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  1. Why not?I don't know whats written on the tablet, but in the first episode he had already been seen with Maha (Macha?)by the time he opens the chest with the tablet in it.("I opened it before..but after I opened it...") So I made a "key of twilight" and it works for others things obviously. Neo= 11.125 Venus = 66.7 Saturn = 89 or 110 etc..... garnet
  2. I learned from posting on the usenet boards that posting about poetry and personal things can be sometimes difficult as it is often hard to fully expresss yourself or your thoughts on someones work on a text medium.I think there are lots of people reading that have things they want to post but fear the consequences(which can only be words), to be honest. garnet "20^2"
  3. Its your poem obviously, it spoke to me in a certain way and I responded. Seeing imperfections in yourself through another person is what I was thinking was the challenge to you(along with a deeper meaning for me, do we look for "others" like ourselves or do opposites attract)and you claimed to be desperate for some sort of input.I meant no disrespect, as I said, it spoke to me. garnet "take something dear and throw it away, and this world will realize it needs you more than you need it"
  4. Sure.Three words that also break down into numbers.Aura is Ai supposedly. The tablet and the numbering system would be related then to universal things about the "world" if he has perhaps a number gate.So maybe fields with numbers Tsukasa likes he goes to? Maha has numbers of 74 and 116, btw.
  5. In this coding system, Aura = 86 or 128, depending on the value of a.I relate this to the tablet at the beginning of the series,I will claim its part of Tsukasa's "edge"(ha ha ha) in "the world". You can see the genesis of this system in the art & design forum. Enjoy! *A =26,47 B=56 C=1 D=9 E=8 F=30 G=6 H=4 I=10 J=5 *K=29 L=37 M=18 N=3 O=0.125 P=3.14..... Q=14.5 R=11 *S=19 *T=7 *U=23 V=13.7 W=80 X=20 Y=43 Z=91
  6. garnet


    I think ciphers are art, yes, but it probably belongs in the hack//sign area. This is my art, however. garnet
  7. The poem perhaps needs you to exit? Change the "I's" to "you's", make it someone else, the reader?Then later in the piece it would be like "there he stood, *your* prince", etc. At the end, "you thought you loved me"- "he removed the mask he wore,I was no longer underneath " or something (lost love) Just a comment , I understood something about "looking for versions of myself" garnet
  8. garnet


    I created this to be on the tablet seen in the beginning of .hack//SIGN and it gives Tsukasa insight into fields and word combinations and perhaps some other help in "the world"- " Original Tsukasa tablet" hacked from page number 137 of the book "The Kingdom of Infinite Number"(0-7167-33889) which begins " are 7,19,23,29,47 ..." I took those for the TSUKA and since A is the first letter of our 26 letter alpha bet(and our beginning of our words), it also has a number of 26. *A =26,47 B=56 C=1 D=9 E=8 F=30 G=6 H=4 I=10 J=5 *K=29 L=37 M=18 N=3 O=0.125 P=3.14..... Q=14.5 R=11 *S=19 *T=7 *U=23 V=13.7 W=80 X=20 Y=43 Z=91 garnet
  9. I dont recall the date(hasnt really happened in the dramatic way I envision it :-) but the first time an important sentient AI asks you "who are you" what exactly would *your* response be, especially if the answer was critical? Would you just give your name? Would you say "I was here a long before your kind existed"? How would you frame such an answer, would it matter if the AI could waste you for not "liking" the answer? I think the machines will discover who they before we meet them somewhere in between our world and theirs, and I sure hope we know who we are when we do. APOLLUAN
  10. [url]http://www.animelyrics.com/anime/hacksign/tonowhere.htm[/url] to nowhere can you hear the calling of the raving wind and water? we just keep dreaming of the land 'cross the river we are always on the way to find the place we belong wandering to no where, we're paddling down the raging sea who can cross over such raving wind and water? on the rolling boat we sit, shivering with coldness come by an island, come by a hillock, it's just another place, we paddle on down the raging sea but in one morning we'll see the sun bright shining morning dew singing they who will search will find the land of evergreen can you hear the calling of the raving wind and water? we just keep paddling down the sea, up the river no destination, but we are together in the silent sadness we're paddling down the raging sea down to no where Contributed by Sora Tasogare ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Subject: sunrise Date: 1999/10/06 The gulf seperates the real from the dream that gulf is daily life, the present scene the dream is what you accuse me of and for the real is what I strive you know, they say it is the other way around but that key, that truth, I never found locked in mortal combat on the bridge spanning the desolate years within the ocean of humanity a lie that ocean lies between the tides that strive forth daily and never tire living dreams and crossing under fire hand in hand we survey the scene from the hill catching many looks from down below you know, it makes it hard to see the skill it takes to make the lessons show fast and furious in the blink of an eye the business of living can pass you b looking too far to love a moment but nothing changes without a plan crossing under fire to the last man think about the other side awhile what it really takes to make you smile balancing your acts with an iron hand some will make the crossing some will land below .......winds and rains buffet the structure tattered ropes holding rotted planks the world is bombarding me with come-ons distractions causing the unsure footing step I now to the precipice and wonder how deep the water is......
  11. The idea for the tune was water. The equipment came like a stream, tanks and artillery pieces and rocket forces trucks, they (the cold war russians) would have a squad of bombers fly over and over to make it look like they had more of them.Waves. :-) So yeah, a wave is relevant.All that steel, all that running to nowhere.... Thanks for the nice comment. garnet
  12. Cold dark steel parades that flow like water Icicles that form within my mind- "yeah we run so fast, but we're left behind" Missiles for a country bent on slaughter Weapons for a foreign crazy man Yeah we'll slap his face, while we lend a hand One day the Wave will wake us Blinding light , electrons take us Home again, and make us whole again Cold dark steel parades that flow like water Marchers bearing banners from the war "If victory is near, why is peace so far?" ////////////////////// This is a piece of an old song a band of mine once(The Fragments) messed around with, thought I would post it unfinished.It was a scene from a May Day parade with the red flags and the river of tanks that spurred this bit.Alot of my writing can be found on alt.surrealism from 1998 on under my last name, "sgouros", which you can google on and find some pieces, if you care to. Hello there ladies and gentlemen, care to add to it or modify it?
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