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The (Sic) Shape

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Everything posted by The (Sic) Shape

  1. Clyde saw that the window in the room was open. He looked outside and turned to Minami. "He must've jumped out the window." "Well, we need to look for him! I wasted time and money on this guy for information and he escapes!" Minami had grabbed Clyde by his collar and was shaking him. Once she let go Clyde walked over the the chair with the blue coat hung over it and took it in his hands. "Relax. The guy will probably come back to get his coat so we'll lure him out with this." Clyde then just calmly moved to the window, and jumped out. He ran to the entrance to the Inn and saw Minami run out the door, stopping next to Clyde. "Let's go the the bar," Clyde said, "We might be able to ask anybody if they saw anybody suspicous. Besides, I need a drink." The two quickly made their way to the bar.
  2. Clyde had been mediatating on the bed for God knows how long, but he suddenly snapped from it when he heard noise from the room next to him, and he heard someone yell. "Stay in here, and don't go anywhere! I want my information and I plan to get it," He heard a young woman say, "Got that!?!" Clyde then got up, and decided to get something to eat. As he exited his room he saw a young woman slowly walking through the hall, singing a little song that Clyde was interested in. He decided to go talk to her. He walked up to the woman to see her fumbling with a key to open the door to her room. "Excuse me," Clyde started, "Do you mind if I help you with that?" She just looked at him, a skeptical look on her face. He could tell that she had been drinking, and it was no doubt that the person she was yelling at was even more drunk. Reluctantly she handed him the key, as Clyde was opening the door he said, "That song you were singing. I seems that you got something against Vash the Stampede. I was wondering if you have any information about him?" "Not really, but I just met a man who says that he has some information on him." Clyde could smell alcohol in her breath as she spoke, and the man she was talking about was probably more drunk. For all they both knew the man was just some poor drunk trying to get a place to stay by giving false information, but Clyde needed information. "Could it be possible that I could get that information as well?"
  3. In a Post Office in town of New July, a young man was signing out a form for a big box that was right next to him on the counter. Once he filled it out he handed it to the employee in front of him. "Alright Mr. Madigan, all we need now is money for the delivery. You do now it'll take a couple of weeks to get the package to December?" Clyde simply nodded and handed him the cash. The employee grunted as he picked up the box. "Damn, what do you have in this thing?" He didnt answer. All that was in there was some clothes, toys, souvenirs, and a small envelope with a wad of cash. Clyde leaned against the counter, waiting. He then overheard two people in the line behind him. He tried to drown them out but then he heard something interesting. "Did you hear? Vash the Stampede was spotted in a town not to far away from here. Word is that he might be coming here." Clyde began to listen in intently but snapped from his thoughts as he heard the employee talk to him. "Alright Mr. Madigan, everything's going to be fine and I would like to thank you for using the New July Post Off-" He stopped when he was Clyde was already out the door. Clyde quickly made his way back to the Inn he was staying in and talked to the Inn Keeper. "I need my room for another day or two. Here's the money." Clyde then just walked upstairs to his room and lied down on the bed, letting out a sigh. "[i]If the Humanoid Typhoon is really coming here, then I'll be ready.[/i]" He then just sat up on the bed and began to meditate.
  4. Name: Wraith, real name unknown Age: Unkown, but human form looks 27 Gender: Male Race: Demon Appearance: In human form he has short black hair with streaks of red, blood red eyes he hides with shades, small fangs, pointed ears and wears a black suit. As a demon he looks like this: Go here:[url]http://www.rpgplanet.com/lineage/images/fanart/demons.jpg[/url] Weapons: When as a human he uses this gun: Go here:[url]http://members.aol.com/dsoccio/handgun.gif[/url] Skills/Abilities: Fly, the ability to shoot balls of fire from his hands and manipulate it, and telepathically comunicate with Hietein. Attitude: Silent most of the time to Hietein but becomes violent to anybody else.
  5. Name: Clyde Madigan Age: 26 Height/Weight: 5'9/ 165 Weapon of Choice: Martial Arts and a handgun he rarely uses. It looks like this: Go here: [url]http://members.aol.com/dsoccio/handgun.gif[/url] Attitude: At first seems really friendly and fun-loving but can be really serious if he has to. Occupation: Mercenary Appearance: Long black hair tied into a pony tail, dark blue eyes, lightly pale skin. Wears dark blue vest, black jeans, black boots, brown trench coat, and black fingerless gloves with metal lined inside the gloves against his knuckles. Biography: He was an orphan ever since he was five and lived in the Orphanage in December, which was also a church where Wolfwood resided until he left to make money for the Church/Orphanage. Clyde looked up to Wolfwood but didn?t really follow in his footsteps and mostly trained himself in martial arts and gunmanship. Everything was fine until the news of Wolfwood?s death came to the Church/Orphanage. Clyde was 18 at the time. Soon the Church/Orphanage began to lose money. Clyde then decided to leave the Orphanage so that he could make money for the Church/Orphanage. For eight years he was a mercenary taking any kind of job for money, sending most if it to the Church/Orphanage and kept little for himself. But its been becoming more hard for him to get more money. When news of the Humanoid Typhoon was back he thought that if he could get the money, the Church/Orphanage would be set for years.
  6. Hak: We're going to make our way to the cockpit and sabotage their weapons. Either that or we steal them. Once thats done we'll either eliminate the ship's crew and grab anything we can find and destroy the ship from the inside or we head back to The Galelayo using a small ship and destroy this ship with The Galelayo. Now come on! The three quickly made their way through the hallways, eliminating any Zantars in their way. Soon they had arrived at the door to the cockpit. Hak: We should be careful. We might run into that Neo guy. You two ready? They simply nodded as Hak opened the door and his guns started blazing.
  7. Zieg quickly made his way into mech and started it. He could see that James was ready despite that is mech wasnt completed yet. He patched a transmission to Charlotte's mech. Zieg: James and I are going to race to the defensive barrier, then destroy it. We'll clear a path for you, Mira and Matt. I'll call you once the barrier's down. Zieg piloted Siegfried next to Cooler and they they prepared their mech. Zieg: I hope you guys are ready to say goodbye to Kakashki Academy cause at the way things are going it would be wise to never come back! Ready James? James: Of course! It was silent for a few seconds, and both Siegfried and James suddenly started their boosters, and they were quickly on their way to the defensive barrier.
  8. Hak: Garai once I enter through this drill and the hatch to the other side closes find the others and seal the doors leading into this room. Just keep the enemy ship busy as we take out everybody inside! Garai didnt even get a chance to respond as Hak was already going through the opening, and soon crashed into someone. Hak quickly got up too see that he crashed into Anya. Anya: WHAT DO YOU THI- Hak quickly put his hand over her mouth and whispered to her, Hak: Quiet! You don't want to get caught do you? Where's Seichiro? Before she could answer an alarm went off. Hak quickly made his way to a panel near the hatch leading back to the ship and made it close. He turned to Anya and pulled out his revolvers. Hak: Get ready! Here they come!
  9. Ganondorf once again awoke to see what he saw everytime he did wake up, floating in a pure white void. He sat up, but he was still floating. He remained still for several minutes, as if he was meditating. Suddenly, Ganondorf formed fists from his hands as he stood up, his arms stretched out from his sides, dark energy surrounded him as he started to scream aloud. The dark energy around Ganondorf surrounded him completely, making a small barrier. In minutes the once white void had becomed changed into a void of black and purple. He then started to hear the sound of glass cracking over his screaming. But suddenly he stopped, and the void returned to white, and the dark energy around him was gone. Ganondorf lied down, still floating as he breathed heavily, sweat on his face. He closed his eyes. [i]"Curses, I was so close again. Doesn't matter. I have all the time in the world. But soon I will be able to destroy this cursed void and return back to Hyrule, and get my revenge. Besides, I am aware of what happens everytime try to escape. Hyrule becomes a darker place,"[/i] Ganondorf thought to himself as he soon fell into a deep sleep.
  10. Name: Ganondorf Age: N/A Gender: Male Appearance: Go Here: [url]http://www.zelda-world.com/ImgartOT/new/ganondorf.jpg[/url] Bio: A male gerudo, which is believed to only be born every 100 years, who soon became the leader of the Gerudos and then went on a search for the triforce and used Link to open the seal. For seven years he terrorized the land of Hyrule until Link, Zelda, and the sages sealed him into the sacred realm. Weapon: Sword (I know its from SSBM but it looks cool) Magic Powers: That light blast attack, the ability to warp and levitate.
  11. Yeah I would stay for the credits for a song that I love, since I got nothing better to do since I spent about an hour and a half of my life for a movie.
  12. Hak: Damn it! This is bad timing! Seichiro! Keep an eye on things here! If you need anything call me on the intercom! I'm gonna go down and take care of that guy! Hak quickly got out of the cockpit and made his way to where the drill was. He pulled out his revolvers ready to shoot but it was hard for him to see anything with the alarms going off and the red lights blinking on and off it was hard to concentrate and see. He suddenly spotted a Zantar pointing a gun at him. Hak jumped out of the way has he fired rapidly at him. Zantar: Well this one seems more lively then that kid. This is going to be fun! He fired again as Hak rolled out of the way and Hak quickly fired his revolvers. The zantar tried to avoid them but he was still hit. Now he was holding his leg has he howled in pain, his gun on the floor. Zantar: What kind of a weapon is that! This isnt one of your normal- He was knocked out by Hak before he got a chance to finish. Hak then looked at the drill and saw it was a tunnel leading to a ship. He then started to form a plan in his head. But first he decided to head back to the cockpit to make sure everything was okay.
  13. OOC: Sorry, but I've been a little occupied and I did get a chance to post 'til now. __________________ Zieg patiently waited in the mech hangers, leaning against Siegfried. It was completely quiet, and He hated it, always made him think to much. He snapped from his thoughts as he heard footsteps approaching him. He looked up to see Charlotte walking up to him. Charlotte: Hey. Sorry if I've been making you wait too long. Zieg: It's no problem. Charlotte: So what are we going to do now? Zieg: For starters, we should help Matt once everything starts to calm down. For now all we can do is wait. I also suggest that we keep our distance from James and Mira for awhile. Charlotte: What? Why? Zieg: The staff is getting suspicious. As long as we go on pretending that nothing?s wrong then everything will be fine. Besides, there?s still not a lot of things I know about yet. Charlotte: Are you talking about what we found? About that fax and the blueprints? Zieg: Yeah?
  14. I like tattoos becuase I got a few too. I have the japanese character of 'life' on the top of my left hand and the japanese character of 'death' on the top of my other hand. I also have the SlipKnot 'S' on my left forearm. I'm planning to get a snake that will curling around my entire right arm, the tail starting from my shoulder and the mouth ending on my palm.
  15. Hak let out a loud yawn as he leaned aganist his seat in the cockpit, a cup of coffee in one hand and one of his revolvers twirling around his finger. He rarely slept during the night, even more rare on a bed. He only slept on a bed when he was off the ship and mostly would fall asleep in this chair, but he preferred it that way. Hak took another sip of his coffee. Besides, he had to stay up. Someone has to make sure that The Galelayo would reach it's corrdinates during hyperspace. He looked over the coordinates. He let out a sigh. Hak: [i]Still got a few more hours. Oh well, the others will be waking up soon anway. I should get some breakfast, and some more coffee.[/i] He let out another yawn as he got out of his seat and headed down on the lift.
  16. OOC: Since we're in space we're gonna have to have some form of hyperspace travel, so I decided to use the Xenosaga term "Gate-jump" and "Gate-out". ___________________________ Hak: Well let's look at Garai's planet's coordinates and see which place is closer. Zsuzsanna? Zsuzsanna: From the looks of this, Garai's planet is slightly closer to our position, and if we go there we'll be closer to Dragus' planet. Hak: Alright then, let's set the coordinates for Garai's planet. We might not see it but at least we know it'll be there. If we can't find anything there we'll head for Dragus' planet. So once we get the coordinates we'll make a gate-jump Zsuzsanna: Cooridnates are set. Demi: Preparing to gate-jump. In seconds, everyone felt being pushed back into their seat as the ship entered a yellow warp. Soon everything calmed down, but the ship still remained in hyperspace. Hak let out a sigh. Hak: Seichiro, how's the status on the ship? Seichiro: Everything seems to be working normally. I don't see any problems. Hak: Good. Well, from the looks of these coordinates we'll probably get there in a day or two. So far now we should rest up. Come on. I'll show you guys to your rooms.
  17. Hak: Wait a minute, Dragus. First I need you to come to the cockpit with me, along with Zsuzsanna and Demi. Well. come on. Soon, everyone was inside the cockpit. Seichiro: So what's up, Hak? Hak: I've gathered us all here to ask you guys something. Since we don't have any leads on this treasure and we should find some clues on the location or any idea of a location of this great treasure rather then travel the universe aimlessly. So we could either head for the planet closest to us, which is the big city Kananori, or if any of you guys can suggest a place that can help us find anything about the treasure. So, any suggestions?
  18. Hak: Well, that's not what really what I'm looking for. I just need to know your weapons and what you do. Dragus: Asides from my own fists I use a hyper blaster, and I'm mostly just a traveler, performing any kind of job for money. Hak: Alright then, welcome to the group. Hopefully, you'll be the last to join this group. As you know my name is Hak. Say hello to the rest of group. Dragus: Thanks for letting me join. _____________________________ I know it's short but all I could think about.
  19. [B]Hak[/B]: Relax Demi. Once we launch and get everything together I'll assign you guys your positions. For now, Demi, since you're a pilot you'll be taking the seat right next to me. Anya, take the seat to right next to your left and Garai, take the seat opposite of Anya. I'm putting you guys in charge of weapons. Seichiro, take the seat to the left of me. For now you'll just be checking the ship's status, making sure nothing goes wrong and Zsuzsanna, take the seat two chairs down from Garai. I'm assigning you as navigator until I can think of something else better. So is everybody ready? Everybody simply said 'yes'. Hak flashed a smirk. [B]Hak[/B]: Alright then! Activating systems. In seconds, the entire ship came to life. [B]Hak[/B]: Everybody, give me a systems report. I want to make sure that everything's alright before we launch. [B]Seichiro[/B]: Status is normal. [B]Demi[/B]: The reactors are running at full capacity. [B]Zsuzsanna[/B]: Naviagation systems are up and running. [B]Anya[/B]: Weapons are normal. [B]Garai[/B]: Same here. [B]Hak[/B]: Alright then, LETS GO! Soon, the entire ship was rumbling and everyone was pushed back as The Galelayo was launched. Everyone was silent for the past few minutes and suddenly, everything was quiet, and Hak knew they had made out of the planet. He let out a sigh. [B]Hak[/B]:...We made it. Suddenly, everyone heard a beeping sound. [B]Zsuzsanna[/B]: What's that sound? Hak pushed a few buttons and a small screen appeared. [B]Hak[/B]: Someone's trying to comunicate with us. [B]????[/B]:This is the Dragus Loader. Permission to dock on your ship. Will you let me board?? Hak was a little surprised at this. [B]Hak[/B]: What's your reason for boarding? [B]????[/B]: I was hpoing to join your group but I was a little late so I followed you here. So can I board? [B]Hak[/B]:...Alright. I can see it's a small ship so dock from below into the main hanger. [B]????[/B]: Thanks. [B]Hak[/B]: Demi, open up the hanger. She pressed a few buttons and everyone could feel a small sound from below. Hak got up from his seat. [B]Hak[/B]: Well, let's go greet our guest.
  20. OOC: This is what I decided the ship, The Galelayo, to look like. Just go here:[url]http://www.fantasysquare.com/fanart/ff8/ragnarok.jpg[/url] I know its a ship from Final Fantasy 8 but I like this ship. If you've played the game then you know what the inside looks like. Asides from the normal machine guns and laser cannon I've added a few stuff. it now also has homing missles that can be fired from all sides of the ship and lazer blasters on the sides, top and bottom. ______________________________________ The group quickly made their way into the space station and followed Hak to the hanger where the Galelayo was stored. Everyone stopped at the sight of the large ship. They all stared in awe. Hak just simply looked around to see that nobody was around. Hak: Looks like the repairs are finished. Come on! We'll soon be on our way. I'll give you guys a quick tour. Everyone just stared, but eventually they followed him. The group walked up the stairs leading inside the ship and walked through a large door leading to a big room. Hak: This is the small hanger for small vehicles and ships but since the crash everything was destroyed. He let out a sigh. He then just walked up the stairs next to him and the others followed. He stopped at another big door and pointed at the door across from it. Hak: That's where all the spacesuits are kept, but I haven't used them in awhile. Now for the cockpit. He opened the door in front of him and in the next room was a small lift. Hak: It's a little small so only three people at a time. Who's first? He simply walked on the lift, and eventually Seichiro walked up to him and stood right beside him, and Anya soon followed. The lift suddenly went up, and once they got off, the lift went back down, and soon came back up as Garai, Demi, and Zsuzsanna. They all looked around, a surprised and excited look on their faces, while Hak just took at seat at the pilot's seat.
  21. Hak: Well, I checked in on the ship repairs a few hours ago and helped out and I guess once The Galelayo is completely repaired we can start this journey. Seichiro: So how much longer until The Galelayo is repaired? Hak: I guess another hour or two so until then we should relax and rest up to get ready for the journey ahead of us. I don't know about you but I'm gonna take a nap. Helping with the repairs made me tired. Wake me up in a hour or so. He let out a big yawn as he leaned against the bar and soon fell asleep. ______________ Short, I know but I can't think of anything else.
  22. I wouldn't know which episode it's at becuase I have it on DVD But anways, the gist of the story is that Tsukasa becomes trapped in the game known as "The World" and becomes "apart" of the game itself, able to smell and feel pain. He is also hunted down by other players due to his unusual powers and at times resorts to invoking a strange Guardian to protect himself. He also comes into contact with a "cat" player named Maha and a girl in white whose face cannot be seen named Aura. As the series go on Tuskasa and a few other players discover connections to the real world and realize there is much more to "The World" than they had realized. I'm not gonna go any further but if you want to know everything TheOtaku has a very detailed episode guide in the .hack//Sign anime shrine. Also, I just want to point out that it's pronounced "grunty" and "the green haired guy" you mentioned is Sora, a player killer(kills players to extract their information), and the only real "villian" during the series. If you have anymore questions animangademon PM me and I'll will answer them with the best of my ability. As for you Demon Babe, I'll help you out too. Just PM me and tell me exactly what you need to know.
  23. Hak made his way back to the bar after checking up on the repairs on his ship. He decided to stay there for a few hours to help since he had nothing better to do. Soon, by tomorrow The Galelayo will be completely rebuilt and ready to go. He let out a loud yawn as he entered the bar, seeing that most of the his mercenary group waiting for him, along with someone else. [B]Hak[/B]: Hey, you're that kid. What are you doing here? At three in the morning? Anya got up from her chair and walked up to Hak, a serious look on her face. [B]Anya[/B]: I want Seichiro to come with us. [B]Hak[/B]: What!?! You want some kid who's never even handled a gun to come with us on a dangerous journey!?! [B]Anya[/B]: Please. I'll train him to shoot and fight. I'm sure he can be of some use to us. Hak let out a sigh. [B]Hak[/B]: Alright, but first... He walked up to Seichiro. [B]Hak[/B]: Why do you want to come with us and what's your field of expertise? [B]Seichiro[/B]: Well, I'm mostly here becuase Anya wants me to come but I guess it's for a chance of adventure, and I guess I'm good and mechanical and technical stuff. Hak remained silent for a few seconds and suddenly placed his hands on Seichiro's shoulders. Hak just stared into his eyes. In another few seconds he flashed a big grin. [B]Hak[/B]: Well, kid. Welcome to the group. From now on you're gonna help me with the ship and it's repairs. Along, with Anya training ya, I'll help ya out with the shooting.
  24. I agree, it is a great anime movie, even though I had my doubts when I first heard about after I watched the first VHD. But once I saw it I loved it. Anyone who enjoys vampires and demons fighting bounty hunters in a post-nuclear war world should watch this.
  25. Hak: Well, until the repairs on my ship are done we're not going anywhere, so I guess we'll be able to leave some time tomorrow, maybe we'll be stuck here for two days if the rain keeps up. Anyways, for now we should get our bearings straight, get all the supplies we need and find a hotel for the night. So are you guys ready? ________________________ Short again but this was all I could think of at the moment.
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