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Lord Prozen

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Everything posted by Lord Prozen

  1. [color=royalblue][size=1]you should name it hoodiny. i really like that for a hamster name, or maby rocky lol.[/size][/color]
  2. [color=royalblue][size=1]has anyone seen it? i saw this one where they had these guys go to some place to camp out and then they heard dirt bikes so some guys went to go check it out. then the people still in the car saw some guy in a scream costume just standing there. then the guys came back and made the victum(sp?) jump. then they went to see what that guy was doing, then they heard the dirt bike again. then they saw a guy running away and it was a guy with a chainsaw not a dirt bike. they made it look like he killed one guy then there were lots of guys and they were jumping on the car. then the other person in the car asked if she was scared, and she said yes. then she said she shouldent be becuse shes on scare tactics. does anyone else have a story or has seen it?[/size][/color]
  3. [color=royalblue][size=1]man it doesent work for me ether! well can you just tell us what happend in it? its not fair for us who cant see it. can ya fill us in?[/size][/color]
  4. [color=royalblue][size=1]i dont have it but ive played it. that game is so FUN playing 3 player! i love the grapling hook, you can be JUST like spider man, and the jet back is so funny, somones on a ledge you just jump up and shoot'em in the head. one time i was chasing my friend, he was acting like spider man then i shot him when he came towards me and he went FLYING and he was spining. it was SO funny.[/size][/color]
  5. [color=royalblue][size=1]Sora is the funnyest DUH! just the way he acts and talks is really fun. like how every time he jumps he says "boing!" why would somone vote for tsukasa?? he's doesent do ANYTHING funny. crim is kinda funny but i dont see why anyone would vote for him. why BT? shes not funny. i understand mimiru but some of these other people are not funny and no point why you should be able to vote for them.[/size][/color]
  6. [color=royalblue][size=1]the best saga would have to be the Cell Games. that was the best out of them all. i loved the Cell jr.s i dont know why though. but yea the Cell games are the best.[/size][/color]
  7. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]oh it was? oh well then....um...hmmm...well i cant think of anything somone else take the next one.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]thats Pretty cool! but this should be in the Greeting cards thing. but anyways yea thats a cool card. the pic is kinda bad tho. thats the only problem with it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]yea a cat would be funny. it has to turn evil when it gets mad tho. lol that WOULD be funny!*walks into kitchen* whatcha guys drinken?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]ok i got a pretty easy one. name all of the nintendo sistems(sp?) i told you it was easy[/SIZE][/COLOR] :)
  11. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]heh thats cool. i think you should get rid of the black backround. that would make it look cool. thats a really cool pic of tails, i really like it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]well you have to ask Charles or James to do it. ask them what you wanna change your name to and if your lucky Charles or James will do it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]yea you should make a manga! thats a really good drawing! lol i cant draw ether so i think its really good. like everyone else has been asking...how long did it take you? making a theif boy to? well i hope that comes out just as nice as this one.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]heh thats pretty cool. I like....well i think the whole thing is cool. well i guess it kinda is romantic but the guys bleeding all over his face so he's gonna get blood all over her lol. but yea good job![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]yes Buu is more powerfull but Cell was still Cooler. all his evil taunts(sp?) and his cool moves like the Cell Jr.s he made. he does absorb but its only the adroids and its only till he became Perfect Cell. Cell was the coolest villian but of corse the newest threat, is the most powerfull villian. i think Cell was the best.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. I remember when i had a dream that i was some guy with a big axe and i was hunting down orc and then a triped and it felt like i really triped and i woke up. then i went back to bed and i started having the same dream, and then i got hit in the back, and i got a weird fealing in my spine and i woke up. it was really weird.
  17. [COLOR=blue]ok your yu-gi-oh thing is cool and the one that other guy did made that red line thingy look cool. good job! keep up the good work.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]there not the same! Cell is better then Buu i think, Cell was really powerfull and cooler then Buu was. they dident really have the same attacks ether. Cell could make Cell Jr.s, and buu can go into people and blow them up. theres a buch of other stuff but i cant think of them right now lol. but there not really much alike, but in some ways they are yes. i dont think Cell is really a robot he's an android. there different.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. yea its good but the text is really bad. but like they said it needs better font for the text a better qoute and a boarder would make it look good too. so just fix the text and then it will be good. :)
  20. um....that ones kinda plain...you just took some red lines and did a twirl thingy to it...im sorry but its just too plain for me. but i still really like your first one! that one was good but this ones kinda plain and easy to do. :(
  21. [COLOR=blue]that banner is....weird lol. its still really cool though! i really like it but its still weird lol. i like how it has the little box thingy and the how theres that S in the middle and with the swerling (sp?) thingy. good job![/COLOR]
  22. heh thats really cool. but yea the text is kinda lame. but besides that i like it! i give it a 7/10
  23. well....there pretty good but i dont really like them that much. the first one i give a 4/10 the secound one i give a 5/10......sorry i just really dont like them that much. just keep working on them and you'll get better
  24. Name: jim redding Age: 15 Year: 5th Gender: male House Preference: griffendor Good/Evil: good Wand: a good one. Pet: a light brown owl Personality: Pretty quiet most of the time Biography: comes from a famlily of powerfull wizards, who is known for being great aruors, and he wants to become one himself. his family is well known. Appearance: light brown hair, black robes blue jeans
  25. I heard this really morbid urban legend that I wanted to share with the world. It's really long, but bear with me this is some pretty good stuff(note this isnt EXACTLY how i heard it but 95% of its just the way I heard it) "This couple from America have traveled to China for a one week vacation. They bring their dog with them because they cant find anybody to take care of it for them. While there, they decide to go the local restraunt for dinner. They bring there dog here too. Unfourtunately, since they dont speak a word of chinese they have a lot of trouble just getting a table. When the waiter finally gets the message, he finds them a table, hands them menus and goes back into the kitchen. Of course, the couple cant read a word of chinese either. Then they started thinking about asking the staff to feed their dog. When the waiter comes back, they make all sorts of gestures and stuff to try to make the waiter understand what they want for their dog. Finally, the waiter says "Dog Eat? Yes!" and takes the dog into the back. Later, they bring there order to them, although they didn't place an order...The couple begins eating. They cant figure out what kind of meat they could be eating. They start talking about "how wonderful this meat is" and "this is the best meat ive ever tasted" and "i wonder what meat this is?"... When the waiter comes back with their bill...with there dogs collar on it!" Ok so incase you didnt get it, the waiter thought they wanted to EAT the dog, so they cooked it up and served it to them!!! Now I'd like hear your thoughts on this story, or if you have an urban legend I'd love to hear about it!
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