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Everything posted by Shinji-Kun

  1. Premarital sex is a touchy subject. But as long as they are responsible young adults (16+) I find nothing wrong with it. Being a teen is about experiancing things for the first time. It's a time in which you learn things for later in life. Same goes for sex. You learn how to do it, how you like it, and how to please the opposite sex. And I heard it was fun too.
  2. Ok, I don't really classify Vash as a gunfighter. Sure, he uses it in about every episode, but I think what makes a gunfighter a real gunfighter is to shoot to kill. So following this pattern, Spike would have to be a real gunfighter. If you have seen the Real Folk Blues Pt.2, you know what I am talking about.
  3. The thing that scares me the most is dying alone and never getting to experiance love...
  4. OMG. I just finished all the episodes and Love Hina Again endings. Everyone must see this anime. Why are you still reading this? Get up and go get this NOW!!
  5. I will stalk you Emme888 :stalks: MUHAHAHAHAHHAHA :babble: ;)
  6. Since when have lamborgini's been illegal in the USA?
  7. Hmm, Elenor is all I have to say. And if you want to know what that car is, watch Gone in 60 Seconds w/ Nicholas Cage.
  8. Hey don't you guys feel all alone. I know I am fairly new here, but I have good ears, and who knows, you guys could find a new friend, even tho, most of you have lots who knows? If you wanna talk: EMAIL: [email]solidsnake0802@yahoo.com[/email] AIM: Biigiins654
  9. Does it really matter? I mean, the whole reasoning behind wanting to know how a woman thinks is to possibly have a relationship with a certain woman. But by then, it is already to late. Now I may offend someone, and that is not my intention at all. I am just saying it how I have come to learn it. I think women think about the future more than anything. First, they analyze you for your looks, then they care about the other things. But, their thinking is correct. How could you possibly have a relationship with someone who you find non-attractive. I don't care if the person was a superman in all other areas, if he is ugly to you, then it won't make a bit of difference. And women always think about their future with particular men, even if they intend it to be a short relationship or a fling. But hey, what do I know? I haven't had a girlfriend for over a year, been in deep depressions that I can't escape, and just want to assume the life of an Anime character and be done with my life. Later.
  10. Well this thread has become quite interesting. At my highschool (thank the lord I am a senior) there a few cliques. The Rednecks - We all know who these people are. They drive the jacked up trucks, have the confed. flags on everything they own, and are basically pricks to everyone else. The Preps/ Drama People - I would make a new category for the Drama people cause they can be nice, but you know they are still mean at times. The Druggies / Wiggers / Gangsters - Do I really need to go into detail here? Computer / Anime / Intelligent / Whatever is left - This is the group I would classify myself as in. We have all different sorts of people here. Myself as a Computer/Anime freak. We are all Intelligent in our own ways and in different areas. This group doesn't look at education as a waste of our life, we will use it one day. We have our own lunch room, because we are so different and so alike as we are outcasts of the school. I guess its sad when you are used for you intelligence by the rest of the school. We run in circles and whenever we are in the same class, we usually outwhit the teacher... *sigh* I wish i was popular.
  11. But it's not the deep plot or story that really holds you to the series. I believe its the emotions more than anything. I can't speak for everyone, but the range of emotions that go thru the characters relate to me on so many levels, so I think that is what keeps me wanting more of Love Hina.
  12. I just started watching Love Hina and I must say it is pretty good. If only my downloads would come faster!!!
  13. [spoiler] The only reason the Eva pliots are kids is because for the Eva to function it needs the brain activity of a 13 year old. [/spoiler]
  14. The first Anime that I had ever seen was most likely Akira. However, I saw Project Ako and some wierd movie with this guy who couldn't be destroyed unless you shot this little head on top of his head. (Anyone know what anime I am talking about?) But I think the Anime that got me hooked to anime was Trigun.
  15. I have yet to see Knockn' on Heaven's Doors. I think I should pop it in the Cd drive and watch it. Man I have had it for like 4 months and still haven't gotten around to watching it.
  16. It was a good ending indeed. However, I could go through another series of Eva. Heck, Eva is a awesome anime and it should live on with many expendatures of its universe.
  17. Hmm favorite battle eh. I think it would have to be the Spike vs. Vicious battle. However, I also don't like it at the same time as Spike was [spoiler] wounded and Vicious was fresh. [/spoiler]
  18. Shinji-Kun

    spy kids 3

    Uhh if you see this movie.. You need serious help.
  19. Hmm, I think my favorite baddy from anime would have to be the wired. Now if you have seen Serial Experiments Lain, you would know what I am talking about. But if not GO WATCH IT NOW!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i] [B]First Question: I know no one knows if they will make another series of hellsing, but they left it so wide open. In the middle of episode 13 they show Alexander Anderson, so if he didn't die i believe that leads to more upcoming episodes in the future to be made. So i want to know if people agree with this or not.[/QUOTE] I heard they are making another season of Hellsing. So stay tuned and see if it is so. [QUOTE]Second Question: At the end of episode 13 they show a split face of Alucard one side of him with his usually face and the other side of him with a mustache and a roundhead haircut type style. In the manga they have Alucard and Hellsing fight the Nazi's so i was just wondering is the half of his face supposed to be Hitler??? Either that or my more reasonable guess is it was the true form of him as Dracula. Not trying to be prejudice or anything like that, but i really want to know the answer to this one the most.[/QUOTE] [spoiler] Dracula is supposed to be Vlad the Impaler. That is whom Alucard is since Alucard is Dracula spelled backwards. Vlad is famous for impaling his victims, and is exactly what he did to Incognito. [/spoiler] [QUOTE]Third Question: What ever happen to Victoria at the end they just leave it off with her taking care of Integral (why is her name a calculus term thats weird) and Victoria saying, "Alucard has to win, he's my master." LoL we never find out what happens to her so what do some people believe happen to her.[/QUOTE] It is not stated what happened to Victora. However, [spoiler] it is safe to assume that she is still with Hellsing if it is around and is still Alucard's pupil because she isn't ready to be a vampire on her own and has much to learn from Alucard. [/spoiler] [QUOTE]Last Question for now: At the very end of episode 13 they have Alucard break a wine glass then talks with Integral saying, "Integral it is time to choose." Was Alucard asking if she wanted to escape from jail or if she wanted to finally become a Vampire(for some unknown reason). [/QUOTE] [spoiler] Integral is fascinated yet disgusted with Vampires. It is apperent in that episode when Alucard was talking about her becoming one i think it was epi 10 or so. So he was asking her if she is ready to become a vampire. [/spoiler] Well thats it for now.
  21. They are there that is true, but [spoiler] The people who did die will come back because it is said because Shinji didnt finish the complemation project things can and will return what they once were. [/spoiler]
  22. Would you happen to have the location of this poster on the web, and maybe any additional information?
  23. That is very obvious of his name. And yes, Hellsing is worth it. It is a great series and any anime collector should have.
  24. Shinji-Kun


    Actually, the angel guns [spoiler] were incorparated in the guns that Knives made for Vash and himself. The gun causes a reaction to their plant bodies that create the angel gun. And in the last episode, when Vash and Knives are fighting, Knives says something to the effect that he didn't make the angel gun's to be used in a certain way. [/spoiler]
  25. Ok, This is probably a stupid question, and will be locked but I have to ask. I heard the other day that there was supposddly a new Eva series coming out. I would try to search this out but I am not good on the internet when trying to find things. Does anyone know if this is true, or if the person who told me was mistaking the re-mastered Eva for a new series? Thx
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