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Everything posted by instantramen14

  1. [color=purple] "Thanks for saving me from that tao guy, hes almost un-beatable during the night." said kate as they ran to find vash. "Now where did vash get to?" [/color]
  2. [color=purple] Actually, youre supposed to dream several times a night but, you can only remember 1 from each night but, you dont always remember them. [/color]
  3. {color=purple] Its cool, it makes me think of a brand new brass instrument, in a hall of mirrors, or incredibly stretched out. It looks awesome!! [/color]
  4. [color=purple] "Oh crap!!!!, how the heck can you do that?!?!?!" yelled kate. "Thats for me to know and you to find out" said Tao with a smirk. Thoughts raced through Kates mind "why the hell did i decide to join them? Big friggin mistake Kate" she thought to herself. "I can only hope for somr help", she thought as she stood there with the knife on her neck. [/color]
  5. [color=purple] Knives is basically the same except he's psycotic :laugh: [/color]
  6. [color=purple] Have you ever watched an anime and thiught, "gee i just love her clothes or man i want that _____?" This thread it tell the ob about it. So if you could have 3, just three, things from any anime what would they be (no, charachters are not an option) My three are: Faye's boots (when i first saw them i was like "wow those are the coolest shoes ever!!") ~Cowboy Bebop Vash's glasses :D ~Trigun Inuyasha's Necklace-thingy ~Inuyasha [/color]
  7. [color=purple] Heh not everything, but i have liked a couple of guys, but love hates me so i havent had any good luck with guys. Man, love is screwed up!!!! [/color]
  8. [color=purple] Hahahahahahahahahahaha these are soooo funny. Hahahah wee wee :bam: lol. I cant stop laughing [/color]
  9. [color=purple] Kate heard the blast. "O crap, what now?" she said. She ran out of her room with all of her stuff, she had a feeling that theyd need to leave quickly. When she ran out in to the street she spotted irvine fighting with someone. "Great just what we need now..." [/color]
  10. [color=purple] Heh i had a bad experience with crushes when i was smaller...[/color]
  11. [color=purple] Like heck im going to post it here!!!! (not to offend you or anything) He might see... :blush: [/color]
  12. [color=purple] Nobody knows where i live so :P p.s. our posts are getting kinda spammy so mabey we should stop :)[/color]
  13. [color=purple] Oops... that wasnt smart, but then again i have his first and last name too...[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]That's ok. Look again. It's merged. That evil James did it. I would of prefered if YOURs were locked and MINE still called "What does your name mean." But thats how things go. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple] Good god, get over yourself Taylor Hewitt!!! You sound like a big selfish Jerk!!! I have no clue what my real world name means Kathryn (various queens and a saint) Sundquist (same name as a governor of tenn. at one point but no relation) [/color]
  15. [color=purple] Oh yeah, when i was in spain we went to the Cuevas Del Drach (Drach Caves) It was so cool the stalagmites and stlagtites were very pretty (they looked fake :blush: !!)[/color]
  16. [color=purple] i like instant ramen and my birthday is febuary 14 so... yeah [/color]
  17. [color=purple] I decided on botanist after a school project i had to do on plants. Also i want to be a botanist because i wanted to do somthing in the feild of science but, i dont like being bitten by animals and i dont enjoy blood! :D And, plants dont bite or bleed so.. yeah. :D [/color]
  18. [color=purple] Cowboy Bebop will be shown on August 11th at the 1:30 slot. YAY [/color]
  19. [color=purple] I have to say that alot of people have changed me, i learn from their mistakes, and some people just get me thinking, but im not going to mention anyone because id be sitting here typing for a friggin long time. :D [/color]
  20. [color=purple] Hmmm... we recently had a thread called careers... o well :D. Seeing as im 13 and i dont have a job, besides being a student, when i get out ot school i want to be a botanist. yay for plants!!! [/color]
  21. [color=purple] So people of the OB what is your favorite food (or foods)? Is it chicken, pizza or even pickles? My favorite foods are chocolate and avacados. (Ramen too :D) [/color]
  22. [color=purple] Heh i havent been dreaming much lately. Just go to sleep, wake up nothing that i can remember in between. But my friend she has some bizzarre dreams. Last night she dreamt that the whole 7th greade (as of last year) was at a resident school with the cast of ranma1/2 and trigun...[/color]
  23. [color=purple] I laughed because i kney that guy was going to get it (it scared me alittle but hey why wouldnt it?)
  24. [color=purple] Hmmmm... this should be in the movies forum...o well nothing i can do about it. Yes i have seen the ring it was sooo cool, i loved the cinematography it suited the movie so well , dark and rainy MAN I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!! [/color]
  25. [color=purple] I regret some things, but life is filled with many should have, could have and would haves (also the opposite of that) My main regret is not being so open with other people (especially guys) [/color]
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