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Hybrid Theory

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Everything posted by Hybrid Theory

  1. I don't see how having sex only after you marry can show that you are truly commited to somebody...because you might wait till your married, have sex and then cheat on the person..so waiting to get married is stupid I think...but if that's how you think then fair enough. And having sex at a young age can't do too much damage...because if you feel that you are ready for that then I reakon it's not really a big problem...but you might not be that happy about it when your older...but in a male's case it wouldn't be so bad. I don't think that sex is showing the ultimate affection...it's something that two people do for pleasure....not to show love or affection. Because once you have had sex for the first time you are probably going to want it again...so you will end up having sex with various people....unless you have a girlfriend or boyfriend...but if you break up you will have sex with others...so I don't think sex is showing affection.... But that's just what I think...everyone has their own views on sex:D
  2. "Bang....well there's abit of competition out of the way...." "Woah..nice shot!" John Allon was a 27 year old man who had just joined a group of bounty hunters, these bounty hunters were looking for an 'Artifact'. These 'Artifacs' were kind of like treasure...hidden in secret areas, worth a fourtune....These bounty hunters had stumbled on a man searching for the 'Artifacs' who had boasted that he had the whearabouts of one of them..... So they followed his tracks and caught up with him up in the sand dunes...Jack, the leader always carried a springfield 02 sniper rifle with him, and this proved usefull when he took out this man with a shot in the head. They snuck up towards his cart and looked around...lucky for them he didn't seem to be boasting about how he knew the whearabouts, becase right next to his dead corpse sat a tatterd old map....It looked genuine enough because it seemed very old and it was torn at the edges. It had a red circle over one little part of the map, that must have been where the 'Artifact' was supposed to be... The circle was towards the west......To get there this group of bounty hunters would have to travel countless rocky unstable areas...not to mention all the creatures lurking around... "Well....know that we know where to go...we best head off ey?" "Yeah.....allright everyone...check for anything valuable and take whatever you want...then we must be off...we have alot of competition..."
  3. Angel: Name: Ether Appearance: See attatchment Personality: Ether has a good idea of what he wants from life and he does everything to a manner in which he thinks is fair towards the humans. He is a very generous angel and is not agrivated easily at all. Even though Ether is such a gentle Angel, he learned the way of the sword at a young age incase of any problems with the peace. He goes forward and does things quikly and uses his head, a very intelligent angel that likes to get things over and done with...hope thats allright
  4. Yeah allright, we get it....thanks for the story man:D This should be a good one:D
  5. I think that the PT cruisers are good looking for the type of car that they are:D, and they have very reliable engines:D And ferraris aren't a big car, neither are porches....but the rest are:D
  6. Allright....no one has posted in here for a while... So silpheedpilot, whos in? whats going on here? :D
  7. I really think that Lord of the rings:return of the king, should win because that movie is the best out of all the lord of the rings movies. And they put alot into that, they had to explain alot and finish the story,and they did it very well in the retrurn of the king. I hope it wins:D
  8. Yeah I understand that they have been around for a while, but you get bored of them after hearing the same song 100 times in one day...it gets old mate:D
  9. Ah okay, will do! Thanks Semjaza. I havn't heard of those bands before, but I'll check them out and see what I think:D
  10. I couldn't stand living in a place that is cold alot...because I am used to the good ol Melbourne weather..but sometimes it gets pretty damn cold here too:D But mostly its not too bad, its either warm or boiling:D hehe
  11. Well, basically all I wanted to ask is what you people think of the band Evanescence, because personally I think they started off really good and everyone liked them...but now I'm getting sick of them because their songs are being replayed again and again.. I mean they do have some good songs that I enjoy...but I am getting sick of them already:mad: What does everyone else think? :D
  12. Woah, that sounds really kewl, the Impaler is a beast if you do it up right:D
  13. Oh damn, when I watched Finding Nemo I didn't see that:( probably because it was hot and stuffy in the room, and I wanted to get away from all the little annoying gurls who wouldn't stop making stupid noises! So next time I watch Finding Nemo, I will stay and watch the credits:D
  14. That would suck because of the heat in Saudi Arabia... Well I live in good old Australia, in Melbourne. I really like it here, theres no where else I would rather be;)
  15. Awww that really sucks....I have really never had hardships with my parents...only little ones but I dont really want to share them. And I think I can kind of get an idea of what you are feeling, even though I would have never felt anything like what you are feeling... Well about the licence, if it is up to your parents whether or not you get the licence, I think that there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to get it, as long as you drive and you have a vehicle to use to drive with, then I think that your parents should understand and let you get the licence...and if not then I really don't know what to say....execpt this :D heheh
  16. Well I have seen Quite a few episodes of The Family Guy, and me too got hooked on it:D But I do have to say that The Family Guy will never compare to the Simpsons! The simpsons has soo many really funny things in it, and heaps of funny quotes that I use in every day life:D Go the Simpsons!!!
  17. When I watch scary movies they normally don't scare me at all but I still enjoy them. The scariest movie I would have to say I have ever seen would be The Ring, the american version....ahh man that movie scared the hell out of me...its not really that scary but it has alot of freaky parts....and the sound in the tape....well*shudders*
  18. I HATE all seafood, smelling or looking at any sea food makes me feel quezy....I used to love tuna and all that stuff but I really hate it now...
  19. I stayed through the credits at the end of Resident Evil, because they had Slipknot at the end of the movie...but mostly I don't stay for the credits..unless its a funny move because often on comedys they have stupid things happening in the credits at the end:D
  20. Yeah my favourite bands would have to be: METALLICA for sure (and they arent sellouts mate). KoRn, always loved them;) Slipknot, puddle of mudd, audioslave/r.a.t.m, nirvana, dr dre, xzibit...theres way more but i cant think of em all;) I prefer rock way more than rap tho, alot of rap is really crap So yer the hard rock is much betta, and I dont mind some punk but i really tend not to like punk because the guitars aren't heavy enough...:D
  21. Those are pretty cool:D , I wish I could make graphics like that, ahh well! This is a picture of mine that I did...I wanna make it a banner but Im having problems with it:mad: Basically the only changes I made is the text at the top and the size:D
  22. Well my all time favourite car would have to be the Ford GT-40 mark 7....*drools* ahhh man thats a beast of a car;) Another favourite would be the 67 chevy camaro:D
  23. Name: John Allon Age: 27 Gender: Male Specialty: Sword Weapons: Broadsword and if that fails he carries a Desert Eagle for something to fall back on. Appearance: I couldnt get a picture:( He is average height..but he looks short, he has brown hair dyed with blonde in it, often looks dirty. His face is not clean shaven and he has whiskers jabbing out of his chin and around his lips and his cheeks. He has very bulky legs, but I would not call them fat. And he has ripped muscles(you can see the lines alot) I hope that description is good enough:D Bio: John is now 27, he never went to school because both of his parents were involved in a fatal car accident and he was left alone, untill an elderly couple took him in and did not make him go to school. He was taught the way of the sword by one of the two elders, the elderly man, and he is now excellent with the broadsword and hits nearly any target in his range. He was given the elderly mans desert eagle as a present when he turned eighteen and he has used it ever since. The elderly man died when John was at the age of 22 and at that point the elderly woman was in hospital...so John left after giving her a goodbye, and he managed to get a place to stay and food to eat. He joined a group of bounty hunters that were looking for hidden artifacts that were worth a fortune...when he was with these people he improved on his broadsword, but most of all his deasert eagle. He is now a good shot with the gun because of these bounty hunters, and sometimes it is needed when he is fighting the creatures that lurk around what is left of the land. Phew...hopefully thats good enough ;)
  24. Well...I havnt been on in ages.....well im back now..g'day everyone! Anyway weird foods...hmm well all I can really think of that is weird that I often eat would be a sandwhich with peanutbutter and lettuce.. And that is served with salt because I salt nearly everything I eat:D
  25. Jonathon awoke to a strip of about ten tanks and about fifty black hawk helicopters. He had been tossing and turning the whole flight there..he was asleep and even though he always seems cool and calm, he is scared on the inside, but that never stops him... He followed the captain out onto the air strip and walked down to the CIA building nestled in the corner of the Barraks. He walked through into the main office and waited to be briefed... A small chubby man directed him over to a silver door and signaled him to enter. He was given a letter by the head of controls at the base there. He walked out to where his room was and prepared for whatever journey awaited him...
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