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Everything posted by Outlaw
Probobly my favorite video game memory is from the SNES classic Donkey Kong Country. Me and my cousin used to play the co-op mode of that game religously. That is, untill we started to get into the later levels of the game. Despite the fact that he was, and obviously still is, a year older than me, I was a much better Donkey Konger (officially a new word: Konger) and so I started to play it solo to get through the levels. My cousin idn't mind because he became my 'coach,' cheering me on, pointing out obsticles, and giving me advise. Suprisingly enough, this worked really well. With him, I was able to beat the game, which I considered quite a task. That was a very long and challenging game for a kid like me, as I was the type of kid who usually warped through Mario 3, skipping all but the first 2 and the last worlds. But the oddest thing about it was that when I tried to play the game without him, I sucked. I could barely beat a single level in a one hour period. And yet, when he was 'coaching' me, I busted through that game like it was nothing. Weird huh? My other favorite memory was from my senior year of highschool, when me and some of my buddies challenged a bunch of juniors to a big Halo match. You know, the whole 8 vs 8 lan set up, one team in one room, the other in another. However, we did it at the house of a set of brothers, on a senior and the other a junior, and their house was seriosly built for this sorta shindig. They had big screens both up and down stairs, aswell as a bunch of mid size TV for those unlucky enough to miss out on the big screen action. It was by far the best Halo-fest I've ever been a part of. The absolute best part was the ending of the second game. The first was an 8 vs. 8 CTF in Bloodgulch, and it lasted about 2 hours for a 5 flag game. Seniors won. WooHoo. Than, the second game, another 8 vs 8 CTF, in Sidewinder this time, the juniors were about 30 seconds from getting the winning capture when we disconnected our boxes, ran out the back door, hoped in our cars, and tore *** down the long driveway of this dude's borderline mansion. The juniors came out just in time to yell at us and see us drive off out of the neighborhood. Now, the best part about this was that all the juniors had gotten rides with us, so they had no way of getting home, and the mansion-house-place was in the middle of freakin nowhere. So while they sat there stranded, no doubt still whining about how much better they were than us, we all dropped our xboxes off, grabbes some Wendy's, and hit up a very stereotypical suburban white boy highschool kegger. Now that was a Good Day.
Alright Red Team, time to get to work. I'm really impressed with the amount of red team posts. I think we might have been the only group to have had every member post about the living quarters. Now, I left the actuall dealling with the Lemmings, or atleast the start of it, to someone who actually knows the game. I've got some ideas, but I've never played the game before, so I'll let you guys take a crack at it first. I'm gonna try and play it a little for some more ideas.
[SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]The red team found themselves instantly transported into the Lemmings Dungeon, a vast 2 dimensional world filled with traps and bottomless pits. Luckily, the lemmings themselves had not yet appeared, as the old Windows unit running the challenge had not yet loaded them. "Aite," CJ said, "dis is just wurd. How in da hell did dat fur-ball put us in 2 mutha f***in D?" CJ exlaimed as he looked around hsi surroundings. "Seriously," Dante responded. "It's so weird, like, I can't see over or around that wall, but I can totally tell what's on the other side. It's like some weird two dimensional sixth sense." "Oh, that's just the player's view," Samus responded, being the only team member to ever be in 2D before. "Without it, playing 2D games would just be unfair and lame." The rest of the group just staired at he blankly, still uncomfortable about the loss of their third dimension. "Ah, you just a bunch of big babies. Hell, I only got depth like two years ago." "Aite double D, lets jus get dis shit ova wit sos I can get ma third D back. And would you settle yo ass down Ling!" CJ called out, watching as Ling Xiaoyu jumped back and forth around her new two dimensional environment. "What? This is how us fighters used to get around back in 2D times. They couldn't run yet, so to move quickly they just jumped really high and far," she responded, harkening back to her Street Fighting predecessors. "Mmm, the young one speaks truely," argeed the groups resident samuri. "Aite, well she betta knock it off befo' dem damn lemmings arri..." CJ's sentance was cut short by a resounding 'SPLAT' as the Lemming's had finally appeared, only one to materialize directly below Ling Xiaoyu's falling foot. "Ah F&^%!" CJ cried as a large counter appeared in the air above their heads, only to drop from [B][/B] to [B][/B].[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]I think that it's mainly because it's the safest place for people to experess their opinion's and start the arguements fights they wish they could in real life. Without the risk of someone actually knowing who you are, you're free to express your mind without risk of serious retaliation. Hell, whats the worst you could get here? An angry personal message or a banning? Emails can be deleted and new accounts can be made. But in real life, you run the risk of making a real enemy. Hell, you piss someone off too much, they could kick your ***.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=System][SIZE=2]CJ continued to look around the apartment. It seemed oddly familiar to him. "Ahhhh yeah, now I rememba. Dis was da Real World, Liberty City suite!" CJ called out, finally recongizing it. "Some dumb white bitch got shot walking 'round town." Ada seemed offended by the statement, as they glared at the boisterous gangsta. Mitsurugi, not understanding what bitch meant, simple smiled back. That is, until he caught Dante's eyes. "No Mitso buddy. Bitch is bad." He advised the samuri. "Ooooo, I see," Mitsurugi responded before looking towards CJ with the same glare as Ada and Samus. "What?! Lightin' up. Ya all is way to sensitive an shit." Carl responded, shrugging off their stares. "Bet it was dat mute ass busta been hangin round wit Catolina," he said to himself. CJ began to explore the group's new digs. The main common room was massive, and connected to the kitchen via a massive bar. Off from this room were a number of hallways, leading to bedrooms and games rooms. It was from one of these hallways that CJ heard a load creaking sound. Drawing an AK-47 assault rifle, seemingly from nowhere, he decided to investigate. "Where the hell did you get that gun?" called out Dante, confused by the AK's sudden materialization. "What?" CJ asked. "I had it on my the whole time. Just like this," he said as the AK disappear, replaced by a large rocket launcher, "or this," he said as it changed into a chainsaw, the motor humming loadly. Dante was obviously confused by this blatent disregard for the laws of physics, but let the subject go. CJ continued down the hallway, to come upon a large bedroom with a single massive bed. On it bounced the young and energetic Ling Xiaoyu. "Wha....whe...how....how da hell you get in hur?" CJ asked, confused as to how she had gotten here without the rest of the crew even noticing she had left. "Hehe, I was so excited to see our new home, I ran right in as soon as that glowy thingy apeared." She said with a large smile. "I call this room!" CJ's cocked an eyebrow as the chainsaw he held in his hand disappeared. "Aite den, Imma go find ma own spot. You enjoy yo big ass bed, just be ready when that lil fur ball calls us," he advised as he left the room and went to look for his bed room.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Sandy] [color=red]Bravers[/color]' clue should have only one "L", so yes, [B]Liberty Tower[/B] is correct, Outlaw. However, the [color=blue]Adventurers[/color] beat you to it, for they solved their answer, [B]Solitary Island[/B], first. [/QUOTE] Ooooo, so close, if only I didn't sleep last night, I coulda had it! Haha, aw well, I'll get da next one. Cause da Bravers ain't nottin ta F#*$ Wit. And I got the tower part outright, and got the liberty part while taking a shower. Man, it's true, your best ideas do come to you in the shower.
"Hey, no sweet, I used to do the jumble with ma moms ere day," anounced CJ, trying to take charge. "Lemme take a look." CJ stared over the letters for a few minutes as the rest of his team continued to make suggestions. "Man, those RPGers are gonna win. They always do crappy puzzles in there games," cried Xiaoyu. "Not today baby," interupted CJ, looking up from the letters. "Cause I got dis ish." Opting not to walk all the way over to Mog, CJ called out his answer. "Ey Yo! Kuppizzle fo Shizzle! I got dis peice! Is it "Liberty Tower?" "There are two L's dumb ass," interupted Ada, looking annoyed with CJ's bousterous attitude. "Ah shit, you right. Aite, is it LLiberty Tower?" he called out, hoping there had been a typo. "Or something tower? or something with little? Cause ders a little in dis ish!" CJ continued to yell out words he could make out of the jumble, but nothing exact.
James emerged from the portal in the midst of a small solar system, made up of only three planets orbiting a small star. Quick scans of the planets revealed no life, this would make a safe place to create a black hole. But the star was so small, and if this black hole wasn't strong enough, he doubted a god would stay trapped inside it for long. And so James continued his search, jumping from solar system to solar system, entirely at random. He had no map, but simply travelled aproxamatly 80 light years with each jump, simply judging the distance relative to himself. And with each passing jump, James became more and more frightened by his own seeming insignificance. It wasn't long before he openned one portal to find a large solar system of 12 planets focused around a cluster of 3 suns. The cluster would be perfect, if it weren't for the fact that the 5th planet seemed to be supporting life. Just as James began to open another portal to continue his search, massive explosions erupted from all over the surface, as if it were being bombarded millions of nuclear warheads. The planet was under attack, and though James had an important task to finish, something about the attack seemed familiar. Actually, not so much the attack itself, but the energy behind the attack. James rocketted toward the planet, preferring to use his new found teleporting ability for long trips only. However, he only made it half way there before the same darkness that had covered Enarjun spread across the surface of this new world. One of Zennosha's children was here. "Perfect," he smiled to himself. "A chance to test out my theory." James changed courses and headed towards the star cluster. If he could cause them to clopse in on themselves, then he would have a massive black hole, hopefully capable of holding Zennosha and his children. After consulting with his computer for a short time, the Patriot figured out a plan, using the portal system's it had recently tapped into. And at the same time, he could hopefully get the first attack in on whoever was attacking that planet.
Al this waiting around was making CJ antsy. He was never much of one to wait around in one place. Usually things just happened real quick for him, almost like his life was a series of cut-scenes. "What in da hell are you thinkin CJ?" he asked himself. "Hanging around with all these white folks and crazy little critter bia's making you go crazy." He decided it was time to start things up himself. "YO." CJ called out, chuckling to himself before he called out to mog, "Kupizzle. Whats the plan G. We gonna bust this party wide open or what!?" CJ's boasterousness seemed to catch the attention of the whole party, thou most, acting like the badasses they were, or atleast thought they were, ignored him. "Calm down Mr. Johnson," responded the tiny moggle. "We only have one more contestant to go." Just then a portal opened up at the far end of the CPU, signalling the arrival of the final member of the Survivor cast. But before even seeing it's entrance, CJ began to jump around, pumped to begin the competition. "Awwww Yeah. This shits bout to get Hot!" CJ continued to pump himself up while making his way over to Link and Mitsurugi. As far, these were the only two CJ figured weren't spazzes, angry chicks with big guns, or ornery little creatures. "Alright, you bustas ready? Huh, you ready fo dis Mitsubishi?" "That's Mitsurugi," replied the annoyed Samuri. "Hey, it's all good dawg. Ain't no harm done. But it's time ta get it up sucka! Yo! Yo! Red Crew aint nothin ta **** wit!" CJ began to chant as he continued making his way through the crowd, trying to get the rest of the Red Swords behind him.
Ok, so, first off, not a huge Tailies fan, but maybe thats just because I don't know them aswell. Actually, its not so much the tailies, but Anna Lucia in general. I just don't find her all that beleivable, considering how she acted when talking with Jack and all. I feel like her sudden bad-assness is just to forced. Plus I doubt [spoiler]she could really be flooring Sawyer with just one punch. Well, maybe if it was too the sholder, but thats only cause theres a big bullet sized hole in it.[/spoiler] Ok, beyond that, I am really psyched for next weeks episode, because I love Saeede when he's on a mission, and hated him getting all lovey dovey with Shannon. For being a person willing to risk his life on several occations for that girl of his back home, he certainly forgot about her real quick. And hopefully we're finally going to get some good things happening, with [spoiler]Sun and Jin being reunited, and Rose and Bernie. Call me a big softy, but I nearly cried when we found out Bernie was alive.[/spoiler] And now the big question is, with [spoiler]Echo and Locke now in the party, which one of them is going to be killed off? Because they can't have two hunter/killer badasses on the show.[/spoiler] And finally, what the hell ever happened to Jack's father? I just watch The White Rabbit over again, the episode where Jack finds the caves while looking for his father on the island, and I never saw the body. Did he leave it in Australia? Did it come back to life? Was that really Jack's father walking around? And if so, is he an other now? DAMN YOU LINGERING QUESTIONS! [color=navy]I added spoiler tags to your post. Because viewers in other parts of the world aren't completely caught up, I suggest you place all season-2 events in spoiler tags as well. --Manic W.[/color]
"Shit" James exclaimed as Zain flew off into the distance. "We need to focus on the task at hand." James looked back toward's Majotte, but he could tell if the man wanted to follow Zain or not. But Zain was strong, and James knew he could handle himself, atleast for a little while. "Alright Majotte, in all the stories I've been skimming over these past few minutes, there seem to be two surefire ways to trap a god. The first would be to turn him into a leaser being, like a toad or something, but I doubt any of us have the power to pull molecular reconstruction off, atleast not on that scale. The second is by pinning them with gravity." James could tell that Majotte was not yet convinced. "Look, according to these stories, gods like Titanas were cursed with having to preform unending tasks fighting against the force of gravity. Titanus himself was cursed to have to hold up the sky. I figure, if we can find a strong enough source of gravity, we can trap Zennosha within it. Like a black hole." "We just have two problems, finding a black hole, and sending those jackasses into it without being trapped ourselves. Now, after being teleported so many times, my computer has found a way to duplicate the energy signiture to preform the technique, so I can go myself and find such a hole while you help Zain and that other guy, Seidaku i beleive it was, and atleast weaken Zennosha and his sons." James than held out a small device for Majotte to take. "This will allow me to track you so I can find you once I've located the black hole. Just hold onto it and don't break it, otherwise I'll be stuck out there in space with no idea were to go." James turned away from Majotte and, sticking out his chest, fired a wide beam of energy, which seemed to slice open the fabric of space itself, openning a portal through which another galaxy could be seen. He turned back to Majotte one last time. "That is, ofcourse, unless you have a better idea."
Hey, looks like the game is off to a great start, I'm really excited about it. Anyways, I was wondering how exactly the competitions are going to work. I assume Sandy will determine the winner, but I was hoping you could clear that up for me a bit.
My own personal hero has got to be my father. I have never known any man the seize life the way he does. If he isn't working, he's spending time with his family or his hobbies. I honestly can't explain how much I love and respect the man. He works, he fishes, he flies, he loves....there's really not much more I can say.
You guys do know that there is an actual sign up post [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50129]HERE[/URL] right? And if you didn't, than you do now. So sign up now so we can get this RP roling, dispite how long it's been since the sign up began.
You know what I would like to see come back, the Introductions/This is Me forum. I remember when we used to have this for new or returning members to say hello, give themselves a little intro, and show off pictures of themselves to try and make things a little more intimate. I also feel like this could make Panda's job a little easier, since I've noticed quite a few new members trying to introduce themselves on the Otaku Lounge. But, thats just my opinion. Stay Strong, Live Long And Follow the Outlaw Life
Yeah, I know this one blows, but I saw the picture and just couldn't help myself.
"Man, chill out girl. I'm jus payin yo fine ass a compliment." But CJ's responce didn't seem to make Xaioyu any happier. "And yeah, I'm guessin we gots dis shit to divide us inna teams. I'm just glad I din't get some fruity lil featha like that lil hair ball ova there." Xaioyu giggled at the joke and CJ's acceptance of their team, but stopped when she looked over at Shadow. He'd obviously heard CJ's comment, because his gun was pulled again. "Man, put that strap away ya punk ass lil busta!" The two were about to get back into it when they heard Yuna's guns click again. It wasn't long until they had both holstered their guns and left each other alone. CJ's attention shifted back towards Xaioyu. "So, whats your deal girl. You Yakuza oh some shit?" Again, Xaioyu giggled back at him. "No silly. What is Ya-cozy anyways?" Carl just dropped his head in his hands. "What in da hell did I get ma self inta?!"
"Yea Yea, CJ in da house." Carl Johnson strutted into the ominous blue abyss known as the CPU. Over his sholder he carried a long red sword, given to him for the compitition. He didn't particularly care for the color red, as it clashed with his worn green hoodie and baggy jeans. He would have much prefered something to show off his street colors. However, he couldn't help but feel just as bad as ever caring around a sword. "This right here is some straight up Tarintino ****," he said to himself. The first thing CJ noticed inside the CPU was the small creature who had interviewed him days earlier. It's white fur and green robes stold out boldly against the CPU's blue backdrop. "What up my wing-assed brotha!" he exclaimed, raising his free hand in the air looking for a five. The tiny mog stared up at the young gangsta, a little put off by his vulgarity, but still excited about having him in the competition. Mog raised his own short arm, responding with his most ghetto-tastic, "Kuppizzle." CJ couldn't help but laught as he took the moggle's 'hand' in his and gave him a quick embraced. "Ha Ha, yeah, that right. Much love Kups." The two seperated after their short introduction. "So, when dis peice gonna light up? And what da hell is this oversized weed waka fo?
Real World Statistics Name: Peter Boon Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: True to his name's meaning, Peter is a rock. A boy unwavered by misfortune, though mainly because he has been unhindered by much of his own. Dispite being younger than most of his friends, he is one of the most mature and dependable amoung them. Physical Description: A large young man. Not quite fat, but broad sholdered and barrel chested without being overly muscular. His most distinguishing characteristic is his shaved head, which he cut after joining Third Edge as a bald monk. Background: Peter was born to a middle class family in a middle class neighborhood. Most of his childhood was spent in relative comfort, playing baseball, having sleep overs with friends, normal kids stuff. It wasn't until his family got their first computer that he found his true passion in life. Front the moment the computer sprung to life, he became enthralled with it's inner workings. Through most of middle and highschool, Peter was obcessed with building and moddifing computers. He was even able to set up his own small business, working to help his classmates with their own computers. This gave him the money to stay on the cutting edge. This also helped him develop his strong sense of resposibility and helpfulness. At first, friends only came to him with techniqual problems. But as time passed, and trust was gained, he became just as strong a source of moral support aswell. Now that he and his friends have become involved in the Third Edge game, Peter has placed himself once again in a supporting role, both in character and as the finacial backer of their monthly expences through his tech support earnings. In Game Statistics User Name: Stone Gender: Male Armour: White and Beige Monk Robes Weapon: Bo Staff Shield(or if not Second Weapon): Rosary Bead. This may seem to be an odd choice for a sheild, but when combined with a sheild spell and spun infront of him, it can block most attacks. Class: Priest Upgrade: Paladin Physical Description: [URL=http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/gallery/5_Male%20Monk.jpg]Like this[/URL]
Personally, I don't mind the occational typo, aslong as the meaning behind it can still be found. Hell, if there were no typos, Jay Leno would have one less sketch every week (for those of you who don't know, Leno has a bit he does every week called headlines, were he presents a serious of typo filled or just plain wacky advetrisements and articles). Personally, my biggest pet peeve, at least while writting (it just wrote a term paper in which this situation came up a lot, so it's fresh in my mind), is when I am writing about a single person of undistinguished gender. You see, while writing about this hypathetical person, I need to replace there non-existant name with a pronoun, such as he, she, or it. But in this case, none of these can be used. Using [i]he[/i] or [i]she[/i] would denounce the opposing gender, using [i]it[/i] would denounce the figure's humanity altogether, and using [i]he/she[/i] would just be bad writing. Now, I know that in these cases it is best to find an alternative, such as making the example about a group, so you can use the gender objective pronoun [i]they[/i], but I always find myself starting down the road of using the single uni-sex example. Then have to either go back and change it to encorperate [i]they[/i] or give the example a gender, which causes this situation to be my [b]Pet Peeve.[/b]
Hmmm, Heero Yuy and Jakehammaren bring up an interesting point. I'm interested to hear why you guys beleive bands like Slipknot and Disturbed aren't Metal. Now, I wouldn't define them as Heavy Metal per-say, as I leave that title to the hard rocking, heavy drinking, coke of a groupies #!# blowing bands, but I would atleast define them as Death Metal. I personally define Metal by it's fast tempo, heavy percussion, lots of emotion (in this case LOTS of anger), and, of course, lots of screaming. Now, some of you may disagree with me, so please, if you do, respond and tell me what you think metal really is. And while on this subject, my personal biggest pump up song has got to be [B]Metallica's Fuel.[/B] And If you say that song isn't Metal....[I]your crazy.[/I]
While in a calm state of mind, I can say that I don't beleive in ghosts, I know somewhere deep in my subconcious that thats just not true. I know this because if it were true, I wouldn't ever be scarred of them. And yet there are times were I find myself unable to sleep at night because of possible supernatural accurances. If it were true than I wouldn't be freaked out and have trouble sleeping after watching movies like the Poltergeist or the Haunting, or that I wouldn't have gotten that tingling in the back of my neck while reading some of the stories on that site, thinking about how all the unexplainable stuff that has happened to me could be from ghosts. But I do. Thats how I know I beleive in them. And I honestly don't know how I feel about that. I am personally a Episcopalian Christian, and as such, beleive that people go to heaven and hell after death, and that there is something far bigger than ourselves somewere, something beyond our comprehension. I beleive that just as the tiny micro-organisms floating around inside my body are unaware of me, and who I am, I'm probobly just some little omeba to some higher being aswell. But this is going off on a tangent that could bring about a crisis in faith for one who has not seen the power of prayer as I feel I have, so lets just leave it at this: [I]I beleive that there are things in this world that are above and beyond our own understanding.[/I]
Beutiful, thanks allot both of you guys. I tried making one too, though mine sucked, allot.
[QUOTE=Lord Dante] my question: if i bite off the dead skin on the end of my finger, does that make me a cannibal?[/QUOTE] No, that just make you bored and the owner of a potentially nasty habit. Unless, ofcourse, then you follow that up by eating your whole finger. Question: Whats more important, great tasting or less filling?
"Oh great, just great!" Exclaimed James as he threw high metal covered arms into the air. "So, no, we have to figure out how to kill a freakin God. And this god thing [I]knows[/I] we're gonna try and take it on. How the hell do you kill a God anyways.....Computer, do you know how? Cause I'm pretty sure all of us are lost." But the computer, without a concrete defnition of this [I]God[/I], couldn't calculate an answer. However, it did bring up a large amount of information on various deities throughout time. Specifically, the stories of ancient Mydes, an empire which ruled most of his homeworld a millenia ago, and how they followed large group of gods. And amoung these gods, when one was to be punished, it couldn't be killed, so it was trapped, confined, or banished. "Thats it. Majotte, Zain, what do you two know about Zennosha? Like, before he was free. Because if we can't kill him, maybe we can trap him."