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Everything posted by Outlaw

  1. [quote name='Boo][size=1']My question: Who invented the first pie? I really want to go back in time and thank him with all my heart.[/size][/quote] Well, historians have recorded that the roots of pie can loosely be traced back to the ancient Egyptians. The bakers to the pharaohs incorporated nuts, honey, and fruits in bread dough, a primitive form of pastry. Drawings of this can be found etched on the tomb walls of Ramses II, located in the Valley of the Kings. So go back in time and find Ramses chef and give him a hug for me too. Here's my question. How do they cram all that gram into golden grams? Or more specifically, how do they make it?
  2. There are a couple of songs I love to listen too when I'm in certain moods. But probobly the most important one for me is [B]The Eagles, Get Over It[/B]. Whenever I'm feeling down or upset over anything, I just listen to the song, and do what it says. Get Over It. [QUOTE=Dan L]"Electrical Storm" by U2.. it's fairly knew, but as soon as I heard the line "You're in my mind all the time, I know that's not enough" I just kind of.. clicked.. or something.. I dunno.. I just like that song [/QUOTE] I really like this song too. I feel like it's one of their most underratted songs, since it came out recently (nobody likes new songs from old bands). I really think they sould have waited for How to Dismantle and Atomic Bomb to release it, rather than release it with a "Best of" CD. Oh, and [B]Driveshaft's You All Everybody[/B]. Even though it's only a chorus.
  3. James let Nait go off on her own, figuring she needed some time alone, and doing some things form her normal life, like cooking, might settle her down. People always feel more comfortable when doing something familiar. For James, this was training. He had spent the better part of his life training as a theif, getting his mind and body in peak physical condition. Now doing simple exercises helped to relax him. James wandered the halls and eventually found a series of training rooms, obviously used by the guards, consisting of weights, training dumbies, and sparring circles. He entered what seemed to him to be an empty sparring room and dropped to the ground, doing pushups to try and get the strength back in his still soar body. It wasn't long before he was interupted by a small group of guards, apparently just coming off duty from a long days work. Most of them paid James little mind, as they had no need for the training rooms then, but one took particular intrest in him. It was Daego, one of the two guards who had hunted James down and captured him earlier. And with all the confusion of the past few days, he had no idea of James' current situation, or that he was helping with the dragon situation. "You scumbag! What the hell are you doing in here!" Daego yelled as he ran towards the suprised theif. Before James could even make it off the ground to his feet, Daego was ontop of him, pinning his arms to the ground. James struggled back, but it was no use. Daego had both a weight and leverage advantage on him. "Get off of me man!" he shouted as Daego's fellow guards pulled him off of James. "What are you guys doing! This punks a theif, me and Kajo captured him the other day, before this dirtball knocked him out and left him for dead outside our ruined station." "What the hell are you talking about!?" James retorted. "Look, your partner would be dead if it wasn't for me! That dragon attack clapsed the station ceiling right ontop of him. I saved his ass." "Why you lieing sac of..." Daego was cut off before he could finish. "He's right Daego. He did save my life." Came Kajo's voice from across the room. Kajo made his way inbetween James and Daego and placed his hands on their sholders, signalling the guards restraining Daego to let go. "It's alright Daego. I just told you he knocked me out to cover my own ass." After explaining what really happened in the station during the attack, Kajo turned to the young theif. "So, what they hell [I]are[/I] you doing in the guard barracks? Not a very smart place for a known theif to hang out." James explained to the guards what had happened since he left Kajo at the station, how he had run from the dragon, protected Tesera, and been captured by thugs. He also explained about the assassins he beleived to be in the city. "Well, wi'll keep an eye out for them," said Daego, "but now I think we better all get some rest. It's been a hell of a day. Sorry about the miss understanding." The guards turned a left James in the room alone. "Yeah, so am I," he said, rubbing his arms, soar from the attack coupled with his exercises. Resting sounded offly good to James at this point, so he decided to try and find a place to sleep. After patrolling the halls for a open cot or bench, James came upon the sleeping Nait. She looked peaceful, and almost happy. It was one of the few times he had seen her happy in a while. With a grin on his face, James slumped to the floor next to Nait's bench with his back to the wall. It didn't take long for him to close his eyes and drift off to sleep.
  4. Outlaw


    I recently became a Lost fanatic since I bought a Ipod video and downloaded the entire first season onto it. I am hooked. My favorite episode so far has got to be The Walkabout. Locke's entire shorty was so heartfelt and powerful I nearly cried. I'm honestly shaking right now just thinking about his confrontation with the walkabout cordinator. God! I love it! I can't even put into words how much I love it. Now, about tonights episode. Since I haven't caught up with all of seasons one and two. As a matter of fact, this was my first time watching Lost on TV. And I wasn't disappointed. But, since I haven't seen it before, and the pre-episode intro didn't explain about the others, so I was a little Lost myself. Tehe, bad pun. So, when you say the others, do you mean the other survivors, or the little evil children of the corn kids, whom I still don't understand.
  5. Well, as most of you can tell, my Screen Name comes from the classic anime 'Outlaw Star', which was the second anime I was ever really interested in, after DBZ, which I assume was the anime most people first watch. Similarly, my first screen name, The Great Gotenks, was from that very anime. And now, after years without Outlaw Star, Outlaw has become a screen name more dedicated to my love of heists and sounding like a bad *****. Also I can't think of anything better. But here are a few of my other failed attempts: Great Goku, Great Gohan, Great Gogetta - all variations on my original name, though I always liked Gotenks the best. Wahh2K - this was my old aim screen name, so it made sense to use it for my boards screen name aswell. It was dedicated to my old High School nickname, Wahh. Spider-Wahh - same as Wahh2k, but combining my old nickname with my love for Spider-man. Rock-Your-Socks-Off! - pretty self-explanitory. I was there to Rock-Your-Socks-Off!
  6. This is one part of my family which I am truely proud of. I am Scottish/Irish, whose family immigrated three generations ago. It wasn't until seeing Braveheart that I realized exactly how strong my Scottish heritage is. You see, my last name is Wallace, the same as the character played by Mel Gibson, William Wallace. After quite a bit of back tracking, me and my father were able to track our heritage to this legendary Scottish warrior. And yes, he was a real person, though much more feirce and merciless than the one played by everyone's favorite Lethal Weapon. Ever since discovering this fact, I have strongly embrassed my Scottish heritage, and I hope to study abroad there next year at the University of St. Andrews.
  7. "James, you said you had an idea on how to find whose behind this right?" asked Eso. James nodded in responce than told the others the plan he had told Eso. To find the professional assassins after Tesera, since they wouldn't work for an employeer they didn't know. "Well, that sounds like a start," said Ashwin. "Now, how do we find these guys?" At this, the grin on James' face quickly turned into a frown. "Well, thats the problem. It won't be easy. Like I said, these guys are pros." "Hey, we found you didn't we?" reminded Eso. Now, the frown on James' face became a snarl. Much to his dissatisfaction, he and his guards had found him, not once, but twice. "Yeah, but they won't have any stolen items to track. Thats how you guys found me. No, the only way I can think of is to give them what they want." With that, James raised his head to stare Tesera directly in the eyes. "What, no, nonono!" Interupted Eso. "Out of the question. The whole point of this thing is to protect Tesera, not sign her death certificate!" "Yeah," agreed Nait. "If these guys are as good as you say they are, how do we know do you know you can keep her safe?" "I don't." James replied, still staring at Tesera. "But I [U]do[/U] know that if we don't find out who was behind today's attack, and quick, there's no guarentee those dragons won't just come back again tommarow, or the day after, untill this whole city is burnt to the ground." James spoke with a passion and a purpose which he had not shown since he had hunted down and killed his own father's murders almost a decade ago. And as much as the rest of the group didn't want to believe it, they knew James was right. Everyone, that is, accept for the groups youngest member, Lynn. "What if we gave them you?" she asked, looking up at the distraught James. The entire group looked down at the young girl in confusion. "What do you mean?" asked her confused mentor Ashwin. "Well..." she continued, "what if we made it seem like you wanted to help them. I mean, you said yourself its probobly someone you knew. What if we can make them think you wanna help them kill Tesera, then they'll take you to their hideout and we can find out who their working for." The group went silent for a few seconds, than erupted in laughter over the simple genious of the child's mind. "Good lord, thats one hell of a kid you got there Ashwin," laughed James. "So I guess I better get going. Now, how am I gonna contact you guys when I find this place?"
  8. Well, winter is comming quickly, and I was hoping to get a solid snowboarding banner, using this picture, or if you already have a banner, that would work too. And, if possible, a matching avatar. [IMG]http://img.timeinc.net/snow/content/images/v19n2/o/SN1005_wal05.jpg[/IMG]
  9. I had a pretty similar situation, but in my case, my best friend became more of a summer fling, and then we went back to just being friends. It was a lil' weird at times, just cause we went from hanging out to making out than back to hanging out. And it got especiialy weird when I all of a sudden found myself having real strong feelings for her, which she didn't recipricate. She even began dating, and still is, my best friend. Obviously, you can see why this became weird. Thank god for us all going to college and getting a chance to cool our heads, and our hormones. They stayed together, and I got over her after a freshman year full of booze and one night stands. Now days, I feel like my buddy definatly came out on top, with a really cool chick, and me with noone permanant, but hey, I still got my health.
  10. For some reason I'm a huge Zombie slasher fan, even thou there are only a few good ones. My personal favorites are Shaun of the Dead, Army of Darkness, and the original Night and Dawn of the Dead movies. All of those were classic. And I still like the other Romero movies, even just for being zombie movies.
  11. You ever see that movie 'Blank Check'? I would basically do exactly what he did. You know, buy the giant castle house inexplicably in the middle of the suburbs, and turn the back yard into my own amusement park. And I can only hope to get into some crazy home alone style antics with some misfit crooks. And by the end, I will lose everything, but gain a valuable lesson about the value of money and family. But seriously, I think I would invest most of it for now, since my college education is already full payed for, and I really don't need that much money right now. I figure it will be allot more useful later in life.
  12. [B]Name:[/B] Yo, this be Carl Johnson, straight outta Groove Street, ya 'urd!? [B]Picture:[/B] [URL=http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gtanet.com/newsimages/carl_johnson.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.gtanet.com/news/single.php%3Fid%3D23&h=448&w=640&sz=140&tbnid=5SqHeXme_nsJ:&tbnh=94&tbnw=135&hl=en&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcarl%2Bjohnson%2Bgta%2Bsan%2Bandreas%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DG]Check me out hommie, straight up gangsta $#!^[/URL] [B]Game:[/B] The one and only GTA San Andreas, hottest game on the planet busta! [B]Genre:[/B] I gots everything, *** kicking, high rolling, big ballin, shot calling. But you bustas can just call it Action/Adventure. [B]Personality:[/B] Straight up gangsta, what the @*&$ you expect!? If you clean, and respect the street, then we cool. If your a busta or hooked up with the yay, then we gots a problem, and we gonna have to have some words. [B]Talents:[/B] If its got a trigger, I can shoot it, and if it moves, I can start it, steal it, drive it, whatur you need. [B]Motive:[/B] I'm here to represent Groove Street to all these cartoony *** motha #*%!as. And to show the world that I'm the baddest son of a #*$@% on the planet.
  13. "Eso, hold up a sec!" James called out. Eso paused and looked around to see James jogging after to catch up. James knew Nait needed support, but he also knew Eso sould hear what he had to say. "What is it James?" asked Eso, obviously perturbed by the days events. "Listen, whoever killed that soldier, I think they were some serious professionals. Not like the mercenaries we've encountered before," James warned. However, Eso did not seem too impressed by this new information. "Is that it?" Eso replied, as he began to turn for the door. "No. I'm pretty sure I've worked with atleast one of them before, because they didn't come after me and Nait when they took out that guard and thug. And I've never worked with anyone stupid enough to take a hit without knowing their employeer." Now Eso seemed interested. "Are you telling me that if we find these assassins, we can find who's behind all this?" asked Eso. "I think so," said James. "I say once Ashwin and the others get back, we head out after these guys. I'ld go myslef, but I doubt I could take on too many of these guys myself." Eso nodded in responce. "Alright. You and Nait just hang around here for a while. Talk to the receptionists at the front entrance about guard we lost, and you can ask them for anything else you might need. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a meeting to go too." The two shook hands and went their seperate ways. When James returned to Nait, she had found a wooden bench along the wall to rest on. Her head rested in her hands and her eyes were red from holding back her tears. "Everything alright?" he asked. But he already knew the answer to that. Nothing about how she felt was alright. But James was never really good when it came to consoling others about their feelings. He decided the best thing to do would be to get her mind off of it. "Come on," he said, smiling and holding his hand out to help her up, "Lets get the hell out of here." He said with a smile. Nait couldn't help but smile back at James' attitude. He had been with Nait the whole way, yet kept his spirits high through this whole catastrophy. And if he could, so could she. She smiled back at James and took his hand. "So were are we going?" she asked with her first smile since entering the building. "Well, first we're gonna report the death of that guard so he can be given a proper burial," he said sternly. "And then we're gonna go find the bastards behind all this."
  14. [quote name='Onikage'] If he were to jump to another camp maybe say, TNA, he'll have to wrestle in a different name, since the Name Christian is owned by WWE. [/quote] Wow, I really hope he comes in named Jewish or something. That would be hilarious! However, I think it's going to be a while before we see Christian in the ring again. From his interview with WWE.com, I bet he's going to take a break from wrestling all together, just as Jericho is doing now, and Hardy did years ago. But just like Jeff, I'm sure that a guy like Christian, who has worked so hard and put his body on the line so many times, isn't gonna be able to stay away for too long.
  15. Oh wait, now I remember! The greatest and worst concert EVER had to have been Turtles on Tour, the live Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle concert. The basic premiss was that the Turtles have been trained as not only a Ninja Squad, but also a boy band. They don bedazzled jackets and converse all-stars and rap and sing about being ninjas and eating pizza. And Shredder, who for some reason now hates music, concocts an evil sceam to trap all the worlds music in a foggy, plasti-glass orb. Pure genious! And the music, oh my GOD! How songs like "Pizza Power" and "Surfing Subterranian" didn't win grammies, I will never know. Now, I only got to see the first half of the show, as my sister was so frightened by Shredder that we had to leave, and at that moment I died a little inside. But over this summer, I found a VHS copy of the concert at a thrift store in New Hampsire. The video was so awesome It basically burned a hole in my retna and left me blind. Which isn't so bad, because after seeing that show, watching anything else would just be disappointing anyways.
  16. Man, it has been forever since I have tried the 'bad guy' role, but the last time I did it made for one of my favorite RPs ever. So here goes. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Robert "WARMACHINE" Jones Age: 25 Gender: Male Country: United States Appearance: Robert is a clean cut, blonde haired, blue eyed military man. His 6'2" body has been conditioned to chilsed perfection and shaved of all body hair. While piloting the WARMACHINE, he is forced to wear a skin tight nerve suit which connects his own thought patterns to the suit. The WARMACHINE itself stands 8"7' tall, and looks [URL=http://www.dynamicforces.com/images/ironman1bandw.jpg]LIKE THIS[/URL]. Personality: Cold and calculating, groomed by years of military training and dicipline. Even without the chip, he is almost fully obediant to the US military. Character Snippet: Deep in the heart of the Nevada desert a war is being waged. But this is not a war for money or land, but rather one to prove a man's worth. This is a war to prove that Robert Jones is truely America's new WARMACHINE. For years, Robert has been subject to harsh military testing and training, honing his mind and body to perfection. But the training has been about so much more than createing a 'super soldier'. Along with his own development, the military's top scientists have been developing a weapon fit only for the ultimate warrior. An exo-skeleton known as the US WARMACHINE. And now, both the man and the weapon are being tested in the harshest of battle conditions. As the US WARMACHINE flies through the air at speeds reaching that of sound, an armada of tanks and stationary anti-aircraft guns struggle to find their target and take down this new one man army. But with such a high velocity and small frame, the computer run artillery is luck to even see the WARMACHINE. With a quickness that could outmanuver any conventional aircraft, the suit breaks out of its original fliht plan and decends towards his opposition. As he streaks through the sky, dodging enemy fire a mere 100 yds from the ground, he unloads with his own barrage of amror piercing rounds from the forearm mounted gautling guns and multi-warhead missles from sholder mounted launchers. Within seconds, the force that could have destroyed a small city had been reduced to scrap metal. Inside a large bunker two miles away a council of the US army's top brass watch with great admiration as the battle unfolded. The engineers and scientists responsible for this marvel of modern technology looked on the military leaders, hoping for a positive response. A single general stepped forward with a grin from ear to ear. "I think we have the perfect job for him." Days later that same general stold infront of the UN's council on the SOUL project. "Gentlemen," he began, "for years, the SOUL project has been the cornerstone of our nearly world wide peace. But our recent studies have shown that the project has a flaw, and some of our 'subjects' have been regaining their freedom. And so, today, I present to you, the United State's government's solution to this problem. An weapon whose's versitility is matched only by it's power. Gentlemen, I give you the US WARMACHINE!" Robert emerged from the conferense room's double doored entrance, armor fully entact and shining under the powerful florecent lights hung from the ceiling. After watching the footage of the WARMACHINE's test in the desert, and now seeing it's emposing visage in real life, the council's decision was unanimous. Robert Jones was now project SOUL's first enforcer.
  17. [QUOTE=DarkStar666]i have a question. if you had to choose between being invisible or being able to fly which would you choose?[/QUOTE] Thats easy, fly. Definatly fly. I would love to just be like, "Hey, you know what I'm in the mood for? Chinese." Then fly to China and get some. But that would actually take a long time. So I guess to be more specific, it would be to be able to fly really really fast. Here's one with the potential for some funny answers. Were's the weirdest place you've ever hooked up?
  18. "Alright," James responded. The weary theif gave out a low gutteral grown as he slowly lifted himself up from his new bed. "Just give me a second to change, I'll meet you out front," he said, realizing he still wore the tattered and bloody clothes he had been camtured in. Nait nodded in response and quietly left the room. She made her way through the hallway and down the stairs towards the door, stopping only to check the kitchen to make sure she had put out the stove and cleaned up enough. Content with her inn's condition, she made her way to the front entrance and pushed open the massive wooden doors. She was met outside with a plesent suprise. There was James, dressed in his theifs outfit, waiting for her while doing pushups in the middle of the street. "Buu, what a second, I thought you were still hurt. How the heck did you get out here before me?" James, as he often does, smirked at her befudlement. "Na, I just needed to get up and moving. That healing worked wonders, but it left me stiff as hell," he said while rolling is arms and head, trying to stretch out his muscles. "But don't you think its a little to early to be pulling your theif tricks like jumping out windows," she inquired. "What tricks? I changed quickly and walked by you while you were in the kitchen," he responded smugly. Nait just roled her eyes in responce. "Alright smart-ass. Lets get moving. I'm sure Eso's gathered up the other by now." James agreed and the two began down the road to the guard barracks. As they walked, it occured to Nait that James wasn't in his full theif outfit. "Hey, what happened to your face mask and spikey sholder thingy?" she asked with an enthusastic smile. "Oh, those? I figured if I'm gonna be playing the hero for a while, I might as well start looking the part better. Those things were probobly pretty scary to most townsfolk. Besides, the sholder guard was damn near broken anyways," James responded with his trademark smirk. Nait smiled back, happy to see him turning away from his theiving past. It only took a few minutes for the pair to spot the barracks. From a distance, they could see a number of figures going to and fro the building. Most noticably were an older man with a little girl and a fairy, obviously Ashton and his crew. As they got closer, they could make out another familiar figure as Alon'dra entered the building. "Looks like were late," mocked Nait. "Yeah, to bad you couldn't save me faster," James jokingly responded as the two made their way closer and closer to the barracks, and hopefully, some answers.
  19. Really, it was the RPs that got me here in the first place. You see, I had spent a short time here waaaay back in the day, like at the beginning of WAR as Great Gotenks. This was short lived, as I soon found myself in a DragonballZ message board which, at that time, I believed was of higher quality. The main allure of the cite was that your post count was also your powerlevel in fighting tournaments, and you could even randomly 'kill' members with much lower powerlevels, resricting them from posting for five minutes under penalty of suspension. But I digress. I originally came to this cite after a bitter rivalry with a 'clan' at this other cite, which cause me to abandon it forever. I had heard of it through friends at the other board, and quickly became inthralled by the RPs, joining up with the likes of DragonballZMan, Warlock, Angel Saturn Healer, Gouchan, and if memory serves me right, RedXIII, now Gavin. And man did we have some good RPs. The Hunt for the DragonBalls went through 3 full instalments, and lasted for months. Granted the posts were short and simple, as most RPs were at the time, but they were fun. By late 2003 and early 2004, I had all but given up on the boards, having started a series of highly unsucsessful RPs. Apartently I was pretty good at takeing part in RPs, but not very good at starting them. Especially 'The New Brotherhood of Mutants', which lasted all of 10 posts or so. Sigh, and I had such a good idea for a huge plot twist. But again, I digress. Now, for some godforesaken reason, I've been sucked back in. Congratulations OB, you've rehooked another junkie.
  20. Hmmm, well this is a hard one. Lets see, the first part, '[B]Out'[/B], is pronounced like [I]abOUT[/I] or [I]trOUT[/I], or the wildly popular [I]gOUT[/I], which causes sudden, severe attacks of pain and tenderness, redness, warmth, and swelling in some joints. Usually affects one joint at a time -- often the big toe. Now, its the second part that people usually have trouble with. You see, it may be spelled [B]'law',[/B] which may people would pronounce like the rule or system of rules recognized by a country or community as regulating the actions of its members and enforced by the imposition of penalties. But it is actually pronounced [B]'Spaghettios'[/B] And if you didn't find that funny, than I am truely sorry for your faulty sence of humor.
  21. James stold in shock for a few seconds, but quickly regained his bearings. After having been teleported nearly half a dozen times in just under a few hours, he was starting to get used to the situation. But that didn't mean he had any idea were he was, though his computer did tell him they were only a few light minutes away from their original location, that Earth planet. It wasn't long before Earth's explosion, and the coresponding flash of energy, knocked James out of his concentration. "Oh my god, wha...what just happened? Did that just...wha...holy fuck!" Seeing the man who had saved them fall to his knees was all the answer James needed. "But, that means those cult freaks are dead too right? That means we won...right?"
  22. I gotta disagree, I love the Flair vs Triple H rivalry. I've been waiting for this for a while. If any of you rmemeber, they had a great match 2 or so years ago after his Hell in a Cell match with Kevin Nash. And I personally still love seeing Flair wreslte, he's got such a great style. And now, I have no reason to watch Smackdown because Captain Carisma, Christian is gone. Next to Beniot, he was my favorite wrestler, and the best funny-man / heel of the WWE since Jericho.
  23. The pain corsing through James' body was unfathomable. Every muscle burned with pain. Despite his body having been visibly healed, the physcological trama of his beatings still ravanged James' body. However, he knew that if he and Nait didn't escape as soon as possible, the could be cut off by reenforcements from other parties. After Nait's victory over the two warriors, James could tell she was emotionally distraught. Nait was to good a person to have to go through this kind of ordeal. She deserved better, but James knew neither one of them would ever find peace until this whole ordeal was sorted out. Usuing every once of strength he had, and fighting through considerable pain, James lifted himself up off the ground and threw his arm over Nait's trembling sholder. James half both supported himself on her steady frame and lead her out of the room, shielding her eyes from the carnage she had caused. They passed through the arched doorway and made their way to the old wooden stairs leading out of James' former prison. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, they found the bodies of both the guard and thug slain. At first it seemed like they had killed eachother, but James noticed both of their throats had been slit. James found this very disturbing, since this meant someone else had taken both of them out. However, his first priority was to get both Nait and himself to safety. She had stopped trembling by the time they left the bar. Soon, the two had stumbled all the way back to the inn. "Are you sure we souldn't head to the guard station yet?" Asked Nait. "Yeah. Look, I didn't mention this earlier, but I'm afraid some of my old....colegues might be in town." James said hesitantly. "Wha..what do you mean?" Asked Nait. By this time, they had made their way to James room, where Nait lay him down to rest. She took a seat at the edge of the bed herself. "The guard and the thug we dead when we left that bar." He began. "Their throats had been cut. Both of them." "But, isn't it possible that they had done it to each other?" Nait questioned, not wanting to beleive that they had even more problems now. "No, for that to happen, they would have had to strike each other at the exact same time direclt to the juggular. I really can't see that happening. No, the short glimps I caught of the scene looked to me like an expert hit. I'm afraid that from now on, we might be facing opponents more skilled then your average thug, maybe even some with elemental abilites of their own." "So we sould warn the others as quickly as possible, right?" Nait asked. "Yeah, but I need to rest a little first," he responded. "I just need a few minutes for my brain to catch up to my body. Oh, and do we have anything to eat?" He asked with a sly grin.
  24. OOC: Sorry it took so long, I've been real busy recently. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Patriot lowered to the ground slowly, all of the shadow warriors having been dispatched. He had never battled such ferocious creatures, let alone such powerful ones. But now he found himself in a whole nother level of trouble. James watched in awe as two 'meteors' struck the ground, tearing into the soft earth. But to his suprise, his sensors reconized that both of these objects had a lifeforce, which became apparent as they both regained their humanoid form. One was that psycho from the battlefield before hand, and the other was an odd looking man in a black cloak with orange eyes. Neither one of them gave James a good feeling. It wasn't long before Zain, who seemed to be just about the only person that didn't want James dead, was confronted by this orange eyed man and two others. The way they spoke to each other, two things were obvious. One, they were brothers, and two, they weren't here to help. Soon, Zain and Majotte had become locked in combat with two of the three, leaving the orange eyed creap to James. "So, looks like its just you and me punk ass," James called out confidently. His sensors recognized Ranma's emence power, but he still assumed that nothing short of a attack of biblical proportions could break his armor. Ranma only responded with a satanic grin. "I can see that after your 'loss' to psyhic over there your all business this time around. Well, I'll be happy to help you become the first person to even die twice." But unlike his two comrades, James was not an experinced fighter, especially when facing warriors with super-human abilities like Ranma. His big talk masked his insecurities about wether or not he could win this fight. Rather than dwell on these thoughts, James decided to try and take Ranma out quickly with his most powerful attack. All James did was show his own inexperiance, openning the battle with a full frontal attack. He locked his feet in place and unleshed his unibeam weapon, a powerful blast of concusive force propelled out of his chest plate. The beam had enough power to tear open mountains, but also required the Patriot to run on standby for a few seconds after being fired so to not overheat the systems. Therefore, when Ranma easily dodged the long range attack, he was given a free shot on our defenseless metal clad warrior. Ranma unleashed a powerful flurry of punches and kicks which sent James and the Patriot realing. While the armor still remained intact, the force of the blows were strong enough for James to feel them insde the suit. James fell to Earth with enough force to create a massive crater. It became obvious that Ranma was winning this fight. However, this easy assault made Ranma so overconfident in his dominance of James that attacked him head on in the crater, not realizing that the Patriot had regained power and was now mobile. As Ranme swung at James with a powerful right hook, he was caught off guard when it was stopped in James' massive metal palm. The combination of suprise and pain left Ranma open to James counter attack as landed his own blow the Ranma's stomach with his other hand. James punched, back with state of the art mechanical power, caused Ranma to double over in pain, and gave James the time he needed to get back on his feet and fight Ranma face to face. But this time, James had the advantage. He openning assaulted Ranma with untrained and unorthadox blows to the head and stomach, throwing wild hooks and powerful knees. While not a flashy as the beating he had just taken from Ranma, it was effective none-the-less. But it also left him wide open to a counter attack, which Ranma soon took advantage of, rocketing James high into the air with a concentrated ki-blast to his stomach. While James' armor took the brunt of the blast, and James was left relatively unharmed, it did give Ranma the chance to recover himself. Now, the two warriors were left on equal footing, both ready for the other's attack. However, James' attention was quickly drawn away from the fight when he felt himself being slowly drawn upwards. It seemed that the Earth's gravitation force was lossing some of its pull. James easily adjusted his own thrusters to compensate. He scanned the sky above him, looking for a reason for the change in gravity, and soon found it in the massive moon which seemed only miles outside of the Earth's aptnoshpere. James was left speechless while the Patriot's computer's shot to life, attempting to analyse the situation. Unlucky for him, Ranma was slightly less suprised by the situation and look advantage of the openning by unleashing a barrage of ki-attacks at the distracted James.
  25. Real Name: James Wallace Code Name: Trial Age: 21 Appearance: [URL=http://www.filmkultura.iif.hu:8080/1999/articles/films/images/ravasz/rav4.jpg] Like this.[/URL] Weapons: Pistols - Two [I][URL=http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2928/1114/400/silencer.jpg]Silenced 9mm Pistols[/URL] [/I] One Ankle [I][URL=http://www.thearmedcitizen.com/gunpages/351pd_l.gif]Revolver[/URL] [/I] One [I][URL=http://shop.military-club.cz/images/airsoft/maruzen/maruzen_ca870.jpg]Sawed Off Shotgun[/URL] [/I] for emergancy purposes. Gender: Male Reason for participating: *Will add maniana*
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