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Yami D.Magician

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Everything posted by Yami D.Magician

  1. Okay here goes... in your deck you use what is your ultimate combination? keeping in mind that you can only use 5 magic/trap cards. Heres mine, but im still working on it.... Dark Magician + 2xSword of deep seated + Book of Secret Arts + Reinforcements + Yami Dark Magician goes from 2500/2100 to 4500/3600 heh :)
  2. taken from Joey right before the Duelist Kingdom playoffs Name: Gigantic Doughtnut Type: Fiend Level: 3 Attack: 1500 Defense: 1500 Effect: Sacrifice to add food to your breakfast platter. Non-joey said card, but it makes an interesting combo Name: Breakfast Platter Type: Fiend Level: 5 Attack: 2000 Defense: 2000 Effect: Add the attack and defense of each sacrificed gigantic doughnut to Breakfast Platters own attack and defense
  3. Tri-Horned Dragon, Dark Magician, Red-Eyes Black SKULL dragon :-D... only wish i could use my Dark Magician Girl, sadly shes the *** version though
  4. Okay, get me straight on this, being in the USofA and only being able to watch it on Kids WB, were only up to episode 81 the start of the battle city finals... am i right? or have i missed an episode here and there...
  5. Okay dont laugh. This deck might not be up to par but I just started playing not to long ago (week, maybe less?) but any help with it would be appreciated. enough doddling, here it is: TRIBUTE Summond Skull Wingweaver Dark Magician Gaia The Fierce Knight Curse of Dragon Tri-Horned Dragon Freed the Matchless General TOTAL TRIBUTE MONSTERS: 7 MONSTERS Man-Eater Bug Trap Master Silver Fang Giant Soldier of Stone Whiptail Crow Winged Dragon Guardian of the Fortress Beaver Warrior Skull Red Bird Warrior Dal Grepher Celtic Guardian Aqua Madoor The Portrait's Secret Wall of Illusion The Forgiving Maiden Witch of the Black Forest Gearfried the Iron Knight The Stern Mystic Serpentine Princess Mystical Elf Feral Imp Magician of Faith Magician of Faith TOTAL MONSTERS:22 TRAP Enchanted Javelin Trap Hole Waboku Castle Walls Time Seal Type Zero Magic Crusher Reinforcements TOTAL TRAPS: 7 MAGIC Sword of Deep-Seated Swords of Revealing Light Pot of Greed Yami Final Flame Dark Hole Share the Pain Soul Exchange Book of Secret Arts Card Destruction Hinotama De-Spell Change of Heart Monster Reborn TOTAL MAGIC:14 TOTAL CARDS IN DECK: 50
  6. What kind of deck would build and what cards would you use if you could have access to ALL the english cards ever made? (current restrictions still included of course).
  7. Dark Magician of course :) Also, Witch of the Black Forest, use it to bring out the Summond Skull, have the good ol' Red-Eyes, then its off to Black Skull Dragon :-D
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