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Everything posted by Outlaw
Why not join the military reserves as a pilot there, and since that isn't year round, you can do commercial too. Plus you'll get money for college, If your not in or through it yet.
Personally, I have to go with Waynes World 2. That movie was so hilarious, especially the fight scene with Cassandra's dad. I laughed, I laughed, and when all was said and done, I laughed some more. So, what are your favs?
Haven't seen gundam wing in a while, but I'll try. 1. Wing Zero 2. Deathscythe HELL:devil: 3. True Bonus: 30x Opinion: Nope, though I was pissed when the heavyarms custom was.;)
The Ultima Weapon is on a Chocobo quest, and you need to beat the game in I beleve 20 hours to get the Excaliber 2. Heck, I still can't get the 1st excaliber, I just can't seem to get the item I need to trade from the auction.
char = Character, I just think Piccolo is a bad *** character and I want to be him.
*As Outlaw, Gochan, No Hime, Pyro, and Tenk near the Ship, Outlaw faintly feels Angel's energy begin to drop.* Outlaw - Pyro, you know how to fly the ship right? Pyro - Ya, but why? Outlaw - Theres something I need to do. You guys get to the ship and fly above where angel is fighting, but high enough that you can't be seen. No Hime - What about you? Outlaw - Just do it, I'll meet you there. *Outlaw blasts back in the direction they came.* No Hime - I guess he must really love her. Gochan - Love who:confused: No Hime - Angel sweety. Gochan - OOOOh, :p . *Back at the city, Angel is beginning to lose power. And the hoards of Saiyan Armys begin to advance on her. As Outlaw flys over them, he can see they take up over 10 city blocks.* Outlaw - Hold on Angel. *Outlaw stops high above the middle off the army and erupts in white energy.* Outlaw - AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *Outlaw holds his hand above his head and charges a ball of energy there.* Outlaw - Heres one from the record books. Genocide Attack! *Outlaw rains thousands of beams down on the armys. The beams gut over 4,000 saiyans, nearly taking down a 1/5 of the army.* Outlaw - Geez, time for plan B. *Outlaw Jets down towards Angel, as he flys, he turns uninvisible.* Outlaw - Shoot Angel - Outlaw, what are you doing here. Outlaw - I couldn't leave you. *Suddenly Angel gets struck from behind by a Super Saiyan 3.* Outlaw - Get AWAY! *Outlaw disintagrates the SSJ3 with a ki attack. He then picks up Angel.* Angel - But, now they'll follow us. Outlaw - I dont think so. Close your eyes. Angel - Ok. *Closes eyes* Outlaw - *holds out his hand palm up* Blinding Light! *A bright light shoots from Outlaw's hand, blinding the entire Saiyan army. While they are blinded, Outlaw flys off with Angel going as fast as he can.* Angel - Now where are we going? Outlaw - To get Magnumshot.
I'll be Piccolo. I dont think I could come up with a cooler char.
RPG Final Fantasy: The Revival of Evil..........
Outlaw replied to Dragonballzman's topic in Theater
*Cid lay in his room staring at the wall.* Cid - Why doesn't anything cool ever happen any more. I hope Freya comes today to teach me some more Spear fighting. *Suddenly there is a large commation in the hallways.* Cid - What the!? *Cid peaks outside and finds soldiers running everywhere.* Cid - What happened? Soldier - Master Cid, Alexandria has been destroyed. Cid - Destroyed? *Cid runs back in his room and grabs the Dragon Lance. He runs back out and heads for the hanger bay.* I hope Garnet is ok. *Cid makes it to the hanger and is about to board the Highwind, a large ship which his father had given him, the regement's first ship using jet purpultion.* Man - And where do you think your going? Cid - Mother! Hilde Garde - So, where are you going? Cid - I have to go to Alexandria! Hilde Garde - I dont think so, not without your father's permission. Cid - Sorry mom, but I have to do this. *Cid gets into the Highwind and shuts the hatch.* Cid - Lets go guys. Crew - Sir! Cid - Set a cource for Alexandria. Crew - But sir....... Cid - Do it! *Cid walks into the cargo hold where he finds Kupo asleep. Kupo is a young Moggle which Cid befriended while Visiting the Lost Continent with Eiko.* Cid - Yo, Kupo! Kupo - Uhhh, whaaaaaa? Cid - Get up, we got work to do. *An hour later.* Crew Head - Cid, you may want to look at this. Cid - What? Crew Head - Its Alexandia Sir, its.......demolished. -
*Outlaw slowly gets up. He picks up the wimpering little girl and walks back towards Sage.* Sage - Your alright. Outlaw - Yeah, I'm ok, but this kid is pretty spooked. Sage - With good reason. Looks like Flash is going insane. Outlaw - You mean he wasn't already? Sage - I'm not sure if Valik will be able to hold him off, but it looks like shes starting to get through to him. Maybe... Outlaw - What? Sage - Maybe if we get Rico, he and Valik will be able to reason with him. Outlaw - Great idea, do you have anyway of tracking him? Sage - Well, he still has his radio, If I can just pick up the signal.......there. Hes on the roof top of the NeoSears Tower. Outlaw - Alright. You take the kid, *hands her to Sage.* I'll go get Rico. Sage - But, how will you get to him? Outlaw - With this. *Outlaw pull out a small remote and presses a button which says return. In a few seconds, a dark blue motorcycle comes screaming up. Outlaw gets on and revs the engine.* Sage - Don't you think you sould take the girl. She needs to get out of here. Outlaw - Ok, come her sweetie, just sit right behind uncle Outlaw. *The little girl slowly get on the bike behind Outlaw.* Outlaw - Alright, I'll be back ASAP. Sage - Hurry. *Outlaw screams off into the distance, doing atleast 70 mph down the city streets.*
Name - Cid Height - 6'1" Age - 16 Weapon - Various Spears, starts with Dragon Lance. Limits - Hyper Jump, Blood Lust, Rush *strong charge*, Ultimate End. Magic - Cure, Cura, Curaga, Thunder, Thundera, Thundraga, Bio. Personality - Very outgoing and energetic, Alough always takes an opponent seriously. Apperance - Blonde slicked back and spiky hair, very light blue eyes, wears a plain white T-Shirt with a flashy blue and gold vest and dark tan cargo shorts which go down to his mid-shins. Wheres Black boots which go up to his ankles. Bio - The son of Regement Cid, he was raised idolizing Zidane, always wanting to have adventures. He tryed to go along with his father In the great air battle against Memoria, be was forced to stay at home. He was trained in spear fighting for many years and longs for something to happen.
*Shadow races along the railroad tracks. He starts to catch up with the train. As it becomes larger, Shadow can see 5 chocobos racing along the right side. A man with 4 moggles jumps aboard the train, which come to a sudden stop because of them.* Shadow - Crud, this doesn't look good. I hope Squalls ok. *As Shadow reaches the train and hops inside, he finds that Squall is already face to face with the bandit and his moggles.* Squall - Shadow! Just in time. Bandit - What!? A Hedghog? Shadow - Well arn't you just the master of the obvious? Bandit - Grrrrr. Squall - Your up against SeeD. You have no chance. Just leave. Bandit - We'll see. I am the legendary Locke, the greatest Treasure Hunter in the world. Shadow - Treasure hunter huh? You seem more like a theif to me. Locke - You'll pay for those words! Squall - We don't have time for this Shadow! Locke - Thats to bad. Moggles Attack! *The 4 moggles charge at Squall. Each armed with a different weapon. The ones with a spear and a sword attack Squall from each side. Squall can barly parry there attacks. The one with a bow and arrow shots at Squall from a distance, and the one with the rod casts a few low level spells, which have little affect, but open up Squall for attacks.* Shadow - Squall! Hold on! Locke - And where do you think your going! Shadow - Through You! *Shadow pulls out his spear and stabs at Locke, but the Bandit sidestep the attack, and, pulling out a sword, knocks the spear out of Shadow's hands.* Locke - Ha! Now what little guy. *Shadow begins to glow a bright Orangish, Yellow. Small balls off energy begin to fly around him. He crouches down and gets ready to pounce.* Shadow - Limit Break, Light Speed Attack! *Shadow charges at Locke and unleases a combonation attack of fire spins, punches, and kicks.* Locke - Ughhh, I give. Moggles, retreat.
Outlaw - What the? Who the heck is this guy? Valik - I dont know how you did that Flash, but your still dead! *Valik charges at Flash and leaps towards him, claws extended. But Flash creates a force wall which stops Valik on a dime.* Valik - Ugh, **** you! *Valik howls wildly and uses Rune Arience again, sending a small tidal wave crashing onto Flash. The wave igulfs Flash, but goes farther, towards a building side.* Faint voice - Mommy!*crieing* *Outlaw spots a small child next to the building, with the wave about to crash down ontop of her.* Outlaw - Crud *Runs off towards the girl as fast as he can.* Sage - Wait! Where are you going! *Outlaw doesn't respond. Racing against the wave, He dives at the girl, covering her with his own body, proteting her from the wave. When the water clears, Flash is still right where he was standing before, with a large firey sheild around himself. Outlaw Is KOed and the girl has a slit concution.* Valik - Sh*t! Flash - Such folish heroics. Your little friend seems to be down, now I'll finish that pittiful human for good. *Flash creates a large fireball in his hand and aims it t Outlaw.*
Flash - Ha, Is that the best you can do! Watch this!:devil: *Flash launches himself high in the air, gathering a large amount of fire around him. He is about to come flying down ontop of Valik when he is struck from behind by an unseen force and loses his concentration.* Flash - ****, what the hell. *A man with a hard edge sword lands on the ground a few feet away.* Cloud - Outlaw! Valik - Who? Cloud - What the heck are you doing here. Outlaw - After the fight at the club, I followed you guys here. I figured you guys might need a hand. But what is up with that guy.......I hit him dead on the back of the neck, he should be dead. Valik - Hes immortal. Outlaw - Well that makes it kinda unfair than doesn't it. Valik - Well, Thanks for your help Outlaw, but I'll handle it from here.
*Outlaw sits at a table to a large club drinking a beer. A short weasly guy comes up to him.* Man - Hey buddy, want a hit of something that will rock your word? *Holds up a small tube filled with a blue powder.* Outlaw - No thanks. Man - Come on, I'll give it to you real cheap. Outlaw - I said no, you ask me one more time and I'll break your hand. Man - Hey man, you don't know who your de...AHHHHHHHHH!! *Outlaw grabs the man by the hand than jerks quickly and breaks 3 if his fingers. He than stands up, still holding the guys hand, and pulls out all his money from his pockets. He lets go of the little guy, who scampers off into the crowd, leaves a few bills for his drink, than leaves.* Outlaw - **** I hate raves. *As Outlaw walks out, he sees a small scermish in the ally next to the building, as A tall guy with blonde hair takes out two big guys. He wonders over couriously.*
Name - Outlaw Shadow. Species - Human Occupation - Drifter Eyes - Blue Skin - Tan Hair - Short, spiky, and white, white chin goatie. Description - Wheres baggy orangy-brown cargo pants, a blank tanktop, and a old leather flight jacket. Equipment - He uses his fists and a 4' blunt sword known as a hardedge. It is 1" thick and has flat sides. Also has a blue motorcycle which is the same style as Kanakda's from Akira. Bio - A man with no real purpose in his life, just passing through the city at the wrong time.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]hey outlaw were you at the other gundam RPG that DBZman created??? [/B][/QUOTE] You mean the one that flopped like a dead trout, ya, thats me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Adrien sits in the cockpit of the Talgeese III, arms crosses and asleep.* Computer -*Beep* Captain, you have a call sir. Adrien - *groggly* Huh...oh, ya, put it on the screen. *The video screen turns on and an old man is in the picture.* Old Man - You are the one they call Shadow are you not? Adrien - Yep, thats me. Whats up pops? Old Man - I have a job for you. Word has it you are a very good MS pilot. Adrien - Word is right. Old Man - Good. A Rebel Heavy Transport is carrying 50 tons of Lunar Gundanium Alloy. They are planning to use this on the construction of their new prototype the Buctus. Some may eventually be used to upgrade the standard Neo Virgo suits as well. Your job is to stop that from happening. Another pilot is also on the same job, a Kyle Roberts. Adrien - Ya, I've heard of the kid. I hear hes pretty good. So, how much does this job pay? Old Man - 5 mil for a succesful mission and 100,000 for every rebel suit or ship destroyed. Adrien - Hmmmm, seems a little low, but what the hell, I got nothing going on right now. I'll drop by as soon as the jobs done. Old Man - Very good, but how do you know where I am? Adrien - I traced the call *Adrien cuts the transmission.* Alright, finally, some action. I will make you prowd grandfather *Adrien looks a an old picture of a man in a red pilot's suit with long silvery hair.* I will make the whole Peacecraft Family proud. *Adrien kicks in the vernia engines and blasts off towards the transport route.*
*Shadow smirks in responce to Cecil's statement.* Shadow - You have no idea. Cecil - :confused: Shadow - Just watch. *Shadow pulls out a small red stone.* Cecil - What is that? Shadow - This is called materia. Although it does not exist in this plan, it does in my dimension. It is used for summoning magic. Mini Eden 1 - Stop blabering. Fight me you pathetic mortals. Shadow - You asked for it. Bahamut ZERO! Squall - Bahamut!? *Suddenly, a gigantic metallic dragon appears in the sky high above the castle. It spreads out its wings and begins to gather energy, centering it into a ball in it's mouth. It then shoots out the energy in a blinding beam of light, blasting straight through Mini Eden 1, and leaving a large whole in the middle of it's body. The dragon than disappears.* Mini Eden 1 - Ughhh. Shadow - Quickly, catch the **** thing! Sunstar - *still in shock* O, right! *Sunstar raises her stone and sucks the majorly wounded Eden inside.* Shadow - Alright! Mini Eden 2 - Grrrrr, I wont go down so easy. *The other Eden fires a gigantic beam of energy at the group, sending them all flying.*
Ok, so where all fighting a SSJ army right now, except Magnumshot, whos fighting the King. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Everyone uses ki blasts to hold of the armys while they talk.* Angel - Geez, there are so many blasted Saiyans. Outlaw - We can't give up now. Dbzman - We need a plan to get out of here. Pyro - Like what? Outlaw - I got it, remember how Angel got by the Zagar armys. Gochan - Ya! She was invisable. Outlaw - Right! And I know Angel can make us invisable with her magic. Angel - I dont know....I have never done it before. Outlaw - Just try, I beleve in you. Angel - *blush* Ok.......I'll try.
I was in the last story. I'm basically a living version of Shadow the Hedgehog from sonic adventure 2. I use a spear fire/space typed magics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow - Alright, can you distract Eden for a sec. I'll run down and get Squall. Sunstar - Run? Did you say run? *Shadow doesn't stick around to answer Sunstar's question. In a flash, Shadow is streaming down the castle walls. He eventually catches up with him and grabs him in midair. Using small air rockets on the bottom of his feet, Shadow starts back up the wall.* Sunstar - Alright! He got him! WHA.............. *A large blast hits Bahamut from behind a the dragon disappears, leaving Sunstar and Cecil stranded in mid air.* Sunstar - O craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap............ugh *Sunstar finds herself ontop of Squall and under Cecil, who are both unconcois. Shadow caries all three of them to a opening in the wall.* Shadow - Ughhhh ah *throws all three of them onto the ground. Geez, you guys are heavy.* Sunstar - Excuse you. Shadow - No time for that now! Look! *Shadow points up and Eden is right above them charging up a large blast.*
Name - Adrien Code Name - Shadow Suit - Talgeese III
Warlock - I dont know If we can take them all. *All of a sudden, a large blue skined human with short white hair dropped down infront of Angel and Warlock, facing the saiyan army.* Angel - OUTLAW! Warlock - Thats Outlaw? Angel - In his final form. Warlock - Amazing. Outlaw - Close your eyes you two. Warlock - Why? Outlaw - JUST DO IT! *Angel and Warlock cover their eyes. Outlaw than turns back towards the saiyan army, giving them a stare so cold it stopped them all in their tracks.* Outlaw - Blinding End......... *Outlaw points one hand at the army in Big Bang fasion and a blinding light flows from in palm. The light envelops the army, and 1/2 of them are incinerated.* Angel - Wow. Warlock - Amazing! *The rest of the saiyan army charges at the group.* Outlaw - Crap! Lets get out of here.
Mysterious Voice - Yes Squall, I'm interested in hearing what your plan is too. Squall - What the? *Squall, Cecil, and Sunstar look up to see a short dark spiky figure ontop of a brick wall.* Squall - Shadow!! Shadow - Correctamundo. *Shadow jumps down from the wall.* Squall - What are you doing here?! Shadow - I got board after or last adventure, so I desided to see what you guys where doing. I say you catch Doomtrain, quite impressive. Squall - Thanx. Shadow - So........what are you all doing?