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Everything posted by Elk

  1. Yes it was Bust-A-Move. Thanks for your help! I've even found a couple of places to play it online!
  2. Elk


    Actually, I am not entirely sure that this goes here but... I would like some help in finding a: 2001 Digimon Tamers DX Terriermon Plush Here is a picture of what I am looking for: [IMG]http://www.animemate.com/prodimages/digimon/digimonplush/terriermon-super-jumbo.jpg[/IMG] Or any large Terriermon plushie in general would be great. If you have one, I would also be glad to negotiate a price with you.
  3. [COLOR="Teal"]Now, while I understand that love is something different to everyone, a word, a feeling, a choice, I want to see others people concept of love. Do you feel you know you're in love when your heart flutters, or do you never know that you're in love until that person is gone? Is love a choice for you, or just something that tends to happen to you? Do you through the word around like it has no consequences, or do you treat it with the respect it deserves? Everyone expresses and defines love differently and none can really be wrong. But love... just the word. Just thinking about it. It makes you wonder, where is the psycology and logic behind it all? Or perhaps love is the absence of that logic. Although no one can ever say that "that is the correct definition of love" there are many ideas on the subject floating around. And I would [I]love[/I] to hear some from the members of the OB.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR="Teal"]The songs that mean the most to me are: [U][B]Every Time I Hear Your Name[/B][/U] by Keith Anderson - This song means alot to me, mostly because I'm kinda going through it, and at the dsame time, I really fear being put into this situation. [U][B]Tough[/B][/U] by Craig Morgan - This song always brings tears to my eyes. This is the kind of mother and wife that I want to be. I also fear getting cancer to an extreme, and if I ever do, I want to be tough the way that she was. [U][B]I Want to Live[/B][/U] by Josh Gracin - Sometimes I feel like this, and this song reminds me that I just need to snap out of it and go and live life. It makes me what to really experiance what it is to live. [U][B]Best I Ever Had[/B][/U] by Gary Allen - Another song I feel I'm kind of stuck in. and [B]I Wanna Feel Something [/B]by Trace Adkins - This one has the same explanation as I Want to Live. I want to not have to guard my heart and live life and just have a good experiance while I still have it.[/COLOR]
  5. Annie's baby and It Happened to Nancy are diaries of teenager who have experianced some hard times. What do OBers think about these kind of books? I like them and think they definately offer something, but at the same time sometimes I don't believe that they tell a honest to God story. I'm not sure how to explaain that feeling. So I was wondering what people on the OB think about diaries that have been turned to books, like the ones mentioned above, or what you think specifically about the above mentioned books.
  6. [quote name='Aceburner'] (I won't lie. Most of my faves come from 4Kids.) [/QUOTE] I think most of my favorites also come from 4kids. For some reason, they always seem to just edit things in the most stupid ways.
  7. Okay. The video game I want to know the name of is that game, I dont remember what system, but it had like two dinosaur things and you would shoot bubbles out of a cannon and have to match up the bubbles together. It was just like a basic puzzle game.
  8. that is really good. thought prvoking, just like haikus were ment to be. =] You're a very good poet!
  9. Try writing down words that intrest you and putting them in a smalll bowl or something and then picking three out or something, and see if that helps. if the words don't help, try the same thing but with ideas or events. Let's say "death of a loved one" or "hurricane" and try to see if that's the direction that you would like your stoey to go in. If it's not, try again, or try writing out that direction anyway.
  10. I can see you as a sephiroth or albedo from xenosaga for some reason. Somone crazy like that. Idk why. Of course, that was from just a quick look at the pics and names off the top of my head. If I gave it more thought, I might get you a better match. Oh. Try Wolfwood from Trigun. I think he might make a good match too.
  11. I believe that Pokemon was the most know contoversial anime. Honestly, it is the peoples choice what they want to watch, so nothing should ever really be controversial. but pokemon caused a big stir, for being a kids show and all.
  12. These are some pretty wierd ones i found. [IMG]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h21/Blurryhand/screenhp7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h21/Blurryhand/snapshot20070830211951.jpg[/IMG] sorry if this one may seem to be a bit much [IMG]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h21/Blurryhand/snapshot20070913173228.jpg[/IMG] Edit: I love this one. =] [IMG]http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h21/Blurryhand/fdg.jpg[/IMG]
  13. Has anyone seen it? I was watching TV with my 2 yr old sister today and it was on. Its by 4kids, so I didn't ecpect much, but it was actually pretty good. The story's alot like Pokemon and there are some similiarities from Didgimon, but its a really great show thats definately worth watching! I love all the dinosaurs that show up. ^^ Its pretty awesome.
  14. While there are alot of series that grabbed my attention from the start (although some didn't keep it *cough*Inuyasha*cough*) Death Note is definately the one that made the biggest impression on me and kept me glued to the screen. I loved it from the beginning. Another show that had me glued to my seat and faithfully watching every saturday was FullMetal Alchemist. When I saw the first episode and heard Edward's scream and saw his bloody led, I dont know why, but I was HOOKED. I love FullMetal Alchemist. Its one of the best animes out there.
  15. Elk


    Wow. I remember that show. I used to watch it all the time. But I don't think they show it anymore. =/ It was actually a pretty good show. =]
  16. Roy Mustang would have to be mine for sure. While he's a laugh and completely halarious at moments, he has this thing with his past that i just really love!
  17. Elk

    Iron Man

    I thought it was a brilliant movie with awesome casting. Ive never read the comics, but the movie made me want to. It is definately worth seeing again. The special effects were simply spectaular and the ending was the complete opposite of super hero sterotypes. I loved it.
  18. There's a new Harvest Moon game out there for the PSP called Innocent Life which I recently bought. It's a "futuristic" Harvest Moon. It's alot different from other Harvest Moon games, and I like it. The story evolves kind of slowly and the animal care system is easier than all of the other Harvest Moons, although it takes a long time for your animals to get hearts. Anyway, I just want to know if anyone has bought or played it and what they think of it. Should Harvest Moon continue in this direction or revert back to gameplay like its older models?
  19. I recall reading a book a couple of years ago that was about a fox and how he felt about people hunting him. I belive it was through his point of view and it was mostly about one hunt where he was increbibly devious. If you have any information, it would be greatly appriciated. Thank you in advance!!
  20. I see. Yeah, I guess if I do ask myself if he's worth it then he's probably not. I see it for all of your points of views. I guess he isn't worth it. lol. I think I just needed to talk about it with someone, so I feel better now. Perhaps he's not worth it, and if he is not, then I shouldn't worry about it. Thank you guys for the advice. =] And I am only 14, so I have the rest of my life ahead of me. No time to worry about guys and their jerkiness. [no offense to any guys reading this]
  21. I currently like this guy named Justin and my friends say he is a jerk and doesn't deserve anything. Today's his birthday, and I gave him a calender and a wallet. My friend Jessica says that he is not woorth it because a while back he had been basically ignoring me. But I can't help myself and I just had to give him something. He was happy and gave me a hug, so I don't think he's a jerk. But is he really worth it is what I'm always asking myself. There are times I feel like he deserves everything and oother times when I think he's so considerate. For example, on Valentine's Day, I bought him a bunch of things and a big ballon. He said he had no where to put the ballon and asked me if he could pop it. I said okay with out really thinking. When I came home and told my mother, she said that that was a mean thing for him to do because I had gone to HEB and taken my brother and sister with me and had looked for the ballon, just for him to go and pop it. So, I'm not so sure anymore. So I ask the question to myself, is he worth it? And what are your experiences with guys and girls that aren't worth it or who are. How could you tell and what did it feel like? ~Blurr{Boe.Lover}
  22. Wow. I really liked it. But it makes me paranoid now. Because i like this guy and i'm worried this will happen. But I think it's great. It made me think...... I think? but seriously. It's really cool and awesome. (oh, there's some typos in there)
  23. The best time of my life was just yesterday actually! We went to the zoo in my bilology class, and although I had to sit with Aliie, it was really fun because at the zoo, I got to hang out with my best friend and Justin (this guy I like) and some other people, who are starting to become my really close friends now! yay!! Justin gave me a piggyback ride for some of the zoo when i said i was tired. And he made Andy (another guy with us) carry Yocelin and then Maribel. But he never left me! Then I bought Sprite for 1.75 and I took a sip and then gave it to the rest of our group. lol It was a really geat day!! I loved it. I hope I have more times like that!! Well, I'm sure you're pretty bored by my babble, but thanks for your time. ~Blurr (A.K.A Elk)
  24. let's see.... idk.. hm maybe something like "some one's thong is on a bit too tight." and i really like the eye test one. it's halarious. or this one : If I had balls, life would be kicking me in them right about now. that's one of my favorites. :animesmil
  25. lots of animes are inspired my true stories or dreams, i think. i've never actually seen kodocha, so i don't know if it is based on a true story. i know that FullMetal Panic!'s Sonosuke was based on a real person, not to that extreme of course, but he would burst out with military plans and such too.
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