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Everything posted by Elk
I'll wear star and stripes underwear over my pants if that's what it takes lol
[quote name='chibi-master' date='27 July 2010 - 03:38 PM' timestamp='1280266686' post='698042'] Elk, you are my hero. More so than Captain America. [/quote] I feel so special! =D Woot! I'm a hero! *does jig*
Of course. With great power comes great responsibility. It has already become my status on Facebook though. =]
Yeah, we do have to figure out why the demon was asking for us and all that jazz. Now off to read Inuyasha Fandom's post. ^^ Edit: Alright just read it. Very well done! "Stupid... little.... cock... fucker..." >.> That has got to be my new favorite line. =D
[quote name='Cat' date='26 July 2010 - 12:39 AM' timestamp='1280126376' post='697918'] I also hate looking at my old post. They are an eye sore. [/quote] I feel the same way about my old post and pms. I know, when I look back on these, I will feel the same, but right now I get so embarresed at some of my older post. I like to te=rack my progress though. My spelling has improved vastly. And I am more mature, if only slightly.
[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MytfhzcSF-Y[/media] I just want to say that that man is a genius. The crazy things that he pulls are hilarious, and I wish I would have the liberty to do them. A real life Mario Cart would be so awesome. Nintendo should work on making a theme park or something.
I agree with Inuyasha Fandom. The other team has already finished with their mission and we haven't even gotten to our destination. I mean, I'm not one to talk because I came in kind of late, but we really need to get a move on with the other mission. I'm totally for someone posting a super long post to get us at least half way through with our mission.
[img]http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/3600/images/3600_MEDIUM.jpg[/img] Yeah, that's what I love to make with my dad. ^^ Fettucini alfredo with shrimp. He's the one who has taught me everthing about cooking, because my mom can't make anything. At all. Not even Campbell's soup >.> I'm a decent cook, but I don't like to cook too much because I have to clean up the mess afterwards. I'll cook, as long as someone else cleans. It's not like I'm a pig in the kitchen. I think I'll try your recipe and surprise my dad with dinner on Wednesday.
Pedr stuffed a handful of green grapes into his mouth. Turning away from the monitor that was showing his current music selection, which was soft, mellow music, he turned back to the GPS tracker he had for the team. Those in Antartica must have been freezing their butts off because they were some way off from the base there, Para-1. With another monitor, he brought up the same map, except this one highlighted to show the levels of paranormal activity. What he saw shocked him. The area around the Antartica team was absolutely [i]alive[/i] with paranormal activity. It was fierce and fluxuating, reaching peaks and then dipping back down to a more stable level, but it was more activity than he had ever seen in his entire time at PIT put together. Whatever the meeting had been about, it had to be something [i]big[/i]. He watched as the dots on the screen that represented the Antartica team began to move, fast. "Must have hitched a ride on something." He thought to himself as popped a couple of more grapes into his mouth. He checked his phone, which he had retrived from where he had thrown it. The was a voicemail message from Trin, telling him about what that half of the team was doing. He also had a text message with the address of where they were going. His stupid phone hadn't notified him of either message or call. He really needed an upgrade or service change. That was just like Trin, always looking out for everyone else. She'd been one of the first people to talk to him at PIT. He'd been so nervous and awkward those first couple of weeks. Heck, he was still pretty awkward now. He'd settled into a work place at PIT, but not a social place. There was really nothing Pedr could do alone at HQ, at least not now anyway. He decided to take Trin up on her offer, although the thought of riding a [i]pink[/i] vespa for a prolonged period of time wasn't very appealing. He typed out a quick message on his phone to Trin, something simple about how he'd meet the team there but he, sadly, couldn't bring the pizza with him. Pedr got up from his chair and stretched. He walked over to the blood circle that would take him to Zach's apartment. Secretly, he loved to travel through blood cirlces. The danger of it thrilled him, the never knowing if you would make it back. He wasn't a thrill seeker, but what was life without a little danger? At Zach's apartment, he found the keys to Trin's vespa which were, lo and behold, pink as well. He put on the pink helmet, feeling very much like Kimberly Hart, the Pink Power Ranger, and set off to meet up with his teammates.
I would say that my favorite underrated anime and also under advertised or whatever else we want to call it is [b]Gundam 0080[/b]. It was a really short like 6 episode little Gundam series, and I absolutely adored it. The story was awesome and heart felt. Another anime I thought was pretty cool but most people don't seem to really like is [b]Kikidier[/b]. Personally, I liked both of them. It was like a modern Pinnocio (sp?) story. Of course,[b] .hack[/b] is awesome in all of its aspects. =]
[quote name='The Tentacle' date='25 July 2010 - 12:33 PM' timestamp='1280082780' post='697878'] I hate Naruto. Â Believe it. [/quote] Gah. That was absolutely priceless! Probably my new favorite quote from the OB.
[quote name='Magus' date='25 July 2010 - 12:38 PM' timestamp='1280083084' post='697879'] Just a minor correction. Zarbon was never part of the Ginyu Force. [/quote] I see. My memory is really going. I have to watch all these animes again to remember all the things about the characters I hate. Thanks. =]
You know... I will never understand this, but the anime that holds the deepest place of hatred in my heart is [b]Bleach[/b]. I don't know what it is about [b]Bleach[/b], but I absolutely cannot stand it. There is nothing in that show that gets me going or makes me want to watch it. I have given it various amounts of tries and efforts, and it never works out. I really hate that show. The characters are dumb, the animation is only decent. It's [i]flat[/i], like [b]Inuyasha [/b]or [b]Naruto [/b](both of which just became rediculous with fillers). It's not really as good as people make it out to be. No, [b]Bleach[/b]... I will never love you. I just can't. No matter how many times my friends try to get me into it or tell me that it's amazing, I simply cannot do it. And I miss out on a lot hating [b]Bleach [/b]lol EDIT: [quote]FLCL, Lord knows I must be just allergic to anything produced by Gainax that isn't Gurren Lagann but after two episodes of nonsensical plot and moronic characters, as well as an art style I didn't particularly care for I just couldn't go on watching this. [/quote] I loved [b]FLCL[/b]. I thought it was great. Even my mom liked it, and she hates anime in general, although she did used to read the [b]Shaman King [/b]manga with me for some time when I was younger. Anyway, I just thought it was funny that someone hates something that even my mom likes. God knows that woman is hard to please. >.>
[b]Name[/b]: Keiran Trahern Wogan [b]Hails[/b]: Wales [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Occupation[/b]: Farmer and Hunter [b]Classification[/b]: Warrior [b]Weapons/Specialty Attacks[/b]: Keiran weilds a crescent moon halberd infused with some magic. He cannot do any magic of his own. [b]Talents[/b]: Keiran is a master at slight of the hand and technology. He's an odd case, because he was born without any magic whatsoever, rare in these times. To make up for his lack of magic, he learned all he could about technology and creating new technological weapons. Unfortunately, farming the hard land of these times in Wales takes up most of his time. [b]Personality[/b]: Keiran is a pretty easy going guy. He makes the most of what he has and is determined to work hard for his family. He is fiercely loyal to his friends. His name means "the dark skinned one as strong as iron", and it is rightly so. He has a strong will and does not let circumstances bring him down and is very brave. [b]History[/b]: Keiran is an only child. His mother and father both love him very much and need his help in the farm just to survive. He is darked skinned, with shaggy jet black hair and green eyes. As a child, he was constantly teased about his lack of magic. The other children would call him "Cripple" and show off thier magic skills in front of him. The adults whispered behing his back about "what a shame it was" to have "a disabled child." Keiran made friends easily enough as the years matured them all. There are still whisphers behind his back, but he has learned how to ignore them. (bachgen = boy in Welsh) One day, as a child of about six or seven, he asks his father, "Papa, what is [i]Chicago[/i]?" "[i]Bachgen[/i], why do you ask such silly questions?" His father was busy pulling potatoes from the dark, hard earth. Keiran looked towards the horizon. He did not know what this thing, this [i]Chigaco[/i] was, but he knew it was out there waiting for him, for whatever reason. His education had not been what might have once been expected of Welsh children, so he knew nothing of the once great cities of America. "I must find this [i]Chicago[/i], Papa." He said. His father took the time to pause in his work for a moment and ruffled his son's dark hair. "Yes, [i]bachgen[/i], you will." Now a man, Keiran continues to live the same simple life with his parents. He is not motivated by anything like lust or greed, merely by the strong love for his family. He remembers his dreams of Chicago, and feels he must set off soon to find it. He hates the thought of leaving his mother and father alone, but knows that this is something strong and fierce, like fate. And fate almost always wins out desire. The spectacular thing about Keiran is that there is really nothing spectacular about him.
At the moment, I can't stop listening to [b]Secrets[/b] by [b]OneRepublic[/b] along with the album [b]Smile Kid[/b] by [b]We The Kings[/b]. I haven't heard anything spectacular lately though. Just kind of throwing some songs I have on repeat. And thanks to my best friend I have [b]Lucky[/b] by [b]Jason Mraz[/b] stuck in my head.
[quote name='NeedMoarRope' date='24 July 2010 - 09:20 PM' timestamp='1280028020' post='697836'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]It's... It's as if they absolutely had to immediately counter the overwhelmingly good news of the new season of [b]Avatar[/b] with the most horrible idea they could possibly think of.[/font] [/quote] It's like they negated the good thing they were about to do. Coolness points stablized. They might as well have not done anything... jk
[b]"Bingly! Bingly! Bing!"[/b] Pedr could hear the phone ringing somewhere, the ringer the one he only used for text messages. Judging by the way that it was vibrating, it was rubbing up against something hard. He looked around the small, dark room. The only light was coming from the glow of the computer monitors. He could see the vauge forms of various links and connections he had never taken the time to organize and some robotics parts here and there. He stood up from his spot on the floor surrounded but the computer monitors and went to his desk which, ironically, did not have a computer on it. Just some papers, books, and a couple of random things he had jotted down. Not like he needed to take notes on anything; he just liked how it made him seem more normal. After shuffling around the desk for a few minutes, he found what he was looking for: his cell phone. He opened up the text message and read it. "[i]Cachi[/i]." Pedr ran his fingers through his white hair and looked around the room for his shoes. When he found them, he pulled them on haphazardly. He grabbed his shoulder bag and right before he left out the door, he grabbed some money that was lying on top of the small table by the door. He hoped it was enough to buy a ton of pizza. ----- After arriving at PIT HQ, arms loaded with pizza, Pedr's heart sank to see that no one was there. "Stupid phone!" He grumbled as he threw his phone against the wall. Normally, he hated to abuse technology, but his phone had a nasty habit of delating text messages and not recieving calls, especially at the most inappropriate times. He left the pizzas on the meeting room table and headed out to his "Man Cave", gumpy at having missed the find of the meeting. When he entered, the dozens of computer monitors that had been asleep whirled to life. Something about that made him smile. He sat in his chair and pulled up the GPS locator. He had tagged certain equipment that the team used frequently and could even tell who was using it with the program that he had written. He was surprised to see half the team in Antartica. "What would they be doing all the way out there?" He thought. The other half of the team was heading out from Zach's apartment. Well, not exactly heading out. They must have been traveling for a good half hour to an hour. He weighed his options. He could either stay in HQ and support both teams from there, or head out to join the others wherever they were going. One thing was for certain. He sure as hell wasn't going to Antartica.
Name: Pedr Emyr Davies (His first name is pronounced "Peter"; he is sometimes called by his middle name, Emyr, pronounced "EM mer"; rhymes with beer) Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Pedr has tan skin, the shade you would normally see on a darker Welsh person. Despite his dark skin, he has blue eyes and hair that is so light it is almost white. He's six feet tall, and a bit on the scrawny side. His favorite clothes is anything comfortable. He dresses pretty modern, usually in a black and green binary hoodie and some blue jeans. Occasionally, he likes to dress up in a button down shirt, tie, and slacks, just to throw people for a loop. [url="http://rdsullivan.deviantart.com/art/chaos-in-the-Clouds-20046651?q=boost%3Apopular+chaos+xenosaga&qo=69"]Ref Facial Appearance[/url] Personality: Pedr is a relatively new member to PIT, and also one of the youngest, and as such is eager to please. He's proud of his Welsh decent and will often let a word slip in Welsh. He's an easy going guy who likes to play jokes and laugh. It may take much poking and prodding to get him worked up, but when you do, watch yourself, because he is explosive. He has a hard time opening up to others, but does not seem distant or cold, just slightly awkward. He's fearless however, but in any especially intense situation may start to hum to calm his nerves. He's never really had a hard time or a hard life, but he can feel for those who do. Despite his awkwardness in most social situations, he always has the right words to say. He enjoys all he does at PIT. PIT History: Originally from Wales, Pedr happened to stumble across PIT by hearing about it from a pen pal after telling him about his supernatural experiance. Intriguied, Pedr decided to see what PIT is really all about. Almost accidently, but maybe it was just fate, he ends up helping PIT in a small time case they were working on at the moment. Pedr decides that he really could be happy with the line of work that they do and decided to join on a permenant basis. Powers/Talents: Pedr's a computer whiz and a brilliant hacker. He makes sure to check all the equipment the team uses and can get them access to any files that they need. He has a eidetic memory, associated mostly with things he reads, such a computer code. A passion of his is robotics and mechanical engineering. He has a couple of connections that he's made through hacking that help pull strings for the team when the paper work pushes them against the wall. He's also slightly clairvoyent, but they are usually just random images that flash through his head, and he doesn't understand what they mean. He focuses much more on his computer skills and helping the PIT team out in the field as well. First Paranormal Experience: Pedr had a fairly normal childhood. His mother died giving bith to him, but his father was kind and loving. When Pedr was seven years old, despite the repeated warnings of his father, he goes up to Cadair Idris alone. There, after the laborus climb towards the summit of the mountain, he encounters the Brenin Llwyd's Milgwn. After being chased for sometime into the fog, Pedr discovers a cave. He enters the cave, curious. He had never really believed in his father's stories about the Brenin Llwyd. Despite entering the cave a non-believer, when he exits he is more than willing to believe. Someway down the cave, he encounters the Brenin Llwyd. Although he had never been scared in his life before, there is something about the creature that keeps him still, heart racing, like a deer in headlights. The creature circles him, but he can not seem more than a shadowy outline in the fog that is the monster's breath. Suddenly, far off, as if in a dream, he can hear a woman's voice, and although he never knew her, he knows it is his mother's voice. The voice grows stronger and louder, and eventually causes the Brenin Llwyd to retreat. Tired and shaken, Pedr allows himself to collapse and blacks out. When he awakes, his father is shaking him on the floor of the cave, and there is no sight or sound of anything that has happened.
It's strange, but yeah I guess the OB dide raise a lot of us in some form or fashion. The forum did have to reset at some point, because I remember the most users online ever changed, and it is now a lower number than it was before with a different date.
Mine would have to be Luther from [b]Star Ocean: Till the End of Time[/b]. The whole story was amazing with that great twist! Luther owned me multiple times because I just refused to level up in that game. I was so weak. Another one of my favorite bosses is [spoiler]Mithos[/spoiler] from [b]Tales of Symphonia[/b]. he wasn't too tricky, but not to hard to beat either. When he kept busting out with more forms I was like WTF?! And also he was pretty damn cute.
I'm definately for them making another [b]Monster Rancer[/b] game. I really loved to play that game on the GBA. It was pretty fun and entertaining. [b]Star Ocean[/b] has been made for the PS2 and there is now one on the Xbox 360 (which I prompted me to say WTF?! because I love the controls on the PS1 and PS2 consoles, not to mention the ones on the PSP). I would like to see another [b]Valkyrie Profile[/b] game. I think that they could do a lot with that. I've only played the PSP version of the game, but I instantly fell in love with it. And if they could update [b]Galerions[/b] to at least the PS2, I would be happy. Like just completly update the first one in terms of graphics and re-release it.
Um... wow. I won't believe it until I see it either. Who the heck comes up with these ideas?! Like how is this in anyway a good idea. Cartoons are cartoons for a reason. And they should just stay that way. And why is Timmy going to be 23 and still in the 5th grade? That boarders on all kinds of creepy.