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Lord Prozen

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Everything posted by Lord Prozen

  1. [color=royalblue][size=1]well when im stressed just play a good game. maby an online game or sit down and play your gameboy (if you have one). I just sit down and play some type of game and forget all about what im stressed about. try to get through a dungon on some game or beat people up on an online game. also punching things helps too lol.[/size][/color]
  2. [color=royalblue]nice banners, the fenix one is really cool but I dont like the zeratul one. it just seems to dark. with the fenix one did you do anything to the picture other then put text on it? just kinda wondering. hey why are you useing the same banner you gave me with a differnt quote on it?[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][FONT=arial]If you go into it with that attitude, things probably aren't going to work out very well. Not everyone in your school district is going to be a jerk, my friend. At least, not from the beginning. If you isolate yourself and feel sorry for yourself...well, there are very few people who view self-pity as a characteristic they want in their friends. If you're always off by yourself, there may be a couple people who will try to talk to you, but unless you jump at the chance, you probably won't make any friends the first couple weeks of school. First impressions are important. If you come off as a friendly, kind, or enthusiastic person, people will like you. The friendships you make at the "first impression" stage may or may not [i]last[/i] very long--that depends on how well you get along, shared interests, etc. But at the very least, you'll meet more people with whom you'll have a chance at becoming good friends with. If you isolate yourself, you will probably still make friends, but it will take much longer, and you'll feel lonely and miserable until it happens. There will always be a few people who don't like you or whom you don't like. That's life. The sooner you learn to deal with them, or ignore them, the better off you'll be. Hopefully you won't have to deal with too many of them, but that is largely up to you. So you into this with an open mind, and you're likely to enjoy it. If you're convinced you're going to hate it....you will.[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue]thats some good advice Sara i'll have to try doing that. my mom says that im gonna go in somtime around the end of october so I cant wait to go to school. my mom said that she's probly only gonna let me stay in one year becuse she just wanted me to go in to meet some people so the people around where I live will kinda know me. i'll change my attitude thanks again Sara.:) [/color]
  4. [color=royalblue]thats a pretty cool banner, thanks!:) im glad that you arnt some stupid newbie banner maker who will take like 2 pictures and the'll be cut out badly and put them on a lame backround. I really like the font you used, where did you get it?[/color]
  5. [color=royalblue]well its gonna be harder for me becuse I've never been in a school before and all the people around where I live are real jerks so I think that school is gonna be pretty hard. I think 6th grade is considerd junior high school so that kinda sucks for me. if somone made my mother a criminal for home schooling me? well my mom said that might happen and she says they can say what they want so i'll just try to ignore them.[/color]
  6. [color=royalblue]lol thats pretty funny. I agree the end was good. hey did you just think of that penny thing? or was that back from when I told you about the penny joke? just kinda wondering.... I cant wait for you to make more! since you already have them planed forget school and just make Daily comic. ^_^[/color]
  7. [color=royalblue]well im home schooled but my mom is sticking me in school soon and im in the 6th grade and i've heard thats a bad time to go into school.:( luckly I only have to do if for a year and if it turns out too bad my mom said she would just pull me. and so I was just wondering what other people thought of home schooling and and how you think going into school for the first time at 6th grade will go and stuff.[/color]
  8. [color=royalblue]Yep I know about it. I hate card games with the "best card in the game" thing too. thats why im glad you showed me MTG.:) emporar(sp?) games are really fun. I like being the emporar but I always end up as one of the other guys then I die easy. two headed giants is pretty fun too. I do pretty good at two headed giants. I love the elf deck I have becuse I have some pretty good combos in there, like one card where the more elfs I have the more powerfull it is or one card where you tap him and then an elf gets X/X ATK and DEF where X is the number of elfs in play. or another card in that deck where I tap it and I get X health where X is the number of elfs in play, so that deck is pretty good. I also have this really good beast deck that Helba made me and its really good.......if I can get enough land lol. the creatures in that deck are really powerfull but I need lots of land or else im screwd lol. I have this one card that has "tap one mana. regenerate rouge elemental" so tha card is pretty cheap but Helba still seems to be able to take it down easy lol. then I have a burn deck that I made and its pretty good and can kill somone in a few turns. but if I dont play fast my openent gets guys to attack me with and I end up dieing becuse my burn deck has almost no creatures so I have to kill them fast with all the spells I have. lol I hope people still read this even though its really big.[/color]
  9. [color=royalblue]I agree with Semjaza Azazel, the picture is to blurry and its kinda bad quality. um whats that text say? I cant read it lol. maby if you put the text on the bottom insted of the side it might look better. I can remember when I first got PSP7 and it was a real pain trying to get it to work. but after a while of messing around with it you learn how to use it pretty easy.[/color]
  10. [color=royalblue]I agree with helba, some text would make it look really good. it seems kinda dark to me though. maby make thoughs red lines glow and put text on it then it would be great! overall very great banner. was that picture green or did you turn it green?[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hack Helba [/i] [B][color=darkred][size=1]Ohh thats interesting, I like the the pink too ^_^. I have never made some weird design like that... Did you know what you were doing or was it just hmmm Lets hit this, this, this and this.. and poof there it is?[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue]Hmmmm......I think it looks to detailed(sp?) to just throw together like that. is there a tool that does that? or did you just work hard with a paint brush or somthing lol. very nice. I agree that its better then that other thing you made. good job! keep up the good work!.[/color]
  12. [color=royalblue]hmmm......I think its ok the way it is but the pictures are really bad quality. maby you should work on getting better pictures. I think that the speed is fine though.:) not much else I can say about it.[/color]
  13. [color=royalblue]Meteora your not a mod. Im pretty sure thats Elk. I never saw that before cus I never look at the booklets ether lol. Elk is also in one of the episodes but he didnt really do anything. just Mimiru thought it was Tsukasa. But anyway im pretty sure its Elk.[/color]
  14. [color=royalblue]well I have a paper route and im making quite a big off of it, becuse I took it from my older brother since he had to go to highschool so he would be too busy so I had to take it from him and he had a lot of customers and there nice so I get lots of tips and then I get paid like 9 bucks from a few customers then the messenger (the paper place I work for) pays me like a dollar a week so I make quite a bit. as for a job I want when im older im not really sure. I kinda wanna be a game disigner(sp?) but I probley wont turn out to be one lol. I think that I might be a vet becuse I really like pets but im still young so who knows what im gonna be.[/color]
  15. [color=royalblue]wow thats a amazing drawing! some of the best art i've ever seen on otakuboards! your friend is really good. the coloring you did is really great too. you and your friend should make some more stuff. he draws it and you color it.[/color]
  16. [color=royalblue]hmmm......I think that my fav would have to be the last one .hack//EXTRA. I really love the evil aura theme on there. yea I loved that other verson of fake wings. lol I didnt think that it woud have Soras theme or that battle theme but it did so that was pretty cool. as for the .hack//LIMINALITY CD that one was pretty good but I didnt like it that much. not much I can say about it..... lol I've never heard the first 2 so I cant really say anything about them. Lol your scared to put the little one in your PC? trust me its safe lol. i've put it in my boombox CD player and my computer and so far it hasnt ruined anything so just go ahead and put it in your PC.[/color]
  17. [color=royalblue]yea a motion suit would be better then that weird brain thing you were talking about. you would have to stand on this weird thing that was shaped like a tube and then it would have like a keybord attached to one part of it and you might still have the visor thing.....but what happends when you get tired? that would be the only bad thing. you wouldnt be able to play forever becuse of fatiuge lol. I dont think they would want the carecters to look like real people.....could you really kill another player if he looked just like a human?......just give that some thought.[/color]
  18. [color=royalblue]this thread is gonna get closed. well what do you mean by that? do you mean where you can buy it or where you can download it online? if you wanna buy it then you can just go to google and type in ".hack//sign music" and lots of websites pop up that will give you websites to order it from. if you mean that you wanna download you could look on google but i've tryed before and you wont get very far doing that.[/color]
  19. [color=royalblue]LOL thats funny. who came up with that you or DW? nice drawing nice coloring and VERY funny lol. I cant wait to see what other comic thingys you guys make lol.[/color]
  20. [color=royalblue]its pretty cool but.......I dont know it just seems kinda to plain for my taste. thats still a really cool banner and Meteora is right the lines do seem to make it look better lol. um whats the text in the top left cornor? I cant read it lol.[/color]
  21. [color=royalblue]hmmmmm.....seems kinda plain. maby a cool backround would make it better. hmmmm besides that I cant think of anything else to do to it.[/color]
  22. [color=royalblue]hmmm...... there are so meny cartoons I like but I think my fav would have to be dexters lab. I think its really funny how dexters lab makes fun of a lot of stuff like the star trek episode. lol that has to be the best one ever. I like this other episode of dexters lab where the dog follows dexter home and then his dad is standing in dexters room and has a sirios(sp) look on his face and says "dexter how long have you kept this lab a secret from me" dexter:"um well um....." dad:"becuse I just LOVE labrador retreavers!" I also like the angry beavers. I love the episode where they think that there are killer leaches lol, then dagget sicks the dog on them. I would talk about more cartoons but this post is so big I dont think anyone will read it all lol[/color]
  23. [color=royalblue]Wow thats a pretty cool banner! thanks for making it for me, I really like the .hack thing in the bottom left cornor. and yea hack helba was right that was the text I wanted lol. thanks again.[/color]
  24. [color=royalblue]Name : Thorgas Broadaxe Race : Dwarf Gender : Male Class : Warrior Appearance : See picture Weapon : Battle axe and throwing axes Background Story : Thorgas Broadaxe lives a peaceful life in the elvish scoiciety of Lordaeron now. He is a smith who has mastered the metals of iron, steel, and even thorium in the mountains of Khas Modan, but never in his life did he ever get the oppritunity to so much as even SEE a piece of mythril, a metal he dreamed of smithing ever since he started learning the art of smithing. This of course was his reason for moving toLordaeron from his homeland, Khas Modan. He desired to learn the secret behind mining and smithing mythril that the elves seemed to know so much about, being able to locate and refine with such ease. Even though dwarves and elves are enemies and rivals in general, the elves of Lordaeron have grown to accept Thorgas into their community, and Thorgas has shown a much better attitude towards elves than he did long before. [/color]
  25. [color=royalblue]um I dont think you CAN get any of shadows dreams in the world of balance. I know you get like 4 in the world of chaos but i dont think you can in the world of balance. In FFVI what is the name of Sabins last blitz. lol this is an easy one. P.S. if I got the anwser wrong somone else can anser or whatever.[/color]
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