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The (Sic) Shape

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Everything posted by The (Sic) Shape

  1. Zieg and Veil walked slowly walked through the halls, remaining silent ever since they left the so-called "training session." They both seemed to be in deep thought about what happened to the students that fought alongside them, and the fact that they had killed many of the students themselves, yet their faces showed as if they didn't seem to care. Eventually, Zieg broke the silence with a sigh. "Veil, I need to ask you something." They both stopped, and she just simply turned to face him, waiting for him to continue. "Kitsune said that you told the administrators that it was that kid Haze who set off that bomb earlier." "Why are you asking me?" She asked, "You already know. I know that you hacked into my wrist-com and already broke the codes from that wire." Zieg let out a small laugh. "Alright then," He said, "Let me rephrase that. Why did you tell the administrators? I know that you did so you could get ahold of the evidence, but why to get that certain wire? I though if it to be useless, since I was able to break through the codes easily and there was useless data. Why did you need that one peice of wire?"
  2. Zieg quietly walked through the halls of the Dormitory, looking for Veil's room. If what Kitsune actually said was true, then he would want to hear it from her. "[i]Strange for her to do something that like that. But then again, she was always like that before we met.[/i]" He stopped in front of Veil's door, and lightly knocked on it. He waited there for a few seconds, then knocked again, this time a little harder. Zieg waited, but nothing happened. "[i]She must be sleeping. Oh well, I'll talk to her later.[/i]" As he continued walking he started thinking how else he could get in touch with Veil. He suddenly stopped, and quickly made his way back to his room. Once the door was locked and secure, he started up his laptop on his desk. Soon he began to type rapidly, and uploaded the data on Veil's wrist-com, unbeknowest to her. He hacked into her files and looked at the most recent data, which were some encryption codes to a small peice of wire, no doubt that student's Haze's work. He let out a smile, now knowing why she did it. Zieg was now at work peicing the codes together...
  3. Zieg let out a yawn as he walked through the halls, watching as the remaining students quickly ran into their classrooms. Unlike everyone else, he wasn't in his uniform. He had been up all night in VR Training, and he was too tired to even care about his next class, even though he never did. He didn't even know where he was going, he was just simply wandering through the halls. Soon Zieg was the only person in the empty hallways. Suddenly, he started to hear banging and screaming nearby, obviously muffled. He let out a sigh as he followed the sound to a storage closet of some sort. He opened it to see a young student. At first he thought that Zieg was one of them, but then he just walked away, leaving the student confused of what just occured. "[i]Another victim of those stupid bullies[/i],"Zieg just thought. Soon he found himself in the cafeteria. At first he thought that no one was there, until he saw someone, the person's head on one of the tables. He decided to take a closer look, and he soon recongnized her. It was Mira, one of James's friends, and she still hadn't noticed that Zieg was right in front of her. "[i]Strange, it isn't like her to be intentionally late for class. Might has well keep her company. No doubt James will blame me if anything happens to her.[/i]" Zieg then took the seat across from her and waited for her to lift her head to see who it was.
  4. I'm a huge fan of heavy/dark/death metal and some hard rock, since it's pretty much the only kind of music I like. I got like 50 favorite bands so I'm going to mention some of them. One of my most favorite bands is SlipKnot for the incredibly hard sound and screaming lyrics. I also like some of the meanings of the songs, like for "Surfacing". Marilyn Manson would be next on my list, and I really liked the Golden Age of Grotesque, but Mecahnical Animals would have to be my favorite album, since I find it as the most depressing out of all the others. Recently I've been listening to KoRn's alot, since I got ahold of their latest album, Take A Look In The Mirror, a few days ago, but the problem is that it's not that long, but I really enjoyed it while it lasted. The album had some songs that were similar to the previous albums, which I like, but "Ya'll Want A Single" would have to be my favorite. I also like some older metal bands, my most favorite being Iron Maiden. After twenty years they're still playing. I really love the sound and Bruce Dickinson's vocals melding together, and the dark-themed songs. I also like most of the bands that were already mention previously, but I'm going to stop here.
  5. I've been playing guitar for about four years now and I'm pretty good at it. As for being in a band Heretic_Hatred and I are currently looking for at least two more members for a band we're starting, which we have called "Freak Show on Demand", which is also a song that we're working on. Right now I'm the first guitarist, Heretic_Hatred is the drummer, and one of our friends is the bassist. He could be the second guitarist if we can find a bassist. We're also looking for someone to do the vocals, but at the way things seems to be going, I'll end up being the vocalist.
  6. Iscariot suddenly stopped in his tracks as he felt another distortment. He could sense another demon's presense. No. Not one, but two. "Strange. How could they just appear all of a sudden?" Iscariot asked aloud. He faced the direction back to the allyway, but stopped to consider his options. Iscariot just let out a sigh as he suddenly jumped high on top of a building. He then ran across it, jumping from building to building, until he landed behind Blake. "We meet again," Iscariot said with a grin, "Surely you can't be the disturbance I felt." "Of course not, you crass bastard," Blake answer, "What you felt was two demons entering this realm, and they'll soon be on their way here." Suddenly, a fireball came rushing toward them, and completely destroyed a fragment of the roof. But both of them were quick enough to evade damage. Blake had already taken flight and Iscariot swiftly landed in the allyway, surprising Ariyel, Ryan and Logan once again. "You again. Why the fuck are you here?" Ryan asked. "Relax. I'm here to help you stop these demons." As Iscariot took up his sword they turned to see a harpy-like creature, sparks of electricity sparkled around it. "Well speak of the devil..."
  7. I'll dedicate "I Am Hated" by SlipKnot to Heretic_Hatred, for it is one of our favorite songs and he is one of my best friends on OB and in real life. Stay (sic) my good friend.
  8. "How strange," Iscariot said aloud, giving away his presence to Ariyel, Ryan and Logan, "A servant of God making an alliance with his very enemy? Very strange indeed." "So you're the one that vanished," Ryan said, preparing to attack, his sword and cross out. Iscariot just laughed. "Do you really think that a peice a metal will weaken me? Like I said to that other one, I've become adapted to the humans. Some of my former weaknesses are gone." "You are Iscariot? Are you not?" Ariyel asked. "Do you know me?" "I know you plenty enough to see through your tricks," She answered. Iscariot stared intently into her eyes, trying to remember. Suddenly, memories flashed before his eyes, the constant battles with her. "Ariyel," he simply muttered. "You are correct. But how is it that you have no real memory? I guess it was a mistake to try to force demons into the Earth Realm." "What are you talking about?" "I guess I was right, you lost your memories. If you want to know more about yourself, join me. I'll help you go back to the Chaotic Realm." Iscariot turned his back against them. "I have no intention of joining with you demons." "Then your are fighting agianst them, siding with the humans?" Logan asked. "I don't plan on siding with such pathetic creatures, either." Iscariot began to walk away. "I have a feeling that we will meet again, especially you, Ariyel." In seconds, his presence could no longer be sensed...
  9. Sorry about my late entrance, just couldn't think of the right time to intervene... _____________________ Iscariot walked toward the feeding vampire, but he sensed something else. He stopped to face Iscariot, blood still on his fangs. "You're a sloppy butcher vampire. The humans will be all over us if you plan to just leave their bodies and let the others run," Iscariot said to him, "Besides, you're letting the young man's blood go to waste." He picked up the man's dead body and sank his teeth into him. In seconds the blood was drained from the body and the skin became pale. Iscariot then threw the body away from him. The vampire just stared at him. "Who the hell are you? Why didn't I sense you?" Blake asked Isacriot. He simply laughed. "I've beome adapted to the humans. I cannot be sensed so easily." "But that's impossible!" Blake yelled, "No fledging vampire could do that. Why are you even here?" "I've been sensing alot of commotion here," Iscariot explained, "I just came to see the ruckus. Can you not sense it? Two others here, as well as one with blessed weapons, but I'm pretty sure it won't matter to you. Farewell." Iscariot walked away, leaving behind a confused Blake has he walked closer to the distortment.
  10. Name: Rayne Age: 2500 Sex: Male Race: Vampire Location: The Underworld Side: I think you know Weapon: Look at his appearance, it is called Blood Reaver Powers: Mist (The ability to assume a mist form) Personality: Rayne is very arrogant and impatient. He only treats kindly to the creatures of the Underworld, but he isn?t merciful to them. He shows no pity or remorse for anything. He will kill anyone and anything in his way. He prefers to be alone as well as fight alone so that nobody will hold him back. He always likes to play around the person he is fighting or chasing. Bio: Rayne was born in the Underworld. His father was the leader of the Underworld, and he was destined to take his place when he died. For centuries he has been constantly training himself, wanting to become the most powerful warrior of the Underworld. When he became 500 years old he began to forge the ultimate weapon with his own blood and un-life, making it eternally bound to him. He has called it the Blood Reaver, and it becomes more powerful after every victim it kills. A millennium later he became the new leader of the Underworld. Soon he became hungry for more power, and wanted to rule all of Eovyn. For centuries he searched for the power that could destroy all of Eovyn. Then one night he sneaked into Lerenie and found a text that was written by the Ancients, that a powerful crystal infused with the Chosen one would bring the end of Eovyn. He quickly escaped Lerenie, killing everyone who were foolish enough to try to stop him, and retreated back to the Underworld, and is now looking for those worthy to help him find the crystal and the Chosen one? Appearance:[URL=http://www.nosgoth2.net/Defiance/images/LoKDefiance_KainRender1.jpg]Click Here[/URL]
  11. I'll join up again, and as your rival, Zieg. There are a few changes. ________________________________ Name: Zieg Valentine Age: 19 Apperence: Short black hair that is spiked up, dark blue eyes, lightly pale skin, wears dark red t-shirt, black jeans and boots. At times he wears a dark brown trench coat. Bio: Silent and calm most of the time, Zieg is a loner who has become one of the best MPSB pilots in the academy. Unlike the majority of the students, he is constantly defying his superiors, being late for classes and never wearing his uniform, which is one of the reasons why he is a loner. Being alone most of the time he is always training through virtural reality systems, since he has never been through acutal battle experience, like everybody else. He is also very talented with computers, able to hack into systems, as well as the VR systems and the own academy's. He also seems to have a problem with James, since he is always fighting with him in MPSB training whenever he gets the chance, but it always ends up in a draw. Unlike most of the students, he never has cared for the world outside the academy. Mech Name: Prowler Apperance:[URL=http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/rpg/xenosaga2/screens.html?page=3]Click here[/URL] Weapons: Machine guns on the head, a lazer-beam sword and lazer rifle.
  12. I am a huge fan of SlipKnot ever since the album Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. I can't wait for their new album, but I didn't hear that the album was going to be less heavy and more melodic, but as Joey Jordison (#1) as put it, it is going to be a "dark, dark record", where the band is going to use instruments and ideas that the band have never thought possible, including xylophones! The latest news about the Knot is that they are back in the Houdini Mansion, finishing up the album. Not only that, they'll be touring with Metallica through Europe, which is cool! I got two favorite songs. The first one is "I am Hated", the angriest 2 minutes of death metal since Slayer's "Angel of Death". I love the rythem and lyrics of the song. My other favorite would have be "Purity". If you know what its about then you'll know why its my favorite. My favorite band member would have to be Mick Thomson (#7) becuase he my one of my favorite guitarists. i also have a electric guitar but I'm not as good as him.
  13. I thought it was a great game. I loved the battle system, killing all of those monsters. The graphics are great and I loved the hard rock music that starts playing while you're fighting. They could've have improved it by having a more deeper story, because after awhile its gets boring after constantly fighting monsters when you enter a room. As for the last boss it was pretty easy. I had more trouble against Nelo Angelo and Nightmare. Sorry, but I forgot how to get the shotgun so I can't help you out. And yes, you can get Sparda if you beat it on hard mode, but the only problem is that you can't use Devil Trigger. You also unlock Dante Must Die! Mode, which is incredibly hard. Yoy can also get another character if you beat it. One last peice of advice on Devil May Cry 2: DON'T GET IT!
  14. Name: Iscariot Species: Vampire Age: 120, but looks 30 Gender: Male Realm: Earth Personality: He prefers to be alone and always has been for he is the only vampire on the Realm of Earth. He is easily irritated by humans and is constantly hunted down by them. He is always trying to become stronger. Description: Stands at 6', pale skin, blood red eyes, long shoulder-length silver hair. Wears only black shoulder armor wrapped around his chest, his left shoulder armor is shattered, wears black pants, thick gauntlets, armor around his left arm, and large brown boots. Weapons: Asides from his normal vampric abilites, he carries a large sword crafted in the shape of lighting with blood stained on it. The hilt has several runes carved into it. He also has two daggers hidden under his gauntlets. Bio: A vampire who one day awoke on the realm of Earth, with no memory of his past, and only with his sword in hand. He only remembers his name, and that he is a vampire. Ever since then he has been nurturing his vampiric abilities, constantly, trying to become stronger, trying to survive. He has been living on the realm of Earth for over a hundred years, feeding and killing humans, but still doesn't know of his true purpose on Earth.
  15. Name: Skryer Position: Trapped Player Class: Heavy Blade Level: 40 Weapon: Sakabatou Height/Weight: 6', 180 lbs. Appearance: Black hair with long spikes, dark blue eyes, wears heavy black armor, huge shoulder plates that are dark red on his left shoulder and dark blue on the other. Also wears gold gauntlets, silver leg armor and boots. Personality: Prefers to play alone and is constantly fighting monsters to become stronger, but when fighting with a party he will always help them when they need it. Now that he is trapped in "The World" he has become more depressed and is mostly just wandering around fields deep in thought when he is alone, fighting the occasional monster. Cause: Plays "The World" becuase he has always loved videgames, but now is playing to get out of "The World". In Real Life: Name: Clyde Ashford Age: 27 Occupation: Videogame Designer Height/Weight: Same as "The World" Appearance: Short black hair, lightly pale skin, and light green eyes. Normally wears a red t-shirt, black jeans, shoes. Sometimes he wears a brown trench coat. Personality: Same as "The World"; Prefers to be alone but when with friends he will always help them out. Bio: He has always loved videogames since he was a child and becuase of his love for videogames he became a designer. Once he got ahold of "The World" he played nonstop. Until one day his girlfriend found him collapsed in front of his computer...
  16. Name: Clyde Ashford Age: 26 Gender: Male Specialty: Guns Weapon(s): dual .45 Silverballer handguns, custom-made. Appearance: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/2-4.htm]Go Here. At times he also wears a brown trench coat.[/URL] Bio: He lived a normal life and had a good education when he was child. The only really sad thing that happened in is life was that his mother died when he was at a young age. His father was a famous Artifact-Merc who now runs a small weapons shop and Clyde wanted to follow him in his footsteps. His father taught him in gunmanship and once he finished school he joined a group of Artifact-Mercs, and his father gave Clyde his dual handguns as a gift and custom-made it for him. By the time he reached 26 he heard that Dr. Kurt Krowe was looking for a bunch of Artifact-Mercs and he left his group to join.
  17. Shouldn't this be in the Anime Forum? Anyways, this "Ban Anime" petition doesn't have a chance. The majority of the signatures in that petition are simply protesting against it rather then supporting it. Also this petition started just becuase of TWO animes, TWO. It's a a worthless cause.
  18. I won't be able to help you out with sports but for the other two I'm good at. For Action/Adventure there are plenty. Some of the new ones are pretty good. One good one is True Crime: Streets of LA. Its much like Grand Theft Auto, but also different. It's a game with shooting, fighting, and driving elements with a story that isn't great but not bad. The cool thing about it is the branching storyline, meaning that what you do in one mission affects the next one, and you never have to repeat the same mission twice. Some problems is that the fighting system can be frustrating and the game is short story-wise. Another Action game is Freedom Fighters. It's pretty fun with the "recruit and command" system where you recruit up to 12 Freedom Fighters and order them to attack and defend. The story is alright and the game is short, but there are plenty of ways to complete a level that'll it'll keep you entertained. One problem is the difficulty, it's pretty hard and you'll get easily bored on the easy difficulty, but all in all, it's a pretty fun game. The people who made Freedom Fighters also made Hitman 2, a stealth-based action game. The story isn't great but there's a wide variety of gameplay. There's also a rating system that rates you at the end of each mission, ranging from Mass Murderer to Silent Assassin. Another good stealth based game is Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, which is a newer version of Sons of Liberty. The story is great and the gameplay is fun. The new features that are added on are new missions, alternative stories and a skateboarding minigame. Legacy of Kain: Defiance is a good action game with a Devil May Cry battle system and a Ico-inspired camera movement. It can get boring after awhile but this is a game that diehard Legacy of Kain fans should get. The other legacy of Kain games are pretty good but its mostly a story-based game.
  19. I'm currently listening to "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath from their Reunion Album, which is a live CD and is pretty much the most recent, asides from greatest hits CDs or Tribute Albums. Problem with this song is that's its too short, only about 2 minutes, but its a great song.
  20. Vincent quickly flew toward Talen, who was still ready to fight even with the electricity surging through him. Vincent felt another one of Kaiya's arrows fly past him and watched as it sparkled with electricity toward Talen, but he quickly deflected it with his blade, and that left him open, giving Vincent enough time to attack him. He quickly channeled dark energy into his blade and attempted to stab through Talen's armor, but it only shattered a large fragment of his breastplate, but now he had a weak spot. Vincent tried again to stab Talen but he quickly hit it away with his own sword and kicked Vincent away from him. Talen prepared to attack again despite the electricity still around him. As for Kaiya she was now aiming for the open area of Talen's armor as Talen charged toward Vincent.
  21. User Name: Scissor player class: Heavyblade Player type: Newbie Level: 13 Looks: long silver hair tied into a ponytail, dark red eyes, and pale skin. Has parts of red armor on his left shoulder, legs, and right arm while everything else is all black, which is his shirt, pants, boots, and gauntlets. Weapon name: Flamberge Weapon level: 3 Weapon skills: Calamity
  22. ...But Talen's blade suddenly stopped on another sword, stopping right atop of Kaiya's throat, dark energy swirling around the intruder's blade. Talen was suddenly pushed back by the Dragoon, as the dark energy from his sword faded. Vincent stood in front of Kaiya, readying his blade. He simply smiled at Talen. "How dishonorable, attacking someone who is unarmed, but I guess you could expect that from a Winglie." Vincent seemed to hit a nerve when he said that and Talen suddenly attacked with full force toward Vincent, the dark energy returning to him. Both blades clashed as the dark energies surrounded them. They remained there for a few seconds, trying to push the other back, but then they both pulled away, and again charged at each other again and again, moving at incredibly quick speeds, their blades seeming to sound like thunder as they clashed against each other. The dark energy around them continously grew larger and larger, breaking up the ground under them as the kept going higher and higher. Then they suddenly stopped, a small distance away from each other as they stared at each other. They both smiled, enjoying the battle between them. Then they both began to charge up for another attack, the dark energy now completely focused into their swords, and without hesitation rushed toward each other, their blades clashed together once again, the dark energy now scattered, and both Vincent and Talen remained still, their eyes not leaving the other, struggling to push the other away...
  23. I wanted to post here before the year was over so here it is. My most favorite Album of 2003 is: [B]Iron Maiden: Dance of Death[/B] I got this as soon as I could for I am a huge Iron Maiden fan and since there hasn't been a new album for three years (I mean one that wasn't just a collection of their best songs or a live album) . The 13th CD of Iron Maiden starts of with the drummer Nicko McBrain kicking off with a "one-two-three-four" before going into the first song, "Wildest Dream." The vocals seemed a little off to me but it was a great opener. The second song, "Rainmaker" was alot more better and the guitar solo was great, as well as the vocals. The next song, "No More Lies", started slow and melodic, but got completely loud when it reached the chorus. The same goes for "Dance of Death," but they are both powerful tracks. "Montsegur" is alot like their older songs, for it is alot more darker themed then the other songs, as well as "New Frontier", which is a musical sibling to an older song, "Number of the Beast." Only two tracks didn't really seem to reach me, and they were "Gates of Tomorrow", and "Age of Innocence." Some parts sounded like the vocals seemed to be way off. I'm not saying these two tracks are bad, just not as good as the other tracks. "Paschendale" is another one of those songs about a battle in a war, such as "The Trooper." This one tells the tale of a battle in Germany during WWII. This is one the of the longest tracks on the CD, and is one of my favorite songs along with "Dance of Death" on this CD. "Paschendale" has great lyrics and vocals, drums, and guitar solos. The final song, "Journeyman," is the slowest song and not one of my favorites but its a great closer. Overall, this is a great album that any Iron Maiden fan should get. The band has been alive for 20 years but they haven't changed a bit in their style. Well, not by alot.
  24. My most favorite DBZ game would have to be DBZ Legends, even though it was in japanese. The fighting system was pretty fun and the controls were pretty simplistic. It was also cool cool seeing all of the characters' signature moves. One of the coolest moves was SS3 Goku's Kamehameha. The graphics weren't that bad and there are also a variety of characters to choose from. I also liked that the fight is affected on which characters you choose from, such as when you fight Androids 16, 17, and 18. If Goku isn't fighting, Android 16 won't be there. Another cool thing that you can do that you can't do in Budokai is that you can fly around freely.
  25. I don't think Maha has turned into Mia becuase a friend showed me a preview from a magazine of the last .hack game and it showed a screenshot of Maha, but it looks deformed, probably becuase it was [spoiler]data drained[/spoiler]. Just wanted to point that out.
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