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Everything posted by Elk

  1. i read about it in game informer too. it seems pertty cool and it should come out around this fall. im definatly going to get it because i'm a big inuyasha fan. the psone version was cool so this one should be even better. they also have some inuyasha games for the dreamcast or something like that but they were only relesed in Japan.
  2. well, i wrote a little story and i post some of it here. if it's not good just deal with it because... just because! (P.S. people who i pmed this to, look here for futher updates, okay!) Anyway, here goes... Jing, The Last Elf Dedicated to Grand Master Ronnie Al, my instructor in Tae- Kwon- Do and Hapkido, and David Rodriguez, a Tae- Kwon- Do black belt, both of them always know how to make me smile when I?m down. It was a mild night, the pale full moon was the only light and the only sound was the chirping of crickets. Lightning flashed, a rainstorm was about to fall upon this quiet little field. Then from out of no where a scream was heard, ?Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!? The scream came from a young boy; well, at least young for an Elf, though he was also young by Human standards. The boy fell to the ground, leaving a cloud of dust behind him. He sat up and barely above a whisper he said, ?M-master?? and fell to the ground. His Master landed and went to go pick him up. He cradled him in his arms. It started to rain. His Master started walking to their small house and all he said was: ?It?s alright, Jing.? Jing woke-up very sore the next morning. He looked around the small room and sat up. He was a young Elven boy with spiked light blue hair and pale blue eyes. ?How did I get here?? He asked aloud, his voice hoarse. Then he remembered the night before. His Master had hit him in the stomach and he had fallen to the ground, then it started to rain. That?s all that he remembered. He got up and rubbed his eyes. He went into the kitchen of the small house. His master was there sitting at the table reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. ?It?s a miracle that the paper boy makes it up here everyday!? Jing thought when he saw the newspaper. ?Did you sleep well, Jing?? His Master asked, not looking up from the newspaper. ?Yes, I did Master Tolkien.? Jing said stretching; his muscles were still stiff from last night?s training. He sat down at the table, where bacon, eggs, and a glass of orange juice sat before him. ?Thank you, Master.? He said. ?That?s my breakfast.? His Master replied. He smiled behind the newspaper, though Jing could not see it. ?Oh, sorry Master.? Jing said getting up from the chair. ?Just kidding with you kid. I made that breakfast to reward you for your hard training yesterday.? His Master had spiked silver hair (but not as spiked as Jing?s); he wore a red headband with a blue bow and arrow mark in the middle, and was a master in just about everything that was Martial Arts or weapons. ?Oh, right.? Jing sat down and started eating, while his Master continued reading the paper. Jing finished everything about three minutes later. ?Alright, now that you?ve finished, it time to recite the reason why you are training.? His Master said as soon as Jing finished. He put down the newspaper and stood up. ?Master, why do you make me do this every day?? Jing asked. He took his plate and glass and put them in the sink. ?So, you won?t forget what your fighting for, besides you an Elf, the immortal race, I don?t think two or three minutes would matter when your immortal.? His Master replied. ?Alright, I?ll recite it.? Jing grumbled. ?Long ago there was a Great War against the Orces, and all the races (Kender, Elves, Human, Dwarf, ect.), joined together against the Orces. The battle was won by the Kender with their Hoopaks, the Elves with their Bows, the Dwarves with their Axes, the Humans with their Swords, and the other races. But when the Humans saw how powerful the other races were, they used a strong magic to seal them all away in a dungeon that even the Kender could not break out of. That dungeon is located across the plains, the oceans, the deserts, and many other obstacles, so that even if a Kender or other race broke out, they would not make it very far. Now, I am training to go and release all the races, and see if we can make any kind of peace with the Humans.? Jing recite this with his eyes closed, he opened them and looked at his Master. ?Good, now why aren?t you locked away with the rest of them?? His Master asked with a smile. This was his favorite part. Jing closed his eyes again. ?I am not locked away with the rest of the races because when the Great War broke out my mother was very soon to give birth to me so she stayed behind, and when the Great War was won, she still had not given birth to me. Then the races were locked up and that night my mother gave birth to me, Jing. She cared for me but one night, about a week after my birth, when she was asleep, I escaped somehow. I wandered around for about two days with no food or water, and then you found me, Master Shugo Tolkien, and cared for me as if I where your own son. You brought me back here and as soon as I was well feed and healthy, you started my training.? Again Jing open his eyes, he started at his Master. ?Yes, that sounds about right. It didn?t take too long, only about two or three minutes, like always.? Master Tolkien said smiling. ?Jing, I think you will be ready soon. In one week you will go out and search for the dungeon that holds all the races.? ?Master, do you really think I?m ready?? Jing asked. ?Yes, I believe you are ready and you should too. This is going to be one of the hardest weeks of your life, so far. Now let?s go start the training!? Master Tolkien said starting to walk out the door. ?Yeah, let?s go!? Jing yelled following him. okay, i think this is were i left off when i pmed people, any way, here's the other part. and just so you know, a marquess is kinda like a japanese king, those of you who play/played Fire Emblem should know Master Tolkien had not lied, that had been one of the toughest weeks in Jing?s young life, but it was only the beginning? ?Master Tolkien, must I really go?? Jing asked as Master Tolkien packed things for his journey. He was flopped on his bed, his feet dangled over the edge. ?Yes, you must go, this is what you?ve been training for.? Master Tolkien replied still packing things. ?It?s your destiny, why else would you, a newborn Elven child (not that I have any thing against Elves), be able to escape, while even the oldest and wisest of other races, including your own, could not?? ?You?ve got a point, I guess I have to go.? Jing said with a smile. ?Here, everything?s packed. You?ve got food, water, extra clothes, and some money.? Master Tolkien told Jing as he handed him the worn-out gray backpack. ?Alright, Master.? Jing put on the backpack. ?I will see you over the mountains, but after that you?re on you own. Be careful, Humans out there may want to capture and kill you. Maybe you will meet some companions who will help you on your journey.? His Master warned. They walked out of the small house, the mountains where not that big; they would be able to pass them in half a day. To Jing the mountains looked far, he had never been on an adventure so he didn?t really know that this was a short distance compared to what he would travel while saving the races. Master Tolkien started walking towards the mountains and Jing followed him. They went over the mountains with no problem; it took them only half a day. ?Bye? Jing, I?m sure I will see you again.? Master Tolkien said; he put a hand on Jing?s shoulder. ?You?ve been like a son to me.? ?And you?ve been like a father to me.? Jing said. ?I hope I see you again soon, Master Shugo Tolkien.? Jing looked at his Master and his Master looked at his student. For a while they did not say anything. ?Good-bye.? They said together. ?I hope I will see you soon.? Jing turned around and started walking away. ?Good-bye, Master.? He said as he waved. ?I hope I see you again.? ?Good-bye, Jing.? Master Shugo Tolkien replied. ?I?ll miss you.? He stood there watching his only student leave. He watched Jing for a while until he vanished over a hill. Then he stood there for about a minute before he walked back to the small house he and Jing had once shared. Jing had only been walking for about half an hour when he reached a small village. ?Master said that the humans might want to capture and kill me, I have to find a way to hide my ears and I could pass for a Human, I think.? Jing thought. He saw a man selling hats. ?That might work.? He walked up to the cart. He saw a green hat; it looked kind of like a shower cap. It had a white cloth tied across the middle; the place where the knot was tied had the same white cloth hanging loosely to mark the back. ?Do you like that hat, laddie?? The storekeeper asked when he saw Jing looking at the hat. ?If you do, try it on.? Jing took the hat off the hook and put it on. It pushed down his spiky light blue hair, but it fit perfectly over his ears, covering them so that it looked like he had none. ?How much for the hat, Mister?? He asked. ?Two Gold Pieces.? The old man answered. Jing took off his backpack and opened one of the pockets. He took out two Gold Pieces. ?Here.? He handed the shopkeeper the coins and turned around and left. It was getting late; he had to find an inn. He spotted an inn and went in. He walked up to the innkeeper and asked, ?May I have a room?? ?Aye, if you have money, five Gold Pieces for a room.? The innkeeper said. ?Here?s for the room.? Jing took out five Gold Pieces (also called GP) and gave them to the owner. ?Third room to the right.? The innkeeper said. Jing walked down the hall and entered the third room to his right. Inside he found a small bed, a nightstand, and a single chair. ?Well, I haven?t been caught so far and there are a lot of people around.? Jing said as he threw his backpack, bow and quiver, and sword on the bed. ?I think I?ll go have a drink.? He opened the same poach with the GP in it and stuffed a hand full in his pocket. He walked out of the room and down the hall into the bar. He saw an unoccupied table and sat there. He called a barmaid and ordered some ale. Then a young man walked over to his table; he was dressed like a Marquess and he had combed red hair, but there was something different about him, he did not seem as though he acted like a Marquess would. He asked Jing, ?Can I sit here?? ?Yes, if you like.? Jing replied. ?Who are you? What?s your name?? ?My name?s Strum Kunisaki and I am son of the Marquess of Tania.? The stranger replied. ?Who are you?? ?I am Jing and I am just a traveler.? Jing answered. The barmaid brought Jing his ale and he gave her one GP; she nodded and left. Jing took a gulp of ale. ?I see you are heavy drinker.? Strum said. ?Not really.? Jing answered taking another gulp of ale. ?I challenge you to a drinking contest.? Strum said. ?No thank you, I don?t really drink.? Jing answered. ?I insist; I?ll even pay for the drinks.? Strum said. ?What are the wagers?? Jing asked. ?Depending on that I?ll play.? ?The wagers are the winner gets to carry the loser to his bed like a baby and the loser has to pay for the drinks.? Strum said. ?But you just said that you?d pay for the drinks!? Jing yelled. ?Change of plans.? Strum answered calmly. ?Fine whatever, let?s go.? Jing muttered. ?Barmaid, another round for me and my friend and keep ?em coming!? Strum yelled at one of the barmaids. A barmaid come over with two mugs of ale and set them on the table. Strum grabbed one and so did Jing. ?First, before we start, what?s with the wired green hat, Jing? Why don?t you take it off?? Strum asked. ?I don?t want to.? Jing answered. ?Alright then, let?s start.? Strum said. Jing and Strum both took a big gulp; Jing finished his first and ordered another one. The barmaid brought another round for both Jing and Strum; by this time Strum had already finished his and grabbed the second one. Jing had already finished with his second one and was in the middle of his third. This continued for a while, Jing in the lead; occasionally Strum would get ahead of Jing. In no time at all Jing was on his 56th mug of ale and Strum was on his 48th, when all of a sudden Strum fell over. Jing got up from his chair and walked over to where Strum had fallen. Strum was asleep, Jing was the winner, but he was very drunk. ?Yes, I?m the winner!? Jing yelled though out the almost empty bar. He grabbed Strum by the feet and started dragging him to his room. He dragged him out of the bar but that was as far as he got, because then he fell asleep, too. So, there lay Jing, the Elf who is supposed to save every race from the Humans? dungeon, and Sturm, the son of the Marquess of Tania, both asleep in a pile and both about to wake up with a really bad hangover. Well, that's all the updates for now...
  3. I started watching anime when i was about 10 or something and it was only DBZ and pokemon and (no offence to anyone) stupid stuff like that. My brother started watching anime when he was 4 and not the crappy stuff I watched! I think the first anime he saw was Inuyasha, then Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, Blue Gender, and every thing that's every been on Adult Swim and Toonami, he's also lerning how to read through Manga. (He's 5 yars old.)
  4. How do you recruit people on your team in blitzball in FFX? I need to know because on of my players left. And do you know any good people that you can get on your team and where they are? Also, does you contract expire? Because if it does then i want to be on the Graudo (sp?) Glories!
  5. I use anime/manga in my art work. when ever we have to do anything involving drawing it's anime style and if i write a creative writing paper it has an anime type story line.
  6. My computer wasn't working so I wasn't able to clear this up after it started. I am not offened by people saying bad words. I usally write/say bad words and theacher are humans and of course the get pissed off every once and awhile and start cusing. everyone gets pissed off every once and awhile so you ether take out your anger by kicking and punching something (or for some of us someone) or by swearing and cursing. ether way you are going to cuse some time.
  7. Okay I've had a few theachers that had said bad words. 1. Mrs. Lusier, This student go her really mad and she said, "It's bull **** that that you did you're work." 2. My chouch, Ocana, Not only did he say one but to a retarted kid, The retarded kid, Alex, had spiderman shoes and the couch sung, "Spider man spder man, who the hell do you think I am?" and virous other songs like that. 3. Mr. Garcia, someone interupted him while he was talking and he said, "It better be important or youre ganna piss me off." and he said hell bout twice and another theacher i cant remember.
  8. Does anyone know the name to that song that comes on the first time Kanti eats Noata? And where I can download it?
  9. Nooooooo, Crim's ugly and in the first picture Elk looks like a lazy fat ***! Kite reminds me of this game my bother has with Elmo (he's 5) and the anmals look all destorted like that when you color them. God help us all if that's what it's ganna look like, stupid crack artists!
  10. What are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of anything, except [spoiler] Because my parents never got married I've never seen my dad he left when I was 1 or less, and I'm afraid that I'll never see him in real life before he or I die and I don't want to see him when he's on life support or see him just because he'd dying. And I'v never even seen him in a picture ether.[/spoiler] and that's it.
  11. my parents aren't devoiced because they never got married and i never seen my dad.
  12. not to mention on demon inuyasha (well at least on my copy) in the booklet for the attaks it said poison insects insted of bite that why through the whole game i was like that cant be demon inuyasha it just cant.
  13. Elk


    well here are more of my injuries: when i was in 3rd grade we where playing tug of war and i was behind my fat cousin her name is Corina and she waighed 110 pounds back then and then we pulled the other class and i fell on the floor and then she fell on top of me and it hurt she was 110 pounds! ok and then there was this time when me and my grandma went to the dallor store and i had my fingers where the door closes and i was thinking about something esle and salmed the door as hardas i could (i always close doors like that) on my fingers this was about a week ago, well me and my brother have bunk beads and the fan is where the ladder to get of is (me and Oji call it the corrupted fan) and i had just woken up and it was 6:30 in the mornig and i stated up till 2 and i was going to get off and hit my head on the fan so hard that the fan moved and i fell back on my bed. when i was little like the age when you barly learn to walk i didn't walk i ran and i coudn't stop unless i ran into something. (this really isn't an injury) when i was about 2 they left my uncle nune babysitting me and he got a jackes put my arms in the sleeves and tied my hands to my back after much stuggle i finally got free and i was 2! when they asked him why hid did that he said "it was to biuld up my mucles" and that's all i can think of but i have a lot more that are pretty minor.
  14. 10 I loved this episode because crim beat sora but (i think it was in this episode) when subaru said "i think i'm her taget." i heard "I thibk i'm retarded." And i was like "What the hell then how does she play in the world." but then figred it out. i wish maha hadn't died but sora didn't he cheated and loged out/ warped to another area! very good episode.
  15. Okay I am very clumsy and in one day managed to get these injuries: I slamed my elbow in a car door Bumped my head 3 times stubed my toe Fell from my cousin, Oji ryu, couch Hit a car mirror with the side of my shoulder and the most recent one: fell from the cair while I was typing this (I was leaning back)
  16. 9/10 I really liked this episode except the part where Tsukasa runs off and Mimiru says "you should go after him Suburu." I started yelling, "Mimiru I want you to be with Tsukasa and besides Suburu's crippled, I bet she does it like a wesel!" I knew Suburu and Tsukasa had something going on but I still got mad. And when Tsukasa says "I'm think I'm a girl." and Suburu replies "I don't care I like you for your spirt." I was like, "Come one you only wanted him because you thought he was a guy! Only hippies like people for they're spirts!" And I did notice that Crim wasn't behind that shild and I said "Crim's so strong he doesn't need your crappy shild!" And everyone was together and Helba talks and that stupid imprission of Sora, I love this episode! And did any one notice (chould have just been my t.v. but) when the title comes and it slides in it sorta frezzes then goes back to normal?
  17. Elk

    Knives' Escape

    If you're a gun-ho-gun you'll get more screen time then in Trigun and you have to come up with a story of why the joined the gun-ho-guns.
  18. Elk


    And there was also this part in FLCL where they act like the people from south park!
  19. It was funny. K.K.C. when did Crim jump of the rock in slow motion?
  20. [URL=http://www.megspace.com/entertainment/momogurl/useless.htm]Weird Facts[/URL] Did you know any of these facts? And wolfwood's middle name suits him. And I didn't know that there where THAT many mistakes in episode 9!
  21. Name: Sparkie Age:13 Height/Weight: 4'7"/95 Description: Black hair tied back into a small tail, wears a cape like Jr.'s from Xenosaga, but his is all black, under the cape he wears a red shirt and his pants are light green Attitude: Care free, until things get nasty then you better look out! Weapon: Monve .45k- looks like Knives' gun but a little smaller. (More of an attack) Angel Blast- His gun turns blue and this gaint blue ball of his spirt energy comes out. (Explians how he kills so many people, huh?) Side: Evil (sadly) Bio: Used to be one of Vash's closest friends, then he decided not to be. His mother and father were killed when he was about 7 and he was taken in by an orphanage but ended up killing everyone there. He has this thing called The Hide Illness, and at 12:00 o'clock (Midnight and lunch time) he goes on a one hour killing spree where he kills up to 3,000 people. He knows what he's doing but because of his age can not control it. And his bullets never mis there mark! I'll fill in the rest later, I gatta go now!
  22. I thought about this when I was wondering how many times I've seen Vash and Knives when they're babies inside a womb anyways here's the story: After the battle with Knives, Vash took him in. Knives now hated the humans more then ever, so he tried to escape and then went to go see this which docter so he could revive all his lackies like: Legato, the Gun-Ho-Guns, and Wolfwood. Now Vash has to track him down and stop his evil plans! :flaming: So what you need is: Name: Age: (optional) Weapon: This RPG is ganna need: All the Gun-Ho-Guns, Vash, and Legato. Name: Million Knives Age: 130 Weapon: a black .45 long colt revolver and Angel Arms Wolfwood is reserved for Double_B_Diago!
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i] [B]Ever had a chem teacher throw something off the "Dangerous" shelf at you? Nuff said. [/B][/QUOTE] What the hell?! Tell us why she/he did it!
  24. I can think of more too: I let people walk all over me I talk to myself alot I waste all and I mean all my money ao anime and manga I love to break anything I can as long as people don't get mad at me I play to much video games I love to write (And my stories are really good well that's what people say) but I never and I mean never finish any of them I love to draw (goes with the one before) but every thing seems to pile up I'lll see if I can think of anything esle.
  25. Let's see the worst sub I'v ever had was some lady and I can't remember her name. It was last year in 5th grade and we had her a couple of mounths before the TAKS and then the whole time after. She was very nice to me but all she knew was sience and would repet the same thing about something over and over again. Resons why she was nice to me: I was the best student in sience so I wouldn't have to do the work and end up drawing through the whole class, When we did have an assiment I would hate sitting at my desk (I still don't know why) so I would get a chair and sit next to her desk and do my work there and I'd never have to do the homework. But I hated having her because of the sience and I hate sience.
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