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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Jay

    Eternal Darkness

    The full moon shone down upon the rocky region. Arus sat in his mech, eyes closed but not asleep. There were a few loud 'Blips' on one of his monitors. "They finally showed themselves" he said to himself, opening his eyes and gripping the controls. He pushed forward on the controls, launching Reaper into the air. In the same instant, gunfire erupted from three directions. A mech sped towards Arus. "Here we go!" Reaper pulled out its beamsword and thrusted toward the enemy mech. He sliced it into three pieces and landed on the ground. The remaining two mech's fired repeatedly. Reaper's lower left arm was shot off and there were a few sparks on his lower legs. He pulled out the mech's pistol and fired three times into one of the enemy mech's head. The remaining enemy blasted the mech's right foot. Reaper used its thrusters to launch itself at the enemy. It used its beam sword tomake a clean slice right down the middle. All the enemies were gone. "My shift's over," Arus commented to himself, beginning the trip back to the base. As he arrived, he reported the repairs that needed to be made and made his way to the mess hall
  2. name: Arus Ikame Age: 19 weapon: Kodachi (short sword used mainly for defensive techniques) An ancient weapon that belonged to his ancestors. Many stories were told in his family about the legendary blade. When he decided to kill the samurai, he sought the blade out. Description: [Darn my stupid scanner! It won't work]Brown hair parting in the middle and about ear-length. Orange-red eyes. He wears a blue kimono (not full-length) and a deep blue haori. White hakama pants, and medium size tabi boots. I have to give creadit to Dmitri since I looked at his description for the pants and boots. :cross: LOL Bio: His parents were slaughtered when he was just three years old and ever since then, he has trained under the Tai Kodachi form and mastered his skills with the short sword.
  3. Uhm...I'll sign up, but I really don't know the first thing about bit chips and special techniques...I'm an olod-school megaman fan. If someone can explain them to me, I'll sign up.
  4. Name: Chaos Age: 50000 Race: Demon Side: Evil Normal Appearance: Looks like a 13 year old human boy. He has incredibly white skin, green eyes, metallic green hair, and wears black robes with runes on them. Battle Appearance: Though he keeps the same size and build, his eyes turn flaming red, his hair turns red and black, and runes on his hands begin to glow Bio: A very old, very powerful demon that has been watching over the world for some time, never taking the side of heaven or hell, until now. His motives are known to no one but himself
  5. Arus: Hey bro, is this letter from one of YOUR friends? *Tosses letter to brother* Brother: All I see is a blank piece of paper. What are you tryin' to pull? Arus: What do you mean? I can see the wwriting right there! Brother: Are you smokin' somethin'? Arus: You...really can't see it... Arus grabs the letter and runs out the door and disappears in the streets.
  6. Jay

    Eternal Darkness

    Uhm...I..really don't see any opening for meyet...so I'll post later
  7. Arus: Right...why is it my problem? I wonder how many people this got to anyway. Arus grabs his jacket and heads out the door.
  8. Name- Arus Ikame Age- 15 Eye Color-Hazel Gender- Male Class- Samurai Weapon- kodachi Description-Brown hair parting in the middle and about ear-length. Orange-red eyes. He wears a blue kimono (not full-length) and a deep blue haori. White hakama pants, and medium size tabi boots. History: He never knew his parents. He was raised by old veteran swordsmen all his life. He specializes in defense sword techniques and has deadly accuaracy. He doesn't say much, but has a huge bloodlust when in battle. He specializes in Tai Kodachi (defensive techniques)
  9. Sorry...no AIM. If you want to be more specific, just PM me. Otherwise, I'll get started in a few hours.
  10. Heh heh...men in tight suits? I hate doing that. Oh well. Do you want the military uniforms or do you just want like solo dudes? How many do you need of mechs and humans? Sorry to ask so many questions. LOL ^_^.
  11. Sure, I'll do some NPC designs. I'll try some mechs but I'm not too good at those. Just tell me what you want.
  12. Name: Arus Ikame Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: brown hair parting in the middle about ear-length, hazel eyes, he usually wears a leather jacket over a white shirt, and jeans Special Item: A cut-off glove on his right hand that has glowing symbols on it (top of hand).
  13. Jay

    Eternal Darkness

    Name: Arus Ikame Nick Name: ???V?g (Death Angel) Age: 17? Weapons: Shot-barreled rifle+5 rounds of ammo, acid-cut katana, M16 A2 +7 rounds of ammo Mech descriptions+arsenal: uhm...not to sure, tell me if I'm outta line plz. Looks kind of like RX-79[G] gundam (From 08th MS) except more mobile. Arsenals are a beam sword/katana, and a strong pistol. Its name is Reaper because of all the mechs it has destroyed Bio: Woke up last year and doesn't remember anything except a few brief flashes of his unkwown past. Most of what he remembers are dead villages or mechs. Description: Appearence: Brown hair that parts in the middle, orange-red eyes, a white shirt with slashes it, black bullet-proof vest which he only wears some of the time, baggy pants, and boots. Oh yeah, average muscularity. He is about 5'10".
  14. Yes...yes I am a moron, and I'm proud of it. Wow Kaede-san, that is ******* cheesy. LOL. My friend pantsed someone for stealing his lunch ^_^.
  15. Name: Jay (A.K.A. Lightning Count) Age: 15 Personality: Evil, to say the least. He likes to torture people, burn things, and play video games. Also, Jay is the king of sarcasm. Besides that, he likes to tick people off. Oh yeah, he is OBSESSED with getting his drivers license. He won't let anyone touch his laptop, or his Mog plushie. Other than that, more evil and heartlessness. Oh yeah, and he's a total masochist (Person who likes pain). He also says random things in hebrew sometimes (Fashnikit Konskey is his favorite thing to say.) One thing he does when either he doesn't want to hear something or really wants to annoy someone is talking in the indecipherable language of computers (f.y.i:intel extreme graphix don't have hardware transform and lighting. all cards made since the TNTs do however. because it has no hardware transform and lighting it cannot play games like BF1942, Commanche, UT03 and many others. if u want 2 be game, just look for anything with a radeon 9000 or 7500 with 64 mges of ram. the ram is the important part. 32megs won't play many games. Many games need desktops to be played at 16x12, but most any game, even UT03 can be played on anything 7500 or beter with 64 megs of ram, as long as you don't expect more then 6x4 for ut03 and 8x6 to 10x7 for everthing else) One more thing, whenever he gets the chance, he takes someone's picachu doll and squeezes it until the head explodes. Pet Peeves: Pretty boys (Like Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood, Sephiroth, etc.), rap-crap talkers, people who touch his laptop (named Lappy), people who touch his Mog plushie, people who say that video games and TV destroy your brain, stoned and drunk people who don't understand a word your saying, any kind of fruit juice, people who don't drink soda. Hobbies: Using flamethrowers, knowing cars, knowing guns, playing and having complete and almost scary knowledge of video games, Medal of Honer Allied Assault, Counter Strike, and other large-scale internet games where you can blow brains out and plan espionage. Oh yeah, and one of his greatest peeves are cheesy movies and animes. He hates those. Appearence: Red hair that parts in the middle, blue eyes (Usually wears expensive green oval-lensed sunglasses), and always wears jean shorts (no matter what the weather), a white shirt that says 'If There's no Nintendo in Heaven, I'm not Going' on it, a black leather Jacket, and Nike shoes. Oh yeah, average muscularity. He is about 5'10". Luxury Item: Lappy the pumped up Alienware laptop, and a Final Fantasy Mog plushie
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