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Everything posted by Jay
Okay...I'll do it then.
Hey, Raiha. Do you draw those pictures yourself? They're really good ^_^.
Uh...Sorry guys, I didn't even know this had started -_T. I can be Miroku from now on if you still want me to.
Hope this one is as good as your other one! Name: Arus Age: 21 Weapons: Uzi on his left leg, two desert eagles on his belt, grenades and extra ammo strapped to his arms and legs and insides of his coat, and a japanese sword (Sheath part of right pant leg). Appearance: Short brown hair parting in the middle, red-orange eyes covered by green sunglasses, white cut off shirt under black leather coat, and baggy white pants Bio: Doesn't like to talk about himself much: Is wuiet most of the time and very sarcastic. (Or am I just too lazy to make a bio; You decide! LOL)
Yeah, I have to agree with her...my eyes are put under horrible stress trying to read some of these posts.
I'll be Miroku, or if needed I'll be a made up character.
Name: Arus Age: 18 Instrument: Clarinet Summon Monster: Black Dragon Description: Short brown hair that parts in the middle of his head, orange-red eyes, Black leather jacket, white undershirt, and khaki cargo pants. Bio: When he was a young boy, his parent's died of an illness. He was adopted by a famous mucisian. In his death bed, the musician gave the clarinet to Arus stating that though the instrument was small, its power was tremendous. Since then, ARus has practiced at least 5 hours a day, mastering the clarinet.
Kiyo began his small walk home. Voice: Hey you, come here. Kiyo glanced in the direction of the voice. Kiyo: What do you want now Beggs. Beggs: I want you to fight me! Kiyo: We've done this before and I've beaten you before. Beggs: Damn you! Beggs thrust his hand forward and a 18' spider appeared on the ground in front of him. Kiyo: *Sighs* Have it your way. Aeden! the stone around Kiyo's neck began to glow and the huge silver dragon materialized in front of the spider. The spider tried to bite the huge dragon, but it was to no avail. The dragon threw the spider of itself. Kiyo: Finish him! The dragon bent forward and opened its mouth, its wings spread out far. Energy appeared to be gathering at its mouth and building up into one huge black sphere. When the sphere was a fair size, the dragon fired it. Its head was thrown backwards in recoil and its feet dug into the ground to keep from getting blasted back. The ball, which had changed into a beam when it was launched, hit the spider, sending it right back to Beggs. Kiyo: Maybe that will teach you.
Before Wolf entered his room, he heard a smash in the next room over. He crept down the hall and listened in through the door. Voice 1: Where is he?! There was a smash, obviously indicating someone was being thrown against the wall. Wolf: That sounds like that Arus guy... Voice 2: Go ahead and kill me! You'll never get it from me! Arus: Have it your way then. There was a thump as the unknown man's body dropped the the floor. Wolf burst into the room. No one was there except a limp body on the floor bleeding through the neck. Wolf: Hmmmm... Wolf then returned to his own room.
Name:Kiyo Sakima Age: 15 Description: See attached Bio: As a young boy, his village was destroyed. He was stranded in the wild and his beast saved him from a pack of wolves. His beast carried him to the nearest town, saving his life. Kiyo and his beast share a relationship of which one can tell almost exactly what the other is thinking. Beast Name: Aeden Type: Dragon Element: Dark Description: Uh...I tried drawing it but I can't...so think Red Eyes Black Dragon, except silver body and green eyes. Device Discription: A chain that goes around Kiyo's neck and is attached to a green stone that glows.
Uh...can anyone tell me how to attach a pic to a post?
Name: Kiyo age: 24 Element: Dark Weapon: Bastard Sword Spells: Darkness-a jolt of dark energy is sent through target's body Death Slash-sword is lit with dark energy Push-Dark energy is used to throw target backwards Dark grip-dark energy is used to paralyze target for a certain amount of time.
A few devils stood guard at the gate. They raised their weapons as a figure approached. "Who goes?" One asked "I am here to see the Dark Lord. I have no business with you," the small figure replied. "No one one sees the Dark Lord at the moment," the guard replied. The small form of a boy continued to walk. "Stop, or you will be punished!" The guard raised his spear. The small boy raised a glowing hand and the guard was thrown backward into the gate. The remaining guard stood gawking at the small boy, who pointed a finger at the gate, opening the huge doors. The boy walked on to the castle without another word.
A small figure sat watching atop a cliff as two sides slaughtered eachother. They were literally fighting like dogs. As he watched motionless, he seemed to be deep in thought. He stood up and said "It is time to choose which side is right" Then he simply disapeared.
Hey, when is this RP gonna start?
Arus: Well Trance, next time remind me to take care of it myself. Then I won't have deadweights dragging me down and babies getting hurt. Sean: Hey I heard that! Arus: I'll be syncing my cockpit if anyone needs me. Trance: Who said you could touch your cockpit?! Arus takes off down the hall. Sean: Hey! Get back here! Trance: *Sighs* If he screws up the cockpit I'll take his head off.
I have to admit I know Wing the best myself. The first time I watched Mobile Suit Gundam was last summer at my cousin's house (He has all of the existing gundam DVD's). I think Wing is the best of the gundam series. :) LOL.
Arus: Oh great, one more person to worry about in battle. Oh well. Aerow, your shift's over, its my turn. Arus powered up his mech and left on his patrol. It was a clear night. The stars shone brightly and the moon was slightly smaller than full. Not an organism moved in the forests surrounding ORGUN base. Not even a rat. 'It's much too quiet. After an enemy attack animals are usually running about.' Arus thought to himself. Arus looked at the infared monitor, still seeing nothing. Suddenly, the monitor blipped, then faded as quickly as it had come. Arus: What was that?! He looked around, only to see nothing. Arus: Why didn't I think of it before? They're using stealth shields. Aerow and Denny didn't stur anything because this wasn't his patrol area. Arus pressed a button on the control panel and a picture of Aorashi appeared on the monitor. Aorashi: Yello. What is it? Arus: Send two mechs out hear, we may have a situation. Aorashi: What kinda situation would that be? Arus: The enemy may have sent a stealth force to destroy the base while we don't know it. Aorashi: Yeah right. I'll bet you just drank a little too much. Arus: You should know I don't drink. Just get out here and send Sean with you. Better safe than dead.
Hey Domon, Just wondering if I could change a few of the colors around on the gundam I chose. If not, OK. I just wanted to know.
Hey, do we get ranked?
Arus: Mercenaries? That's a cheap way to live. I have to go now. Maybe we'll meet again, but I have a favor to complete.
Name: Arus Ikame Age: 17 Alliance: E.S.N. General Bios: At the age of 3, his father died. He had been in the military for wuite some time and was a skilled mobile suit pilot. He died in an armed outbreak in the colonies. One year later, his mother died of a deadly virus and left all the money she had to send Arus to space to live with his 22 year old sister. His sister had gone to space working for a division of Anaheim electronics dealing with super computers. Her intelligence must have rubbed off on Arus. At the age of 5, he was able to build his own computer. When he was 10 years old, he became an uncle when his sister had her first child. During the its first year, Arus did most of his sisters paperwork so she could take care of the baby. At the age of 17, Arus has pulled straight A+ since he began school. One day while walking home from school, Arus is pulled aside on the street by a stranger that he has never met before. The stranger leads him to an alleyway where no one can see or hear them and introduces himself as an E.S.N. military scout. Arus is told that he has been under surveilance for the past 7 years by the military and that he has been chosen to be a pilot of one of the new gundam prototypes. Arus agrees to become a pilot and is taken to a military base by a limousine. The scout gives him a decision of what his gundam is to specialize in. After a brief moment, Arus choose the stealth-type Reaper Gundam. He is taken to a hanger where he meets the other pilots. Mech description: Reaper Gundam- This gundam is armed with a stealth system, missle launchers in its chest, a sinper beam rifle, and one beam saber. Color scheme looks like that of the original Deathsycthe. The only difference between this Reaper and the others is that all the yellow on its body has been subsituted for a dark green color.
Real World: Name: Jay Apearance: red hair parting on one side, blue eyes,5'7", medium tanned skin. Bio: Battles for the fun of it...he feels if he does something wrong he'll just stop doing it. Personality: Cold, mean, and sarcastic to everyone but women. Bit chips: electro-whip, Super buster, energy shield, buster blade. Navi Chips: LeonV1 Special Tech: Overdrive Buster (Can only use once every 10 battles) Net Name: Bass Apearance: Looks like Bass from the old Megaman series (Except he has the cloak from the new video game) Bio: A specialized navi made for Jay by his brother before he went away Persanlity: Just as cold and harsh as Jay, except he makes no exceptions for women. He gives no mercy and is extremely powerful.
Arus was walking around the streets when he heard a gunshot. Arus: People who use guns are simply cowards who lack all skill. Arus rushes towards the sound of the gunshot. Arus: But all the same, they are still killers, and it is my duty to stop them.