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Everything posted by Outlaw

  1. James' plan was simple. His fall had both given him the chance to free his hands and openned the door to his cel by calling in the guards outside. Now all James had to do was relocate his hand, untie himself, take out three heavily armed guards, and escape from whatever building he was in, which for all James knew was a fortress. Nothing too hard. The largest of the three guards approached James lying on his back in the middle of the room. "What in the hell did you do you little maggot!?" the man demanded. James's only responce was a moan in pain. This just proved to agrivate the guard further, as he brough his large metal toed boot down on James' stomach. James coughed and weezed, struggling to recover from having the wind knocked out of his stomach. "Get this sack of crap up." the guard commanded of the other two. This was James' chance. As the two guards housted him up, James slid his dislocated hand out from inbetween the ropes. With a flick of the wrist and a loud snap, his hand was locked back together. Fighting through the pain, James reached out one of the guards and grabbed onto the sword sheathed in his belt. But he had underestimated the speed and werewithal of the guards. He had barely wrapped his hand around the hilt when the largest guard clenched onto James' wrist with his large metal gauntlet. James heart sank as he realized his plan had failed. He looked up at the guard holding onto his arm with a look of both fear and depresion. The guard responded with a crushing punch from his other gauntlet wrapped fist. The blow knocked James for a loop and sent him hurtling back to the ground. The next few minutes was a blur of rights and lefts which left James in a bloddy, unconcious heap.
  2. James held off on his attack for a second, stunned by what he was witnessing. Mind you, James had never seen anything like this, save for when he and Zain had fought the golem. But mear humanoids flying around with the speed and power of a squadron of fighter jets, it was simply breath taking to James. However, he was knocked out of his stupor by a rattling coming from the back of his helmut. One of the shadow warriors had managed to get passed Majotte and Zain and was attacking what seemed to it to be a defenseless suit of armor. However, much to the warriors suprise, the armor seemed uneffected by its attack. While the warrior was certainly strong, The Patriot was a marvel of modern engineering, weighing several tons and consisting of the strongest metal known to James' people. A slap on the back was hardly going to cause the suit to tumble. Despite this, it was enough to garner James' attention, which the warrior soon learned was the last thing he wanted to do, as James turned to face the creature and grabbed its face within the palm of his hand. Soon, its face was replaced with a beam of pure thermal energy, and then nothing but ash. James let the remaining corpse fall to the ground and watched as it disintegrated into nothingness. With one foes down, James looked towards the sky. Zain and Majotte seemed to have the situation well in hand, but James had come on this mission for a reason, and it sure as hell wasn't to sit on the sidelines and clean up Zain and Majotte's mess. So without further hesitation, James rocketed into the air, tearing through as many Shadow Warriors as possible on the way up. Any monster who got in his was ripped apart by the nearly indestructable armor. James emerged from what had initially seemed to be an endless sea of shadow warriors. He looked back to see the dissolved remains of those he had hit as they were blown away by the wind. Many of them turned skyward to face their new metal enemy. With so many eyes fixated on him, filled with hate, James started to have second thoughts about getting involved.
  3. After this transportation, the systems of the Patriot were able to stay online, having learned to compensate for the effects of trans-galactic teleportation after his last trip. But were he was now, he couldn't say. It looked remakably like the forrests of Terra, with seemingly identical vegitation. However, his computer systems still could not find his location relative to his home world. But now, it would seem, they had more pressing matters. "My scanners are picking up an energy signiture similar to that black stuff that attacked that other planet. That means they could do to this planet what was done to the last one. I say we take them down before they get that chance!" He stated to his two fellow travelers.
  4. Looking back on things, coming to the Festival of Life didn't seem like such a good idea to James. He had been shot at, cut up, and beaten down, only to end up tied to a chair in a basement dungeon. James had yet to see his captors, but was sure it had something to do with the army of thugs he and his allies had just battled outside the city. And given their ruthlessness in battle, James did not want to be around to see how ruthless they were in torture. James struggled to feel around the thick ropes which bound his hands. The ropes were storng tightly knotted. However, the knots used were simple and lefts a good deal extra rope hanging off. 'This was obviously a grunt's handywork,' commented James to himself. However, it really didn't matter who tied the knots in this case, because the ropes were wrapped to thickly around his wrists to even reach the knots. Instead, James felt around his back pockets. "Crap!" he exclaimed to himself as he discovered his knife had been found by his captors and taken. But he wasn't upset by the fact that he could no longer escape, but rather that now It was going to hurt a lot more. James rocked forward in the wooden chair as far as he could without falling on his face. Then, with as much force as he could, he kicked off the ground, causeing him the fall to the ground with a resoulding 'crack!' This was not the sound of the chair breaking, but rather that of his own right hand as it became dislocated from the rest of his arm. The pain was unbareable, leaving James writhing on the ground, calling out for help. Heavy footsteps could be heard rushing down the hallways outside of his cell. Seconds later, three large men dressed in dirty clothing and worn-out armor came barreling though the door way. James' trap had been sprung.
  5. Name: Andrew "Outlaw" Cunningham Age: 28 Sex: Male Appearance: A man of gruff exterior who often wears very casual attire, consisting of flannels and jeans. His hair is short and unkept, while his face is lightly covered with a scruffy beard. His eyes are almost always covered with his signature gold framed aviators. Bio: Andrew was born and raised in a small suburban town outside the city. As with many privileged children, Andrew was a slacker for most of his life, nearly failing out of school on multiple occasions. And like many teenagers of privilege, Andrew felt like he was above consequence and reproduction. This first came to light when he was attacked and mugged by two latin gang members while visiting the city. Andrew was left beaten and embarrassed by the encounter. If was 2 weeks after the attack that Andrew returned to the neighborhood he was attacked in. Only this time, he was prepared, with a .45 Magnum Revolver tucked behind his back. After circling the neighborhood a few times, Andrew spotted the men that had attacked him. He followed them to their home a killed them. But more than that, he did it without anyone catching him. It was then, at the young age of 18, that Andrew found his calling in life, as a killer. Andrew spent the next few years of his life working as a gun for hire in the city, mostly working with the Italian mafia. He told his friends and family that he was working as a personal assistant to the CEO of a major corporation as a cover, which allowed him to explain his sporadic pay and odd hours. He quickly gained the nickname 'Outlaw' for the use of his signature .45 Magnum Revolver, the same gun he had used on his first kill. In his many years as the 'Outlaw', Andrew has gained himself a number of allies, but even more enemies. Chief amongst these is a mobster named Joey Fontane, who has been Andrew's biggest rival in the hit man world since 2001. Recently, Joey picked up a job to find something called the 'oath.' When Andrew heard about this cryptic job, he knew it would be the perfect time to get back at Joey, while being able to cover it up as an accident on a mysterious job. Personality: Andrew is an upfront man who is friendly to his friends and mean to his enemies, and he takes both these reactions to the extreme. He will go to any lengths necessary to help out a friend in need. Similarly, he will go to any lengths necessary to eliminate an enemy. However, Andrew has always been a man able to control his emotions, and when he's working, he is all business, and rarely lets his emotions get the better of him. Weapons: Andrew almost always carries his signature .45 Magnum Revolver, but is proficient in a number of other weapons, ranging from shotguns to sniper rifles, as well as hand-to-hand combat. He also often carries a hunting knife, as both a tool and a weapon. Abilities: Dodge Roll, Paralyzing Stab, Paralyzing Shot (I'll PM you about this one), Heal. Post Quality Example: 'Outlaw' sat in the driver seat of his old pick-up truck. The leather seats worn from years of use, and the body covered in dents and bullet holes. He had used the truck for years as a stake-out/cover truck, with layers of paint from respraying the truck after each job. And now, Andrew used it for another job, gathering information on Joey Fontane. Andrew watched from down a long, dimely light street as a sharply dressed italian man with slicked back hair walked out of a dirty, run down bar ususally reserved for the cities dock workers. However, it was also the home of some of Joey's favorite informants, and Andrew knew what Joey needed most was information. Andrew followed Joey around the town for a few hours. After making a few stops, most not taking more than half an hour, Andrew followed Joey back to his home, and waited outside his driveway untill he was certain Joey was done for the night. Once he was sure, Andrew drove back to a derelict building downtown. joey had spent the most time in that building, and had a strange look on his face when he left. Usually Joey's face was ice cold, but he looked almost upset when he left. Inside, Andrew came across a very disturbing sight. The body of a young girl, her face mutilated by bullet wounds, lay in a pool of it's own blood in the center of the building's top apartment. But what was most distubing was what had been done to the rest of her body. Carved into her arms and legs was one word, repeating over and over again...'OATH'. Final Questions: 1. I'm both interested in the story, and your writing style, as I like the Quinton Tarentino approach to you opening story. 2. Not really difficult, but if you have any suggestions on were I might be weak, I would gladly take them.
  6. James relaxed on a wooden bench outside of his new home, Nait's inn, having changed out of his theifing outfit. He was happy to finally be able to relax. There was a calm about the town after the disaster. In fact, the street around the inn was almost completely diserted. At first this didn't bother James, but the quiet started to make him a little uneasy. With so many people left stranded and homeless, you would think that the inn would be swamped, but it wasn't. After a few minutes, James sat back into his bench, content that he was just being paranoid. But his sense of calm was broken when he felt a large hand grab onto a tuft of his hair, just as another hand brought a wet rag to his mouth. He struggled for a few seconds against the iron grip, but the fumes from the chemical in the rag quickly took effect, making his whole body weak. Within seconds, James' body went limp and the world went black. James awoke in dark room, his arms and legs bound to a wooden chair and his mouth gaged with a dirty rag. He looked around the room was made of damp stone walls and a large cast iron door, with nothing else. The only light came from the cracks above and below the door. What the hell had he gotten himself into.
  7. I'll take Trial. So, sould we post a backround and specific weapons or something?
  8. What a releif, I was afraid I would have to start one of these. Anyways, my character is baised on myself in my old basement wrestling group. -------------------------------------- Wrestler's real name: Jake Wallace Wreslter's Height: 6'0" Wreslter's Weight: 200lbs Sex: male Wrestlier's Finishing Move/Moves: Waa-Cutter - A variation of the TKO, were Waah lifts his opponent onto his sholders then swings him around behind him into a stunner. Waa-Sault - A moon-sault The Walls - The Walls of Jericho, aka standing boston crab. Face/Heel: Face A descriptive description of what he/she looks like: [IMG]http://xtribute.tripod.com/images/sabin2.jpg[/IMG] Stats: Strength: 4 Charisma: 7 Technique: 7 Submission: 5 Hardcore: 3 Endurance:4
  9. "I don't think he's here to fight." reassured James. "My scanners are picking up pretty minimal power readings from him. But this shadow that?s covering the ground..." he trailed off, leaving Zain and Majotte to work out their differences. He was concentrating on the ground below him. His readings showed no real irregularity in the soul. However, the temperature had dropped noticeably, and all the plant life in the area seemed to be deteriorating. He was no scientist, though the neural uplink into the Patriot's computer system gave him access to a wealth of geological knowledge. James could find no scientific explanation for the phenomenon. "Computer, check for an irregularities below the planet's surface." The Patriot's computers systems whirled into action, scanning deep into the core of the planet. The readings that came back were far from positive. "Crap....Uh ZAIN! We have a problem! This black...stuff, its effecting the whole planet, all the way down to the core. This planet is dying!
  10. As Nait reached the top of her stairway, she heard a call coming from behind her. "Nait....hold on a sec." She turned around to see James still standing in the door way. But for the first time since they had met, James' face mask, which had covered his nose and mouth through their entire ordeal, was pulled down around his neck, revealing his true face to Nait. "I was wondering if, well, your gonna need some help with rebuilding your inn, and I was wondering if maybe I could stay...here...with you. Now, I know I may have a bit of a checkered past, but, I donno...maybe I could change that." ------------------------------------------------------------- I wanted to let you give a responce to this Frankie, as Nait is your character.
  11. It didn't take long for the pair to make their way back to the city limits. Now that they were simply trying to get out of the city, they did not need to worry about the guards finding them, as they would just be escorted back to the camp anyways. Still, rather than having to deal with the guards, they stuck to the rooftops, but no long had to stay low and out of sight. As they passed over a small market, they could hear the sounds of shattering glass coming from the street below. Pearing over the edge of the building, James and Nait could see a band of thugs looting the local shops. James' first instinct was to just keep moving. However, as he got up to keep moving, he noticed that Nait wasn't budging. "Nait, come on. There's no need to risk our lives fighting those punks." said James in a hurried voice. But Nait would not budge. She just kept looking at the theifs as they continued to hoot and holer as the ransaced the market. James could hear Nait faintly mumble something to her self, but couldn't make it out. "What was that?" he asked. Nait shot up from the edge of the roof and shouted at the top of her lungs, "WHAT IF THAT WAS MY PARENT'S INN DOWN THERE!? HUH? wHAT IF THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE DOWN THERE!? THESE THUGS WILL KILL THEM! AND YOU JUST WANT TO IGNORE THAT!?" Nait let go of her emotions in one sudden ourburst that not only shocked James, but gained the attention of the thugs below. "Oh god, I'm sorry James. Its just..." "It's alright Nait. But right now we have more pressing matters." James and Nait could here the shouts from the street below as the thugs, drawn by Nait's outburst, began to climb up to the roof top. James and Nait nodded to each other, James drawing his dagger, and Nait her sword. As the first thug's head rose above the roof top, Nait lunged out, cleaving the man's skull with her blade. As the thug's lifeless corpse fell to the ground below, James too lept over the side of the building, landing softly on the ground behind the thugs as the scrabled up and down a stack of crates leading to the roof. Two of them continued up to Nait while two others came down after James. James pulled one of his throwning knived from his belt and hurled it at one of the thugs, catching him in the thigh. As the man doubled over in pain, James dashed towards the other. He rolled under the man's clumbsy sword stroke, allowing him to get behind the thug. A quick slash of his dagger sliced through the tendines on the back of the thugs knees, leaving him crippled on the ground, rithing in agony. James stould over his fallen enemies and gave them a warning. "Just know that I could have killed you this day, but I'm trying the hero thing today, and so I'm gonna give you guys a second chance. Keep your scars as a reminder that you owe your lives to me." With that, James scalled the side of the building he had started from. He felt empowered, like some noble warrior. Once he got to the top, he found Nait standing over two thugs who were not quite as lucky as their friends below. Nait was breathing heavily with the intense look of a rabid animal on her face. James approached her slowly and took her hand. "It's okay Nait. It's done. And don't feel bad about the way you acted. Hell, its only natural to be upset. Now, lets get going back to the camp. The others have probobly figured out this whole dragon thing by now."
  12. [QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange]My best concert expierience would have to be Five Iron Frenzy at Kingdom Bound a few years ago. They were most of the way done with their farewell tour, and I was just glad to actually get to see them. It was a concert festival, so I was expecting, maybe, forty five minutes to an hour. They played for [b]three hours[/b]. Played every single one of their best songs, and some songs they'd vowed never to play again, and the crowd was just crazy. They weren't a wildly popular band, even in the "Christian Rock" circle, but they were great. We just stayed, dancing and generally acting like idiots, the whole night. There were people dancing with people they'd never met before, just the craziest, loudest, [b]weirdest[/b] dance I have ever seen, that just seemed to include a lot of random kicking. It was wild, and a lot of fun. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hey Jones, was that at Kings Dominion, because I saw a similar show there, though i remember calling it Kings-fest (though I think we just named it that ourselves). I remember the music being good, but for a high energy show like Five Iron Frenzy, they played on a stage with stationary seating taking up most of the venue, leaving those of us who love to jump around and rock out either antsy in the pantsy or jumping around way off to the side of the show. Either way, Five Iron Frenzy was a heck of a band live, and I'm a big fan of them.
  13. [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hey, while were on the topic of old posts and such, does anyone know the adress to Topaz's website, or if its even still up. For those of you who remember, Topaz was an OB member a few years back who did allot of artwork for board members, mainly drawing characters for RPs. I just wanted to know because it may still have some of my old work, which I've been trying to dig up after lossing my old computer. Also, if anyone wants to see what a RP was really like a few years back, than just check out [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=123]THIS JEM[/URL]. It was an old RPG I did with Angel Saturn Healer, DBZman, Warlock, Gochan, and some others. It was probobly the longest RP I have ever been a part of, as this was barely half of it I think.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. "When are we gonna light this candle?" !? Did I really say that!? Wow, were the hell did you find that. I remember that conversation from like forever ago, thou I don't think the RP ever actually got started, and if it did, I copt out real wuick, but whatever. Though seriously, could you imagine what would happen if I posted that profile now days. I would be laughed off the boards.
  15. James had no words to comfort Nait. His mind raced at the sight of Nait's parents lieing dead. He recalled the death of his own father, which sent him into a drunken depression that lasted nearly a year. Nait's ability to just stay standing was amazing to him. As she made her way back up the stairs, James stopped her with a hug. "I'm sorry," was all he could say. Nait returned the embrace with James. "It's okay," she said, holding back her tears. "I'll be alright. I'm just glad to know that they'll be going to a better place." They turned to head back upstairs, James' arm still around Nait's shoulder for support. As they made their way up, James reached into his pocket and picked out a silver coin. He looked over his sholder and quickly tossed the coin onto the chest of Nait's father. "Give that to the ferryman." he said softly. The gesture of respect was so quick and subtle Nait didn't even notice it. They made their way back onto the roof tops. Nait stretched in the warm sun, releived to be outside again and away from the destruction of her former home. James was just glad to be moving again, and that Nait was so calm about what they had just seen. They made their way back through town with few words, James not sure what to say, and Nait remenicing about her parents and the inn they ran together. Finally, James broke the silence, "Hey Nait. I know this must be hard for you, and I want you to know I know what your going through. So if you need to talk about anything, I'm here."
  16. [COLOR=Sienna]James was nervious to head back into town, but figured he'ld be better off there then by all these guards. He new Koja and Eso, but if he came across the other large guard who had chased him, James knew there would be trouble. "Alright, but I'm not sure the others would approve of us heading back in." "So, I guess we better not let them find out," Nait said with a sinister grin. James just smiled and put his right arm over her sholder. Seconds later, they were deep in the woods, with noone back at the camp realizing they were gone. "What....what did you do?" Nait asked. Even she didn't realize how they had gotten all the way out in the woods so fast. "Trade secret." Was James' only responce. He didn't know any real magic, so he loved wowing people with his theif tricks. The two made their way to the outskirts of town. There were already guards posted at the stations outside town. However, most were still at the evacue camps. This made it easy for James and Nait to sprint from the cover of the forrest into the town and around the corner from the nearest station. "Alright, that was easy. Now they're probobly going to have guards patrolling the streets to prevent any looting or thefts in the confusion. And these buildings are pretty well bunched together, so if we get on the roof tops and stay low, we sould get by without any trouble. You doing alright there?" "Yeah, I'm okay." Nait responded. "But how do we get on the roofs?" James looked down the street and smiled. Still grinning, he turned to face Nait. "Just hold on tight." "What?" questioned Nait, confused by the request. "Hop on my back and hold on tight." James insisted. "Okay..." Nait agreed hesitantly. She wrapped her arms around James' sholders. Once she was set, James sprinted down the street, quickly reaching a wooden fruit stand near a small green awening. He kicked off the fruit stand, launching the two of them up onto the awening, which acted like a trampoline, catpulting them up the two story build. The bounce only got them halfway over the edge of the roof, but James was able to get a good enough hand hold to pull them up the rest of the way. Once ontop of the building, Nait let go of James' sholders, a little shaken by their quick assent. "You know I could have gotten up myself." said Nait, figureing she could have just climbed up the stand and awening. "Yeah, I know." responded James. "But that wouldn't have been as fun. Hehe. Now, where's this Inn of yours?"[/COLOR]
  17. Ironically enough, the best and worst shows I've ever been too were by the same band, Reel Big Fish. The first time I saw them was at the 9:30 club in DC and they just kicked ***. I mean, like, allota ***. But the most important part was the crowd, who were all so genuinely into the band, but also very kind. I ended up getting 4 free beers outta people just because they liked my shirt. How sweet is that? However, when I went to go see them the second time, the result was quite different. They were playing at my college's spring concert thingy, and I was super pumped to see them. But I had gotten trashed the night before, so I slept in until about 1 in the afternoon. This would have been fine if one of the other acts didn't decide to be pussies and not show, forcing Reel Big Fish to go on an hour early. By the time I got to the stage, they were on their last song. Not only that, but I had forgotten my ticket in my dorm room, so i was forced to stand outside a huge chain-link fence and watch my favorite band in the world preform without me in the crowd. And I was still hung-over. Not a good day.
  18. The group made its way though the woods outside of town. Those who were uninjured or in good health walked infront and behind the wounded and tired. Though the battle was over, everyone was still on their toes, scanning the forrest for any threats. The only threat was a small pack of wolves which passed nearby, but a quick flash of pyromagic from Alon'dra and they scattered. Finally, they reached their destination, a large camp of evacuies from the city, most of whom where without any form of food or shelter. With the evactuation happening as quickly as it did, only a few people had the foresight to grab tents and medicine. At the center of the townsfolk was a large tent which seemed to be the command center. "So, I guess thats where we're headed huh?" asked James to anyone who would listen. "Yes," replied Eso. "At least, thats where I need to go. If you all want to look through the refugies for any friends or family, feel free to. If you need me, I'll be at the tent." Eso headed toward the command tent, with Tesera in tow. James, however, decided he might be safer avoiding that area. Plus, he still had a responcibility to Nait. "Come on Nait, lets get you over to the medical tent." James put his arm around Nait to help support her. Nait shrugged it off, trying to show her own strength. But in the act of doing this, she lost her balance and began to fall. James, still very close to her, was able to catch Nait before she hit the ground. "Hey, you don't need to prove anything. If it wasn't for you, most of us would be dead. Now let me help you like you helped me." Nait nodded in responce and gave a faint "Alright..." She sank into James's arms as he lifted her up and carried her towards the medical tent. Minutes later, Nait rested comfortably on a small cot underneith the medical tent, while James rested against a nearby tree. The others had come to the tent aswell, both to rest and have their own wounds looked at. Ashwin seemed especially worried about a gash in Lynn's right sholder, despite Lynn's assertien that she was alright. "So, what now?" asked James. "I don't know about you guys, but I want to find out why the hell this happened."
  19. Name: Lynx Melanis Race: Kuros Gender: Male Age: Middle Aged Position: Diplomat of the Kuros military. Armaments: Due to his position, Lynx rarely finds himself in a situation requiring him to use weapons. However, he always keeps a small repeating blaster with him at all times, aswell as the ceremonial longsword which is hilted to his belt. Lynx also has a robotic right arm, which carries a number of hidden tools and weapons to be used in emergancy situations. As a soldier, Lynx was trained in a wide variety of assault and melee weaponry. Vehicle: In his duties, Lynz travels aboard the Kuronius V, an imperial transport vessel named after the capital city of Kuron. The Kuronius V has the speed of Kurosian war ship, but the design is sleek, with no visible weaponry. However, it is armed with enough firepower to fend off small attacks, aswell as the top of the line in Kurosian shields, and a cloaking device used to avoid unwanted conflict. While he does not commande the ship, his high rank does give him quite a bit of pull aboard the ship. Appearance: Lynx stands a strong 6 foot 5 inches, and has the build of a soldier. His black fur is well groomed, keeping with appearance standards. However, small streaks of grey above his ears show his age. His eyes are sharp and green. Lynx's right arm is robotic from the elbow down through the hand. It is identical to Lynx's real arm in shape and size, but is made of a smooth chrome-like metal. As a diplomat and ex-miliatry man, Lynx dresses in traditional officers garb, drapped in fine Kurosian silks and robes. Personality: Lynx was born into a relatively poor family on Yentarin 5, though was still well above most human families. He joined the military with the hope that it would improve his lot in life. After nearly two decades in the force, Lynx had risen to the rank of field commander, and had gained an increble reputation, having never once lost an encounter with enemy forces. His military career was brought to an end when he lost his arm in combat. During the investigation of a Kuros distress signal on the outskirts of the unknown quadrent, his force encountered a squadran of The Foresaken. The battle quickly went sour for Lynx as he lost his arm to an enemy rail gun. For the first time he was forced to retreat from battle. After the encounter, Lynx was deemed unfit to command in the field by the Kuros military council. However, with his mostly spotless reputation and vast experiance, having travelled to hundreds of different planets, Lynx was promoted to act as a diplomat, focused on the military affairs of of the Kuros around the Yentarin system.
  20. "Systems back online," piped the com-systems inside James' armor. Somehow, the transportation they had just gone through had completely frozen the armor's systems. He was completely shut off from the ourside world, unable to see, hear, or speak. He couldn't even move without the assistance of the Patriot's power system. "Its about time." James stated agrily as the view finder came back online. "Shit, were the hell did Zain go!?" After a quick scan of the area, the computer respoded by marking the location of an emensly high power source. James rocketed into the air towards the source. It wasn't long until he came upon the village, burned and demolished. He was just in time to watch a strange darkness radiate out of a mysterious man, only for him to disappear. As far has James could tell, Zain had been battling to man and scared him off. He hovered above the center of town, unsure of the darkness that now engulfed the ground below him. "What in the hell happened here?!" he called out, half to himself, and half toward Zain.
  21. Name: Grizzly Allegiance: Maximal Function: Heavy Weapons Specialist / Assault Beast mode: Kodiak Grizzly Bear Weapon 1: Dual Plasma Gatling Guns Weapon 2: Sholder Mounted Missle Turrets Weapen 3: Remote Detination Explosives Height: 8 ft Quote: "I'm here to kick *** and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of bubble gum." Profile: A young and inexperianced Maximal, whose rash behavior and youthful aggression is matched only by his size and power. Grizzly joined up with the Maximals at a young age, wanting to pursue a life of adventure and excitement. He found himself within Sabre Prime's squad as the added firepower incase the ship they pursued was hostle. Following the crash landing on Gaia, Grizzly found himself in a deep forest. Partially damaged, and requiring a Beast Mode of great size to survive, Grizzly scanned a nearby river, finding a large Kodiak Bear, whose form he adopted as his own. Abilities: To support his massive firepower, Grizzly is able to secure himself to nearly any surface by generating large gravitational forces at the sould of his feet. As a result, he can also walk on walls and ceilings. Grizzly is also a demolitions expert, and creating explosives is probobly the only thing he takes seriously. Weaknesses: Grizzly's biggest weakness is his over confidance and aggression. he rarely thinks about the conciquences of his actions, especially in battle, which commonly gets him in trouble. While he can run fast in a dead sprint, he has trouble moving qucikly (accelerates slowly) and has poor agility. Sample Post: Will post later. OOC: Sorry for the sloppiness, but its late, and I'm tired, and I just wanted to get a spot before they all filled. Also, if anyone has a suggestion for a better name, I'm open to suggestions.
  22. With Zain holding the golem, James could finally get off a shot. However, he now needed to shift his position so the bullet wouldn't pierce through both the Golem and Zain. Firing its rear thrusters, the Patriot flew into the air. When it got above the two combatants, James fired the reverse thrusters aswell, allowing him the hover in mid-air. "Computer, target the powersource again." Commanded James. Within seconds, a small red target appeared on James' viewfinder. At the same time, the large sniper rifle attached to the shoulder of the Patriot came to life, shifting to target the golem. "FIRE!" James commanded. The rifle let loose a powerful blast, the recoil of which shot the Patriot armor another 5 feet into the air. The rifle's custom bullet shot toward's the golem (litteraly). When it reached the force barrier around the golem, the tip the bullet was so sharp, and fired with such intensity, that it passed between the atoms of the golem's shield, and straight through the golem itself. With it's energy source pierced, the golem crumbled to the ground in a heap of rumble. "Well, that was anti-climactic," said James, attempting to lighten the mood as he landed next to Zain.
  23. James pocketed his glow stick, the open battlefield making it all but useless. He held out his long dagger in a ready stance, quickly trying to formulate a battle plan. His first instinct was to run. He was a theif, not a warrior, and owed no real allegance to this group. And in the chaos of the battle, it would be easy for him to slip away and never be heard from again. But his concounce and pride got the better of him. He didn't want to leave them alone, especially Nait and Lynn. The rest seemed to be seasoned veterens, and while the two girls could hold their own, James couldn't help but feel responsible for their safety. He decided to stay and fight. As the first volley of arrows flew past the group, one nearly found its target in James' left sholder. Just as he had done against the assassin he met in town, he caught the arrow before it connected. A quick survey showed none of the arrows hitting their respective targets. 'Lucky,' he though, 'but that won't last long.' After defeating her assalent, Nait was visibly exausted, and stumbled in attempt to pick up her sword. Responding quickly, James swept her up in his arms and swiftly ran her back into the mouth of the cave. Just as he did, a second volley of arrows wizzed by, barely missing the two. Finding cover behind a large boulder by the entrance, he sat Nait down by the wall. "Look, I know you want to help, but you need to stay here," James said sternly. Nait struggled to get up, shaking her head at James' request. But James pinned her to the wall saying, "No! Please, you need to rest. Just...stay here...for me. Please." James found himself overwelmed by his own concern. Strange what danger could do to even a hardend criminal. Nait nodded quietly, and set back, relaxing behind the cover of the boulder. "Thank you. Now, I'll be back soon. Please, be here when I get back." James requested before he headed back out the cave. Nait was already about to pass out from exaustion, but still managed to give a nod yes. James emerged from the cave, his concern now with the archers towards the rear of the group. He was afraid that as the battle raged on, the archers would make quick work of his party while they were distracted by hand to hand combat. He noticed Alno'dra and Vincent were still near the cave entrance, battling the first wave of enemies. He called out, "Alon'dra! Vincent! Nait's recovering in the cave! Cover the entrance!" Vincent, between slashes, called back, "What are you gonna due!?" James yelled back as he gripped his dagger, "I'm gonna go take care of those archers!" James bolted off though the woods. While circumventing the warriors, he was attacked by a frenzied deviant of the main force, which seemed concenrated on the battle between Eso and Ajax. The warrior was bigger than James, though not by much. He carried a short sword and small circular shield, and moved much faster than most of the other attackers. However, this also meant he had much lighter armor, with an open faced chainmail hood. As he swung his blade at James, James was able to parry the attack with his own dagger, knocking the fighter off balance just long enough for James to connect with a quick jab to the man's face. The warrior reiled back, the bridge of his nose shattered by the blow. However, he quickly recovers and charged at James with a renewed vigor, overcome by a combination of rage and pain. James was able to keep his calm and side-step the man's wild swings and quickly found himself facing the warrior's exposed back. James responded quickly by grabbing his attacker's head and, with a quick jerk, snapped his neck. With the warrior dispatched, James continued to make his way to the back of the battle, just as the archers prepared for their next volley of arrows.
  24. James leaned up against the wall and sighed heavily. Things were happening offly fast, and he wasn't sure he could handle what was going to come next. Or if anyone could for that matter. James was no mage, with no magic abilities. He couldn't make earthquakes or summon mythical creatures. Heck, he would probibly be dead by now if it weren't for Nait's healing and Ashwin's curses. But as he looked at the rest of the group, he realized he wasn't alone. Lynn was just a little kid, there was no way she was ready for this. And Nait was just a bar tender, but she pushed through her fear and obvious exaustion because people needed her. Even these seasoned veterens like Eso, Ashwin, and this newcomer Vincent seemed shaken, but none of them seemed ready to give up. They knew what they had do, stay alive, get Tesera to safety, stop the dragons, even if they didn't know how to do it. Their strength inspired James, and he began to think long and hard about what needed doing. The tunnels up ahead were dark, with little light shining from some odd glowing stones in the walls. They were obviously placed there to help people pass through the catacombs, but they barely provided any light past showing were the wall was. James reached into his side satchel and pulled out a small parchment tube. The parchment was stiff and hard, like paper that was soaked in water than dried to quickly. He squeezed the tube a little, and in the places were it cracked, a green glow began to pulse outwards. The new light seemed to attract peoples attention. "What the heck is that?" Asked Eso, trying to stay incharge of the situation. "I call it a glow stick. This parchment was soaked in a special chemical which gives off this green glow when it comes in contact with oxygen. I'm not sure how it works, but its very useful in dark places. I'm just sorry this is my only one." replied James. "Facinating," stated Ashwin, intreged by this new invention. "Yes, it is. But with this many people, were still going to need more light." piped in Vincent. "I'm a fire mage." Stated Alno'dra. "If we just had a torch or something, I could light it." James used his glow stick to scower the walls of the tunnel. Down the way he found a large root in the ground. He unsheathed his blade and chopped it out. He walked back to the group. "Ashwin, can I have a piece of your cloak?" He asked. Ashwin gave James a stiff stare, but quickly conceeded, using his cutlass to cut off a large portion of his cloak. James took the cloth and wrapped it around the root. "Alright Alno'dra, light it," said James, handing him the torch. With a few quick words, Alno'dra was able to congure a small simple flame in his palm, which he quickly used to light the new make-shift torch. Instantly, the tunnel was filled with light, allowing the group to see much more clearly. By this time, Nait had been able to heal all those that needed it, even though it cost her a great deal of energy. The newly revitalized Eso, being the only true authority figure in the group, and seemingly the most experianced in combat situation, atleast to James, took command of the group. "Alright," he announced, "lets move out. Alno'dra, you handle the light. If it goes out, you can re-light it. I'll take point, and try to lead us out of here. Vincent, I want you to watch Tesera. Make sure nothing happens to her. Ashwin, I want you, your daughter, Kira and Nait to stay in the middle while James takes up the rear. James, keep that glow stick going aslong as you can, the more light the better. Now lets stay on our guard, there's no telling whats down here." With that the group began to move, following Eso's directions. James didn't know what to make of this guy. On one hand, James had an obvious distrust of guards. But he couldn't help but admire him for his command and composure in this time of crisis. So instead of think about it to much, James did as he was told, taking up the rear of the group, with his glowstick in one hand and dagger in the other.
  25. Outlaw

    Wwe Rpg

    What does everyone think about a possible WWE RPG. I think it would be fun, creating your own wreslter, introducing him/her in a creative way, controlling their career and those of other wrestlers just like the actual WWE creative team. And since wrestling is focused around both jobbing to put other people over just as much as it is about winning yourself, it would force people to not God Mode, and have a little humility in their controbutions to the story.
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