Hybrid Theory
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Jonathon Walker walked briskly out of his flat on the morning of July 21st, 2010. He was excited to get to work because there was a threat of this cold war, he knew that there would be many losses but he wanted to show the m16 secret intelligence service what he was made of. He walked through the front door, showing his pass card up to the laser on the door, he walked through with such an excited spead that he nearly knocked over three men standing at the front bench. He walked into the breifing room where his captain stood with a twisted face at the sight of Jonathon. "Walker, look at me not those broads standing over there, me, I am the boss here incase you forgot!" "Sorry sir, yes sir!" "Alright then, this is the plan that has been made, I want no complaints...you are to pack your bags and to be here at 8:30pm sharp, we are sending you to America with the CIA, you will have a briefing there and they will take care of you. You will most likely end up in Russia, planning attacks of some sort, that is not my buissness, that is up to them." Jonathon packed his bags, gave his cat to his neighbour, said bye to his flat and made his way over to the base, he was told off for being late by the captain, got called stupid by the captain and made his way onto the m16 secret intelligence service airoplane and started his long journey to America.
The car of my dreams is and always will be the Ford gt-40, that thing is gods gift to man kind....as soon as that car hit the track when they first used it, it left the others for dead.
I do not know whether he did it or not and whether the girl is lying for money or not, but he has a clean record and something like this is weird... He is my favourite player from the best team, and it will stay that way for all I am concerned!
Name: Jonathon Walker Age: 34 Languages: English, German and Japanese, also a bit of french, but not much. Country: England Description: Jonathon is an average sized man but his muscles are built up to an insane extent. He has a scar on his face from a previous misson running down his forehead. He likes to wear tight tops to show off his muscles to any female he sees and he dosent mind whatever pants he wears. Bio: Jonathon first aspired to be a member of the regular army or maybe the reserves, but his excellent skills gave him the chance to work with the MI6 Secret Intelligence Service, and he took it in a flash. He had earned this chance by acing all his tests for the army and because of his intence knowledge of all the different forces and there weaponary, he comes in handy alot. This mission is his big chance to show the m16 Secret Intelligence Service what he is really made of inside!
(dont post until I have said that you are in this, go to the recruitment and READ IT ALL, this is just a starting post) "Hey Squall, stop getting lost in your own little world there, we need to see headmaster sid right away!" "Alright already, I'll be there in a sec..." Squall had never forgotten his countless fights and battles but as he pulled out his gunblade from his bag pictures of Ultimicia's castle flashed passed his eyes, he paused for a second and then he shook his head to clear those thoughts out of it and ran to sids office. "Ahh, young Squall, I havn't seen you in quite a while, I hope you are in shape because you are needed, sit" Zell was sitting in his seat, twitching from the silence. "I have called you two boys here to tell you that Shinra has regrouped and they are yet again a company of destruction, you have heard what they did in the past, well this time is worse, they are bent on wrecking this Garden, and they must be stopped at any cost. Here is a map of the new Shinra building, I want you to find all the people who accompanied you in the defeat of Ultimicia and take them here. Once you are there you will enter in groups of two, you can work out those groups, and you will attack anyone in the way to get to the bottom of this." "But sending us in is stupid, they probably have all kinds of nasty experiments going on there" "Yes they probably do but you have beaten countless enemies and let's not forget Ultimicia..." "Okay that is enough for now, I want you to get you're things together and leave in two hours!" Squall and Zell jumped up and as they left the room they had a certain spring in their step because they were excited about this.
Allright, this is pretty crap but I am going to do it anyway. This story takes place after final fantasy seven and just after final fantasy eight. Shinra is reborn by a scientist who was high up in final fantasy seven, he takes his life to rebuild the shinra empire. I basically need the charecters: Zell, Irvine, Selphie and Quistis, I will be Squall. The story line is just that shinra is back and the final fantasy eight characters or (seeD) are put out to stop them. They also find another of the red13 kind but this is code named red245-101, I will need someone to help with that. I just need the recruitment to be like this: name: weapon: age: and that is about it. The story is just these characters trying to defeat shinra,(i forgot i also need a remake sephiroth)there are not really any main bad guys that stand in their way, just the high maintanance guards at shinra and ofcourse sephiroth. I suggest people who have finished or have played enough of either ff8 of ff7.
That sucks, you will find out soon enough and if you dont tell me the address and I will get stabby! :)
I think that if the next game boy could have like a messaging service to the other game boys like a phone that would be really kewl! That wouldn't happen but you can imagine if it did happan right?!
If it were any instrement I would say the drums becasue they rule!! But if it has to be what you say then I think you should play the harmonica!! Like dancing pete off the simpsons!hehe
"Whoah, nearly knocked my friggin head off!" Thesus was practising his fighting in an open field where feinds had been spotted when a dragon had flown out of no where and swooped him. He decided to try and hunt it down, even though he knew how hard it was to kill a dragon. "C'mon, I'll show ya who you're messing with now buddy!" Thesus jumped onto a biggish rock and bent down like a cat hunting a bird and then let fire with about 60 arros from his crossbow and they flew through the air like a bullet, then peircing the soft under belly of the beast. Crash! The Dragon fell down and hit the ground with an ear peircing bang, thesus walked over towards it briskly and when he reached the layed out creature he found a sphere, twirling around and lighting up the surroundings, it was a darkish green and he picked it up, it felt like it was draining his energy and it seemed to disintergrate into his hand...he felt like his insides were about to spew out of his body. The next day Thesus had big stretch marks along his hands and they were a greenish colour and while he was in town he felt the need to go to the toilet and his arms grew into scailey wings in a quick flash. He know knew what had happend, he had transformed into a dragoon, he thought that this was impossible, just a myth... He had to accept his fate as a dragoon, he was extremely angry at himself but he was infamous for not showing his emotions to anybody, not even himslef...he had to carry on with life and take his ways with being a dragoon...just like his father. Now it was time to touch up on his magic, and join the dragoons...
I have to wait till next friday to post again because I am going to Phillip Island for a while...I really want to post but i have to go! Bye and keep up the good story!
Ummm, I just want to clarify one thing, are the dragoons a force or some sort of "things", because if that is so then I change it too: Thesus is a human wanting to help the dragoons. And his dad was one, so his mother is human. Cross-breeding if you get my drift!
Whoosh....bang! "Bullseye....I just keep getting better and better!" Thesus was a young man with a brilliant eye, he was only 5'5 in height but he was a tough compeditor to anyone in his way. No one could ever change his mind about anything and with his long blue spiky hair he didn't look like he wanted trouble. He was not a dragoon at this point in time, but his father had died being one so he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father... Thesus was very well trained in the arts of fighting and he sparred about three times a day, his crossbow was a perfect weapon for his fast rat like hands and his aim was undoubtably the best in his whole area. He had heard about all the trouble caused lately in the near by city and he desperatley wanted to go out and fight but he promised his mother that he would only endure battle after being accepted to help the dragoons...
Here Goes: Name: Thesus Age: 24 Element: light Weapon: Crossbow Spells: Holy Swirl: (peirces enemy with the winds of the white goddess) Holy Cross: (burns enemy with the holy white fire) Nul Dark: (protects user from dark attacks temporarily) Haste: (jotls the muscles and makes user perform better)
Well, I do not own a gba sp, but the sp is really good because of the screen not being so easy to damage because I am often playing a game boy and the screen takes up 3 quaters of the play time, you know cleaning and wiping, so you end up playing for like 10 minutes and give up! I really want the GBA SP, but I have other things in mind at the moment so I will have to wait...
Who has seen the DVD anime called: Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust? Well, me and my bro went to the city and he said it was good and he is good with anime choosing so I wenat along with it and paid a little something towards it. I watched it and damn it is good...it is probably my 2nd favourite anime, first being Evangalleon!:D
Well, the things that make me happy are probably just listening to music and playing the gamecube...and from now on this site will be one thing aswell!