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Lord Prozen

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Everything posted by Lord Prozen

  1. Just like the title says. Do you sleep walk? I have a friend who told me he was sleep walking one time and his dad woke up and found him walking around on the frount lawn..... so I was wondering if anyone here did. Also, I was wondering what causes people to sleep walk. Is it that they get too caught up in their dreams? Or is it something else?
  2. hmmmm...well you could just take his stuff. tell your parents to tell him to stop and if they dont then that really sucks. i think you should just take his stuff and break it if he keeps doing it to you. or hide your stuff, thats always a good idea. or kick him in the groin lol. but if your parents wont make him stop then yea that really sucks.
  3. lol thos are the best! lol penny. that was my idea. :D keep making more i love them! i think you need one that has lots of summer in it, never see much of her. lol Mo dident get past drivers ed did he?
  4. hey can we get back to the normal topic please? i dont want my threat closed becuse of this! oh i forgot to add a computer to my dream room!
  5. hey i know this is kinda a stupid thread but...has anyone ever had or wanted like the perfect room. i've always wanted to have cool anime posters on the wall TV with cable in my room, a DVD player, lots of anime to watch, a game cube, all that good stuff. what would your dream room be?
  6. i had a wierd dream. i was some guy with a big axe and i was hunting down some orcs...then i triped in the dream and it felt like i really DID trip and then i woke up. it was wierd. then i go back to sleep and start having the same dream....then i was hit in the back and i wierd fealing was in my spine and i woke up again....it was really wierd.
  7. ok i like your kenshin one, i think its really cool! but i really dont like your papa smurf one....i dont know why i just really hate it. i like the text thing tho.
  8. well it depends on what you wanna do. if you wanna learn how to do lots of kicks and stuff do Tae Kwan Do. if you wanna learn to use your feet AND hands then i think Karate. Jiu Jitsu and Kung-Fu are good too but i think tae kwaw do or Karate are better. but thats just me.
  9. lol this could be interesting. can i sign up as a judge?
  10. no it kinda looks the same for me too... i see some water and some white line thingys...i dont see anybody in it tho....
  11. Lisa Lionheart. describe what happend in the 200th episode.
  12. lol thats a nice hourse! I wish I could draw that good...but I cant and I have to live with that. oh well, good drawing!
  13. thos are pretty cool! nice banners, I really like them all...but your new one of vash is kinda hard to tell its him tho... but other then that i really like them! keep up the good work!
  14. hey thos are really cool! that cat one is just too wierd tho lol, and that first one is kinda wierd too...but I really like them all, good job!
  15. wow thats really cool! I think that its gonna turn out really good! do you have any pics of what the people will look like?
  16. My first anime was Ranma 1/2. thats the best show ever. I really like Ryoga...but thats off topic, so Ranma was the first anime for me.
  17. the first game I played was when I was very small. it was aladin for the SNES. thats the best game ever! I beat it when I was 5....I still love that game.
  18. hmmmm....I would have to say ninja cus like harpies said there cool, I like there sneaky ways and how they can move really fast and stuff. samurai are cool too but i like ninjas better.
  19. Yusuke: so we have to beat some demon and save some slaves right? Koenma: thats right. Kuwabara: I could do this my self! Hiei: we dont want to clean up your dead body. Kuwabara: WHAT WAS THAT SHORTY!! Yusuke: calm down kuwabara. Kurama: yes i think we should get going now.
  20. i like the homer one the best...and the vincent one too! nice job, keep up the good work!
  21. yea mousse is pretty funny, and trigun i dont think this thread will be closed. ive never read the manga for it though.
  22. hey i was wondering what everyone thought of Ranma 1/2 and whos your fav caracter and all that stuff. I really like the show and i like ryoga, he's always geting lost lol.
  23. stuart is right. thats really easy to make. you just take a backround and use the wave thing and twirl.....anybody can make that if they know where the tools are.
  24. my favourite character is....hmmm. Zelgadis and Amelia. amelia is funny with her hole justice thing. then how Zelgadis just cus he's cool. I like the episode where they all get turned to dolls. thats a good one.
  25. I think its good the way it is. might wanna put some cool text on it,that might make it look cool. but other then that i dont think you can make it look any cooler then it is. good job!
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