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Everything posted by Outlaw

  1. [COLOR=Navy]It didn't take long for James and Majotte to reach the planet's surface. Through their entire decent, James had not received an answer from Majotte, which he was quite perturbed about. However, upon seeing the war raging on the planet's surface, he decided that now was not the time for plans, but for action. On the ground below them, Kairiki was locked in combat with the same new comer James had seen on Char. "How in the hell did he get here before us?" He asked himself, wondering what fantastic means of transportation he must have. "I could have sworn he went through my portal too. But that means....shit, Majotte was right." It didn't take long for Majotte's point to be proven even more valid as Zain and the mad man he had been fighting along side emerged from their teleportational rift on the planet's surface. "Ahhhhhhh Shit." James had little time to ponder his decision to save Zain when his train of though was inturupted by a massive surge in dark energy coming from the sky above. There, in a massive bubble of dark ki, Zennousha stold, laughing maniacly as his son struggled against his shadow warriors. "Majotte, we've got to help him!" James called out, hoping to blind his comrade to Zain's precense. Without a responce, James rocketed into the air towards the battle raging in the skies. A horde of shadow warriors, far stronger than those he had originally encountered, had surrounded Seidaku, and the numbers advantage was taking it's tole on the mighty warrior. With fire in his eyes and rage in his heart, James gave his onboard computer the command to initiate operation wipeout, the program he had used days ago to destroy an entire army. While the barrage of missles that fired from his back was not nearly enough to kill any of the shadow warriors, it did stun each an every one of them, giving Seidaku a much needed breather. "GO! TAKE OUT THAT SON OF A BITCH!" James called out to him, pointing towards the large dark barrier floating in the sky. "I"LL COVER YOU!" Not wasting any more time, James quickly gave the order for te Patriot to fire the Unibeam, a powerful concussive beam of energy fired from the suit's chest-plate. The blast was massive, nearly ten feet in diameter, and powerful enough to incinerate the two shadow warriors unlucky enough to be caught in it's wake. However, it also left his power cell's momentarily dry, leaving him to helplessly float in the air for three seconds. Against a normal enemy, this would cause little problem, but against these super power sahdow warriors, it left an openning the size of the grand cannon. Quickly, half their rank swarmed around the frozen armor bound warrior, and with a single united blow, sent him hurtling towards the ground below. "This is gonna hurt," was all he could mutter before hitting the ground with the force of a ten ton nuclear payload, decimating the surrounding planet surface and leaving James burried deep within a crater a quater of a mile wide.[/COLOR] OOC: Oh, and XYZ, you were asking for art and junk, well here is a drawing I did of Ranma and James's battle back on earth. Unfortunatly, due to my school's scanner being black and white with a very heavy contrast (it's designed for scannin black and white documents) the shading looks a little rough, but hey, its better than nothing.
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hey Bravers. I got a little bored in my econ class today, so I decided to do a little sketch of our characters in their rpg costumes. Unfortunatly, my school's scanner is black and white with some heavy contrast, so it looks allittle dark, but I still think its a kinda funny. And Sandy, if you want to count this towards whatever it takes to win this round, hint hint wink wink, feel free to do so. Also, it looks better zoomed in a few time. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Done and Done. And thanks for the ok with the mandoline, made a better club for when singing just don't cut it. ;) .............Holy crap, I just used a smiley. I have never used a smiley before. Ever. Well, maybe not never, but never since I learned how to type properly. So consider this a monumental occation. A milestone of sorts. Or consider it me still fighting insomnia. Whatever. Just get to postin Red Team.[/COLOR]
  4. Outlaw

    The Boondocks

    I don't know about you guys, but I got a kick out of the latest episode with Samuel L. Jackson. I'm not going to give anything away, but he had some serious Pulp Fiction Moments in there. I was roling around on the ground laughing when he broke out the, [spoiler]"You live in What? Do They Speak English in What Motha #@$(a!?"[/spoiler] Don't want to ruin the suprise for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. And I'm always a big fan of the 'common sence' brand of comedy. I love how it points out social problems to the extreme to make fun of them. I see a strong similarity to Huey and John Stewart in that regard, even though one is a cartoon and the other is the college student's main source of political news today.
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ok Bravers, I got us going. If there's a problem with my post, or if you want to dress your characters up yourselves, that fine, just drop me a pm. I'm just battling a fit of insomnia right now and figured I might as well get the ball roling. Peace Out and Game On.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]Seeing the Green Team begin to don their costumes, the Red Bravers broke from their long huddle to get started themselves. Xaioyu Ling had quickly volunteered to be the thief, noting her natural speed and agility. Samus, preferring to keep her distance in battle, opted for the role of the hunter. Ada Wong, acting as the voice of reason in a relatively dysfunctional group, volunteered to holster her guns and become the team's healer. And Carl Johnson, in his uniquely boisterous fashion, declared himself the bard. "Yeah Yeah, first eva Gangsta Rappin Bard up in dis piece. Jus call me Shake-a-spear motha $(#*@." But CJ was quickly silenced when he found his costume in the large red bin assigned to his team. To CJ, the Bard's costume looked like a retarded upside-down tu-tu, consisting of a frilly shirt with a giant ribbed collar, and matching knickers and tights for the legs. It also came with a ridiculously gaudy beret type hat with a giant feather sticking out, and a wooden mandolin. "What in da (*$#& )(* @)(*$) piece a &^%* motha *(&(*& kinda %^*&^@ is dis?" CJ began shouting, obviously pissed ass hell about the costume. "Can I change ma job?" he asked Mog. The small furry creature shook his head in response. "Nope, once you pick your kupo, the other kupos are burned. Kind of a kupo waist, I know, but hey, those are the kupos." He said with a shrug. "Well $#!^. Aite, but I'm keepin ma Tims. Des is ma good luck kicks," he said as he grabbed his clothes and headed for a small stand-alone closet that acted as his changing room. As he changed, a small menu appeared outside the room, with the names of a number of designer stores, as well as a list of premade outfits. The "Bard" option was highlighted on the menu, and CJ emerged from the closet in full Bardly attire, though true to his word, still in his loose fitting untied Timberland Boots. "Don't no one say a word." He said, the first time he had been truly serious since he had arrived in the CPU. "Not a god damn word." His group of female teammates held back their giggles with great difficulty. Ling especially had to dive into the clothes bin the muffle her laughs. After a good fifteen minutes of painful restraint, the others got to putting on their own outfits. Samus had a great deal of trouble fitting her small green tunic over her massive shoulder pads. CJ made a comment about taking hr armor off, taking it all off if you will, and was quickly silenced with another slap courtesy of Ada Wong. In the end, Samus ended up attaching the bow to her arm cannon and draping the tattered remains of the tunic her armored neck. Ada's costume was much simpler, as she was able to slip the long white robe over her violet dress. However, she found is a little restrictive around the legs. So, pulling out one of the many daggers left for Xaioyu's thief outfit, she cut a long slight in the robe down her right leg, matching the one on her dress. "Ah, much better," she said as she stretched out her long legs, not noticing CJ's drooling stare. Xaioyu Ling didn't have much of a problem putting on her costume either, but she seemed to hate hers just as much as CJ hated his. It consisted of a skintight black suit, which covered her entire body, and was topped with a black hood. "Yuck!" She exclaimed, "It's all....black. Black is sooooooo boring. Where's the color!?" She yelled. Taking a hint from the liberty's CJ had taken with his outfit (keeping the Tims busta) Xaioyu took large purple bow from her [I][URL=http://www.ncsx.com/www/ncs0126/lingxiao.jpg]school girl uniform[/URL] [/I] and placed in on the black chest of her new outfit. "Ahh, much better." Now that the whole team had donned their costumes, it was off to some mystical land of magic and junk to save the princess Zelda from the dragons.......Bubble and Bobble.......from a puzzle game........for little kids and old folks........exciting.[/COLOR]
  7. I donno, being a Link to the Past fan myself, I'd prefer [URL=http://www.zeldauniverse.net/images/stories/games/z3/bosses/trinexx.gif][B]Trinexx[/B][/URL] , though I'm not sure if he's techniquelly a dragon. But anything is fine by me.
  8. I beleive my afliction can best be summed up by Robert Palmer: You Might As Well Face It, I'm A-DA-DA-Dicted to Love. And I know I like to think I'm immune to the stuff, but I just keep getting closer to the truth that I can't get enough. But seriously, I love to snowboard more than anything else. I will just about anything for a good powder run. There's just nothing else like it. Drugs? The rush isn't nearly as high. Trust me. I've even tried doing it [spoiler]while high[/spoiler], but that just takes away from the experiance. I don't know if I'm aloud to mention that on these boards, seeing as there are quite a few youngins, so I tagged it. Also, I love pretty much any music I can nod my head to. If it get my blood moving, I'll get hooked for a while and listen to it till its dead. However, this does lead to some painful withdrawl when I don't have a specific song to start my playlist with at any certain point. Currently, that song is Daft Punk's "Harder Better Faster Stronger." Hell, I'm rockin out to it right now. Party On Garth.
  9. James scoffed at Majotte's threats. It seemed odd to him that two people with so much history would have such a bitter rivalry. He figured they two people who seem to hate eachother so intently would have killed one an another a long time ago. Odder still how they seemed to work together quite often. But he brushed these thoughts aside, knowing they had more important things to worry about now. It didn't take long for the two to reach the world Seidaku had gone too. However, by the time they arrive, the fireworks were already starting, as both warriors felt the tremendous power flowing from the planet's surface. James had never seen anything like it. There power seemed to dwarf the very stars themselves. Overwhelmed, James turned towards Majotte, a hint of desperation on his voice. "So.....you got a plan?" But before Majotte could respond, the two were interupted by a force beam which erupted from the planets surface. Kairki was obviouisly trying to goad the two into a battle. And it worked. "Never mind, tell me on the way..." James trailed off as he turned to the beams source and began to decend through the planet's atmosphere.
  10. The next level CJ and Samus entered seemed to consist of the outside of a castle and a L shaped pipe. "So, what now?" CJ questioned, hoping for an answer from the team's resident living computer. "Well, my scanner says that this leads to some sort of underwater passage way. And the level seems to cut off past it, so I guess we're swiming." Samuc responded, walking past CJ and into the pipe. "Aite, dats coo. I gots me some sea legs. Ya know, I bet that mute ass mutha ****a can't swim for shit. And I hurd about some busta down in Flowda who owned half o Vice City, but drown in da ****in riva outside his house. How you live onna water and not know how ta swim. I'm from da ghetto! You tink we gots pools an ****? Na, closest ting we gots be broken fire hydrants." But Samus was already halfway through the underwater stage by the time CJ finished ranting. Out the other end, the two found a lang set of bridges over what seemed to be a bottomless cassim. "Ha, dis ****s no sweat. Can just walk right ova des ****in holes." With that, CJ showed off his massive height by taking a giant step over the first drop. However, as he did, he was interupted by a large eyed orange pirahna, which flew from the water and bit him in the leg. "What in da hell, get offa me you lil ****!" He yelled shaking his massive leg. But the pirahna didn't bugde. "CJ! Watch out!" At Samuses warning, CJ turned towards the level's end to see two more pirahna leaping from the water, seeming to pass straight through the bridge, and embeding themselves into his other leg. "****************************!" he yelled, running as fast as he could down the level, hoping they would fall off. He ran so hard he didn't even notice the single steal block hanging in the air halfway through the stage. WHAM, he ran right into it with his gut, knocking the wind out of him, and causing him to crash onto his back. From the block sprouted a now relatively small red mushroom, which lept from the box top and straight into CJ's open mouth. He swallowed it like a advil, and suddenly his size reached over twenty feet tall. "Ah shit!" He yelled out to Samus. "Lil help ova hur!" "What wrong?" She asked cheerfully, happy her teammate had found another mushroom. "Well, when I ate da 'shroom, de grew too." He said painfully, as he pointed down to the massive pirahna still clinging to his legs, which had all doubled in size. Samus sighed and began shotting them off one by one before moving on.
  11. [QUOTE=Brasil]I'm calling bull on that one, and advise you to do some study of the Cold War era at the very least, and then read-up on the events that led to President Truman's decision to use the A-Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki near the end of WWII. [/QUOTE] I'm confused by this point. I can only assume you are citing this instance as an example of governments being in touch with their soldiers, as Truman claims he used the bomb to save hundreds of thousands of soldiers lives. Now, I'm going to have to disagree with you, seeing as I take the 'bomb wasn't necessary' side of the arguement. One reason I have come to this conclusion is the fact that General Douglas MacArthur, the head of the US Pacific War Effort during this period, along with soon to be president Eisenhower, denied the nessecity of the bomb. Both beleived that Japan was essential defeated already, and that the bomb was dropped cheifly to intimidate the Russians, anticipating the eventual Cold War. Another is a reportfrom the committee of scientists designated to find a proper place to drop the bomb. They chose Nagasaki and Hiroshima mainly on a scientific bases, hoping to study the effects of such weapons on massive urban settings. They also cited the fact that they could study the effects the surrounding mountain ranges would have on the blast in chosing their cities. I don't have a copy of the report on hand, but I'll try and find it. I know this is off topic, but I'm a big fan of the Bomb arguement. Now, there are only two ways I can see peace coming to the planet, and I may be wrong. One, would be a gathering of like minded and united people coming together and eliminating all those who oppose their point of view. AKA, genicide on a global scale. I think the scariest thing about this idea is that with modern technology it is probobly possible, however unlikely. The other is a complete re-disribution of all resources amoung all the worlds people, giving all men and women an equal footing. Along with this, uniting all faiths under one god, or atleast the acceptance of other people's faiths. This would take away most any reason for hatred or jealousy amoung the people of this world. Thus, creating a global communism. Now, at the same time, this would require either a global government to oversee the want and need of the worlds people, or a access of resources so great, anyone could basically have anything or do anything they wanted without having to fight others for it. The first would result in the members of that governing body being more powerful than the people within it, eventually leading back to jealousy and envy, which would lead back to fighting and war. And the second just isn't possible with this planet and the number of people on it. So, basically, I think if we want a truely peaceful utopia, its time to find a second Earth.
  12. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I wish I lived in New England. Everyone up there is so cool and democratic. Haha. But I live in Washington, DC... so I'd say it's close enough.[/size][/QUOTE] Haha......NO! It's NOT! I'm just saying this because I techniquelly life in both. I'm from the suburbs of DC, born and raised, but I go to school up in Hartford, CT. And I gotta tell ya, I love it so much more up here. I love the weather up here, because I am cold blooded through and through. And you can wear snow jackets in the dead of summer up here. The only problem I have is that whenever I mention I'm from Maryland, everyone assumes: "South of the Mason-Dickson line. You mean you screw your cousin?" No, no I do not. I'm not West Virginian.
  13. Haha! Kane and Biggie are scared of the Undertaker! Anyways, man, was the Smackdown special awesome or what. Despite having waaaaaaay too many commercials, those were two very good matches. I love the fact that Smackdown now has a new solid rivalry in Beniot and Booker. While I'm not a big fan of Ms. T, I do think Booker and Beniot put on some great matches. And I got a really weird feeling when Randy and Taker were fighting around Eddie's car. After the relatively light hearted Eddie Guerrero video, I got the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that Guerreros death was faked, and the Taker would bring him back to life. I know this is terrible un PC, and a terrible thought to have, but the WWE has a reputation for terribly tasteless crap, and I only know Eddie as a TV character, so seeing his dedication video was very similar to seeing him on life tv. I'm ashamed to have felt this way, and I mean no disrespect to the man or his family, but thats just what I though. [b][font=Verdana][color=blue]Edit:[/color][/font][/b] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sninsky, the man who's supposed to be all big and bad and scary, WEARS A FANNY PACK! [img]http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/1652990/22.jpg[/img] This is by far the greatest thing I have ever seen in the history of wrestling. EVER! [font=Verdana][color=blue]Double posting is not allowed, though I'm sure you already know this. Either way, please just use the edit button in the future.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font]
  14. [QUOTE=Sandy]...Except peace cannot be achieved by war. Those who think so have a pretty screwed way of thinking. It's not even about "end justifying the means", because war has never brought anything to any nation but hatred, sorrow, vengefulness, oppression and unequality. Honestly, taking a recent example, who can call the situation in Afghanistan or Iraq a "peace"?[/QUOTE] What about the Revolutionary War, bring about America's independence? Or the Civil War, bringing about freedom for slaves (Many historians beleive Lincoln freed all slaves in attempt to create an black uprising in the South)? Or WWII createing a wartime economy which brought about the end of the great depression, and made the US one of the worlds leading super-powers. I'm not saying war is right by any-means, but you cannot claim something so 'definate' as war bringing nothing but hatred, sorrow, vengefulness, oppression and unequality. Now, back to the focus of the topic, I beleive that 'absolute peace' cannot be achieved without the elimination of want or greed. So once we figure that out, I figure the whole peace thing will be solved. Ah well, wishful thinking.
  15. James could sense the anger in Majotte's voice, and he didn't like it. He knew what he did was right. "Yeah, yeah I did. Look, I owe Zain my life, even if he is freakin insane now." James boldly stated, getting right in Majotte's face. "But that portal leads to a dessolate planet way out in the middle of nowhere. One of that Zen-bastards kids saw to that. So if we make it through this, I can help him recover from whatever happened to him. And if not, well, than he's stuck on a dead planet, and can't do any harm. Alright!? Is that good enought for you!? Now lets get going, like you said, we got allota ground to cover."
  16. It didn't take long for CJ to reach World 1-4. With his increased size, it was easy for him to leap from platform to platform. Inside the massive dank castle, he drucked and jumped over mysteriously frozen strands of fire. "Na how da hell dis shit happen. Musta been techno-bitch." CJ could hear Ada's voice yelling from far away, "I HEARD THAT YOU PIG!" "Shit," he mumbled to himself, praying for releif from another slap. Soon, Carl reached a long wooden bridge over a vast lava pit. Once across it, he found a small brown axe oddly floating in the air. "Nice, dis shit looks ol as hell. Probly worth some surious green." CJ reached down to picked up the axe, but oddly enough it disappeared as soon as he touched it. Looking around to find were it might have gone, he noticed that the bridge too had colapsed into the lava. "Damn, I feel like Blackiana Jones," he joked to himself. Continueing on, he passed by a small mushroom headed man, shouting something about a princess. Carl figured it was just some cracked out midget and continued on. Outside the castle, CJ found a world similar to the one his team had arrived in. Only this one was far more heavily populated with creatures. Walking mushrooms, flying turtles, and giant man eating plants as for as far as he could see. "Mutha *#$&@, whoeva made up dis place musta been cracked out de mind." "Oh, I donno, I think it's kind of nice," came a familiarly computerized voice from behind him, "Especially after some of the places I've been too." CJ spun around as quickly as he could, pulling out his AK only to find himself pointing it at the chest of Samus. He could see she was chuckling inside her armored suit. "What are you gonna do with that?" she asked, "Scratch my paint job?" CJ lowered the barrel of his gun, happy to see a familiar face, but still focused on the task at hand. "Yeah? You sould see Los Santos in da summa. Smog makes fo some #@*#in pretty ass sunsets an $#!^. But lets finish dis job first. I say clear a path through these lil #(@&as, den find dem damn shrooms." Samus nodded in respose, holding up her arm cannon. With a smile, CJ wiped out his chainsaw, it's engine reving to life. "Yeah, dis gonna be fun." What followed afterwords is to gruseum for human beings to comprehend. So just sit back in your computer chain and put on some easy listening for a while. Than have someone hit you in the nuts with a 4 iron, then you will know the pain unleashed by Samus and CJ that day. As the dust settled, little was left of the once vibrant world. In some spots, the very pixels of the clouds had been shattered, smashed into tiny bits of codeing on the ground. The world was almost completely barren, save for a few boxes left floating in the air. "Aite, ona des shits must have a shroom." With a quick smack from his massive hand, one of the boxes turned from brick to steel, and a red mushroom sproated from the top. CJ quickly grabbed the fungus and scarfed it down, growing another six feet into the air. "No dats what I'm talkin bout. Not even Shaq could stop my giant ass now." He joked as he and Samus continued through world 2.
  17. James looked up at Majotte as he was dragged along, than back at the demonic Zain. He was torn between helping Zain, the man who had brought him into this war, and Majotte, the only person who seemed to still be the same man he was when they started. It was time for him to make a choice between the two. James pulled his armored arm away from Majotte's iron tight grip, using his thrusters to stop just outside the planet's atmosphere. Staring up at the suprised Majotte, James opened a portal around himself, sending him back down to the planet's surface. Once there, he openned yet another portal, but this time he did not enter it. "Alright Zain, I need to help Majotte, but I still owe you one. So take this portal, It'll bring you too a nearby planet with enough oxygen for you to survive. Once we find this Zen-bastard, I'll come back for you." Before Zain could respond, James rocketed himself back up into the atmosphere to Majotte. "Alright," he said, "Lets go. I'll follow you." As the two flew off into space, James looked back at Zain and the portal. And out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a dark figure approaching the portal from the other side. Figuring Zain could handle himself, James continued to follow Majotte, trying desperatly to catch up with Seidaku.
  18. CJ made his way through the 2D underground tunnel, following Ada's path of destruction. But while Ada stoped to talk with Ling, CJ continued on to a tunnel at the far end of the caves. He wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, prefering the wide open outdoors, even without his third dimension. He emerged from a small brick castle onto a brown stone walkway. "Dis place is wurd fo surious." He commented to himself. Making his way to the edge of the walkway, CJ noticed that the world 2D world continued on via a series of grass topped ledges. The only problem was after the first ledge, the second shot up nearly 8 feet in the air. "How da hell does dat fat ass plumba do dis shit!?" He cried, realising the ledges were to high for him to reach as is. So instead, he decided to cheat again. Again, moving back and forth and shooting random directions, again the cheat activated sign apeared above his head, but this time, a jet pack appeared on his back. "Now dis is ridin in style," he stated as he lifted into the air above the platforms. But once he reached the top of the second platform, he was met with a suprise. "Holy shit! Dats one big fuckin turtle!" he called out, coming face to face with a red koopa. Shocked by the giant turtle, CJ pulled out his duel Uzis, tearing into the suprised creature. The critter inside disappeared in a puff of smoke while its bullet ridin shell flew into a block floating in the air. The block flashed a few times as a mushroom rose from inside it. "Aw yeah, I gots one. Thanks you dead ass turtle." CJ dropped down to the mushroom, catching it inches from the ledge. He popped it into his mouth, causeing him to shoot up to around 12 feet. However, now his jet pack was far too small, and his fingers couldn't even fit in his guns. "Aite, lets go fin somo shrooms!"
  19. Outlaw


    [QUOTE=Outlaw]Ok, so, first off, not a huge Tailies fan, but maybe thats just because I don't know them aswell. Actually, its not so much the tailies, but Anna Lucia in general. I just don't find her all that beleivable, considering how she acted when talking with Jack and all. I feel like her sudden bad-assness is just to forced. Plus I doubt [spoiler]she could really be flooring Sawyer with just one punch. Well, maybe if it was too the sholder, but thats only cause theres a big bullet sized hole in it.[/spoiler [/color][/QUOTE] Ok Ok, I officially retract my statement. Ana Lucia is now a very beleiveable character. You see, my problem with allot of action hero type characters is their skill depsite lack of training. This is why I originally didn't believe Ana's character. I figured she was just some office 9-to-5-er. [spoiler]But the fact that she has had police training really helps her case.[/spoiler][/spoiler] And I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but I nearly cried when [spoiler]Bernie and Rose reconnected[/spoiler]. I've been waiting for that one moment for weeks, and it was so nice to finally see it happen. And finally, yeah, a ****ing [spoiler]Polar Bear[/spoiler]. Just think about the balls the writers must have had to walk into the producer's office with that idea. I imagine the conversation would go something like this: [spoiler]"Yeah, and on the second day...they get attacked by a polar bear." "A What!?" the producers would respond. "A.....polar bear" "You mean a grizzly bear, or a black bear? Cause this is a tropical island." "No, we mean polar bear. Like from the Arctic Circle." "..........Alright, **** it, use a polar bear."[/spoiler] [color=Blue][b]Edit:[/b] [color=Black]So when does the season resume. Because I'm suffering from Lost withdrawl right now.[/color] Please remember to use the edit button if you want to add more to your last post. - Petie[/color]
  20. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=2]CJ spent the next few minutes rubbing his cheek, the red slap mark still present. He was getting sick and tired of all these ornery ass women. Hell, he still couldn't get that bitch Catolina to stop calling him. "Wait one Ga Damn Minute...Catolina, youbitch, I'm comin fo ya!" CJ yelled out. But this was probobly something better left in his head, as Dante stared at him from the couch, and a fuming Ada made her way over to him, arm stretched out for another slap. "I thought I told you..." Ada scolded, pulling back for the mother of all slaps. "Not this time," CJ responded, grabbing Ada's wrist to preotect his still rosey cheeks. "You...you ain't a bitch. But this bitch...she a bitch, in ury sense o da word." Letting go of her wrist, he turned towards the elevator at the front of the penthouse suite. "Hey man, I donno if dat thing works, ya know. I think we're supposed to stay here," Dante called out after him. Still, CJ pressed the elevator button, which lit up with a 'ding.' "Don't work huh?" CJ called back smuggly as the door opened and he walked inside. Upon pressing the lobby button in the elevator, the elevator doors closed, only to open back up again in the same room. "What da heeeeell?" CJ yelled out as he hit the lobby button again. And again, the doors closed and openned just as quickly. This went on for nearly 15 minutes before Carl finally gave up. "Shit, don't work." Head hung low, CJ mopped back towards the couch and flopped down near Dante. "So, what now?" Dante asked smuggly, happy to be proven right. CJ lifted his head with a smirk and looked over to the crimson clad demon hunter. "What dey do in ury Reality Shiz when de gots time off...Drink," he said, modding over to the bar. Dante smiled back as the two sprung to their feet and headed to the bar. "Yo, Ada, come take a drink wit us." CJ called out, while commenting under his breathe, [/SIZE][SIZE=1]"Maybe it'll warm yo fridgid bitch ass up,"[/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. James' sensors had picked up everything Seidaku had just told Majotte. It was only because he was listening to the two that he hadn't joined in the fight yet. But now he had heard everything he needed. He rocketed up from the ground, the thrusters in his boots leaving a dark burn mark on the ground below him. Within seconds he had reached Seidaku and Majotte. Just as he arrived, Seidaku was asking, "So, what exactly did you come up here for, besides making me explain everything to you?" But James didn't give Majotte a chance to answer yet. "If you need someone who can breathe in space, I'm your man. But I need to help out Zain first. Just give me a few minutes." Not waiting for an answer, James launched himself down towards the battle. He flew with incredible speeds, barreling towards the battle with reckless abandon. By the time he reached the fighters, he had broken the sound barrier four time over. With all his speed and power, he barreled his right sholder into the amused looking Kairiki, who was floating away from a young man he had never seen before. Kairiki's body was send hurtlying to the ground, his crash landing creating a massive crater. A quick glance at Kairiki's former combatant showed a low energy reading, though there still seemed to be a massive aura of energy slowing fading away around his body. James determined the man was fine and turned is attention towards Zain's demonic from. He flew toward his old friend, hoping there was someway to return him to his humanoid form. "Zain, what has happened to you?!" He called out, hoping to get an intellegant responce.
  22. James tapped into the portal generating powers of the suit, attempting to create a rift in the center of one of the stars and cause it to collapse in on itself. But to no avail. The energy created by the stars was to great compared to that genreated in the portal, and it overrode the portal's own effectiveness. "Son of a Bitch," he yelled to himself. However, he had little time to dwell on his failure, as the dark energy from the nearby planet began to approach him at incredible sppeds. James' sensors recognized that it wasn't the original energy he had senced, but a new one. James sighed as it approached nearer. It was a small pack of Shadow Warriors, no different from those he had faced befroe. Obviously, whoever was on that planet had moved on, and didn't respect James enough to send him a decent challenge. Frustrated by his plan's apparent failure, James dispathed the warriors with extreme prejudice, tearing their dark bodies appart with his bare hands. One finished, he desided it would be ebst to get back to the others and check in on their progress. He locked onto the transmitter he had given to Majotte and activated a portal taking him only feet from Majotte's location. "Hey Majotte. Any progress on this e....Oh Shit!" He exlaimed as he watched Jukunen litterally melt into a puddle of ooze at the hands of a demon. "What in the hell is going on here he asked Majotte, assuming he had seen the entire event unfold.
  23. No, its cool, even CJ knows when to shut up every once and a while. And I was just wondering that. I would have thought they'd post atleast once by now.
  24. Wow, I'm really suprised I was never a part of this, since this seems kind of post seems right up my ally, or atleast whatever ally I was on back in 2001. [COLOR=White].... [/COLOR] __ [COLOR=White]. [/COLOR] _I__I_ [COLOR=Magenta][/COLOR] [COLOR=White]. [/COLOR] /_/\_\ And I'm equally suprised noone ever made a fancy pants Kirby, with pants and a fancy top hat. I'm also pretty sure a Kirby battle, aslong as it stayed an actual battle, would be fine. Though randomly posting Kirbys, like I just did, probobly isn't. Yeah, thats right. I'm stickin it to the man with my pantsed Kirby.
  25. Carl Johnson, Mitsurugi, and Dante jumped back and forth around a pack of thirty lemmings, herding them together. However, it didn't take long before Mitsurugi got sidetracked as he lept across a deep pit, using himself as a human bridge for a number of lemmings to cross. "Wheew, good save Mitso!" CJ called out. But in watching the samuri's bold save, CJ and Dante nearly missed the large spiked block falling from the sky directly above the lemmings. "Aw crap! CJ, heads up!" "Yeah, I gots it!" CJ yelled back as a Rocket Launcher appeared in his hands. Carl used the launcher to blow up the block into hundreds of smaller pieces. However, there were still a number of lemming crushing sized peices. "Aw shit! Dan Man! You dat big ass sowd o you's!" Dante quickly complied and used Rebellion as a make-shift roof above the lemmings, collecting most of the falling bits. A few that blew off in random directiong struck three of the lemmings Ada was kicking. "Hey! Watch it!" Ada yelled back as the counter dropped to [COLOR=Red][B][/B][/COLOR], now angry at her own team. "You! You watch yoself bitch!" Carl yelled back, equally as pissed. Dante carefully tossed asside the rubble with a sigh and looked back towards CJ. "We need a more permanant solution to this," Dante stated, breaking the intense glare between Ada and Carl. "Aite, yeah, I think I gots an idea!" Carl responded. After having his rocket launcher disappear, CJ punched into the air twise, before taking two steps forward, jumping three time, punching the air again, then moving one step backwards. "What are you doing, the electric slide?" asked the puzzled Dante. He was answered with a massive Bull-Dozer falling from the sky, it's back tire crushing a small handful of the lemmings, causing the counter to drop to [COLOR=Red][B][/B][/COLOR]. "What the hell!?" Dante yelled. "Yo man, aint you neva seen a cheat befo? Now, help me pile dese lil *&^#s inna dozer thing," CJ responded with a smile on his face and a Cheat Activated sign hanging above his head. Carl quickly hoped into the driver seat began scooping up as many lemmings as he could find.
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