're heading back home ^^ All Pedr picked up was one of those little soul stones cuz I forgot to tell White that I wanted a pet. Do you guys think we'll be joining up with the Antarctica team?
The battle was over. Pedr had done scarcely more than dodge the demon's blows and run around. He was basically useless in a fight. He had never been much of a fighter. Sure, as a young boy back in Wales he had wrestled and rumbled with the best and biggest of the boys, but he had never really fought something like [i]that[/i]. Even on his other missions with PIT, he had never dealt with a demon that powerful. He hadn't been scared, just... unsure. He didn't want to mess up again, like he had done in the room. He was one of the youngest on the PIT team, and also one of the newest. He wanted to prove that he was worth something, not just extra baggage. He had some things back at the lab that he was working on to help the team fight demons and spirits. They were very near completion. He hoped to finish them to take them on the next mission. Trin gave him a sympathetic look. "Are you alright?" she asked. Pedr nodded and smiled, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything for some reason. He'd always been a little awkward in social situations. "It doesn't seem like there's much left to do here." Zach said, looking up at the high ceiling of the house. "I think we've got all that we've come for. With Beelzebub gone, this place should be fine." "I doubt anyone is going to want to move back anytime soon though," said Lucas with a grin at his twin. The team started to leave the house, not glancing back. Few of the older members ever looked back at a work site anymore. Pedr, still wet behind the ears, looked back. Something glittered on the floor but the stair case. He walked over to it and squatted down to pick it up. It was a small teal stone, like the kind that people put in their fish tanks or popouri. It was smooth, and the moment that Pedr picked it up he knew that it was special and that it was ment just for him. He put it in his pocket and then ran out to join the rest of the team at the van. They had all climbed in already, Lucas in the driver's seat. They had put Trin's vespa in the back of the van already. Pedr barley had time to close the door before the twins were speeding off.
This is one of my favorite things from the movie [b]The Sweetest Thing[/b] Warning: The word [spoiler]penis[/spoiler] is used a lot, plus some cruel humor and sexual induendos and all. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxXfwodWChg[/media] I also like the scene when they're talking about how it was laundry day so they only have their "sexy undies". I love just about every scene from How To Train Your Dragon also. There was no wasted time in that movie. I especially love the scene where Hiccup immitates Stoick. Here are also one of my favorite songs from Beauty and the Beast ^^ It and HTTYD are fighting for the number one spot in my heart. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsRDfiVP4eM[/media] Gaston is such a jerk xD I used to say my uncle was just like him when I was little.
Can we leave the house now? I don't think that there is much more that we can do there.
An arm hit Plain Dane. In the face. The arm wasn't attached to a body. Slightly stunned and grossed out, but used to these kind of things happening already, he steadied himself and continued walking to the home decor section. He needed some more towels for one of his safe houses. He had heard an explosion come from somewhere inside the Wal-Mart, but it didn't concern him much. These things were becoming quite normal with the new friends he had found. Staring at the shelves of towels before him with a scowl, Plain Dane picked out a single pale blue one. "There are [i]so[/i] much more choices at [i]Bed Bath and Beyond[/i]." Plain Dane grumbled as he took his blue towel and headed towards the entertainment section. Suddenly, there was a single emo child before him. Obviously this one had become seperated from the rest of the tribe because there was nothing in the Wal-Mart home decor section that was even slightly emo-ish. Plain Dane drew his sword, and this time it actually came out of its sheath! Excited, Plain Dane slashed at the emo kid. Luckily, emos are not the lightest on their feet, and although Dane's thrust was clumsy and made him loose his footing, it connected with the emo child and set him to wailing all the harder. Plain Dane paniced and tried to run his blade through the emo kid's gut, but his aim was so horrible, he instead got it through the emo kid's throat. The wailing stopped. "Well... Whatever works." Dane wiped his blade clean with a towel and continued to walk towards the entertainment section.
When the emo child had first come out from the shadows, Plain Dane had drawn his sword. That is, he had [i]tried[/i] to draw his sword. It was stuck and wouldn't budge out of its sheath. This made Dane extremely cross and he had struggled for a good three minutes with the sword before giving up, by which time Bear had already dealt with the emo child. Just his luck. The weakest of opponents had manifested before him, for surely even [i]Plain Dane the Useless[/i] could defeat an emo child, and he hadn't been able to draw his sword. Nevermind that he had various other knick-knacks in his arsenal. He hadn't thought of his hidden blade, nor any of his various throwing knives or poision darts, which was just as well anyway, since he couldn't throw for what a bag worth of elephant dung was worth. He had followed Bear into the Wal-Mart, noticing all the emo children who were flooding in with them. What did emos like, that could drive them here in droves? Panic! At the Disco? My Chemical Romance? New Hair Products? Maybeline's new lone of ultra water-proof eyeliner?! Plain Dane didn't know. He wasn't emo. He wasn't much of anything. He just sighed again and continued to follow Bear, muttering "I know this is a bad idea."
I think pretty much anyone could take out Edward... Yeah... Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure almost anyone could take out Edward. I can't think of one person who [i]can't[/i].
I thought Cowboy Bebop for a second when the first Spike message was put in. That was an awesome little fic ^^ Woot for Team Spike!
Plain Dane the Useless stepped off of the Short Bus. He didn't particularly like to be riding the "Short Bus", as it was associated with being "special", and if there was one thing that Plain Dane was, it certainly wasn't "special", in any way. His assassin's hood was pulled low over his head, shading his eyes from view. He didn't like Wal-Mart very much either. Wal-Mart was the embodiment of evil. He remembered, once in an English class he had taken, watching a documentary all about the evil of Wal-Mart. Sure, it offered cheap prices, but at what cost? It wasn't a pretty sight, what Wal-Mart did behind the scenes, but when you were a poor as dirt worthless assassin who couldn't use his skills for much of anything, you found ways to cut corners. Even if that ment having to endorse your worst enemy. There was a woman... At least he thought it was a women, but at times there seemed to be a tell-tale buldge in her crotch, was mumbling something to herself. Plain Dane palmed his forehead, his hand disappearing in the shadows of his hood. He was surrounded by idiots. All the had ever wanted to do was major in something deep, like philosphy or pshycology, but no, he [i]had[/i] to be the [b]only[/b] son of the world's greatest assassin. His education had not been what he wanted. Heaving a great sigh, as if it was one of the greatest efforts to move the air in and out of his lungs, Plain Dane the Useless looked up into the evil he knew in his heart as Wal-Mart.
Twilight will reach everywhere... Yeah well it isn't techically in my town, it's thirty minutes from my town, but I just lump all the towns in the Valley together. Either way, maybe you'll get lucky and have the chance to see it somewhere else. ^^
Yay! Thank you! ^^ *does jig*
That sounds awesome ^^ Do it with the freaking annoying ass E string. I effing hate that string. I always make it squeak if I don't pay particular attention to it.
Frankenstein Day! Alright! This month should have a party almost every day! I'd love to actually celebrate most of these holidays. My grandpa's birthday is on Ride the Wind Day... Wonder who that is going to turn out xD
Hmmm then I guess you'll just have to settle for some kickass explosions and epic wounds? Since we can't kill things that are already dead... I doubt anyone will object. It's been a while since the people on our team posted.
I really think you should do it lol Honestly, atm, Pedr is quite useless. He doesn't have any weapons, and he's never really fought with his hands before. Plus, I wouldn't know how to write him fighting a demon... so if no one else post soon, I guess I could write a little filler post, then the twins can be back to killing things. ^^
Yay! And you should totally see the movie! It's out in the dollar theater where I live already and I go and see it all the time on 50 cent Wednesdays >.> It's like... One of my favorite movies of all time! Maybe THE favorite movie that I have. I can't wait to see your drawing. ^^
This sounds like a fantastic, lovely idea! Miscellaneous Adventures FTW! Name: Plain Dane the Useless Description: Plain Dane the Useless ("You can just call me Dane, thank you very much") is, as his name suggest, pretty plain and pretty useless. He is the only son the to world's greatest assasin, but, try as he might, he is hopeless in all assasin skills. He's a sarcastic little fellow though (perhaps because he is bitter?). Appearance: He has a face that no one really remembers, freckles, and shaggy light brown hair with a bit of a reddish tint to it. His eyes are a pleasent green. He's a scraggly guy with hardly any muscle on him. He's only about average height, or maybe a couple of inches shorter. No one ever really takes the time to look at him and notice. Equipment: Dane has all the latest in assassin equipment: an awesome sword, a handy hidden blade, awesome attire (complete with hood), and various other little trinkets of the trade. It doesn't mean he knows how to use any of them... At least, not properly.
I want a viking drawing too please! =D I'd like little Hiccup being squased in a massive group hug from his father Stoick the Vast, Cheif of the Hairy Hooligan Tribe, O Hear His Name and Tremble Ugh Ugh and his mother, Vallhalarama. Hiccup: [link]http://blog.booklistonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/hiccup6.jpg[/link] Stoick: [link]http://www.howtotrainyourdragonbooks.com/_template/images/avatar/tribe_stoik.jpg[/link] Vallhalarama: [link]http://www.howtotrainyourdragonbooks.com/_template/images/avatar/tribe_valhallarama.jpg[/link] Yeah... Vallhalarama doesn't give much to work with, so go ahead and have fun and be creative =D Or you can use the movie versions of the characters if you'd like.
I thought "only in theaters" ment that it was only showing in theaters for the time being, but that it would eventually be released on DVD. And it depended on how well the movie did when it would be avaliable on DVD (because the movie will stay longer in the main theater and then move to the dollar theater, where it will also stay for a longer time). *shrugs* That's how I thought it worked all this time. I never really asked.
[quote name='chibi-master' date='30 July 2010 - 09:06 AM' timestamp='1280498775' post='698278'] I have no energy for family bonding right now... [/quote] Neither do I. Although I love my grandpa to the ends of the Earth, to hell and back, etc etc, he has been calling me every day since I moved to come live with my step dad, and it is very annoying because our conversations are very complicated. He doesn't speak English. I don't speak Spanish. I understand his Spanish, because I can understand the language, but I have such a hard time getting him to understand my responses and when I respond, I have to think hard about what I'm going to say to make it as simple as possible. There is no such thing as a language barrier though, because we do have some pretty decent conversations.
Woot! I gots me a glomp =D