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Name: James Ecallaw Apparent Age: 34 Gender: Male Weapons: James uses a [B][URL=http://yonagi.tripod.com/seifer/wall00_1.jpg]Gunblade[/URL][/B] of his own design. He also carries a small switch-blade and a semiautomatic 9mm pistol as backups. Personality: A friendly and easily excitable person, he loves meeting and interacting with people. He is facinated by, and loves technology, almost to a fault. Appearance: Standing at 6'1" and 190 lbs, James is a very well dressed and well groomed individual. While in excellent shape with a trim physic. His brown hair is of medium length and slicked back, and his light blue eyes are often hidden behind his trademark gold trimmed aviators. Bio: Before becoming a member of the Guardians, James was a blacksmith. He loved working in his shop, pushing himself to find better and faster ways to temper metal, and new inventions to work it into. He learned to fight with a number of weapons, mainly to learn how better to make them. It was because of these experitise and his genuine good will that made him an obvious choice to be an guardian. With no family and the promise of immortality, James accepted his role as a guardian with great vigor. Throughout history James worked with some of the greatest inventive minds on the planet, learning advanced engineering techniques as they were concocted. However, throughout his long lifetime, James has remained loyal to his blacksmithing roots, prefering to create his inventions entirely from scratch, including tempering his own raw materials. He now works out of his own workshop, designing and making both melee and firearm weapons, which he sells mostly to private collectors to finance his works. Character Snippet: James' massive workshop was filled to the brimm with the most advanced machinary on the planet. Along the far wall, James sat back in a large leather office chair. Infront of him stold a large wooden desk, covered in plans and schematics. He had been sitting at that same desk for nearly 3 weeks now, jotting down plans and ideas. While he prefered to work with his hands, he found these brainstorm periods to be very helpful in planning out future endevours. And to a man who had lived thousands of years, three weeks seemed like a handful of seconds. James' stomach rumbled from hunger, as James realized he hadn't eaten all day long. He walked across the workshop to a small kitchenette in the corner. He openned the fridge to find it almost completely empty. James sighed, and headed back across the workshop towards the exit. Openning the door, he found himself in the large field around his large rural home. He walked through his unkept lawn, the grass reaching halfway up his shins. He yawned and stretched his back as he reached the door. He had been sitting in that chair for hours, and his muscles ached from under use. James made his way into the back door of his house and into the kitchen. While walking by his phone, he noticed he had a message. 'Thats odd,' he thought. 'Who knows I'm here?' James pressed play on the machine while he headed to the refridgerator. While shifting through the stocked fridge, the message played. It was his personal assistant Ashley, whom he had hired to take care of his personal affairs while he worked. "Good afternoon Mr. Ecallaw, this is Ashley. Now I know your busy, but I just got a call from a Mr. Trinity. He said he needed to see you immediatly." James dropped the carton of milk he had been drinking from, allowing it to spill all over the tiled floor. "Oh no."
James and Zain entered the temple slowly, keeping on there guard and looking for any possible traps. They didn't have to wait long. At the far end of the temple, a group of 4 priests sat attop a large mound of rocks. They had apparently witnessed the battle outside, and were awaiting the arrival of these two incredibly dangerous adversaries. The began to chant as they remained ontop of the pile. James and Zain looked on in wonder as they walked across the room, half concerned and half curious. The priest repeated there chants, getting louder and louder with each series of chant. Eventually, they got so loud they were yelling there chants. Zain noticed the air around them had begun to swirl, while James' sensors picked up some siesmic activity. Suddenly, the chanting came to a stop, and the priests disappear, evaporating into a cloud of ash that fell onto the pile of rocks. "I'm picking up a strange energy signiture coming from that rock pile." Stated James. As if on cue, the pile erupted from the ground and took shape, forming a massive humanoid golem. "Well, thats something new. Let me handle this Zain, I still need to find the upper limits of my armor." Said James, half asking and half stating. Without looking for Zain's reaction, James fired his trusters and launched himself at the golem. As he barreled towards the large golem, he stretched out his arms, pointing his palms at the monster. Large beams of thermal energy flew from his palms and struck the golem in the chest. The impact released a large explosion of energy. He thought to hims, "thats weird, those blasts have never done that before." James reversed him thrusters, coming to a near stop to see the result of the explosion. When the smoke cleared, James saw that the golem was unscathed, but now had a slight blue aura about him. "Computer, analyse," commander James. "Stone creature has a force aura covering his party. Currently generating 7.2 times 10 to the 19 Newtons of force. Source coming from centered chest.....locating... ..locked on." The view in his helmut highlighted a small point in the chest of the golem. However, as his sniper rifle rose up over his chest, the golem lept forward with amazing speed for his size. The lock was broken as the golem used his giganic stone hand the swat James across the room, sending him crashing into a large stone piller. The suits armor held up without being damaged, but James was frazzled by the impact. "Zain, can you distract this monster? I need time to pierce it's force field."
The group sprinted down the street. They passed the mysterious man on the street, most of the group passing him without much notice, to concerned with the Large Dragon. However, Kira, being able to fly faster than the rest could run, stopped to great the man. "Oooooo, another new person!" She exclaimed in the man's face. "Kira, lets go! No time for that now!" Yelled Ashwin back at his familiar. "Ahhhh, poo. Well, come on mister. You don't wanna be here when that comes do you?" Kira clamored as she flew off with the rest of the group. The man, looking back towards the monsterous dragon streaking across the sky towards them, followed the group, hoping they could lead him to safety. The man was fast, and easily caught up to the rest, especially with their wounded slowing them down. James looked over at the man, and, while breathing heavily, stated, "Hey, names James. Who are you?" The man looked at James, obviously confused by the man in black's apparent calmness of there situation. "Uh, Alno'dra. What the hell is going on?" James responded, "Big Dragon wants to kill us, so were running, kinda slow now. But lets fix that." James, adreneline pumping and revitalizing his energy, ran over to Tesera, who was partially limping as she went. "Sorry about this Tesera, but we need to hurry." With that, barely missing a stride, James lifted up Tesera and began to carry her over his sholder. He slowed down at first, but once he was used to the weight, he began to run in a full sprint, quickly overtaking the rest of the group. "Don't worry, I'm a theif, so I'm used to running while carrying heavyweights. Come on guys, we gotta find somewere to hide!" Eso called after him, "No, just go for outside of the city!" James yelled back, "But then that thing will just follow us out!" "But if we stay here, it'll destroy the town. Just trust me and head to the outskirts!" Exclaimed Eso.
I guess I was all of those back in HS. I played Lax, Wrestled, and Golfed, all Varsity, so I was a Jock. I wore polos and partied on the weekends, so I was a popular preppy type. I read Comics, watched DBZ, and played Starcraft and Halo and got a 5 on the AP Calc exam, so I was a nerd/geek. I drew comics, including ones for the paper and for fun, aswell as sculpted, so I was artsy. And I posted on Otaku, which I guess made me a jacka$$ to boot. HA! So I guess I'm a poser too for doing all that crap.
James rummaged through the bodies of the dead guards, aswell as the frozen ones. He looked up at the sound of his name from Nait. "Oh, you can't get rid of me that easily." he responded with a grin and a wink. "And don't worry. I'm just checking to see if they have anything useful. I'm not taking any money or anything," he said as he pulled took off the belt of the swordsman he had killed, along with small emergancy dagger hilted into it. He then took the daggers from the other two and made make-shift hilts for them in the belt. He brought the belt over to Lynn. "Your pretty good with those daggers. I'm impressed. Here, take this," he sad as he lay the belt over her sholder. She smiled back at the gesture and thanked him. James then turned towards Eso and Tesera. "Alright, so whats the plan mon Capitain? We sould probobly find some cover so Nait can heal you two."
"Well, this is the Patriot XT Battle-Armor. I actually came across it by....accident. I've had it for about a year now, and as far as I can tell the thing does everything. Its impregnible to everthing I've had thrown at it, and its got weapons to handle pretty much any situation. Sniper rifle, thermal cannons, concussion beams, missle launchers, everything. The only down side is that since it was designed for battle, it is programed to augment my adreneline levels, which usually means when I get puched to far, I lose control and just fight without regard for myself or others." James tought back to the battle he had just had and sighed. But he knew Zain was right, and that he did what he had to do. The two landed by the base of the temple. "So, what about you? How do you do, you know, what you do. Like.....fly?"
I'm just wondering why no knew wrestlers are getting sweet nicknames instead of just normal names. I mean, it used to be that you only used a full name if the last name was sweet, like Flair or Savage. Now days we have guys using names like Heindenrick, Morgan, and crap like that. And there are no new guys coming in using just nicknames, like a Rock or Edge. LETS GET SOME GIMICKS HERE PEOPLE!
The group continued along the city streets at a brisk pace. That fighting above seemed to be dying down, as many of the victorious dragons began to circle around the large one, seeming to help him with his search. James walked a little ways behind the other four, thinking to himself. He was still trying to gather his thoughts after Nait's 'outburst'. He had never met a girl who was so....forceful with her thoughts. He kind of liked it. He grinned to himself and caught up with the others. "We're almost to the city center," stated Ashwin, "so we better stay underneith the awnings and such if we are to avoid those dragons." The group took heed to Ashwin's advice and moved to the sides of the streets. "I hope we find Eso before its to late," said Lynn, looking up to her father for reassurance. As if on cue, Eso and Tesera came running out from an allieway a few blocks ahead. "There, thats them!" Shouted Ashwin. "ESO! OVER HERE!" Eso turned up the street to see Ashwin, Lynn, Nait, and two others he didn't know, a man in black and a fairy. He began to sprint in their direction, pulling Tesera behind him. But they were weak and tired, and made there way in more of a huried limp. James wondered why they would be trying to move so fast when they were obviously injured. He quickly found his answer when 3 large swordman in full body armor, consisting of both plate and chain mail, came running out of the same allieway. It was obvious that they were after Eso and Tesera. "James, can you fight?" Asked Ashwin. James due his long dagger and nodded in response. "Good. You take the one on the left. Lynn, take the right one. I've got the middle." Nait was taken back by Ashwins command to send his little girl into battle. "Ashwin, are you sure thats wise?" asked Nait as James and Lynn sprinted towards the swordsman. As Lynn passed Eso and Tesera, she drew her dagger and hurled at the right hand guard, catching him directly in the left eye. "Ofcourse." responded Ashwin. At the same time, Ashwin began to chant a short curse. As he again finished with Amen, the center guard froze in place, sword raised to the air, unable to move. All that was left was the left guard. James came face to face with the monster of a man, standing atleast half a foot taller than him. The swordsman swung his heavy blade across his chest, attempting to cleave James in half. With cat-like reflexes, James ducked underneith the attack, which left the swordsman wide open. James pulled back his dagger and stabbed it into the exposed face of the man's helmut. The swordsman dropped to his back, dead. The theif bent over to pull his dagger from the man's face. "James! Watchout!" cried Nate from up the street. James looked up just in time to see the fist of a large metal gautlet slam into his face, sending him flying back several feet. James looked up to find the swordsman with Lynn's dagger still lodged in his eye standing over him, sword raised over his head. However, instead of bringng it down on James's head, the swordsman stopped, as if frozen in time. James could hear the echo of another loud Amen coming from up the street. He let out a small sigh as he scrambled from underneith the frozen swordsman.
James raised an eyebrow at Zain's sudden generousness. However, it could not be seen through his robotic helmut. It took him a second to gather his thoughts. "I'm, uhhhh, to be honest, I don't know what the hell I'm doing here. I got sucked into some light source, than found myself in the middle of the battle field. There was some huge explosion and then I was attacked. I can't beleive I just killed all those people. Oh god, the suit, it just augments my anger to make me a better fighter, but this? This is crazy. There were hundreds of them." Zain grabbed the hysterical James by the sholder. "Look buddy, I know its hard, but if you didnt kill them, they'd have probobly killed you. Now a get ahold of yourself. Whats your name? Where are you from?" James breathed heavily, regaining his composure. "My name is James, James Lockwood. I'm from a planet known as Terra, though that is in another galaxy altogether. I must have been sucked into some interdimensional wormhole. Some superhero I turned out to be." "Superhero?" responded Zain. "Is that what you are?" "Well, thats what I'm supposed to be, but I'm just a fake. I mean, I really want to help people, but now days theres no black and white good and evil confrontaions anymore. Its all about politics." complained James. Zain had almost no clue what he was talking about, not having any backround knowledge of his planet. However, he did understand James' quest for heroism. "Well, if its heroism your looking for, I seem to have an evil deity and his cult after me. Doesn't get more black and white than an evil cult does it?" James' voice perked at the chance, "Are you serious? Sign me up, lets go kick some cult ass!" He held out his hand, which Zain promptly shook. "So, were do we start?"
James chuckled at the fairy's gesture, and bowed in kind. "I'm sure I am. My name is James, and I'm....um, Nait's new bodyguard." Nait raised an eyebrow at James in confusion. James simply winked back and nodded towards Ashwin's little girl. Nait understold he was just trying to protect Lynn. Ashwin also nodded in approval. However, Kira obviously didn't catch on. "But if your a body guard, why are you so small, and wearing all black like a the....." A sharp glance from Ashwin quited the inquistive fairy. "Oh, okay." "So, where the people you were talking about? This Eso and Tesera." asked James, trying to get caught up on what was happening. Ashwin explained how Tesera had summoned the dragons, and how they had gone crazy. "Damn, this is bad. We better head over there, and quick."
James and Nate half walked, half jogged back towards the guard station. James was still a little soar and very hungry, so he couldn't full out run, and Nait was feeling the strain of using her magics aswell. "I really appreciate you helping me here," he said, trying to break the silence between them. "It's alright. I figure even a theif like yourself doesn't deserve to die on the streets," she responded. Her anger towards the days events had taken control of her mood. "Hey, I'm trying to do the right thing here. You know, just because I'm a theif doesn't make me a bad guy." Nait stopped suddenly and glared at him. "What are you talking about? Being a theif makes you a bad guy. You steal from people," she scolded in a harsh voice. Her emotions were getting the best of her. James saw that if he tried to fight her on that fact, they'ld be stuck out here all day. "Ok, your right, I am a theif, and I guess that does make me one of the bad guys, but even bad guys have a conciounse." "Oh right, honor amoungst theives huh? Lets just go alright." The two continued down the road, now moving faster, their adreneline pumping from their arguement. When they reached the guard station, they found Kajo still lying on the side of the road. James explained to him the Nait was a healer, and Nait went to work patching up Kajo's wounds. Within minutes, Kajo was back on his feet again. James just stared at him, wondering what the next move would be. "So, were do we go from here?" he asked the guard. Kajo raised on eyebrow at the theif. "What do you mean. You knocked me out and escaped from prison. And now I have more pressing matters to deal with. Now get outta here before I run you in for loitering." With that Kajo headed back into the guard station to check the damage to the holding cells. James looked back towards Nait. "Well, I guess its just you and me then," he said with a grin, which could barely be seen from behind his mask. "What do you me 'you and me?' Theres no 'you and me.' Your a badguy remember. And the last thing I need right now is more trouble." she responded in a huff. "Look...Nait, right?" James inquired, recieving a slight nod yes from the girl, "Look Nait, you just saved my life, and probobly the life of that guard, which basically just saved my life again cause now I'm not going to jail. So the way I see it, I owe you. Big time. And I'm going to pay my debt by making sure you make it out of this ordeal alive." Nait was a little taken back by James' speach. She had not expected him to say something like that. "Honor amounst theives huh?" She asked with a slight grin, her mood shifting a little. "Yeah, something like that," he responded as they headed back towards the town center.
Nice job man. Not to sell you short, but if anyone else wants to give it a try, i'd love to see other peoples ideas.
James sat in his holding cell sulking. He felt like he was doomed. He had tried everything he could think of to escape, but there was some sort of magic seil on his cuffs, both restricting his movement and keeping him unable to pick the lock of the cuffs. Suddenly, he heard a slam coming from the ceiling, as if something had crashed on the roof. The ceiling began to crack, and small pieces began to fall. Kajo, he only guard left at the station barged through the door. "What the heck happened in here?" he asked. James was about to respond when all of a sudden a large chuck of the ceiling came crashing down ontop of Kajo, pinning his legs underneith. The enormose pain caused him to pass-out nearly immediately. The impact of the falling chunk had caused James to lose his balance and fall to the ground. He slowly recovered, struggling to stand with his arms still tighly bound. But he finally caught a ray of hope, when he saw Kajo's keys hanging off his belt. He stuck his legs out between the bars of his cell and used his exposed toes to grab onto the keys. "Man, I guess its a good thing they stripped me down, huh." Within seconds, James had freed himself from his shackles with the keys and openned his cell door. He rubbed his forearms, which were incredibly soar from the shackles. Looking down, he saw the guard, still unconcious and les still trapped. His concounce went back and forth trying to determine wether or not to help the man. "Awwww, I know this is going to come back to hurt me." He dropped down and shifted the rock off Kajo's legs, using nearly all the strength he had left. He than grabbed the man's arms and threw him over his sholder, struggling to carry the man out of the guard station. He made his way outside, and dumped Kajo by the door. It was at this time that James realised he was still nearly naked, and the guards still had his suit. He ran inside with the keys, entered the guards supply room, similar to the one he had broken into earlier. He found his suit quickly, as it had been recently packed in a box of confiscated goods. He slipped on the suit. Getting back in it gave him a slight boost in energy, but he was still nearly passed out tired. He neaded a healer, and fast. He limped back out of the guard station, to find Kajo regaining concousness. "Uh, what happened?" he asked half aware of his surroundings, "And how did i get out here?" "I carried you," responded James. "The ceiling collapsed on you, and you were knocked unconcious." "You, but your a theif. Why would you help me?" James gave the guard a look of annoyance. "Yeah, well, forgive me for saving your life. Now, can you walk?" "I....I don't think so." "Alright, you wait here. I'll go find a healer." With that James limped down the road, headed towards the center of town, were he figured most the the townsfolk must be. He hoped that helping this guard out might get him off the hook, but he doubted it.
Can anyone make me a banner using US War Machine, using this picture and some futuristic lettering for my name. [IMG]http://shoryuken.interfree.it/characters_bios/MarvelSuperHeroes/war_machine.gif[/IMG]
[COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Jake Wallace Age: 19 Power: Cannonball. Able to generate biokinetic energy bursts from his lower body which propel him through the air. Also creates a biokinetic blast field which is nearly impregnible and keeps him safe while flying. Codename: Top Gun Appearence: [URL=http://www.tfz.net/data/images/2469.jpg]Like This[/URL] Personality: Usually a genuinely good person, and a strong leader. However, because he often supresses his anger to be the voice of reason, when he does snap, watch out, because he's letting loose a lot of aggression. Bio: Jake has been around flying his entire life. His grandfather flew fighter planes in the second world war, and his father was a pilot for the US Navy in the late 70's and early 80's, only to become a farmer and crop duster when he returned to civilian life. Growing up, Jake learned to fly a single prop plane before he could drive a car. Flying was his families passion, so imagine his excitement when Jake found out he could fly without a plane. When Jake was 14, he was flying his father's single prop stunt plane, which had been modified for crop dusting. Jake had convinced his father he was ready for the responcibility of flying the family crop duster alone. However, Jake got too cocky and attempted to pull a loop, a trick which his father had forbade him to do for years. Jake found out why when the plane's engine stalled as he came out of the loop. Jake was sent hurtling towards the ground, unable to pull the plane up and out of free fall. With only seconds before hitting the ground, Jake paniced. The sudden rush of adreniline activated his latent mutant powers as he rocketed from his seat in the plane. As the plane crashed nose first into the ground below, Jake rocketed through the air, overcome with a mixture of relief, fear, and excitement. This was brought to an abrupt end when he crashed into the side of a nearby corn silo. Remarkibly, Jake walked away from the crash, which would have squashed a normal man, relatively unscathed. Over the next few years, Jake honed his amazing abilities in relative peace, flying over his families large farm land. He used his own knowledge of flying, along with his fathers, to learn how to control his flight path and, most importantly, control his landing. However, out of fear of public ridicule and outrage, Jake's parent forbade him from using his amazing abilities in public. They had heard rumors of others portraying similar abilities and being astrociesed, even arrested, for their mutations. Having reached the age of 19, Jake has left home and is headed to college at NYU. His reasons for this are two fold, to get a good college education, and because he has heard rumors of other super-powered being located in the NY area, and he figures this would be the best chance to meet them. -------------------------------------------------------------- I pmed this new char to Yoda for approval if he'll take me. I know the bio is short, but Jake has led a relatively simple life, which i think is important because it will let him grow up as a person during the course to the RP.[/FONT][/COLOR]
As James stumbled back, left in complete shock by the fallen dragon foot which had nearly crushed him, he found himself falling against the side of the building. He knew he needed to keep moving, but between breaking into the guard tower, taking out two pursuants, and killing an assassin, James was exausted. He sat against the side of the roof, catching his breath, while keeping an eye on the skies overhead. But he found the long he stayed there, the heavier his eyes got, untill he had completely fallen asleep. However, after what seemed to be only seconds of sleep, he was snapped awake by a booming voice. "Hey scumbag, get up!" James' eyes opened to find the two guards he had escaped earlier, Daego and Kajo, standing over him. He only had a second to recognize what had happened before Kajo swung out at him, connecting his powerful right hook directly on James' face. He was uncontious before he hit the ground. James' woke up again, this time slowly and with a splitting head ache. He looked around, and found himself inside a small cell, his arms cuffed together even with the cell locked shut. He had been stripped down and put in simple prison rags that smelled like someone had died in them. In all likeliness, some one had. Obviously, the guards had taken no chances with him. James was stricken with a sudden fit of depression, as he was both locked in jail and stuck in a town seemingly under seige by a dragon war. Upset, he lay back down in his hard metal bunk and closed his eyes. "Man, I'm gonna need a miracle to get outta this one. Hell, I'm probobly gonna be eaten before they can through me in a real jail anyways."
As James sat against the Patriot, he watched the two men speak with each other. His day was just getting weirder and weirder. He couldn't help but notice the shine of one of the men's arms and what seemed to be wings. So so far, he had been sucked in by some sort of warp hole, attacked by some huge wave of energy, fought an army, and was now watching as a man and a cyborg shot the shit in the middle of a battlefield. "Holy crap. Being a freakin super hero is a hell of allot harder than it looks. Computer, do we know were we are yet." Asked James in a huff. The suit's computer responded after making a few quick calculations, "Negative. Cannot compute exact location." James yelled back iratly, "And why the hell not? Your supposed to be able to find us anywere on Terra!" "Because we are no longer on Terra. Acourding to my sensors, we are currently outside known space." James was to shocked to even respond. "Wh wha, WHAT THE FUCK! Ok, you know what, fuck this! Those fuckers over there better have some fucking answers or I'm gonna fucking loss it." With that James hoped back into the Patriot XT and closed the front hatch. Firing up the thrusters, he headed towards the two men. "Warning, approaching large power-sources. Adjusting sensors to accomidate for interferance." James simply figured there was some sort of underground generator nearby as he landed a few meters from the men. "Excuse me, but can you guys please tell me what the HELL ARE WE!?" The two men simply turned their heads to acnolige him, not bothering to turn their bodies towards him. The normal looking one simply smirked at James, seeming to be amused with his outburst, while the cyborg snarled, obviously annoyed. The cyborg turned back towards the normal one, now ignoring James. "What the hell, are you ignoring me? Hey, I just asked you a question buddy!" The cyborg didn't bother to look at him. But James could see him squench his face a little before feeling some sort of invisible force send him flying into the air. James was caught completely off guards, and hurled through the air over 40 yards. He eventually recovered his senses, activating a number of vent thrusters on his back to stabalize him. "Holy crap, who are these guys?"
As James ran through the back allies of the town, now more concerned with the dragons than the guards. He glanced at the skies every once and a while to see what was happening, and to try and make his way to the center of the comotion. His curiousity was getting the better of his theives senses. When James saw the fights begin the break out, he stold still and watched in horror as the skies became a war zone. He had never seen anything like it, and if it weren't happening right infront of him, and he wasn't so damn scared, it would almost be beutiful. Still, through his fear, he just had to see what was going on, and he continued towards the center of town. As he got close to the center, he realized that he was both still wanted by the guards, and wearing what was quite obviously the outfit of a theif. He decided the best way not to be seen was to hop back onto the roof tops. He found one building which had a ladder up to the roof. A hell of allot easier than jumping up crates and boxes. But he was closer to the center of town than he thought. As he hopped over the last rung of the ladder, he found himself staring at a trained assassin with an arrow pointed at his head. James dropped his bag and held up his hand. "Hey man, come on, where in the same business here. Theives and assassins. Check it out, we even have the same kinda masks on. So how about dropping that bow, huh?" But as James pleaded for his life, the assassin simply responded by releasing his hand and letting the arrow fly. The arrow flew through the air with amazing speed, trained directly at James' chest. But James hadn't lived 2 decades as the theif without learning a thing or two about fighting. With his right hand, he caught the arrow, holding the tip just centameters from piercing his heart. In one fluid motion, he grabbed a small knife from his belt with his right hand and hurled back at his would be killer, striking him directly in the neck. The assassin fell to the ground, quickly bleeding to death. "Holy cow. I guess I still got it huh. Haven't done that in years." James quickly made his was over to the assassin corpse, searching the body for an valubles or weapons. He also removed the knife from the assassins neck, wiping the blood and knife and sticking it back in his belt. "Heh, these things don't come cheap ya know. I mean, why waste money when I can just recycle." James made his way back to the other side of the building and grabbed his bag. In all the commotion he had almost forgotten about the dragons. He looked back towards the sky, just as a large foot landed only a meter away from him. The rest of the body was still some were up in the air. "HOLY CRAP! What in the hell is going on here!"
James ran around a corner into an empty allie. Sweat dripped down his brow has he lugged his large bag over his sholder. Soon after, the two large guards Kajo and Daego came running after. Dispite their large size, the were just as fast as James. Atleast, just as fast as James with the bag over his sholder. "How the hell did these pigs find me?" James said to himself between breathes. leaving the short allie James saw what could be his way out. He lept up ontop of a crate, then, using a nearby awening, launched himself up ontop of a small two story building. "What in the hell is this guy, a monkey?" snorted Kajo. "Come on, lets get up to the roof!" responded Daego as the two ran into the building. The two ran up the building stairs and up to the roof. Barging through the roof door, they scanned the roof, hoping to catch the theif off guard. However, all they found was his bag sitting neatly in the middle of the roof. They approached the bag slowly, expecting a trap. Upon openning it, they found the green tunic and bashe pants James was wearing before. Confused, they began to look up at each other. However, before they could make eye contact, they were both hit from behind. Recovering from the blow, they looked behind them to find James in his black theives gear. He pulled out his dagger and prepared for the two guards to attack. However, all the guards did was look in horror at the sky. Confused, James looked up aswell, only to see the sky filled with dragons. "This is not good," stated James as ran past the two guards, still frozen in fear, grabbed his bag and lept over the side of the building.
James walked through the thinning crowds towards the guard station closest to him. It was a small two story block building with far less trimming than most of the other decadently designed houses. He had scouted it out earlier that evening while the crowds were thicker, but it would be much easier to make an escape when the crowds thinned late into the night. James strolled into the alley next to the station, being careful not to attract attention to hemself. Once around back, he quickly scaled up a ten foot stack of crates put up next to the station wall. Another quick leap, and he was able to pull his way up to the buiilding's roof. Once attop, he made his was over to the side of the building. He hung himself over the side and peered into what seemed to be the station's storage room. Being a guard station, the windows were obviosly barred, but James had learned many secrets on getting through barred windows. Quickly, and with near inhuman flexability, he slid himself between the bars and into the building. James spent only a few minutes looking through the room before finding his bag. He quickly shifted through it and was releived to find the suit was still inside. He let out a small sigh of releif before looking around the room again, this time for anything worth stealing. Shifting through all the guard's supplies and confiscated items, James found a few jewels which had been stolen previously and retreaved by the guards. However, the big catch was a large ring of keyes hung on the wall, which included a skeleton key, most likely for a good number of locks all around town. A firm beleiver in being prepared, James grabbed the key ring and headed back towards the window. Slidding back between the bars, James fell to the ground, landing softly on both feet. "Well, that was easy," James said smuggly as he walked away from the station to find another room to stay in.
James began to fire wildly with blursts of thermal energy. The beams ripped through the soldiers as if they were nothing. Trying to fight back, the soldiers shot back with their rifles, but they couldn't penetrate his thick armor. Suddenly he felt a strong blow hit him the side. Quickly recovering from the force of the attack, James looked towards a small fleet of tanks with smoking barrels aimed on him. "These little fuckers are starting to get annoying. Time to finish this. Computer, initialize wipeout program." Suddenly, a large multi-rocket launder rose from the sholder of the Patriot XT. Inside the suit, James' vizualizer sprung to life, taking hundreds of tiny targets. "Computer, combine all targets withing 3 meters, fire." The Patriot's launcher fired a volley of rockets which at first shot out forward. The sides of the rockets broke off quickly, as hundreds of tiny warheads fell to the ground on the army, eliminating most of the troops. All those that survived we either to injured to move, or retreated, realizing their situation was hopeless. The Patriot smoked with heat as it desended slowly to the battle field. As the suit's vents depressurized, the chest plate rose to reveal a sweety and obviously upset James Lockwood. He climbed out of the suits open front, and slumped to the ground, back up to the suits right leg. "Wheeew, what in the hell just happened." He looked around the empty field, which was almost completely barren now. "And what the hell am I gonna do now?"
All James could see was the white searing light, so bright it overwelmed the rest of his senses, not to mention his suit's sensors. Eventually the light faded, and James was able to recover his senses. He looked around to try and figure out what happened, only to realize that the lab was gone, and was replaced by thousands of soldiers. "Computer, where are we?" questioned James. After a few seconds, all the suit was able to respond with was "Error, location unkown." "Well thats just great. And by the look of these soldiers, I'm not going to like the answer anyway." As James looked around all of the surrounding soldiers had trained there firearms on him. "WARNING! INCOMING ENERGY FLUX! INITIATE LOCKDOWN MODE!" Came screaming over the suit's com system. The limbs of the Patriot XT locked in place as all the suits joints and weak spots were covered with a retractable armor plating. Obviously the suit was gearing up for something big, but what, James had no idea. "Computer, what the hell is go........... " James stopped as the air around him was suddenly enveloped with a brigth green light. Twice in as many minutes James had been seemingly under attack by powerful bursts of energy. However, this time when the dust settled, James was right were he started, but the army was gone. "WHAT THE HELL!? CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE! COMPUTER.....errrrughhhhhhWHAT THE FUCK!" James was irrate about the situation, and, looking around for someone to take it out on, saw the remnants of the amry that had surrounded him charging towards him, obviously beleiving he was responsible for the attack. "Oh hell no. Now its time for me to dish it out. COME GET SOME YOU SONS OF BTCHES!" James shouted as he launched himself full throtle towards the closest soldier.
James circled the Capital University Astro-Physics Labratory in the Patriot XT waiting for the alarm to sound. He knew the lab would be broken into tonight. He knew because he had arranged it, hiring one of his old collegues to break into the lab and steal the plans for a valuble new experiment known as the Titan Project. He knew little about what it did, but figured it must be important with a name like that. What he didn't tell the theif was that he only hired him to capture him as the Iron Avenger. He watched from high above the building as the theif entired through the roof, and was now waiting for him to exit. It was taking long than he thought, so he decided to investigate himself. Flying down onto the roof, he entired the building, making his way to the main lab. Inside, he found the theif shuffling through papers trying to find the right plans. "A little late for school work, would you say?" pronounced James in his most dramatic superhero voice. The theif jumped in the air at the sight of the Iron Avenger. In a mad panic upon seeing the mechanical marvel he ran towards the side door, accidentally slamming into a large machine. The machine wurred to life as lights and computers all over the room came online. Shocked by this almost asmuch as seeing James in his suit, the theif tripped onto a nearby computer, slamming onto the keyboard. This obviously did something as a large cylinder near the machine began to spin and emitted a starge glow from its center. The cylinder span faster and faster and the glow became brighter. Distracted by the machine, James didn't even notice the theif sneak past him and out the lab. All he could to was stare at the growing glow untill it became so bright the entire room was enveloped by a bright light. James could feel a strange force pulling him forward towards the center of the light, but couldn't tell what was happening. The suits sensors were to overwelmed to give any sensical readouts, while thermal and infrared visions were esentially blind. The force grew stronger as James and the Patriot XT we lifted from the ground and sucked towards the center of the light.
James lay on his small straw bed in his tiny hotel room, taking a quick nap before heading back out into the Festival. Even in his sleep, he continued to hum the tune that young girl had played on her flute. On the small bedside table a sack containing all the silver, gold, and jewels he had "found". As he turned over in his bed, still half asleep, he heard heavy footsteps coming up the hotel stairs. Quickly he jolted up from his bed. No way did those footsteps belong to that thin old inn-keeper. One thought flashed into his mind. Guards. But how the hell did they find him? He didn't have time to figure it out. Grabbing his sack of silver, and sliding his travel bag under his bed, James lept towards the window and climbed out onto the roof. Just as got his back foot up ontop of the roof, two large guards burst through his door, followed by the inn-keeper.. "Were is that little Theif!" Shouted one of the guards. "I don't know. He came in just an hour ago, and he never left," responded the inn-keeper. "Well he ain't here is he, so he musta left!" Yelled the other guard. "Alright, lets atleast check for that dagger. We can come back for the stinkin' theif later." As James listened to the guards, he tried to remember were he left the dagger. The table, no....his bag, no....OH NO! James reached around his back and felt the dagger tucked into his belt. "If those guards don't find this dagger, they'll never leave," he thought to himself. Hanging his head into down into his window, James saw that the guards were shifting through his bed and bag. James tolk the dagger from his belt and, waiting for the guard looking through his sac to turn away, threw it into his bag. "Hey, here it is in the bag," said the guard. The guard grabbed the dagger and stold up to head for the door. "What, your just going to leave that stinking theif his bag? Who knows what else in it is stolen." questioned the other guard. "Fine, I'll bring the bag," he said with a grunt as he hoisted James' bag over his sholder. The two guards and the inn-keeper quickly left, slamming the door behind them. James climed back into his window with a look of shock on his face. "Crap."