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Lord Prozen

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Everything posted by Lord Prozen

  1. well its....just....kinda plain. you need to do other stuff to it.like twisting the backround and making a border and stuff like that. what do you use to make banners?
  2. ok lets see.... Name: Cell Age: 17 Instrument: Drums Summon monster: big bull Description:normal hight,blound hair,Dark sunglasses,unbuttend shirt,leather boots. Bio: he just moved into the town. his famly travils all the time,and he only stays in one spot for about 1 week. his dad has a moving music shop and gets orders from all over the world.
  3. Lord Prozen

    otaku prom

    Well serenity i think you should go with §corpi,i mean you DID ask him first right? I think its only fair that you go with him
  4. I get mad when i get Really far in a game and then forget to save!:flaming:
  5. Lord Prozen

    otaku prom

    oh yea.....his comp is being fixed. well nvm then.
  6. Lord Prozen

    otaku prom

    ask Majin Buu lol. hes my friend,i could tell him to go.
  7. Lord Prozen

    otaku prom

    Its Cell :cool: and i guess your right
  8. Lord Prozen

    otaku prom

    Perfect Cell got dressed up too :bow: lol
  9. Lord Prozen

    otaku prom

    Perfect Cell saw the post of her asking him if he wanted to go. he was shocked that somone wanted to go with him.:excited: so he said yes.
  10. Lord Prozen

    otaku prom

    Sure Kesaki_Inedia.:)
  11. Lord Prozen

    otaku prom

    Perfect Cell was looking in the Adventure Arena and he saw the otaku prom. he thought to him self, "hmmm i dont have anybody to ask,i dont think anyone wants to go with me anyway....then again there is free food! i can go alone." Edit: i will go with somone who dusent have a date (im a guy)
  12. hey thats pretty cool! is that harry potter?
  13. yea i ment to mask it in red ^_^ and im doing my best here!
  14. I would fix it but im to lazy. :) well heres another one hope ya like it!
  15. hey i have been playing around with paint shop pro,and i made some banners that i thought were cool. tell me what you think. :) this one is a mega man one.
  16. Name: Aran spellweaver Race: Human Class: Spell caster Weapon: Magic staff Spells: Blizzard,Summon Water Elemental,Brilliance Aura and Mass Teleport Short bio: a wizzard,who comes from a family who lives on the Mountains.
  17. well if he did that then there would be no show duh! you know how they like to drag fights on.
  18. I would form a HUGE party go to one of the hardest dungons! i would be a wavemaster. i wonder how a party of all wavemasters would work......
  19. you people have a good point about buu. but i still think that Cell is better. oh and thanks REVENGE.
  20. I think that Cell is better. i mean Cell is MUCH better then buu was. Cell can make mini's of him self,he's the first guy to ever kill goku,and he has other cool moves. buu justs steals his moves and absorbs people all the time. thats all he dus really. Cell is way better then buu.
  21. I think that im most like Xellos. i like keeping secrets,and i tic people off a lot. so im gonna go with Xellos.
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