The (Sic) Shape
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William let out a loud yawn as he slowly walked on the path leading to Ermwell Inn. He ended sleeping in again, and he was still tired. He expected that everyone else was already there, but he never really worried about being late though, since he normally didn't play until there was alot of people. When William arrived he spotted Chi behind the lobby counter, and quickly said "hi" to her, who responded with a "good morning". He walked past the lobby to the bar, where he spotted Lysander and Van. "Sorry that I'm a little late," William said, now completely wide awake by the acitivity in the Inn. "Don't worry about it," Van told him, "Bryony has already set up the stage, so just relax until its time for a show. "Alright," William said, taking a seat in front of the bar.
Edited it - Done and done Name: William Arrowny Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 19 Hair Color: Black Skin Color: White Size: Tall, Skinny Clothing Style: Shirt, Vest, Pants Shoes: Boots Eye Color: Green Weapon: Throwing knifes Life Style: lives in own home Job: Musician Personality: Continuously Bored(when he's not playing), Friendly
?This is bad,? William muttered to himself when he heard the cop say that the other cop had disappeared. It was definitely a vampire. Pretty soon either him or the cop would be dead, and with backup coming, William decided to try and reason with him. He just hoped that the cop wasn?t as trigger happy as him. Slowly, he walked out of the ally and made himself visible to the cop, who now had his own shotgun pointed at him, standing behind his car. William kept walking but eventually stopped halfway, their weapons pointed at each other. ?Put your weapon down and get down on your knees with your hands up!? The cop yelled. ?Listen,? William started, ?I?ll put down my gun if you put down yours. There is someone, or something, here. It?s already got that guy and the cop, and it?ll get us too if we stay here. So how about we put away our guns and get out of here?? Just as he finished William began to see a shadow forming behind the cop. ?Get down!? William yelled as he pulled the trigger, the shells scattering, hitting the car as the cop ducked down, and the shadow was gone. William began to scan the area, trying to find that shadow. "You alright?" William asked, as the cop began to get back up.
William let out a loud yawn has he stretched out his legs in the front seat of his car beside him. He had picked up nothing interesting on his radio all day, and with still no leads whatsoever he thought it was best that he turned in for the day. Parked in a dark ally, he using his trench coat as a blanket, he took his guns from the front seat beside him and lazily tossed them in the backseat. Problem is William recently has had some trouble sleeping, as if he knew that something would come for him in his sleep and kill him and slowly. He seemed to have developed a case of insomnia and paranoia. He suddenly jolted from his seat when he began to hear faint sounds of a police car?s sirens. William quickly put back on his coat and holstered his revolver. Tightly holding his shotgun, he watched as a car began to stop as it skidded past the ally, followed by a police car. He silently got out of the car and walked toward the edge of the ally, and saw another cop car pull up. He looked to see two cops and some guy with his hands on his car. Suddenly, William saw a weird black flash before his eyes, and there was blood all over the car and pavement from where the man was. His eyes widened in surprise at the sight of it. He watched as one of the cops ran to his car and yelled something into his radio. He realized that something that could move so fast had to be one of those ?things?, a vampire. On impulse he loaded his shotgun, the loud sound echoing throughout the ally. ?*******,? William cursed, hoping that no one heard him.
RPG =Final Fantasy Legends & Legacies: Crusaders of Crescence=
The (Sic) Shape replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
[I]The Boogie gained the initiative by surprising the group and soon washed over them all, inflicting 30 damage to everyone and even poison to Gale, Aster and Biggs. Soon the Boogie re-manifested itself in front of them, as if creating a wall to prevent them from going further. ?Get this slime off of me!? Beatricia yelled as she frantically tried to get the sludge and ooze off her clothing. ?Don?t tell me we have to fight this thing!?!? Biggs asked, a frightened tone in his voice. ?We don?t seem to have a choice,? Wedge answered blankly. ?That?s what I was afraid of,? Cortez groaned. ?How the hell do we fight something so huge!?? Logan yelled out. ?Gale,? Aster started, ?Do you have a plan?? He stopped to consider the group?s options for about a minute, but he soon got a plan. ?Alright, we?ll attack this thing from two sides. Logan, Cortez and I will attack one side, and Aster, Biggs, Wedge, and Beatricia will attack from another. Ready?? Gale asked, unsheathing his weapon. Everyone simply nodded. ?Then let?s go!? Aster, Biggs, Wedge, and Beatricia soon ran to one side of the Boogie, weapons drawn, yet Biggs and Beatricia had trouble assuming a serious battle pose in front of the giant blob, even Aster could hardly hold a straight face. Beatricia cast Esuna on Biggs, healing the poison. ?Go, Wedge!? Biggs yelled, and the robot began charging toward the Boogie, landing a fist on the blob. Aster followed with his lance, slashing the Boogie, but then lost 24 HP due to the poison. The Boogie attacked by launching a piece of sludge at Biggs, but Wedge stepped between it and Biggs, protecting him. Wedge?s HP was reduced to 228, but was not inflicted with poison due to the fact he was a machine. Beatricia cast another spell, this time a cure spell, on everyone, healing 20 HP. Aster crouched to the ground, the suddenly pushed himself into the air with his lance, disappearing from the battlefield. Wedge?s fists began to flash and ran to the Boogie with a blitz attack, pummeling it with his fists, and Biggs soon followed suit with his own blitz attack, causing just as much damage. The Boogie retaliated by once again becoming a wave and washed over the three. Suddenly, a lance pierced through the giant blob, inflicting a great deal of damage, and Aster reappeared, pulled his lance out and swiftly landed back to where he last jumped. The poison took effect again, reducing Aster?s HP to 287. Beatricia cast a Cura spell on everyone this time, recovering 50 HP, Aster?s HP now 332 and everyone else?s completely healed. ?I wonder how the other?s are doing?? Beatricia suddenly asked.[/I] ______________________________ Members of Party 1, continue the battle. -
Name: William Bradford Willing To Become A Vampire?: No Age: 30 Gender: Male Weapons: Sawn-off Pump Action Shotgun, Magnum Revolver, and a small army knife Description: 6?2, light green eyes, slight muscular build, short black hair. Wears a pair of faded blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and a brown trench coat to conceal his weapons. Also wears dark blue sunglasses. Biography: William was a cop for six years until one night on a patrol he stumbled upon a woman running and screaming for help in a dark ally. He had attempted to calm her down when suddenly he saw a man appear in front of them, and was menacingly walking toward them. Like any cop, He pulled out his gun and yelled ?freeze!? but then the man suddenly ran toward William with inhuman speed and in an instant he felt a sharp pain in his wrist and dropped his gun. He realized that the attacker had latched onto his hand, or claws, into his wrist. William had managed to get a good look at him and saw that he had pale skin, red eyes, and fangs. When the attacker let him go he grabbed his wrist trying to stop the bleeding. The attacker then took William?s own gun and shot him in the leg, causing him to fall to the ground. He watched as the attacker began to assault the woman. Just as he fell unconscious due to the blood loss he saw the attacker bite her in the neck. When William came to he woke up in a jail cell. He soon learned that he had been charged for rape and murder from the incident before. He tried to tell them that it wasn?t him but someone else, and claimed that the attacker was some sort of vampire. Nobody believed him and the crime was pieced together that William was insane during the crime and he received his wounds when the woman attempted to defend herself. The evidence against him was his gun lined with his own fingerprints, a sharp piece of glass that the woman had used to defend herself, explaining the wound he had on his wrist, and his own army knife that was used to mutilate the woman after she was dead. William was charged for 15 years of prison. After a few months in prison, he learned a bunch of inmates were planning to attempt a break out by starting a riot and he decided to use this opportunity to escape. He was able to escape, along with two weapons he stole. After a few days he had managed to get some clothing and his car that was impounded, which still had the radio to listen to police transmissions. Now an armed fugitive on the run, he is travelling the city trying to find this ?vampire? that framed him of the murder and prove his innocence, laying low during the day and searching for any unusual activity during the night.
RPG =Final Fantasy Legends & Legacies: Crusaders of Crescence=
The (Sic) Shape replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
OOC: the chocobo is a normal yellow one and I?ll just name him Boco, for the lack of time and imagination. ____________________ Aster stopped as the chocobo began to walk slowly toward him, and let out a cheerful ?kweh? seeing his owner. Aster smiled as he stroked Boco?s neck. He then motioned Gale closer and then quickly mounted Boco, and Gale soon followed, gripping Aster?s waist. ?Ready?? Aster asked. ?Yes,? Gale answered, his nervousness apparent in his voice. Just as Gale said that, they heard more of the royal guards appear and saw they had quickly surrounded the area. Aster didn?t seem the least bit worried. He even let out a small, amused laugh. At that moment he tugged on Boco?s reins. ?Let?s go Boco!? Aster yelled, and Boco let out a loud cry as it rushed toward the guards. The guards were a little surprised, until suddenly Boco jumped over them all and ran through the streets as the guards attempted to follow them. ___________________________ OCC: Sorry about the short post, Sage, but I?m at a loss for words and you seem eager to post again. -
Personally, I really like this line up. I'm a big fan of Ozzy, Judas Priest, Black Label Society, Slayer, SlipKnot, Hatebreed, and Otep. So the front line up consists of mostly old bands. I don't mind, since they're all some of my favorite bands. The second stage line up isn't that good, I'll admit though, but everything else I like.
RPG =Final Fantasy Legends & Legacies: Crusaders of Crescence=
The (Sic) Shape replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
Aster drew out his lance and gripped it tightly as the guards were slowly surrounding him and Gale. He turned his head to see Gale unsheathing his sword. ?So what?s the plan?? Aster asked. ?We need to distract the guards until Logan and the others find Cortez. For now we need to fight our way through these guards and distract them until the others find Cortez,? Gale explained. ?Once they find him we'll regroup with the others and Cortez will lead us through the underground tunnels out of the city. Hopefully they'll find him before the royal guards, or even the Templar Knights arrive. The Queen would definitely send them after us once the news reaches her. So are you ready?? ?Of course,? Aster simply answered. *Engaged in battle with Mertonian guards* [U]Party: Gale ? Level: 5, HP: 250, MP: 25 ? Commands: Attack, Sword Art, Paysword, Item Aster - Level: 5, HP: 300, MP: 10 - Commands: Attack, Jump, Dragon Soul, Item[/U] [I]Two guards confronted Gale and Aster, their weapons drawn. Both Gale and Aster charged toward one of the guards and swiftly attacked him, killing the guard with their combined attacks. The other guard slashed Aster from behind, causing a critical hit. Soon another guard appeared and attacked Gale, but he quickly blocked it. ?Keep them busy,? Aster said as he crouched to the ground. ?Where are you going?? Gale asked. ?Don?t worry,? he answered as he suddenly jumped high into the air. Gale didn?t know what he was doing but he had no choice but to go along with it. He used his Paysword ability and attacked the guard in front of him, putting him in a near-death state. The other guard was about to attack, but suddenly a lance pierced through him and Aster appeared again, pulling his lance out of the guard?s body and jumped back to his original spot as the guard fell to the floor, dead. The remaining guard attempted to use a potion to cure his wound, but Gale was able to inflict the finishing blow before he got a chance. ?For a second there I thought you left me to fend for myself,? Gale said, relieved. ?Like I said, you just have to trust me. Get ready, more are coming!? Four guards appeared and surrounded them both. Two of the guards attacked Gale and one of them was successful but Aster stabbed the other guard in the back before he could attack Gale, causing a critical hit. Gale soon followed and slashed the same guard, defeating him. The other two ran toward Aster, and he was able to block the first guard, but the other one was able to slash him. Gale sneaked behind one of the guards and used the Sword Art, Slam, dazing him. Aster stabbed the dazed guard, killing him. The final guard attacked Gale after he used the Sword Art, and was successful, but Gale retaliated with the Counter ability, and made was able to slash the guard. Aster soon followed and stabbed the guard with his lance, defeating him. The battle ended with Gale having 232 HP and Aster 268 HP.[/I] *End of Battle. 70 EXP gained, 240 gil gained, 2 potions acquired* After defeating the guards they had made a clearing for the to escape. ?Come on!? Gale said, running ahead. Aster soon followed after him, and the guards began to chase after them. For a few minutes they kept to the streets but eventually decided to make their way through the alleys in an attempt to lose them. Eventually they stopped to catch their breaths and realized that the guards were no longer following them. They were about to continue until they suddenly heard footsteps behind them. They both turned to see a small group of soldiers walking toward them. Gale muttered a curse under his breath. ?Templar Knights,? Gale simply said. Suddenly they stopped a few steps in front of Gale and Aster, and moved out of the way as another Templar Knight who was donned in a different armor then the others, walked past them and stood in front of them. Gale?s eyes widened in surprise to see him. ?F-father.? ___________________________________ OCC: There. Edited like you asked me to. -
RPG =Final Fantasy Legends & Legacies: Crusaders of Crescence=
The (Sic) Shape replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
Aster stood still in front of the old noble city of Camelot, taking the time to survey the large, elegant mansions, their lights seemed almost mesmerizing in the darkness of the night through the mist. It had been had been awhile since he last visited home, but now wasn?t the time. A messenger had told him that Lord Rougan requested his audience after he returned from his successful mission. Eventually Aster began to walk again straight toward Lord Rougan?s Mansion. He soon arrived, reaching the gates. The guards remained idle has he passed through, entering the estate. Aster was then greeted by a young woman in a maid?s attire. ?Welcome,? she said, ?Do you have any business with Lord Rougan?? ?I was called here by a messenger. My name is Aster.? ?Ah yes. The master has been expecting you. He is in the library. Please follow me.? Aster was lead through the dark hallways of the mansion, illuminated by torches. They soon stopped in front of a large door. ?The library is beyond this door,? she told Aster, politely bowing as she let him. He let out a sigh and pushed open the door, revealing Lord Rougan?s small, personal library. Aster continued further inside, trying to find any trace of him. He soon found him, deep in thought of the book he was reading, standing in front of a large window. Lord Rougan suddenly closed his book, and turned around to face Aster. ?Aster, good to see you again. First of all, congratulations on finding those spies, but there maybe more. We?ll be making another patrol soon, just in case,? Lord Rougan said. ?Thank you, my Lord. But I?ve been wondering why you have called me here.? ?Alright. I appreciate you wanting to get to the heart of the matter,? Lord Rougan started, ?Anyways, I have recently acquired some news about Queen Fuchsia, the holder of the Throne of Mertonia. There has been a failed assassination attempt, not only that there had been rumors that she is ill, and she plans to announce her successor tomorrow.? Aster was a little confused by this. ?But Mertonia?s affairs don?t involve us. Neither do our affairs involve them. Why are you telling me this?? ?I was about to mention that the successor is member of the House of the White Rose. If she were to become the high priestess surely she would plan to crush the Rebellious, and our campaign would have all been for nothing,? Lord Rougan explained. ?So what am I to do?? Aster asked. ?You must assassinate her before she is officially announced as the Holy Heir. Her last known location is the Jaide Palace. If she were to become the next queen it would not be good for us. I have already prepared a Chocobo for you. With the Chocobo you shall arrive in Mertonia within the hour. Good luck.? Aster bowed to Lord Rougan and left the library. He soon arrived to the stables and found the Chocobo. He quickly took it out of the stable, and mounted the Chocobo, well on his way to Mertonia. -
RPG =Final Fantasy Legends & Legacies: Crusaders of Crescence=
The (Sic) Shape replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
Aster silently walked through the dark moors, his lance in his hands, being cautious of anyone that would attack him from the thick mist around him. He began playing back his objective in his head. [I]"There have been a group of White Roses that have been spying on the Rebellious, and they even managed to gather some information. There have been sightings of this group nearby. We are going to split up, find them and kill them. The winds will be coming soon so be sure to seek shelter. If we don't find them once the winds have passed we'll return to base."[/I] Aster suddenly gripped his lance tighter as he was interrupted from his thoughts by a strange roar. He turned to face the direction the sound came from, prepared for whatever was going to attack him. Then the monster made itself visible has it jumped toward Aster. It was simply a Fang. It then rushed toward him. *Engaged in battle with Fang* [U]Party: Aster - Level 5, HP: 300, MP: 10 - Commands: Attack, Jump, Dragon Soul, Item[/U] [I]Fang runs toward Aster and attacks him with Tackle, losing 5 HP. Aster stabs Fang with his lance, killing it instantly.[/I] *End of battle. 15 EXP gained, 0 gil gained, no items acquired* Aster sighed heavily. It was a simple battle, and he was hoping for something more challenging. Either that or find that group of White Roses. ?NOW! GET HIM!? Someone yelled. Aster tried to locate the person who said that, but suddenly, 4 people appeared out of the mist and surrounded Aster. He could see the insignia of the House of the White Rose on their clothing. *Ambushed in battle by White Rose Soldier, WR Archer, WR Black Mage, WR White Mage* [U]Party: Aster - Level 5, HP: 295, MP: 10 - Commands: Attack, Jump, Dragon Soul, Item[/U] [I]Archer attacked first, and uses the Boost ability. Soldier attacked next, running toward Aster and delivered a quick slash before he could react. Black Mage casts fire on Aster, now having 264 HP. Aster suddenly Jumps into the sky, disappearing from sight. The group did nothing as they waited for him to come back down. A spear suddenly impaled through Black Mage seconds later, bringing him to a near-death state. White Mage casts Cure on him. Archer attacks Aster with an arrow, inflicting more damage due to the previous Aim ability. Soldier attacks once more, but this time missing as Aster quickly dodged his attack. Black Mage casts blizzard this time, Aster?s HP reduced to 226. Aster attacks with his lance on Black Mage, killing him this time. Archer fires another arrow, making contact from behind. Soldier attacks Aster, this time it was successful. Aster attacks White Mage this time, with a critical hit, killing him. Archer uses Boost again, and Soldier attacks, reducing Aster?s HP to 198. Aster Jumps, and the two wait patiently to return. Aster?s lance lands on the Archer, putting him in weakened state. Archer fires again, but misses. Soldier attacks, and makes a critical hit. Aster attacks Archer, defeating him. Soldier attacks again, and Aster blocks it with his lance. Aster attacks, but misses as Soldier sidestepped and attacked him. Aster attacks and makes a critical hit. Soldier uses a potion to heal and Aster attacks again and Soldier is defeated, with Aster now having 161 HP left.[/I] *End Battle 40 EXP gained, 20 gil gained, 1 potion acquired* ?Hope that was all of them,? Aster silently said to himself. Suddenly, he began to feel the winds pick up. Aster wouldn?t have time to head back. He would have to find shelter. Aster crouched to the ground, and jumped high into the sky? -
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
The (Sic) Shape replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
Rayne's grip on his Blood Reaver strengthened as he dodged the strange water being's tentacles. It was getting harder as more and more began to manifest and attack him, and he won't be getting near the crystal if this kept up. As a tentacle rushed toward him, Rayne slashed through it, causing it to fall off, making it turn into a harmless puddle. He swiped through more of the tentacles as he once again to get closer to the being. He spotted a strange glow in the center of the being, no doubt was it the crystal, but that let his guard down and was pushed back by a tentacle and crashed into a tree. Rayne began to consider another tactic and vanished into mist. It moved closer back to the center, and Rayne reappeared, cutting a hole in the being and grabbing the glowing object, and vanished back into mist... -
Music to me is a way of life, a form of art, a way of expressing yourself. Without music I would rather be deaf then have nothing to listen to. Most of the music I listen to is heavy metal, and it puts me in a better mood, sometimes making me fell nostalgic or depressed, and helps me concentrate better.
RPG The Seekers of Destruction: Eovyn's Underworld
The (Sic) Shape replied to Dead Alice's topic in Theater
Rayne let out an angered groan as he walked the paths of The Forest of Telzena. He had been searching for the crystal for awhile, and he had found no trace of it. His patience was getting thinner by the second. Could that preist have lied to him to prevent him from getting the crystal? Rayne slowly began to consider the thought, but if the crystal was surely here, then they certainly would have taken some measure to guard it. Rayne traveled lower and deeper in the forest, to the very center, and suddenly, he felt this strange feeling, as if it was trying to ward him off, yet he continued to walk toward this strange resonance. As he reached the center he saw strange glowing lake, and something in the center seemed to stick out. As he reached the tip of the lake he could see a small crystal shard in the center, deep below. Could this be the crystal? It would be hard for him to obtain the crystal, but as he set foot in the lake, the area around Rayne began to shake, and the water began to gather itself into a strange figure. Rayne drew his Blood Reaver. If they would guard this lake, then surely he had found the crystal. -
Sign Up Final Fantasy Legends & Legacies: Crusaders of Crescence
The (Sic) Shape replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
EDIT: Edited this on your suggestions, Sage ___________________________________ NAME: Aster GENDER: Male AGE: 27 APPEREANCE: Has slightly pale skin, short blond hair with scarlet streaks, 6 feet tall, slight muscular build, dark blue eyes, wears a dragoon armor that is black and crimson red. On the back of his armor shows a dragon holding a red rose and a blue rose in it?s mouth. His face is covered by a helmet which resembles a dragon?s head that matches with his armor. HOMELAND/TOWN: Aristocracy of Rosaria/Camelot BIOGRAPHY: Born to a noble family in Camelot, The House of The Blue Rose, Aster was raised to hate the House of White Roses, and in a young age he was taught under the teachings of the dragoon for his ancestors were dragoons, and he was to carry on the legacy. The more Aster learned, the more eager he wanted to fight against the White Roses. When he became 17 years old he joined the Rebellious, ready to fight alongside his father and the other warriors of the Rebellious, but his first battle had become disastrous. During his first time with a patrol group they were ambushed, and many of them were killed before they could even react, including his father. Aster had managed to fight off most of the White Roses, but he soon became too weakened to fight. He was surrounded by the remaining White Roses, but when he realized that he was the only one alive, he went into a mad rage and somehow killed the remaining soldiers. When Aster found his father?s corpse, he took his lance, which had been dubbed ?Kain?s Lance?, and his helmet and vowed to carry on his legacy. Ever since then he has become one of the most powerful soldiers of the group Rebellious. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic JOB: Dragoon ABILITIES: A1: Jump - Jumps high into the sky to deliver powerful damage to the enemy. A2: Dragon Soul: Can tame a dragon and control them to attack for him. S: Battle Cry: When Aster is weakened his power and speed increases slightly. WEAPON: Kain's Lance: A powerful lance that had once belonged to a legendary dragoon.