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The (Sic) Shape

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Everything posted by The (Sic) Shape

  1. [B]Clyde[/B]: You need backup? You are backup! The transmission was then cut off. [B]Clyde[/B]: Great, just great. Suddenly, he heard a loud explosion nearby. Clyde tilted his mech's head to see several planes and helicopters in the air, circling around the city. [B]Clyde[/B]: This is bad. Now LE has air support. This is bad, really, REALLY bad. He then heard a beeping sound and Clyde looked at his monitor. [B]Clyde[/B]: And on top of that, my mech is running out of fuel! I got to get out of here now. He pushed a few buttons and a small map appeared on his monitor. [B]Clyde[/B]: There's a cave two miles northeast from here. I should be able to hide there. Now how to escape. He searced through his mech to find several remote controlled explosives. [B]Clyde[/B]: This will do. He exited his mech, walking in front of windows, throwing the explosives at each building around him and one on a wall in front of his mech. Clyde then re-entered his mech, a remote in his hand. [B]Clyde[/B]: Hope this works. He pushed the button, and several explosions were heard, including the explosive in front of him. During the confusion Clyde had used his mech's jet boosters and blasted out of the city while the buildings crumbled...
  2. My name comes from two SlipKnot song names "(sic)" and "The Shape" and when put together it makes "The (Sic) Shape" and it sounds cool to me.
  3. Clyde's mech rushed through the ruins of the destroyed city as several mechs pursued him. Clyde: [i]Damn it! I cant lose them![/i] Clyde quickly turned himself around and activated his railgun. He fired, a jolt of lightning flying toward the mechs, destroying them in an instant. He hid into another building and tried to contact Rising Sun again. Clyde: Rising Sun, come in, damn it! Once again, nothing. Clyde: What the hell is going on up there?
  4. Name: Ganondorf Gender: Male Home World: Hyrule Description: Go Here: [url]http://www.zelda-world.com/ImgartOT/new/ganondorf.jpg[/url]
  5. In a destroyed city in Luna... A lone light blue mech was hiding in a building, crouching. Inside of the mech was Clyde. Clyde: Great. Im stuck here with Luna Enforcement mechs on my ***, seperated from the others who are as good as dead. Not only that, reinforcements should be here by now. He began to push a few buttons and spoke into his speaker. Clyde: Rising Sun, come in. He heard nothing but static. Clyde: Rising Sun, come in. Do you copy? Nothing. Clyde: This is bad, really bad. Cecilia's on that ship. I hope she's al- He stopped as a blast destroyed the wall beside him. Clyde: Damn! They found me! Clyde forced his mech to get up, and prepared to take out who was attacking him...
  6. I guess my favorite games would have to be RPGs like .Hack, Final Fantasy and Xenosaga for the great story and gameplay. I also like stealth games such as Metal Gear Solid but I also do like the hack and slash action games like Devil May Cry.
  7. Clyde: Screw him. Lets just get this over with. Michelle: You sure about that? Clyde: What are you more afraid of: One vampire or an army? Michelle: You have a point. Lets go. Once they had exited the building they had walked into a tunnel leading to the Subway close by. They quickly noticed that everyone is gone. Michelle: They mustve alread found Andrew. We should hurry. Clyde and Michelle ran through the tunnels, stopping has they heard screaming. They stopped in a corner, watching Andrew eliminating wave after wave of vampires. Michelle: What do we do now? Clyde: We just sit and wait.
  8. When it rains I just like to go out, sit in a chair and just get wet. I find rain relaxing and soothing. Sometimes I just walk out in the rain.
  9. I dont have uniforms anymore, but in my last school we alway had to wear either blue, red, or white shirts and blue or kahiki pants/skirts. We also had to wear a belt.
  10. I for one want to get the game becuase I loved the first two Mario RPGs. Between the two I prefered Mario RPG over Paper Mario. Anyways, Im looking forward to Mario and Luigi. Love the plotline because its different from the regular 'Bowser capturing Peach' plot.
  11. The things my mom do: -She is always watching soap operas in the living room. -She is always lecturing me that videogames and staying on the computer for a long time is bad for me. -She brings her friends over alot and my dad and I just stay in our rooms for the rest of the night. -She goes over to her friends for long periods of time. She sometimes comes back the next morning. -She makes me go shopping with her and I always have to carry the bags. -She drinks. Things my dad does: -He always says "Negatron, Batman" when he thinks Im wrong. -He dances, HORRIBLY. -He plays the "All Your Base" spoof becuase he likes the music. -He says he wants to be a serial killer(Freaks me out!). -When my mom isnt here he goes off late at night to hang out at nightclubs or gets food, which is alright becuase he gets some food for me too. -He is addicted to "Mario Kart". -He is always telling me stupid jokes. -He drinks, ALOT. When he drinks my mom goes out and I have to make sure he sleeps on his bed because he has a tendency to sleep on the floor or in the chair while using the computer. Once he finally goes to sleep its around 1 to 3 o' clock. The next morning Im very tired and my dad asks me why I didnt get enough sleep. The things both my parents do: -They drink.
  12. First, NEVER USE A GAMESHARK. It will always freeze up. if you cant beat her, level up. To prepare for this battle, stock up on Aura spells, but you can only do that during the battle with Seifer at the end of disk 3. You should also get the Eden GF before fighting her. Its at the Underwater Research center, an uncharted island near the upper right corner of the world. You sould've gotten it in disk three but you can still get it if you find the ragnarok in disk 4. If you havent been in the Underwater Research Center you will also get Bahumat. You also shouldve gotten at least Squall's ultimate weapon the Lionheart. Also, stock up on Pulse Ammo for Irvine which can only be done in disk three or 4 if you have the right GF (I forgot becuase I havent played FF8 in awhile but I still remember all this). Last thing, the remaining party member should be equipped with Eden. OK, the battle: You need to have a party of Squall, Irvine, and the another party member equipped with Eden. If neither of them appear then kill a party member and the dead party member will disappear after a few turns and another party member, hopefully Squall or Irvine, will take the dead party member's place. When Squall and Irvine appear cast Aura on them so they can do their limit breaks even at full health. Keep skipping their turns until they can do their limit breaks. Hopefully Squall will use his Lionheart limit break and just keep using Irvine's pulse ammo that cause 9999 each time. The other party member should just keep casting Eden. Once the Aura wears off cast it again. If a party member dies quickly revive him/her before she disappears and heal when needed. Repeat this until she dies. Hope this helps. It better help! So exactly which form if Ultemecia are you stuck on?
  13. I had sleep walked a few times before. One time I was sleep walking into my parents bedroom and my dad suddenly woke up seeing me and freaked out and kicked me in the stomach. I couldnt sleep for the rest of night from the pain. Another time I had woken up with my head in the kitchen sink while cold water was running and I didnt wake up until my mom heard the water and woke me up. I got a cold from that. The last time I remember sleep walking was that I woke up with my head in my dog's house and my hair was wet and I had this strange taste in my mouth (Im pretty sure you know what the strange taste is). I got sick after that. To sum this up: Everytime I sleep walk i get hurt or sick.
  14. Silence filled the room while Clyde and Michelle waited for Counsel. Suddenly, Clyde said something. [B]Clyde[/B]: Well, the Counsel will probably be mad at me for letting a slayer 'kill' me. Before Michelle could say anything a door opened and a vampire dressed in a suit entered the room. Clyde and Michelle stood. [B]Counsel Member[/B]: Please sit. Unfortunatly, the Counsel cant see you so Im here to talk. So why are you two here? [B]Michelle[/B]: We've come to report our status. [B]Cousnel Member[/B]: And? [B]Michelle[/B]: We encountered Alistar and Bloodlust Andrew, and he is still alive. [B]Counsel Member[/B]: Why? [B]Michelle[/B]: Alistar let him live. [B]Counsel Member[/B]: Well, why didnt you kill him? [B]Michelle[/B]: I had to look for Clyde. The Counsel Member looked over Clyde, seeing the several scars on his face, could tell that he was forced to retreat and recuperate. [B]Counsel Member[/B]: Alright. Im going to give you two one more chance. We had recently spotted Bloodlust Andrew in the Subway. You need to kill him. Understood? Michelle and Clyde simply nodded.
  15. Nightmare flew through the sky, observing the landscape below him. What he caught sight of was a a girl and a young wolf running from several ogres chasing them. He suddenly watched as the girl changed into a wolf to run faster. Nightmare: [i]Strange. She must me that famous morpher I heard about. Might as well help.[/i] He quickly shifted himself to fly down toward the ogres. As he was flying toward them he quickly created two balls of dark energy on his hands. In seconds, he fired, two of them roaring in pain. While the ogres were taken off guard, Nightmare stabbed through the other two. The two 'wolfs' stopped to see that the ogres were dead while Nightmare remained standing, blood all over him. The wolfs walked toward him. Then one of them changed back into a girl...
  16. I for one really want to get this game. But I would rather find out what happened to Liquid/Ocelot, Snake, Vamp, and Raiden after the events of MGS2. But Im still excited about this. You all do realize that the chances of the character in MGS3 isnt the Snake we all know and love are very high. Many people believe that its Big Boss, Snake's father who he was cloned from. The major hint is the fact that the character in the trailer has only one eye Who else believes this?
  17. You had me...and you lost me. But I read this over and over until I could find out what was going on. I can see that your good friends with J and C but you should never tell another friend is screwing over another friend. By telling him that, you screwed over another friend's trust and eventually none of them are gonna talk to you. And on top of that, you're at risk with your girlfriend. The only thing thats gonna save you now is if your friends and girlfriend decide to forgive you. But I say the chances are pretty slim.
  18. So he like donuts. Who doesnt? And it is funny when he eats them.
  19. I had a weird dream last night... I was at school. It was a normal day and I was in Science. Once the bell rang one of my friends, Brian, comes and we talk about Resident Evil (like always) and suddenly, he says "Eliminate all enimies before times up". I say "what the *******" and everything around me vanishes and I reappear in a mall I usually go to and I have a M60 in my hands. I keep thinking what the hell is going on and suddenly I hear a guy say "freeze!" I turn around to see an enemy soldier from Metal Gear Solid 2 and he shoots me to death. I then woke up, thinking what it meant. I then decided to stop playing MGS2 for awhile. When I went back to sleep I had another dream. Im back to where I started after I was killed. Now, except for soldiers there were wooden robots (Tenchu: Wrath Of Heaven), and now I had sword in my hand. A robot sees me and more surround me. I take my sword and start taking each robot down. I then wake up in the middle of it and I decided to lay off Tenchu for awhile. My problem: I need to stop playing videogames seven hours a day.
  20. My user name "The (Sic) Shape" is just two Slipknot song names put together. The songs are "(sic)" and "The Shape". Why those songs you ask? They sound cool to me when put together and Slipknot is my most favorite band.
  21. I always have to close all popups before I begin and I alwasy come here first, followed by going to Newgrounds, Penny Arcade, and Videogame sites. I also keep checking to see if the Slipknot site is back on becuase they're my favorite band I want to get back on that site.
  22. [B]Mechanoid Pilot[/B] [B]Name[/B]:Clyde Valentine [B]Age[/B]: 27 [B]Description[/B]: Long black hair tied into a pony tail and blue eyes with a glint of silver. Wears all black jeans, vest, and trenchcoat, with boots and sunglasses. [B]Side[/B]: Earth Rebellion [B]Mech[/B]: Hope [B]Weaponry[/B]: Two machine guns jointed at the head. Large saber blade on right arm and large Electro Magnetic Rail Gun on left arm. [B]Mech Description[/B]: Go Here: [url]http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/rpg/xenosaga2/screens.html?page=3[/url] Even with the heavy weaponry it has low armor making it fast. [B]I favor[/B]: In order: Speed, Skill, Power, Defense, Wisdom.
  23. Nightmare had awaken to see three players around him. ????: You think this guy's dead? ????: I dont know. Let's check the body for anything. Suddenly, Nightmare stood up, scaring the three. He could tell they were newbies. [B]Nightmare[/B]: Do any of you have a healing item? [B]Newbie[/B]:S-S-S-Sure. Here. Nightmare quickly used it and his energy was restored. [B]Nightmare[/B]: Thank you. Now you die. He suddenly grabbed one of the newbies by the throat, instantly crushing it. He then took his wings and instantly cut off the other two's heads. Nightmare quickly searched the bodies for items. All he found was money. Nightmare surveyed his surroundings. He was in a forest. [B]Nightmare[/B]: [i]There should be a mountain town nearby. Better watch out for Kobolds.[/i] He then took flight.
  24. I would want to have a career in videogame designing or be a rock star. Thats pretty much the gist of it.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Black_Phoenix [/i] [B]Do you happen to know which monsters/boss you have to face in the Mia mission? I have not played that stage for a while, but I may be able to give you some advice that can get you past it. [/B][/QUOTE] Dont know about the monsters but I do know that the boss is a data bug Wyvern (the giant bird). The only advice I can give is level up if you cant beat it. While your fighting it just keep hitting it until you can data drain it. If you need to heal, run to a corner and use an item or a spell.
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