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Everything posted by Outlaw

  1. Outlaw


    Well, Wrestlemania was last weekend, and I gotta tell ya, it was one of the best manias I can remember. Rey Mysterio winning the title is the second greatest title victory I have been witness to behind Chris Beniot's 2 years ago, especially since any one of those three could have won. And the MITB Ladder Match and Hardcore matches completely stole the show. So, did anyone else catch this Showcase of the Immortals, or was I the only one.
  2. God Damn, Its a Sad Day when Carl Johnson gets his *** whuped by a bunch chicks. Just kidding ya'll. Congrates on the final four.
  3. On the planet Terran, a world whose technological & social advancements have put it on par with modern day Earth, but whose relative peace and interaction with various alien life-forms allowed the scientific community more advanced military and space travelling technology. The skyline of Terran's capital city shined beutifully in the morning sun as a young man in a simple t-shirt and athletic shorts sat back in the lavish chair of his press agent. Only a few men knew of James' alterego as the real life "super hero" The Iron Avenger. "I'm serious Larry, we need to up my image. I'm starting to faid from the headlines, and pretty soon, the military is gonna come for my suit. What the hell am I supposed to do?" James was obviously upset with his current standings in the media. It had been nearly 4 months since his last magazine cover, and with his weigning popularity he began to fear the loss of his celebrity status. "Don't you get it! If I don't get back into the public eye, THERE GOING TO THROW ME IN JAIL! "James, nobody understands better than me, alright? Now, calm down. But get real. Were are we going to find someone with your kind of power crazy enough to try and take you on. Hell, we haven't had an attack on military troops in months since you took out that terrorist cell in Maza. Face it, the bad guys are too scared off you." James slumped back in his seat, a look of desperation covered his face. "Man, your right. Were never going to find a real supervillan...." James' eyes shot open, "....Which is why were going to FAKE ONE!" With that he lept from his chair and bolted towards the door. "James? JAMES!? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT JAMES!? GET THE %$^& BACK HERE!" Realizing that his client had already made it to the elevators and was probobly about to make a huge mistake, Larry Schwernstein dropped his head onto his desk. "$#!^" But Larry's tourment was cut short by a bright white flash which suddenly erupted from the center of his office. He was o stunned by the light that he fell backwards straight out his chair. Recovering from the initial shock, Larry used his large mahogany desk to pull himself back up. He was about to press his intercom button to ask for help when he notices a tall shining figure in the center of his office. While he had never seen the physic before, he instantly noticed the face. ".....James...wha, what the hell happened to you man? Oh no, I must have hit my head really hard, I'm seeing things." Larry's responce was to be expected. After all, he had just seen this man seconds before, but he had been wearing a 500 suit and certainly did not have glowing silver skin. "No Larry, it is me, James. I have been on an amazing adventure, one outside time and space. And the adventure is just about over, but I need something from you first. I need a reporter. I need someone to tell my story. For it is unlike anything that has ever been heard before, or will ever happen again." *Hey guys, I was just skimming along the boards for the 1st time in months and noticed you stubborn SOBs just can't seem to finish this thing. So I figured I'd stop in and add a little ending bit of my own. I'll explain how James aint completely dead in my next post.* *Oh, and I mean SOB in a good way. I love you guys. Peace*
  4. wew, lucky me, my computer breaks and I can't post for days, and yet I'm still in it. Ah well, my computer is still broke, so my posting is going to be limited for a little while, hopefully I'll have it back in time for the next challenge.
  5. "Oh @#$% dats one fast ass lil rodent." CJ commented as he watched Shadow suck up dozens of the undead zombies with his speed. "Yeah, I didn't think that sort of thing was physically possible." Added Fox. "Man, what da hell you talkin bout, we're video game characters, fightin zombies, fo some sorta all powerful fuzzy lil bat-rat thing, and you talkin bout possible." CJ replied with a cocked eye. "Now, I tink we need some surious fia powa." "Whatcha have in mind?" ask Crash, inbetween spinning spinning flurries of punches and kicks. With a grin, CJ began to do what seemed to his new teammates to be a very pour excuse for danceing. He moved back and forth, and even shot wildly a few times. "What in the hell are you doing?" Crash asked, "Your not Michael Jackson, and you can't win this thing by da...." Crash was quickly quieted as a massive tank apeared from the sky and crushed a half dozen zombies. Most of the team's jaws quickly made new homes comfortably on the floor, shocked by what had just happened. "Oh yeah dats right," CJ shouted as he hoped aboard the Rhino. "Time to take some o' des sucka down HARD!"
  6. Seidako's statement was cut short as a flash of blinding light appeared directly above Zennousha. From the light emerged a figure of metal, his skin reflecting the light onto all those who fought Zennousha. It soothed their wounds and their spirits like only a long lost loved one could. There was something oddly familiar about this entity's energy signiture, though no one could make it out for sure. No one, save for the one man who knew the truth of life and death. "You!" Zennousha cried out in fear, as he felt the power of his former brethren flow from the man. "But......I....." Zennousha couldn't finish his statement, and he didn't need to. He knew the truth, knew that his betrayal had finally caught up with him. "Yes Zennousha, you. You betrayed your fellow gods, gave yourself into darkness, and wraught chaos across the cosmos. But your long lost comrades are finally ready to take their vengance. They have named a new god to the universe, your son. And now, you shall be dethrowned." With a wave of his hand, much like the one Zennousha had used to disinigrate his old body, the new James enveloped Zennousha in a flash of blinding light. All those witness to it were forced to sheild their eyes from the flash, lest they be blinded forever. But as the light faded, it seemed as if the attack had failed, as there stold Zennousha, no less injured than he had been before the assault. "Wha..huh..." Zennousha comment, as he searched his body for any injury of any type. But he found nothing. In fact, Zennousha hadn't fealt a thing, "Oh, you pompous little bastard. Even with your "new powers," you are still to weak to harm me. HAHAHAHA..." But James remained unphased by Zennousha's taunts. "No, my intention was not to harm you. That is for the others to accomplish. Mine is simply to strip you of your immortality. Do not deny it, you feel it. You are no longer a god, but a mortal. And now my brothers in arms will see to it that you pay." With that, James turned and made his way back into the light, a portal to the beyond realm. "No...this..cannot be. You can't take my immortality! You have no right! I was a god! AND IF I MUST FALL, THEN SO SHALL YOU ALL!" With that Zennousha lept from the bit of planetoid that he had supported himself with during the drawn out conflict. With a blistering speed that showed he still retained a great deal of power and skill, Zennousha tackled the unsupecting James through the bright portal and into the beyond realm, leaving the others behind on the planetoid as it drifted through space. However, the portal remained open for all those who wish to the follow the two through. Even from the planetoid side of the portal, it could be seen that Zennousha had James pinned to the ground and was working on riping his new metallic body apart.
  7. The last thing James remembered was Zennousha, laughing like a mad man, and a pale white light. Then....nothing. Much to his suprise, James awoke to find himself laying on a bed of clouds, surrounded by a deep blue sky. As he sat up, he found himself on what seemed to be an infinite plain of light fluffy clouds. The only thing which broke them up was a massive golden temple in the distance. Looking down, James found that the Patriot armor and his nevre suit had been replaced by some odd silver metallic substance which covered his entire body. But upon touching it, he found that he could feel through it, as if it were his skin. Paniced, James began to rub himself all over, only to find his entire body was covered in the substance, even his face. "What the hell happened to me? And where the hell am I...am I dead?" James wondered aloud to himself. But there was no one around to answer. James' spirit began to fall as he realized he was all alone in a strange place and in a body he no long beleived to be his own. Filled with Desperation, he decided to make his way to the temple in the distance. He walked for what seemed like days, stripped of his ability to fly without the Patriot. Oddly though he never tired and never hungered. Upon reaching the temple, he found that the main gate was wide open, and a warm glow seemed to be inviting him inside. No sooner did he cross the threshold into the temple than a booming voice echoed through the halls. "Welcome James Lockwood of Terran." "Wha.. who said that?" James replied, suprised by the sudden greatting while confused that he could not find it's source. He panned around the what seemed to be the main room of the temple, adorned beutifully with gold and marble. The most promonant feature of the room were a set of five statues at the far end of the great hall, seemingly composed of the same metal which now covered James' body. While he did not recognize most of the statues, the center most one was all to familiar. It was a statue of Zennousha, thou unlike the other statues, which were prestine and well kept, this one had a large crack down the center. "We are the council." Replied another voice, different from the first, but booming just the same. "A group of five gods designated to watch over the mortal realm. And you are here because we have failed in our duties." "Wait, but, this is Zennousha right here. He's the bad guy! Is he supposed to be like you guys? A protector?" "Yes!" boomed a third voice, " Zennousha was once our brother, but milennia ago he left the fold on his quest to conquer the universe." This was a lot of information for James to grasp at one time, and he still didn't know what he was doing here. "What...Why?" "Zennousha spirit was corupted by the hate and anger of those we protect," boomed the forth voice, "and now he lashes back out at the universe." "Wait, hold on a sec, if this has been going on for milennia, then why the hell haven't you guys stopped him yet?" James asked, unsure of the sincerity of these 'gods.' "Zennousha has always been the strongest amoung us by far. We have spent eons waging a war against his evil, both supporting those who battle against him from beyond, and gathering our energies to finally end his reign of terror. How do you think you and your companions came to meet each other?" "So, your saying this whole thing has been a part of some master plan? And that you brought us together and sent us against Zennousha on purpose?" James questioned. "But, according to Seidaku, this whole thing has happened before, with the universe being destroyed and rebuilt time and time again." "Yes, this is true, but it has taken us many millenia to gather the energy needed to stop Zennousha. And that is why you are here James Lockwood. We have endowed you with all our powers. We have remade you with a body of Ambronium, the metal of the gods, but with your same soul." James was shocked with this new information and responcibility. When he was within the Patriot, he knew he held little chance against Zennousha's power, but was content with aiding those he felt could actually stand against a God. Now he found out that he was being chosen to make the differance in a battle for all of existance. "But...why me?" Was all he could respond with. "Because James, you have the heart of a hero. The rest of your companions are being driven by anger and vengance, while your quest was one of discovery to find your place in the universe, and to find what it truely means to be a hero. Now is your chance. Now, we will show you all we know of Zennousha, and the power within you. Then, you will be on your own." Again, James was overcome with a pale white light and the world around him faded into nothing.
  8. [COLOR=lime]CJ had stayed behind as the rest of the men's team got to know each other, trying to pick out his own room. He was the only male member of the Bravers left, and somewhat alienated from the rest of the group. However, being the ever outgoing mother *&#$er he was, CJ decided to get to know the rest of the team. As he made his way over to the rest of the men's team, he heard Shadow say something about sparring. Now, he didn't remember much about the rest of the guys, but he did remember Shadow, that short tempered little rodent with a twitchy trigger finger. He also remembered he didn't like him. "Spar? What the @#$% youi talkin bout ya fuzzy lil busta," CJ called out to the group. Shadow turned with a glare to find CJ standing with a smile on his face and his uzi's drawn. "It's a practice fight numb-nuts, to stay in shape. And by the looks of it, you could use some practice." "Yeah? Well I ain't up fo fightin, but just give da word, an I be happy ta smack dat smirk off ya face." This was the last staw for Shadow, as he wipped out his pistol and aimed it at CJ's head. "Whoah Whoah Whoah, whatsa going ona here?" Asked Mario as he stepped between the two. "Cool it guys, we're on the same team now, and we're going to have to stick together to win this thing." Added Fox as he stepped in with Mario. With a shrug Shadow holstered his weapon, not wanting to shot three teammates at once. CJ chuckled back at Shadow. "Heh, yeah, dats what I though," CJ rubbed in Shadow's face. This shot Shadow off again as he attempted to fight his way through Mario and Fox towards CJ. "Ah, relax ya little rodent, I'm just messin with ya. Aite, so, lets go find ourselves something ta drink," he recomended to the others, hoping to relax Shadow and get to know the rest of his team.[/COLOR]
  9. James didn't wait for Zennousha and Seidaku to continue their battle. Now that the shadow warriors were gone, having been decimated by the blast, and the rest of his team had the sense knocked back into them, all eyes were again fixed on their true enemy. James was the first into the fray, as he rocketed towards Zennousha's unsuspecting back. He flew as fast as the Patriot could muster, hoping to catch the evil God from behind. But the eternal warrior knew better than to be caught off guard, as he brought James to a screaching halt with the wave of his palm. "Hahahaha, simple mortal. You truely think your pitiful technology is a match for me. I have decimated entire armies of your kind with but a thought. AND YOU SHALL BE NO DIFFERENT!" Zennousha's eyes burned with a combination a rage and delight as he focused his energies on James. At first, James didn't feel anything. But soon, he began to hear his armor creack and moan. After seconds of confusion for James, the entire Patriot suit was ripped from James' frail body by an invisible force. "Wha? This....shouldn't be possible. I....what the hell?" "And now mortal.......you die. HAHAHAHAHA!" Zennousha erupted in malicous laughter as he waved his hand again. A look of utter horror came across James' face as he felt his entire body began disappear. Within seconds, James' entire body was snuffed out of existance.
  10. Yep, lets just get this thing roling. CJ's asleep on the couch anyways.
  11. Superhero Name: Maverick, often called Top Gun Real Name: James Wallace Current Occupation: Pilot, Traffic-Helicopter "Chopper Jim" Age: 27 Place of Birth: Washington DC Marital Status: Single Height: 6'2" Weight: 190 Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde Hair Length: Short and flipped up in a wave Clothing: James, being a young bachelor in the metropolis of Justice City, is very focused on his physical apperance, and as such is very well groomed and wears mostly designer casual wear. He also feels as if he has an image to keep up as a 'local celebrity'. As a hero, James wears a blue navy jumpsuit with various pockets and gadgets covering it, [URL=http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.army-technology.com/contractor_images/kermel/1_P2N9pilot.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.army-technology.com/contractors/personal/kermel/kermel1.html&h=447&w=300&sz=45&tbnid=HZOjAM0EW8kJ:&tbnh=124&tbnw=83&hl=en&start=53&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dflight%2Bsuit%26start%3D40%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN]such as the one shown here.[/URL] He also wears helmut very similar to that of Ultimate Captain America, [URL=http://www.marvel.com/comics/onsale/covers/uploaded/MARVEL%20MUST%20HAVES:%20ULTIMATES%202%201-3_24image_big.jpg]shown here[/URL], though rather than a large on the forehead, there is white five-pointed star. All the pieces of his costume are either navy blue or white, attempting to emulate the US Navy. Personality: A cocky and impulsive fly boy, Maverick is quick to react to any situation, and often take the direct approach when dealing with any obsticle. In his off time, James loves to live the life of a local celebrity, using his credentials as "Chopper Jim" to impress the locals. Character History: James comes from a long line of Military service. Both his father and his grandfather had been top ranked Naval pilots, serving in Veitnam and WWII respectively. And from birth, it seemed as if James would be no different. Before he could drive a car, James was already pulling loop de loops in his grandfather's modified single prop. After finishing highschool, James happily began his life in the military, starting with boot camp and working his way up too flight school. At flight school, he was trained in piloting multiple aircraft, and while he prefered the speed of a fighter, he found his real knack was for the helicopter. Against his will, he was assigned to be a support helicopter pilot, rather than a fighter pilot like his father before him, and his grandfather before that. He resented the position, but went along with it anyways. After a few months of service, James found himself transfered to the Gulf War as a rescue pilot, religated to clean up operations. Again, James was being denied the glory he felt came with life on the battlefield. And so, rather than continue his tour of duty, he got himself intentionally court-marshalled and spent 12 months in a military prison. It was a tough decission, but decided he would prefer a life of freedom than one of disappointment, and if spending a year in prison was the price he had to pay, so be it. It was in prison that James encountered a disturbed old man by the man of Arthur Kilman. He had aparently been a top scientist for the US army R&D department before disclosing information about a top secret weapon to the wrong people. Kilman and James bonded quickly, as they established a strong father - son connection, Kilman explaining to him the 'law' of the prison, while James provided company to a lonely old man. Years later, after getting a lucky break at JCTV and becoming "Chopper Jim," James ran into Kilman, who explained he had escaped from prison with after accidentally creating a mysterious mutagen which he nicknamed Rocket-Juice. James agreed to house Kilman untill he could find a more permanant place to hide from the police, but in a freak accident, Kilman broke his only bottle of this "Rocket Juice" all over James, especially on his legs. Much to both of there suprise, James was granted fabulous new powers, and was finally given the chance to fulfill the glorious life of a warrior he felt he wa destined for. Kilman no long lives with james, but remains the only one who knows his ture identity, and was also the man who crafter Maverick's trademark helmut. Superhuman Powers: Releases thermochemical energy as an impenetrable blast field, using it as a personal shield or extending it to encompass others, focus it into rocket thrust or bio-kinetic blasts from his hands, shape the field around another person to imprison them, or absorb outside kinetic impact into his own energy supply, then rechannel it to increase the bludgeoning power of his blows or create explosive shock waves upon impact. Think Cannonball. Source of Powers: Lab accident Special Skills: Pilot, basic military training Weapons/Gadgets: His helmut contains a number of different scanning functions, such as thermal and night visions.
  12. I'm actually really suprised no one has posted this yet, but what are all you'r gamer tags on X Box Live, and what game do you like playing on it. I personally have only just gotten on Live, as I had originally been under the impression that I couldn't do it on my school's network (most college networks are heavily firwall protected, and block live connections), but a friend in the comp deptartment informed me he could turn off the blocks on my connection, and now I can free access X Box Live. Now, I play Battlefield Modern Combat religously under the tag Sir W aah. It's a clan thing, somehow I was ina clan before I even got my Live account. Who knew?
  13. [quote name='Raiyuu][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]'kay, we had a PM-a-round, and although it isn't unanimous, the general consensus is that [b]Shinji [/b]should be deleted. Sorry, Shinje.[/font'][/color][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]We did? Oh, okay, I guess we did. Sorry Shinji, it's really not fair since you didn't even compete in the last game, but hey, thats the way the cookie crumbles. Or...yellow pullets crumble.[/COLOR]
  14. [B][U]Character Overview[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Torrin Zalrock [B]Age:[/B] 40 [B]Species:[/B] Epicanthix [B] Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8f/Yun.jpg]Here. Commonly, he can be found in his Black and Brown standard Jebi Knight robes. Torrin stands an imposing 6'3" with the fit and athletic physic possessed by most Jedi.[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Much like his Jedi brethren, Torrin has a cool and disciplined manner, which has only been magnified by his Jedi training. Torrin has also been in contact with a variety of species his entire life. This has led him to become master diplomat. His calm attitude allows him to always see any conflict with objectivity and wisdom. This does not mean that he is entirely without emotion. Torrin is, in fact, a friendly and humorous man. His years of diplomacy have taught him that kindness and friendship is the best way to prevent conflict, and so he tries to make such a relationship with most people he meets. [B]General Overview:[/B] In the years after the New Sith War and the fall of Lord Kaan, most of intergalactic space was left in turmoil. Trade routes were ravaged by pirates, who had become such a threat that the Republic was forced to look to the Jedi Order for aid. Johun Othone, the former padawan of the legendary Lord Hoth, agreed to help the Republic as payment for aid in building the Valley of the Jedi. While responding to a distress call from a trade fidget on the Outer Rim, Johun found that a band of pirates comprised of mostly humanoids had slaughtered the ship's crew in order to commander the fidget and it's supply of industrial metals and alloys. The pirates were well trained but no match for Johun's Jedi skill. After dispatching of the pirates, Johun explored their ship for any stolen goods, but found something else entirely. Inside the ship's living quarters lay the infant Epicanthix Torrin, sleeping calmly. Normally, Johun would bring the child to one of the many orphanages back on Coruscant, but this child was special. Even at his young age, Johun could sense Torrin's force sensitivity. And so, Torrin was brought too the Jedi Council on Coruscant and trained in the Jedi arts. After finishing his youngling training, Torrin was sent to the Outer Rim as the padawan of the man who had found him in the first place, Johun Othone. They worked as peacekeepers and pirate hunters for many years, visiting several planets all around the outer rim. It was on these missions that Torrin developed his innate sense for diplomacy, as well as expanding his own Jedi skills. It wasn't until a fateful run in with a clan of Mandalorians that Torrin achieved the rank of Jedi. Torrin and Johun on their way to investigate a routine distress call from a Republic trade ship when a squadron of Mandalorian warriors ambushed them. Their small Jedi fighters were no match for the Mandalorian's war-ship, so they boarded the Mandalorian ship to battle them light saber to blaster. Luckily, the Mandalorians were caught off guard by this tactic, and Torrin and Johun were able to fight through most of their rank with relative ease. However, upon reaching the ship's bridge, they found the ship's captain to be a great deal more formidable. While Torrin handled the pilots and support crew, Johun attempted to take on the captain alone. Tragicly, Johun fell to the Mandalorian's his masterful blaster pistol and vibro-sword. Unwavered by the loss, content with the knowledge his master was now one with the force, Torrin was able to overtake the Mandalorian captain as he gloated over the fallen Jedi. With the Mandalorian force defeated, Torrin returned to Coruscant with his fallen master's light saber and robes to report his death to the council. Upon hearing about Johun's death and Torrin's victory over an entire war-ship of Mandalorians, the Jedi Council unanimously elected to promote Torrin to the rank of Jedi Knight. Because of his history and experience on the outer rim, Torrin was a natural choice to send to the Brak sector and return it to peace. [B][U]Jedi Overview[/U] Light sabers :[/B] [i][URL=http://www.nebulousdesigns.com/portfolio/3d/lightsaber_kamin_blue_04.jpg] Shown here[/URL][/i], Torrin opted for this design for both his light saber's favoring this dark and sleek design. He covered the hilt in a black grip to improve his handling. Both blades are focused through standard blue crystals found on Ilum. With his duties as a peacekeeper, he has had little time to explore for more powerful crystals. However, now that he is a full-fledged knight, he hopes to eventually find time to further develop his sabers. [B]Light saber Combat Style: [/B]In his years as a peacekeeping padawan on the outer rim, Johun developed a knowledge of a number of light saber techniques to deal with the many challenges he faced. Chief among these were Form II: Makashi and Form X: Niman / Jar'Kai. He developed his Makashi skills in years of sparring with his old master Johun, as he found it to be the only way to counter his powerful Soresu technique. His Jar'Kai technique he developed as a way to best handle the many opponents he encountered in major peacekeeping missions. [B]Favored Force Power(s):[/B] While Torrin is adept in most common force abilities, such as force push and mind tricks, he has also developed a number of skills focused on battling or defending large numbers. His favorite amongst these are force stasis and wave when on the offensive and force bubble for defending himself and those around him. One of his favorite and most effective techniques is force blinding, which he often uses in conjunction with burst of speed to blind large numbers of enemies then cut them down with blistering speed and dual light sabers. [B]View of the Force:[/B] Having lived his entire life under the Jedi order, Torrin has an unwavering faith in the Jedi Council and the will of the force. He sees his life as simply a tool through which the force's bidding can be done, and has often sacrificed his body and nearly his life to uphold it's balance.
  15. Outlaw


    I pretty much wet myself a little bit during this trailer, it looks freakin amazing. I was really impressed by both beast and angel, and cain't wait to see how well they do the whole flying thing. Because they really haven't had anyone fly in any of the previous X-Men's, not counting Storm floating in the elevator shaft while fighting toad or Magneto hovering on a small iron disk. So it will be interesting to see how well they do it. And the thing I am most excited about, the fast ball special. Yes, it's finally here, the legendary move that have made fanboys spluge there pants for years is finally making it's way to the big screen, and I can't wait. I just hope they give colossus a Russian accent this time around. [QUOTE=Wraith][size=1] Although, back to X3, I am hoping that they do the whole Phoenix thing well, because I don't think the whole "extra-dimensional being from space" thing really worked too well. [/size][/QUOTE] Just read Phoenix: End Song, and you'll find out just how well it worked. The Phoenix being a cosmic entity is the essense of the character, if you take that out, it just means that Jean herself has cosmic powers which defy death and require the eating of suns to sustain, which I think is far less compelling than her battle with the Phoenix entity for control of her life.
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed]Oh man, that one was nutty. Probobly the most fun, the most stressful, and the most original posts I have ever done. Especially the "Jump Around" post, because, lets face it, whenever we hear it at a dance or on the radio or anything, you just want to jump around and knock over anything in your way. Unfortunatly for those elves, they had trees in their way, but what ya gonna do. So have a good weekend [/COLOR][COLOR=Red]Bravers[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkRed], we earned it.[/COLOR]
  17. I'll finish my post tommarow, sorry for the shortness, but I hit a serious brick wall.
  18. Carl Johnson made his way down the stairs as the rest of his team continued to chase down the princess Zelda. By the time he reached the bottom of the steps, his version of 'swing low,' filled with DMX esc "put your lights out," was winding down, so he quickly began to sing Al Green's L-O-V-E, hopping it would keep the two small dragons asleep. "L-O-V-E is strange to me, Oh I can't explain this feeling Can't you see that salvation is freeing It's all in the heavens, can't you see You can always depend on me To give you love" CJ continued on untill he stold between the two small dragons, continueing to sing his best R&B tunes to keep Bubble and Bobble calm. Back attop the massive pillars, the rest of the Bravers continued to hunt down the princess Zelda. "You know, she was supposed to be the easy part. Who knew that CJ bastard would be taking on both dragons at once," Ada joked as she and Xaioyu Ling continued to jump back and forth, dodging fireballs sprouting from Zelda's Dire Flame. "I hurd dat! You gonna get a pimp slap fo dat shit!" CJ yelled from back down on the floor.
  19. So are the only people invited to the RP those in the list. Or can anyone join. If so, I would love to join this one. I have never been a part of a truely successful Star Wars RP, and I would love to fianlly join a real one. If you have any questions on my posting ability, just check the OB Survivor. Also, I've been wanting to do another RP with Gavin for a while.
  20. Name: Gavin Demoy Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: [IMG]http://empireyugioh.free.fr/manga/perso/joey.jpg[/IMG] Personality/Bio: Gavin is a cocky, arrogant, womanising ***-hole. And thats what his friends think about him. Gavin is one of those people who you know is a bad person, but you can't help but like them. Ironically, even though he follows a very hard partying lifestyle, he is great with kids, and going to college to be a preschool teacher. Now with the emergance of this new apparently 'whore' killing gang, Gavin has been surrounding himself closely with his friends, and carrying 'protection.' Moral Behavior: Gavin is most definaty not a virgin, and is known as the school's man-whore. His thoughts on sex are to have it often and with as many girls as possible. And for some reason, he is incredibly good at getting girls into bed.
  21. I really would like to see a X-Men Legends type game with characters from all over the Marvel Universe. I love those simple yet suprisingly deep beat-em-ups. If you want to, you can just mash the punch button, or you can come up with complex battle plans using different powers to complement each other. And we got a hint of this with Iron Man in X Men Legends 2. But I want more. Think about it. Just changing the skins of some of the characters would put you really close to the Marvel guys. Spiderman could be a very Toad esc character, since Toad in the game was ridiulously strong, but in the comics....well....he's a toad. Hulk, obviously Juggernaut or Colossus. Captain America, Cyclopse with some attack power. Hawkeye, Gambit with arrows. There are tons of them, and I think this would make a sweet game.
  22. It took James a while to emerge from the crater he had formed with his human meteor act. Unfortunatly, the impact had dislodged a few circuits connecting his armor's movement and central processing. Luckily, a one diagnostics run and automated repair run later, he was on his feet and ready for another go against the shadow warriors. 5 of them still stold, circled around a massive barrier of dark energy. "Oh no, if that's what I think it is, we're all in serious trouble," he said to himself. James knew something needed to be done, but what could he do. Taking out those shadow warriors would accomplish nothing. If Zennousha's attack got off, they were all toast anyways. However, there was still a ray of hope, as James recognized another massive energy higher up in the atmosphere. "That much be Seidaku. And the energy he's gathering has a frequency exactly opposing Zennousha's. He's going to try and cancel Zennousha's attack out!" However, James' hope began to dim as his sensors realized the difference in power between the two. Both seemed to be absorbing the life force from the galaxy around them, snuffing out planets, stars, and lives. But Zennousha was getting the lions share of the power. Unless Seidaku could reach farther out into space and gather more energy, he had no chance. "Farther out....THAT'S IT!" With a large grin, covered by his thick armored face mask, James shot high into the Earth's atmosphere. He flew hgher and higher untill he was just above Seidaku's energy feild. "Seidaku, don't worry, I'm here to help." With that, James used all power as he could to create a massive portal, to where, he had no idea. He hoped it would be to some far away galaxy with massive amounts of untapped energy. And as luck would have it, he was right, as massive amounts of energy began to flow through the portal, caught in Seidaku's energy vacuum. James could only hope it would be enough.
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Aw na," CJ replied while ka-bonging his mandolin over the head of another oversized swine. "There gots to be a betta way than dat." Obviously, CJ was not to happy about the idea of a human pyramid. "If only I still had my weapons, I could have grapling hooked my way up there," Ada moaned as she looked out for more attackers. "But I had to leave them all back at the CPU." "Yeah, and if I had my armor, I could have just double jumped up there," Samus added to the list of woulda-coulda=shouldas. "Hey, dats it!" CJ yelled as he began to dance around, finishing by putting his mandoline away, than bringing it back out. "What are you doing?" asked Ada, befuddled by Carl's jig. "Super jump cheat sucka. Now step back, I is about to pull some superman *&^#." With that, CJ took a running start at the next step and lept in the air with all his might. He flew through the air in his best Jordan pose, sticking out his tounge as he flew higher and higher and SPLAT! slammed into the side of the stair. "!@#$%^&*##$%!@*&^%! that hurt! Why da hell didn't that work?" CJ complained as he slid down the side of the wall. "Because there's no cheating in the Zelda games," replied Samus smuggly, "Only the occational glitch." "Well why didn't ya say so?" he asked, still rubbing the bruse which covered his face. Xaioyu Ling pipped in, "we all though it would be better if you found out for yourself," giggling the whole time she said it. This flew Carl Johnson in a fit of rag, as he began shouting out profanities left and right. "Alright, alright, lets calm down everyone," said Ada, attempting to take control of the situation. "So, do we have any ideas that would actually work without making us extremely vulnerable to an attack from those pig things?" But nobody had any ideas. For a few minutes, they all stold in silence, pondering their predicament. During that time, a number of Mobblins had attacked, but most couldn't reach the step the Bravers stould on, their puddgy little arms to short for this type of climbing. "#$%^, this sucks. I bets I could tink betta if I had some fooood," CJ complained about their current situation. "Your a video game character. What the hell do you need food for?" Samus asked, baffled by his request. "Hey, not alla us get our strength back from glowin crap ya find by blowin up crates an #$%^. In ma game, I gotta eat, so here I gotta eat. Ya hurd?" "Oh, here! Eat this," Xaioyu Ling said with a smile as she pulled out one of the red mushrooms she had found back in Mario world. "What? Were did you get that?" Ada asked with a look of shock on her face. "Ummmmm, I really liked the taste of them, so I grabbed a couple before we left. They wouldnta help us anyways, cause Mr. Dante didn't eat any." "Ling, don't you get it? With that mushroom, you could double your size, and have no trouble at all making it up these stairs, and you can help us up too." Samus stated, explaining to Ling a plan she, CJ, and Ada all seemed to realize as soon as she took out the mushroom With a bright smile and a nod, Xaioyu Ling popped the mushroom in her mouth and proceeded to grow to double her original height. With Xaioyu's new found gigantism, the team made short work of the rest of the staircase, dodging traps and beating back Mobblins. By the time they reached the top of the stair case, the stairs had returned to their normal height, and so had Ling thanks to an erant arrow to the rear cortesy of Samus. "Sorry again about the whole shooting you in the butt thing," Samus apologized as they reached the top stair. "Its okay, being that big was kinda fun, but I couldn't jump around, and my neck was getting soar from looking down at you guys," Ling responded with a smile and a V hand sign. "Aight, cut da jabbin and let get ta work," CJ interjected as the team prepared to enter the lair of Bubble and Bobble. Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuhhuhhhuhhhhn[/COLOR]
  24. Hahaha, just to give you another, more perceptive heads up, this was a failed sign-up from years ago, before the inn even existed. So, Jai, when this think doesn't start, just realise it's because it doesn't exist. Sorry bro. But I'm sure there are tons of other RPs you'd be interested in.
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh $#!^" CJ called out, shocked by the sudden arrival of this elf army. His companions each had similar reactions of shock. However, it didn't take long for them to huddle together and prepare for a fight. "Samus, how fast can you fire that thing?" Ada asked, gesturing towards her bow and arrow. "Probobly not as fast as a hundred freakin elfs," she responded, realising her newly aquired archery skills were no match for those of trained elven warriors. "Dang, why didn't anyone choose to be a wizard!?" Xaioyu cried out. "Than we could just tourch all these funny ears." The entire team fell silent for a few moments, pondering both what they could do to get out of this situation, and the fact that Ling had just made an intellegent point. "Aite, I gots it, but I don't think dis hur madoline *&@#s gonna cut it. You Ada, you gots any pump up spells?" he asked. "Yeah, why?" She responded. "Gimmie a powa boost!" He called back. Ada nodded and quickly cast a Might spell on CJ, hoping he had the right idea. However, being a bard and relying on song, rather than upping his physical strength, the might spell caused a microphone to appear in his hand, replacing the mandolin. While the others looked on in suprise and confusion, CJ simply smiled and took a step toward the elven horde. Raising the microphone to his lips, he called out, "Yo, forrest folk an all dat $#!^, get ready for dis!" and he began to sing. [I]Pack it up, pack it in Let me begin I came to win Battle me that's a sin I won't tear the sack up Punk you'd better back up Try and play the role and the whole crew will act up Get up, stand up, come on! Come on, throw your hands up If you've got the feeling jump across the ceiling Muggs is a funk fest, someone's talking junk Yo, I'll bust em in the eye And then I'll take the punks home Feel it, funk it Amps it are junking And I got more rhymes than there's cops that are dunking Donuts shop Sure 'nuff I got props from the kids on the Hill Plus my mom and my pops I came to get down I came to get down So get out your seats and jump around Jump around, Jump around, Jump around Jump up Jump up and get down. Jump Jump Jump Everybody Jump Jump Jump...[/I] As the continued to yell jump, the song had an amazing effect. Every one of a elves had lowered their bows and were now jumping with all their might from tree branch to tree branch. And with hundreds of elves jumping as hard is they could, it didn't take long for the trees to topple, dropping the elfs to the ground, and pinning them under branches and leeves. "Damn, it actually worked," CJ stated with a smirk, obviously proud of himself. He turned back to the rest of his team to find Samus and Ada looking on with their jaws dropped and Xaioyu Ling jumping around just like the elfs, singing along with the chorus. "Uh, yeah, Jump Jump Ju.......hey, what happened to the music?" she asked with a frown.[/COLOR]
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