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Everything posted by instantramen14

  1. [color=purple] Heck yeah, but they had one a while back but they had to delete it. So i dont see it happening for a while [/color]
  2. [color=purple] Hmmm.... The scarriest move i have ever seen is Poltergeist (i saw it when i was 10) It was so gross and scary. The ring is up there too (english version, i have yet to see the japanese version)[/color]
  3. [color=purple] Kate walked back to her hotel alone, brooding. "should i go or shouldnt i.... i set out to find vash and now i found him .... but its not the safest thing to go now..." Kate got to her hotel room and took out her violin, she started to play a mournful tune, playing her violin always helped her think, "hmmmm to go or not to go..." kate got up finally and said "i finally friggin foun him so im going to follow him!! I havent spent the past year just nancing around for my own health!!!" she put away her violin and went to irvines room. [/color]
  4. [color=purple] "Holy crap, i could have been killed!!" exclaimed Kate. "And i didnt have my gun either! That just figures." "You have a gun?" questioned irvine. "Yes and who were those people in there" she said, not paying any attention to vash. "uh miss" "What?!?!?!" Kate yelled at vash. "geezz no need to get all angry" vash said, "sorry, i just want to know who those people are." said kate. "Theyre after me." said vash. "Than you must be vash the stampede" "yes" i am" vash stated. [/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Well, this has been my plan for quite some time. My current room is a half assed attempt at this. It's not really something I can do until I get my own place... which should be rather soon. I want my entire room to be black and white. Two walls white and the opposing two walls black. The floor would be white and black checkered tiles. Anything that accents the room would be a very bold red shade. Stuff like curtains, bed spreads and so on. Every other item in the room would have to keep this in mind, or it wouldn't go in there. So, that's my basic plan. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=purple] That sounds really cool, i would do somthing like that but any posters would kinda clash (unless theyre black and white) [/color]
  6. [color=purple] That is soooooo good, i could never do that. How did you color it? All i can do is black and white with a pen.[/color]
  7. [color=purple] Uber is like alot like "that wasuber scary" and >< is like do'oh ori just scrwed up and -^-^- is like really happy [/color]
  8. [color=purple] Join the morbid holiday club, somebody die on your birthday? christmas? Easter? 4th of july? Join today!!! (not) Why do these things happen on days that are supposed to be happy? Its all screwed up!![/color]
  9. [color=purple] What a morbid thread!! Well im going to add to the morbidness. My grandpa died on my birthday a couple years ago. What a great birthday present huh? My mom woke me up and said your grandpa is dead, pack up were leaving in 30 min. He was the only grandpa i knew, my moms dad died before i was born. And then a few month after my grandpa died my cat died. I was very sad, but death is unavoidable it happens to everyone eventually. :sigh: im getting depressed now.[/color]
  10. [color=purple] Lets go spelunking!!(sp?) Um there are alot of caves on catalina island that ive been in, i love them so nice and cool and quiet. I want a cave!!! [/color]
  11. [color=purple] When i was little... uh i would make this big mud puddle in the back yard and go swimming in it :sweatdrop:[/color]
  12. [color=purple] Cool is in the eye of the beholder. It really depends on who is looking at it, cool can vary from place to place. For example Good Charlotte was really cool at my school for a few months and then it went out of coolness but while i was at camp everyone was like yeah good charlotte is really cool. [/color]
  13. [color=purple] My dream room would have white walls a cool chrome bed with a black and white beadspread, a matching desk, dresser, side table, plenty of shelf space for all of my c**p, a tv, dvd player, computer with internet, posters and more posters. [/color]
  14. [color=purple] Lets see, last year my core teacher was evvvviiiilllllll he would assign things and change the due date, hed grade really hard, once he lost all of the essays for the whole class (these essays were a major part of our grade) He'd always talk abou raceing bikes (he named it sally o.O) He was just a c***y teacher. Now for the substitute teacher, in 6th grademy regular teacher's back went out or something at the end of the year, so for the rest of the year we had to have a sub, we got the sub from ****, its hard to describe her she was just evil, no talking, look at me, read this chapter. We had already done the greek unit in our book, but she made us do it all again, instead of moving on to rome!!! She cancelled our roman feast, so everyone was pissed at her nobody liked her so we were happy on the last day of school!!! [/color]
  15. [color=purple] "So what brings you to new july? There are a bunch of shady charachters around here." said kate as she went inside and sat on the table. "various things" said irvine "so, you said you knew wolfwood, what was he like, i can hardly remember him, but i do remember crying when he died, i cried all night." said Kate sadly. [/color]
  16. [color=purple] Awwwwww, how romantic!! Im not m be arried, i would rather be asked than ask. But what am i kidding i dont(never actually) have a boyfriend irl!!!! :sweatdrop: heh heh heh I dont see anything happening any time soon.[/color]
  17. [color=purple] Kate went into a hotel "Do you have a room for tonite?" "yes, that'll be $$80", said the desk-person, Kate dug into her purse and got her wallet "um here" she said as she handed the man the money, and she went up to her room. [/color]
  18. [color=purple] Somewhere outside of New July 11:09 Huf huf huf "Stupid sand dunes, why do i go through all this pain to find Vash The Stampede and findout about Uncle Wolfwood." Kate got to the top of the sand dune, "finally civilization, i can get into town and get a bed and washup and sleep." "YES!!!!" she shouted as she ran down the dune twoards town.[/color]
  19. [color=purple] You could probably make a cross punisher with mabey 15 square tissue boxes, some duct tape, 3 yards of white cloth and some black webbing crud :) (i have thought about this before :))[/color]
  20. [color=purple]"Yuraka, why in the world are you talking to your self?" questioned Amelia. But she didnt hear his awnser because a voice was heard over the loud speaker, " Amelia Sunside and Yuki miamoto report to the ring" "cool im not the only girl tonight. great" said amelia as she jogged up and into the ring. Yuki was a very muscular girl, about 4 inches taller than amelia but, a smirk was going across amelia's face. "The larger they are the harder they fall so bring it on!" And so the fight commenced. Yuki threw a heavy punch at amelia but she dodged it with ease, yuki tripped and then righted herself, amelia kept on dodging yukis clumsy looking punches with grace and speed, throwing in a punch of kick, wearing yuki down little by little, once yuki was breathing really hard amelia went in for the kill. She did several kicks and punches that made yuki hit the ground with extreme force. "yes" said amelia as she bounced around the ring like a sugar high 5 year old. "announcing the winner, Amelia sunside" The people around the ring clapped politely as amelia was handed $1000 "hmmm, if i keep going at this rate i wont have to live off of ramen noodles anymore :)"[/color]
  21. [color=purple] When i get lonely ill play my violin or guitar. Most likely ill fumble through fukai mori on my guitar lol :) [/color]
  22. [color=purple] I created a myotaku account and i was feeling especially creative so my myotaku username is... ::drum roll:: instantramen14 woo hoo very creative. :rolleyes: [/color]
  23. [color=purple] Yay ramen!! Um it depends on what would be easiest and what you would want to be :cough: INUYASHA :cough: heh heh heh I was leaning to having m eand my 2 best friends go together as ranma's fiances or me just go as dominique the cyclops, id need a purple wig (or hair dye ;)) a big trench coat, a cowboy hat .... [/color]
  24. [color=purple] At my school it is kinda a mixed reaction, some people are like "Anime, you mean like sailor moon and dbz? That sucks!!" or "Did you seee that dbz/Yu-Gi-Oh episode when..." or "Hey, what are your favorites, i like inuyasha, trigun..." For the most part its the 1st or 2nd reply, but most peoplein my classes have gotten used to my anime-obsessed ness :rolleyes: [/color]
  25. [color=purple] I stopped caring around 11 i turned 13 on feb 14 of this ear and its like woo-hoo im 13 big friggin deal! The only good thing about birthdays is presents :D[/color]
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