The (Sic) Shape
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Everything posted by The (Sic) Shape
I havent played FF1-4 so I dont know the main enemies. FF5-X-Death: An evil black mage FF6-Kefka: A man that wants to rule the world FF7-Sephiroth or Jenova or both: They want the death of all humans and Cetra FF8-Ultimacia: An evil sorceress trying to create a world of time compression FF9-Kuja: Im not really sure of his motives FF10-Sin or Seymour or Yu Yevon- They all want everyone to die As for my my favorite enemy its Sephiroth becuase of the way he dresses, his cool weapon and cold attitude.
Ill join. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Rude Age: Unknown Appearance: Bald, wears sunglasses, same suit as Reno, but unlike him its properly dressed. Occupation: Turk Bio: The most silent one of the Turks. Weapon: Fists Attacks: Punch(Normal) Mag. Attacks:Cure and Grand Spark (Punches the ground to cause a trail of lightning).
[i]As everyone was talking about how to get Renie back and stop the bandit leader, Clyde had remained silent, wandering in his own thoughts. He kept thinking about what Renie and Lorien had said to him. He kept asking himself why didnt he help her? He could've held the bandits off while she went to get help, but he just watched. Was he just a coward? His duty was to protect the citizens of Black Haven and he failed. He suddenly snapped from his thoughts as he heard someone.[/i] Kitty: Hellllllooooooo. Earth to Clyde! What's up with you? You havent said a thing since we left town. You alright? Clyde:......Im fine.
Clyde was in the tavern, his vest off and several bandages wrapped around his chest, stomach, and arms. He would rather go out and help the others fight the bandits, but Kell forced him to stay here and rest. He was at a table at the otherside of the tavern, drinking a bottle of tequila, after paying for it of course. Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and it was the 'witch' that lived nearby town with Renie in her arms. She placed her on the nearest table and left. Clyde walked over and sat next to the table Renie was on. He saw bandages on her shoulder. He then heard her groan and wake up. Clyde: Dont move. You'll hurt your shoulder. Renie: Ugh. Where am I? Clyde: The tavern. The 'witch' bought you here. Renie: Then where is everybody? Clyde: The tavern's closed, but I had to stay here to rest while everyone else is hiding in their homes or fighting the bandits. Renie: Well, what happened to you? Clyde: I was attacked by the bandits near your farm. Renie: My farm? Did you see me get attacked? Clyde:......Yes. Renie: You're Clyde, right? The head guard? Clyde: Right. Renie: Then why didnt you help me? Clyde:......You would only be a burden. I don't mean to insult you. Renie: It's alright. Clyde: You should rest now.
Clyde was kneeling on the ground, several cuts and slashs on his body, tired from fighting them off. He was even too weak to pick up his sword off the ground. He had taken out one of the bandits and wounded two but It became too much for him. A bandit walked up to Clyde and was ready to kill him, until... ...The bandit roared out in pain. Clyde saw a large wolf had clamped on to his leg, dropping the dagger near Clyde. He picked up the dagger and hit the bandit with the handle of the blade, knocking him out. He turned to see the other bandits were taken down by several other wolfs. Clyde: What's going on? The wolfs slowly surrounded Clyde, but they only barked and left. He realized that the wolfs were Kell's pets. Clyde walked into Renie's house, finding a long peice of rope. He grabbed the bandits and put them all in one place, tieing them with the rope. He gathered the bandit's weapons and took anything they had. All he found was some gold coins. Clyde smiled. He walked over to his sword and grabbed his sword and groaned in pain as he strapped it onto his back again. He went back into Renie's house, looking for anything to cover his wounds. Clyde: I better thank Kell once this is over.
Clyde had watched The Bandits attack Renie from the farm. Clyde: Good thing I followed them here. Now I got an actual charge to arrest them. I better get more guards and inform the mayor. As Clyde turned around he suddenly felt a blade pass right next to his face. He turned to see two of the bandits had found him. Bandit 1: Who the hell are you? Trying to play hero? Clyde heard laughing behind him and three others surrounded him. Bandit 2: Unlike the girl, we arent going to let you get out of here alive. Clyde grabbed his sword behind him and unsheathed it. Bandit 3: Goin' to fight back, huh? Bandit 4: This is gonna be fun. The bandits drew their weapons and walked closer to Clyde. Clyde: *Thinking* This is bad. Really, REALLY bad.
My favorite FF character is at a tie with Vincent Valentine(FF7) and Shadow(FF6). They are both quiet and unemotional killers. Plus they dress cool. Vincent for his red cloak and black outfit and Shadow's all black ninja suit. I dont have a favorite FF game but my most favorite are FF5, FF6, FF7, and 10.
I got about 50. Theyre all either rock or heavy metal and most of them are burned thanks to Kazaa but I only burn CDs when I cant find it in stores.
Clyde entered the tavern and took a seat at the bar. He was sitting next to one of his guards he set here. Clyde took the initiative and had already placed guards here, which caused the tavern to take up space. They werent dressed in uniform, of course. Clyde: Anything happen? Guard: Kell's cat attacked one of the bandits. They were about to attack until the mayor stopped them. Clyde heard the door to the tavern open and it was Nogard. He took seat next to Clyde. Nogard: Clyde, I need you to do me a favor. Clyde: That depends. Whats the favor? Nogard: I need these bandits arrested for the murder of a royal messenger of Stialious. Clyde: Stilious? They cant be arrested. The charges dont take affect out of Stilious grounds. Nogard: If you arrest them Ill explain, but I cant tell you here. We'll have to be alone. Clyde:..........Fine.
Clyde had just returned from retreiving his sword from the blacksmith. As he walked through the town back to the front gate, he heard someone. Sariyah: Clyde! I was looking for you. He turned to see the mayor, who was out of breath from running. Clyde: What's up? Something wrong? Sariyah: The Snakeskin Bandits are coming, and I want you to keep an eye on them without them knowing. I dont want them causing any trouble. Clyde: Of course. Saying that, Sariyah left. Clyde turned around and climbed to the top of the front gate. Clyde: Let's just hope they dont try to pull anything.
Clyde had remained sitting at the gate of town for several hours before dawn, watching the landscape, wandering in his own thoughts. Clyde: This is gonna be another boring day. I dont even remember why I got this job....Well, because fighting's the only good thing Im at but I havent got anything interesting to do in awhile. He stood up, stretching. Clyde: I should stop by to the blacksmith, see if he's finished with my sword. He saw a nearby guard and motioned for him to come over here. Clyde: Take over from here. I need to go the blacksmith. The guard just nodded as Clyde walked away.
Sign Up Rumbumbalo Annual Festival: The First Millennia
The (Sic) Shape replied to Geist's topic in Theater
I'll join as one of Finny's friends. Name: Astral Valentine Age: 15 Gender: Male Description: Short black hair with streaks of red, hazel eyes, pale skin, black and red wings, wears black tunic with some armor on. Has a small sword at his side. Background: The apprentice to a blacksmith. He is silent most of the time and only talks when identified. An orphan who guards the Rumbumbalo Tree becuase it was sacred to his parents. lives off fruits in the forest around the Rumbumbalo, and sleeps on a big branch in the Rumbumalo. He always likes to see Finny's attempts of inventions. -
Dont know if Ill get in but Ill give it a shot. Name: Clyde Valentine Age: 21 Race: Human Gender: Male Occuaption: Town Guard/Hunter House Type: Small brick house (Doesnt really care about space) Description: Long black hair tied into a pony tail, blue eyes, blue vest, black pants and boots. Wears black fingerless gloves. Sometimes wears a black cloak in cold and windy weather. Has a large sword strapped to his back. Bio: A trail-worn traveler that was attacked by a group of monsters and ended up in Black Haven when found nearby the town. After waking up a few days later and seeing that this town was different then the others he decided to stay, taking a job as a guard. He sometimes hunts for monsters to gain extra money.
Shadow awakened in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. Shadow:[i]Another dream[/i] Shadow stepped out of bed, his dog Interceptor sitting by his feet. He then realized that he was no longer in his room at the inn. Shadow:[i]What's going on?[/i] He pulled out his weapon, Shadow Fang and slowly walked out of the room, Interceptor following. He surveyed his surroundings to see that he was in some sort of a wooden house. He stopped inside a large room as Interceptor barked. Shadow faced the direction Interceptor barked and walked into a hallway to see someone in the corner. ????:Who are you? Where am I? Shadow: [i]That voice. It sounds familiar.[/i] He walked closer, his footsteps not making any sounds to get closer without being noticed. He then recognized the person. Shadow: Celes?
Clyde thought back on his mission. [i]The objective was to rendezvous with a group of soldiers on this island to find a general that was in the city, The soldiers were to infiltrate the city while the mechs were to circle around the city, taking out any LE units. But when we heard that the soldiers had found the general the transmisson was cut and they were killed. An LE spy was disguised as one of the soldiers and quickly killed them and the information stating that a general was here was false. LE mechs quickly ambushed us and we were quickly seperated. We had sent a distress call and fought them off for two days, the city quickly becoming a wasteland.[/i] Clyde: Yeah it was a support mission but it was all a trap to eliminate the some of the best Mech pilots and soldiers ER had. But for all I know they could still be alive in the city. Ray: Well shouldnt we go find them? Im pretty sure that LE has left the Island thanks to that Irvine guy. Clyde: Why not?
Clyde took a bite of the curry, and quickly swallowed. Clyde: I know Hope was some legend but after 25 years I wasnt expecting this mech to still be a big deal. Ray: But I heard it was the key to winning the war. Clyde: It was, but not until LE started to make mechs. Now Hope's only real purpose is to take out LE's legendary mech: Virtue. But if it wasnt for Hope I probably would be dead by now. He took another bite of the curry, only to almost spit out. Clyde: If the curry doesnt kill me first.
[B]Clyde[/B]: Wait for renforcements? You were renforcements! HQ doesnt even know that the ship has crashed and that for all they know the ship is still stuck in space. And besides, our mechs cant send a transmission of that range! Thats why Ive been trying to contact you guys all that time. [B]Cecilia[/B]: But cant we use this ship to send a transmission? [B]Ray[/B]: We could, but it'll take awhile to set the radio to HQ's freqency. [B]Akumatsu[/B]: And can any of us do that? [B]Tazo[/B]: I could take a shot at it. Tazo ented the cockpit and began crossing wires to trace the frequency of HQ. [B]Clyde[/B]: While Tazo is doing that, two of us should go to ruins of the Rising Sun and salvage the ship for food and supplies while the other two of us could set of surveillance around the area. Ill go and salvage the ship, who wants to come with me?
Everyone was surprised to see that LE was helping them. Everyone, except Clyde, didnt really believe them. [B]Ray[/B]: Why should we trust you? [B]Irvine[/B]: We just rescued the survivors and are handing them over to you. Isnt that proof? [B]Clyde[/B]: Normally, we would accept, but we're stranded here. We cant do anything to help them. [B]Irvine[/B]: Fine. I'll see if I can send a ship. As the LE mechs were leaving, Cecilia stopped them. [B]Cecilia[/B]: Why are you helping us? [B]Irvine[/B]: The war has gone on for too long. I just want this all to stop. The LE Mechs left. Everyone exited their mechs. As they waited for the ship Clyde asked something, [B]Clyde[/B]: So what exactly happened on the Rising Sun? [B]Akumatsu[/B]: LE spies infiltrated the ship and killed almost everyone in Bunker 12. [B]Tazo[/B]: We then had to get over to the engine or else we would all die. [B]Ray[/B]: But it only slowed the ship down and we had to escape. So what happened to you? Before Clyde could answer they heard a ship coming above them. The ship was a small passenger ship with a small Mech Cargo Room. A pilot walked out. [B]Pilot[/B]: Here you go. A ship given to ER under the orders of Officer Irvine Kiro. So do any of you know how do pilot a ship like this? [B]Clyde[/B]: I'll do it. [B]Pilot[/B]: Alright. See ya. The survivors quickly got in, and everyone put their mechs in the Cargo Holds. [B]Clyde[/B]: Well, let's go home.
OOC: Dont worry, Tsukasa_hack, I didnt forget ya. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Clyde[/B]: Do any of you know a way out? [B]Cecilia[/B]: We cant leave yet, Ray isnt here. [B]Akumatsu[/B]: Well, we cant just sit and wait. Suddenly, they heard a mech walking toward them. It was the Glacier mech. [B]Tazo[/B]: Ray! Where've you been? [B]Ray[/B]: Sorry, Ive been help up back at the engine room, now lets get out of here. [B]Clyde[/B]: Well, we dont have time for a proper exit. He remember the hole that James blasted through. [B]Clyde[/B]: We can get out through up there! Lets go! Quickly, each mech flew out, Akumatsu in Ray's hand, and remained floating in the air as they watched the Rising Sun was about to come crashing down into an already destroyed city...
I didnt just want to put just one band so I picked my top five favorite bands and my favorite song with each band. 1)I Am Hated-[B]Slipknot[/B]- A song with screaming lyrics and heavy gituar and drum riffs, plus I can relate to this song. 2)Nothing To Gein-[B]Mudvayne[/B]- A song about Ed Gein. Great singing, lyrics, guitars and drums. 3)The Fight Song-[B]Marilyn Manson[/B]- Good music, singing, its great! 4)Alone I Break-[B]Korn[/B]- A slow song with haunting yet good singing, another song I can relate to. 5)Believe-[B]Disturbed[/B]- Great lyrics and singing with great music.
Clyde quickly dodged several bullets but some still hit him but it didnt do any serious damage. Clyde fired his railgun again, stopping the missle. He then quickly boosted his way to the door James was hiding and slashed it in half, only James wasnt behind it. *CLICK* Clyde moved the mech's head to see an autocannon in front of him. He quickly grabbed it with his hand and moved it out of the way and moved his blade toward James only to be grabbed by the mech's hand. They stared down for several seconds until... ????: Clyde! It was Cecilia, followed by Tazo and Akamatsu. Suddenly, James let go. Clyde: What are you doing? James: I should get going. This ship will crash any minute. We'll me again. James blasted a hole above him and flew out...
Im pretty clumsy and get hurt pretty much every day. Just this morning I banged my knee on the frame of the door and as I was cluthing that I hit my foot on a cabinet. Its mostly minor things but my most painful injuries come from playing football or rugby with my friends.
Clyde entered the ship, to see that he was in the Mech Cargo Holds. [B]Clyde[/B]: Why are the mechs still here? They should be activated by now. Did something happen to the pilots? He scanned the mechs seeing that two of them were gone, Escape and Glacier. [B]Clyde[/B]: Hope Ray and Cecilia are alright. He got out of his mech and started to search for fuel in a cargo box. He quickly found some and placed it into his mech. Once he jumped in he typed in something and spoke into his speaker. [B]Clyde[/B]: If anyone is hearing this, please respond. [B]????[/B]: Clyde? [B]Clyde[/B]: Cecilia! Thank god you're alright. Where are you? [B]Cecilia[/B]: Im heading to the mech holds where Ill meet up with Tazo and Akamatsu. Where are you? [B]Clyde[/B]: Im where you're going to. Ill be waiting for you three. Where's Ray? His mech's gone. [B]Cecilia[/B]: Im not sure, but he should be heading your way. [B]Clyde[/B]: Alright. Suddenly, a missle barely hit him. He stopped to see a mech in front of him. It was a LE mech (Im talking about you, Orien_Xel). [B]????[/B]: Die! The mech fired another missle, but Clyde was ready this time, he fired his rail gun, stopping the missle. [B]Clyde[/B]: Who are you? [B]????[/B]: You dont need to know, scum.
Ill join. Name: Clyde "Cowboy" Madigan Age: 27 Height: 5'9 Weight: 215lbs Gang Alliance: None, a hired gunman Weapons:Two Colt .45 single-action army revolvers with .45 rimless rounds, an uzi, and a shotgun Mode Of Transport: A red PCJ-600 motorcycle. Nothing special. History: Born and bred in Vice City. His father was a Vercetti gang member. When Vercetti died he was hunted down and killed along with his mother. Clyde learned alot from his father and some other people of the Vercetti gang and wanted to join when he was older, but with the Vercetti gang destroyed he became a famous gunman of Vice City instead. He has been hired by several gangs and completed many hits. Known as "Cowboy" for his personality, weapons, the way he dresses, and the fact he is a fan of wild west movies. Personality: Kills without hesitation and doesnt play around. Description: Short black hair, blue eyes, blue vest, black jeans, boots, a trenchcoat to hide his shotgun, and a black cowboy hat.
Clyde stopped inside the cave, the fuel barely out. Clyde: I hope the Rising Sun is alright and they pick me up soon. Suddenly, he heard a beeping sound. Clyde: What the? Something big is coming torward me. He jumped out of his mech, a scope in his hands. Clyde walked out of the cave and looked through the scope. He looked up, and saw a weird star. Clyde zoomed in, seeing that it wasnt a star, but the Rising Sun! Clyde: What the hell is going on!? He remained looking through his scope, seeing mechs leaving the ship. He saw the LE insignia on the mechs. Clyde: I gotta get on that ship! I just hope I have the fuel to get up there. He ran to his mech and got in. He piloted his mech out of the cave and hit the boosters to fly up. On his way up his mech kept beeping becuase of the low fuel warning. In minutes he had come close to the Rising Sun, which was flying down at an incredible speed. Clyde used his mech's sword to cut open a hole to get in...