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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Jay

    Import Games

    thanks, I really appreciate it
  2. Can anyone please tell me how I can play imported Japanese games on my American Playstation 2? I'm really not that informed on things like this.
  3. [FONT=eurostile][COLOR=darkblue]Chris leaned against the hard wall of a drug store. The place was very familiar to him since it was where he executed all business exchanges. He stared ahead calmly as people passed him by, not paying any notice. This time he was handing off a powerful data virus to infect a rather large company's closed network.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=eurostile][COLOR=darkblue]After a few minutes, a tall man with graying hair and a wrinkled face, probably in his mid-forties, came to stand next to him. He was wearing a long black trench coat and oversized sunglasses drooping far too low.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=courier new][COLOR=limegreen]"The rat enters the cage..."[/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=courier new][COLOR=royalblue]"And the door locks behind him." [/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=courier new][COLOR=limegreen]"ALIAS. The virus please."[/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=courier new][COLOR=royalblue]"Pay up first. I have a trust disability. It comes with the job."[/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=eurostile][COLOR=darkblue]The man handed Chris a blue envelope. He took it and opened it up. A wad of hundred dollar bills lay inside. Chris thumbed through them briefly then shut the envelope and put it in his coat pocket. He then took out a jewel case with a disk inside and handed it to the man. Without a word, both of them left.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. Jay

    Dark Messenger

    OOC: Sorry I haven't posted that much...I have a sib working on her website 27:7. ------------------- As the Monosu came near, Aelus held up his staff. Just as the creature smashed into it, Aelus thrust forwards, sending it back. Aelus: I might as well end this quickly... Aelus dropped his stanced and stood up straight and tall. He pointed his large wooden staff at the Monosu. Aelus:*wispering* Burn away the trees with fiery rage... Aelus' staff began to glow red. In the next instant, a fireball the size of a bowling ball lept from his staff and slammed into the Monotu. The creature screeched in pain as it went flying beackwards. It landed on the ground completely black and charred.
  5. Jay

    Dark Messenger

    Aelus stared at J-Pawn for a few minutes. He broke his eerie stare and began to get up. Aelus: A quest to destroy the Dark Messenger...Hmmm. All right, I'll join you. J-Pawn: Really? That's great! Aelus: What information do you have already?
  6. Jay

    Dark Messenger

    Aelus had ben wandering the town for a few hours. He found nothing that really interested him. As he spotted a merchant selling food, he walked over. Aelus picked out some fruit and bread. He took a few gold coins from his pouch to pay for them. He walked towards the inn, ready to get some rest. As he walked in, he saw a large woman cleaning up. Aelus: Has a jester come in here and rented out any rooms? Woman: Why, yes. I believe she is ccurrently entertaining a wounded archer. Aelus: Thank you. Aelus began to look around for the archer and J-Pawn.
  7. [b]Name:[/b] Chris Ellman (I'm assuming we can use normal names...) [b]Hacker Name/Nickname:[/b] ALIAS [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]The Matrix[/i] Brown hair about ear length that he just lets hang, dark brown eyes, green sunglasses, a scar on his right cheek covered by a bandage. Wears black...black sleeveless shirt, cut off gloves, pants, and boots, and the black trench coat. [i]Real Life[/i] (For when released) Brown hair about ear length that he just lets hang, dark brown eyes, a scar on his right cheek covered by a bandage, and plugs all over his body. He wears a dirty white tunic, grey pants, and shoes [b]Alliance:[/b] Humans [b]Short Bio:[/b] Chris is a Senior High school student. After school, he takes up his notorious hacker alias. He makes money by selling viruses and stealing information from some of the most protected government servers. He is completely unaware of the presence of the matrix. [b]Ship:[/b] N/A [b]Weapons:[/b] Twin MR Desert Eagles, XM8 Assault Rifle, REmington 11-87 shotgun. Okay, I'll still be in the matrix.
  8. Arus: I wish you would all stop acting like children He got up from his previous position on the floor against the wall. Kyp: What do you mean?! Arus: I hate it when people act without thinking. While you were picking fights that could have been avoided, you were paying no attention to Wolf's fight. In fact, you could've even learned something to improve your sword. You really need to learn to think with a clear mind. Ken: Be quiet, Wolf is still fighting. Kyp and Arus turned their attention towards Wolf and Twilight. Arus: I'm going to get a better view. With that, he began to walk closer towards Wolf and his brother.
  9. Jay

    Dark Messenger

    Aelus had been walking for wuite some time when he noticed a ruffle from a tree above him. No animal would have stayed around the area after what happened to the village: they all would have been scared away. He was being followed. Aelus: You can show yourself, I know your there. He waited for a response
  10. Jay

    Dark Messenger

    Aelus opened his eyes. The sky was black, though it wasn't night time. Thunder jumped and bounced everywhere violently. Strange, these times were. He leaned on his staff to help him get up. Then he began to walk. No longer could he follow the path of a healer because of the Dark Messenger. Never again could he become a healer for not only had he learned the dark arts, but he had taken many peoples' lives. The forest came to a clearing, Aelus hoped it was a village, but to his dismay, it was only the charred remains of one. He continued on, hoping to find a village sooner or later.
  11. OOC: Are there any guards left? Just wondering because no one's paid any attention to them in a while. The walls fell down and the hall was in chaos. He and Kyp made their way farther into it and he barely heard Ken's voice say something to Kyp. But Arus wasn't watching that. He was watching the fight between Wolf and Twilight. He then turned his attention to Ken and Sayuri. Both seemed injured, but it seemed he must have missed something. Arus sheathed his sword and walked over to Ken and Sayuri.
  12. The cart stopped at the gate of the fort. A guard walked up to approve its entrance. Guard: Your not- The guard was cut short when Arus sliced his throat. Arus: Kyp, are you ready or am I going without you? Kyp: I'm ready, I'm ready...geez. Arus lashed the reins and the horses continued forward. Kyp: So where do we start?
  13. Name: Aelus Age: 92 (Looks 25) Gender: Male Weapon: A long polished oak staff with a knot at its head. Class: Mage Description: Dark Brown hair and ice blue eyes. He wears a white robe with red stripes at the sleeves and bottom, a rope tied at his waste, and the hood down. His build is even, not too muscular in either legs or arms and he stands about 5'11". Bio: Once he traveled thw rold as a healer of illness. He went from village to village curing people who seemed an inch from death. From doing so, he eventually came to be called The Healer. But as the world became a more grim place, he began to practice the darker arts as well. Soon, he was using his powers in war.
  14. The rickety old cart dragged lazily along the well-worn path. The horses ran merrily, without a care in the world. The human half of the cart was not so cheerful, though. Arus and Kyp were preparing for the task that lie ahead. Arus: I hope you knopw what your doing when we get there. Kyp: Of course I do! Its not that hard, all we have to do is cause commotion. Arus: Just make our plan too visible and don't get yourself killed-I can't stand it when people leave their dead bodies to weigh my conscience. Kyp: I can tell you really care about your teammates. Arus scowled at him. As they neared the fort, Arus pulled on the reins and the horses slowed down to a trot.
  15. I guess I'm in Name: Arus Ikame Age: 19 Weapon: Kodachi (short sword used mainly for defensive techniques) An ancient weapon passed on by his ancestors. Many stories were told in his family about the legendary blade that killed human and demon alike. Though it was never given a name, some refer to it as the Silver Dragon. Description: [Darn my stupid scanner! It won't work]Brown hair parting in the middle and about ear-length. Orange-red eyes. He wears a blue kimono (not full-length) and a deep blue haori. White hakama pants, and medium size tabi boots. Bio: His parents were slaughtered when he was just three years old and ever since then, he has trained under the Tai Kodachi form and mastered his skills with the short sword.
  16. Is it still yoo late to join? Name: Kiyo Sakima Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapons: small 5" black knives (close and long range), two close range 11" diamond edged knives, standard pistol Bio: Not much is known about him. He is a professional assassin who always kills his target. His signature kill is putting a knife in the back of the target's head. No one has ever gotten a photo of his face or a sample of his DNA due to his precision and caution. Description: About 5'8", has green eyes and brown-red hair. Always wears a faded brown cloak and when executing a job, he wears the hood up. Under the cloak he weards a loose black shirt and tight shorts that go down to his knees.
  17. Arus was very quiet, sitting in an upright position seeming to be asleep except he left one eye open. He wasn't disturbed, as he had been trained to meditate if unable to sleep. But he always felt like leaving an eye open, ever since his childhood. He finally decided to meditate. Heclosed his eyes and folded his arms. He felt the falling sensation, the sleep-like state, and he eventually slipped into meditiation. Flames were burning everywhere, the village was falling apart. Dead people were lying on the ground, and among them, Arus saw the priest who had raised him. As he continued to make his way, he saw the two nuns-he had heard them screaming earlier, so as to spare him, until he got away. As he frightfully picked his way around the corpses and blazes, he saw a figure in the distance. It was that man-the stranger who came to this village, set it aflame, and let loose his samurai lackeys on the innocents. Arus looked around, there was a charred rusty blade on the ground. He picked it up and ran towards the man. He turned around and with one slash, sent Arus flying backwards, an open slash in his chest. Arus opened his eyes, breathing heavily. He must have fallen asleep. That familiar scene was seven years ago. He had killed that samurai that caused all that pain. He then settled down in a wuiet village. But that village, too burned to the ground. The townspeople were massacred by guns, he lost all his friends. This time, he turned to the man with the crescent scar for revenge. Arus clen clenched his fists. Arus: Never again... He then slipped into meditation
  18. Okay...finally have a clear schedule and nothing to do for the next...forever. So I can finally do Miroku.
  19. Wolf left the camp to find some lumber for a fire. As he entered the small woods, a figure approached from behind. Wolf: Who are you and what business do you have with me. Wolf turned to see Arus. Wolf: I thought you had a favor to complete. Arus: That man...your brother. He has one eye and a crescent scar? Wolf: So it was you eavesdropping. Yes, that's him. Arus: He is the one that burned my village to the ground. Wolf: Now I'm starting to get the picture. Arus: Since 6 swords are better than one, would you allow me to travel with you? Wolf: If you want. Arus: Thank you.
  20. Man 1: They're late... Man 2: Don't worry about it. A full sized van arrived and three men stepped out. Man 1: Here's the money. Man 3: Here's the product. Man 3 unloaded a crate from the van. Man 4: Plastique explosives, guns, ammo, all the stuff you wanted. ???: Idiots don't have the right to use guns. A gunshot erupted, echoing around the walls, and one of the men from the van fell to the ground with a hole between his eyes. The remaining two men from the van pulled out machine guns and began shooting wildly. The sound of shooting bullets continued for at least five minutes, with occasional reloads, but when it finally stopped, there was no sound of a dead body thumping to the floor. ???: What are you shooting at?! Two more gunshots and the clients fell dead. Man 4: Who are you!!? Suddenly, a man appeared behind him. ???: I'm the one sending you to meete your maker... The man shoved a sword through Man 5's body, killing him. Man 4 began to shoot, but he too was soon impaled by the sword. When he was done, the man placed a device on the crate and pressed a few buttons. The device began to blip and the man walked out of distance, then pushed a button. There was a small explosion that destoryed the box and the van, but did no other damamge than char the concrete floor. The man disappeared into the dark.
  21. Yeah...I just haven't posted very much on it yet.
  22. Jay

    Music Mania

    Would Arus and Tommi please come to the stage? Arus walked on to the stage and shook his opponent's hand. Then, he played the eerie tune on his clarinet and the huge Black dragon appeared. The opponent played a jumpy tune on his bassoon and a flaming lion appeared in front of the dragon. Arus (to himself): Is that all? Well this won't be too hard. Tommi: Lion, attack! The lion charged at the dragon, only to be thrown back to the ground. Arus: Finish it now Dragon! The dragon opened its mouth and a black sphere of energy launched itself out and found its way to the lion, knocking it unconcious. Arus is the winner! The crowd screamed as the judge then picked another 2 random names from the hat... The next matchup is...
  23. Jay

    Music Mania

    Arus landed his dragon and it returned to his clarinet. Then he got in the endless line for the signups. He waited about four hours before he got to sign up. Arus: Man, that took long enough...you'd think they would have more than one signup desk. Now, let's see, I need to find some place to stay...
  24. Jay

    Music Mania

    Arus heard a scratching sound and opened one eye to find a flyer. Arus: Looks like this is a tournament...for mucisians. He opened the case lying next to him and assembled his clarinet. Then, Arus began to play an eerie toon. A huge black dragon appeared. Arus hopped on its back and then it spread its huge wings and set off for the tournament.
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