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Everything posted by instantramen14

  1. [color=purple] These were funny as usual. "If i had a nickle everytime i fought a panda." lol Keep up the good work!!!!! [/color]
  2. [color=purple] Another thing you have to consider about live action is the voices... that is sometimes what makes a charachter seem right. You cant ahve this really really deep voiced guy doing vash you have to have a guy with the more tenage voice awwwww man. And who can reproduce legato's voice? [/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]As we all know, most, if not all live action anime mivies turned out to be a large steamy pile of crap. But if you could choose to make one really good anime movie, what would it be, what would it follow, an who would play our beloved characters? I am, on one hand hoping for a Trigun Live Action Movie that follows the sereis, but without he filler episodes. (don't hate me.) Vash- Leonardo DiCaprio or Ben Affleck Millie- Cameron Diaz (we all know hoe cluless she can be.) Meryle- Drew Barrmore (has that straight up thing down.) Wolfwood- Colin Pharrel Legato- Keanu Reeves Knives- Some dude that looks like Vash? Gung-Ho Guns- anyone who can do it. What do you guys think. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple] No matter what you do a live action movie would totally screw up our beloved charachters beyond belife, no matter what you do it would still look horrible. (unless they look exactly like them but that will never happen) [/color]
  4. [color=purple] love it i think its funny "Don't worry we speak j00" lol but this should be in the books and literature forum... i think [/color]
  5. [color=purple] Id have to say :drumroll: VASH THE STAMPEDE!!! Trigun Why? Because everything that hes been through. And that no matter what he tries to get through it without killing anyone, no matter what they are tring to do to him. (Oh yeah and the fact that hes hott didnt sway me at all ;)[/color]
  6. [color=purple] Kate panted as she ran away from Grave. "Man that guy is creepy!!!!" she ran into an empty cafe and hid herself as she checked her gun for bullets. "Good, 3 left in this one." she said then she got the gut that was strapped to her leg, she had not used it yet. "Now i have to wait for him to come looking for me." She heard running outside of the cafe she looked out the window cautiously. "Great, i didnt want him to come by that soon" she said too herself. She braced herself for him to come in but he didnt, he ran right by the cafe!! "Wow he didnt notice me, thats good" so she sat back down only to hear a crash at the back of the shop. "CRAP!!!! I should have known he would pull somthing like that." Grave walked through the Door to the kitchen. "Now lets get you finished off." said grave. "Not on my life grave youll die before me." She brought her gun up and aimed it at grave. [/color]
  7. [color=purple] I think Jim carrey might make a good Lupin...or is that just me? [/color]
  8. [color=purple] Im not afraid of blood but 9 times out of ten i didnt want to see it. And yes i have tasted my blood. Its ok. [/color]
  9. [color=purple] Heck im tired of it too!! But i guess its kinda good that nothing is going on in the middle east, so they have to fill up the space with somthing else (recall) But living in california dosent help it at all so ill be hearing all about this for a long time. [/color]
  10. [color=purple] Heh. If you count equestrian (horse) sports. I do eventing and dressage. I also dance ballet. [/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stardust [/i] [B] Here, we're the Bulldogs and our colors are blue and gold.Trust me,if you ever come here you will know, because there's blue and gold pawprints EVERYWHERE. They're even painted on the high school parking lot. And all the people on the sports teams,doesn't matter which,are called "dawgs" by the staff.Not very unique but nobody complains. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple] HOLY CRAP!! My middle school's mascot is the bulldog and our colors are blue and gold :faints from the shock: :eek: :Twilight zone music starts playing: That is just creepy...[/color]
  12. [color=purple] "Hmmm... when i get the oppertunity to kill one of them i will!! All there friggin causing is pain, poison, broken weapons i just want to gahhh..." kate took out her gun and aimed for a shot glass on the shelf on the bar. The glass laid broken on the shelf. "gee we could have used that earlier" said irvine. "heh i only shoot that good when im really mad or frustrated, and now i am." [/color]
  13. [color=purple] Guy: Vash cuz his voice reminds me of an average teenage guy :D Girl: umm... Akane [/color]
  14. [color=purple] Heh i like to read closed threads, i cant say why but, mabey its becaused it was closed and i know i cant post on it. Sometimes ill read closed threads when there is nothing to do, its an entertainment thing. [/color]
  15. [color=purple] Right now im listening to H.T. Trigun's opening theme but next is Ther Real Folk Blues from Cowboy Bebop [/color]
  16. [color=purple] Hmmm... At school im known as the Anime loving cyinical, scarcastic, at times sugar high violinist (sometimes b****y :rolleyes:. (im also a schoolie because im in magnet (accellerated math, science and core classes)) At home im known as the very head-strong, responsible, oldest child. To strangers im kinda quiet and shy than after a while i begin to open up and get all hyper. So thats me. [/color]
  17. [color=purple] Kate looked at the dart. "Hmmmmm... what kind of poison is on here" she examined the dart, it appeared that there was a bulb on the dart that fed poison on to the needle part. "the poison looks like its a mixture of snake poisons, now what kind of snakes" Irvine sat there working on his cross punisher. "So how will you be able to tell what kind of snakes?" questioned irvine. "usually i can tell by the symptoms, but all i have had was dizzyness, most poisons cause it." kate pulled a small medical hand book out of her bag and started to flip through it. Then she dug around the bag and got a worried look on her face. "hey irvine" she asked "do you have any charcoal?" "um yeah" he said as he got some and threw it to Kate, she ground it up and splashed alittle water on it and stuck it on her neck. "What is that supposed to do?" questioned irvine. "its supposed to draw some of the poison out, sometimes it works, sometimes it dosent" she said depressed, but all we can do now is hope that comes through..." [/color]
  18. [color=purple] hmmm.. if i could be an anime charachter, any anime charachter i would be... Shampoo from ranma 1/2. she can turn into a cat =^.^= meow!!! [/color]
  19. [color=purple] "Ow, i feel dizzy" Kate said as the poison started to take effect. "Why am i always held captive! It sucks." "Well its because youre a girl and thats their first target" said irvine matter of factly. "that friggin sucks" said Kate. "We need to get her to safety" said vash. "well duh but if i move that will make the poison spread faster, if i can look at the dart i miht be able to tell wht kind of poison it was and figure out an antidote" said kate. Vash and irvine looked at her with disbeliefe. "What i know medical stuff, after my parents died i had to work, so i learned medical techniques from a local nurse and started to work for her. Now could you uys kindly carry me to someplace where i can fiure it out before i DIE!!!!!!!!" "oh sorry" said vash and irvine as they took her to an empty bar. [/color]
  20. [color=purple] Heh love is all screwed up, it makes your emotions run in circles and it confuses the hell out of you. :sigh: Darn it i need a boyfriend!! :laugh: [/color]
  21. [color=purple] My great great grandfather designed the california state seal and he designed the dot-thingy on the wonder bread package :eats wonder bread:[/color]
  22. [color=purple] Hmmmmm... yeah. Somebody Hates Me by Reel Big Fish, it pretty much describes everyone actually :sweatdrop: [/color]
  23. [color=purple] Yes there are only 26 episodes, and no meryl never professes her love for vash (though its quite obvious that they like each other)[/color]
  24. [color=purple] I saw it yesterday. I loved it, i rented it from blockbuster and now i want to buy it. (Is it only in japanese, my friend wants to know because she didnt enjoy reading the subtitles)[/color]
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