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Everything posted by instantramen14

  1. [color=purple] My job is school. (lame huh?) Well i get paid $20 an A as long as everything is a B or higher i get $420 :) thats over $1000 dollars a year. Think of all the anime and manga i could buy!!!! :drool: :drool: As long as i get strait A's (thats going to be hard) [/color]
  2. [color=purple] Typing an essay it is almost completed computer failure [/color]
  3. [color=purple] :twitch: Sailor moon, that is scccaaarrrryyyyyyyy (i kinda look like sailor venus :wink:) But seriously it would be scarry, sailor moon (imagines being in a skanky sailor scout outfit fight for love and peace like a mindless idiot) :shiver: that is scarry, i would never dress up like a sailor scout [/color]
  4. [color=purple] Unfortuneately i dont look like anyone (in any animes ive seen anyways) I have blonde (hair down to my shoulders with grey blue eyes. If anyone knows aout anyone that looks like that please tell me (i need an idea for halloween this year) :)[/color]
  5. [color=purple] Amilea all of a sudden broke out of her stare and yelled, "Ow! That hurt!! Sorry?" Kenji just ignored her, obviously nervous. She mutterd to herself, "People these days, just no manners" Tao came over to her and said, "dont feel bad its just his first fight so he was somewhat oblivious to things around him" "Wow he beat the cr** out of jigen, ive seen him fight before and he beats some people into a pulp, Kenji must be good!" Kenji walked out of the arena with an air of confidence, Totally happy over his victory. "Congratulations" said Amelia.[/color]
  6. [color=purple] :twitch::twitch::twitch: Does it really matter, theyre just hurricanes!! That person is off her nut, we might as well call them hurricane 1,2,3,4 its just a weather-y thing!!!![/color]
  7. [color=purple] Double B siad i could join late so yeah here it is. NAME: Amelia Sunside AGE: 16 HIGHT/WEIGHT: 5'6"/125LBS. DESCRIPTION: Petite girl with Dirty blonde hair down her back that she keep sup in two half ponytails INSIDE RING: Black tanktop and shorts and black low-top converse and her hair is up in a bun OUTSIDE RING: she weats a white dress shirt open over a white tanktop and a heather grey skirt and another pair of black converse (because her other ones get dirty with blood ;)) MARTIAL ARTS: Kick boxing and Karate BIO: When she was small she moved from America to Japan. She took all sorts of classes when she was litle, painting piano and everything else. Her favorites were Karate, Kick boxing, Violin and Ballet. She has to fight to survive, when she was 13 her parents died died in a car crash so she had to fight to survive (playing the violin on street corners dosent pay much ;)) She has been doing this since she was 14. [/color]
  8. [color=purple] The girl got up slowly,"Im tired of just sitting her im going to checkout the competition" She walked across the hallway and knocked on the guys locker room door "I hope you guys are decent cuz im coming in!"[/color]
  9. [color=purple] A yong woman is warming up in a small room all by herself stretching "D**n, i should have known that i was the only friggin girl!! Oh well ill show all these guys that girls know how to fight! [/color]
  10. [color=purple] I dont really get sick but sometimes my legs just get really weak from all the strain i put on them from ballet. Yhat gets painful and i have to sitdown for a while untill it goes away[/color]
  11. [color=purple] I like the Real Folk Blues, The Baka song (ranma1/2), H.T.and Heart of sword. Um double b the killing song is called The Genocide song... i think [/color]
  12. [color=purple] My summer has been great so far (i dont go back to school untill mid-september!!) I went to yosemite and music camp and i have just sat around and its been wonderful!![/color]
  13. [color=purple] Um lets see i have 2 cats 1 dog 9goldfish and i lease a horse!! My 2 cats namwes are Calie (calico, imagnitive, huh?) ans smokey (grey and fat) my dogs name is Julie, shes a standard poodle yay poodles!!) i dont have names for the fish cuz its kinda hard to tell them apart and my Horses name is jack (hes 16.2hh, anglo-arab, bay, 20 something years old and hes very sweet [/color]
  14. [color=purple] I wanna get a morbid fortune cookie :) Lately i have been collecting fortune cookie fortunes and making one of those gum wrapper chains out of them, its pretty cool looking :) [/color]
  15. [color=purple] Once my mom sister and i went to Hometown Buffet (my sis' idea that place is ghetto) and i was walking around the buffet i was trying to eat light and not pig you like my sis so i thought hey why not have some spaghetti so i went over to the spaghetti and i started to grab some but then i saw something green in there, i dug it out and it was one of those spiral brushes for cleaning your teeth around your brackets when you have braces. I put the serving spoon and walked away, far away [/color]
  16. [color=purple]Last year it was really hard for me and this year it was easier. Its because i improved since last year yeah!!! ReTarr i feel sorry for you since your school de-proved, its like my school, we suck, we dont improve or anything a new year starts and we go back to the basics. Thats why im going to several music samps this summer, i mite even join a youth orchestra when school starts (i am an even bigger music freak now hahahaha) [/color]
  17. [color=purple] After seeing the movie The Ring my best friend made a sn called samarasbackagain and she would im people saying you have seven days and this one kid belived herand he got really scared so she blocked her, she had a back up sn canlled darkinthatwell and she went on that too and kept on talking. He was scared stiff we were laughing so hard. I kinda feel sorry for the guy though cuz well, samara's really really scarry [/color]
  18. [color=purple] NERD CAMP ::twitches:: ?!?!?!?!?! Just kidding Im going to another music camp on the 21st at arrowbear music camp. (again) Yeah im a musical freak (i play the violin) [/color]
  19. [color=purple] Hi i just got back from music camp!! It was so much fun!! and to make sure this isnt spam Have you ever been to camp (band outdoors ect.) And how was it? [/color]
  20. [color=purple] I like miss piggy because she always knew what she wanted and was very lout and a drama queen, i also liked bunson and beaker (me me me meeeee) lol [/color]
  21. [color=purple] I didnt hear about anime expo till 7:00p.m. on the last day i was really pissed cuz i live 15 min away from anaheim ::cries:: oh well ill just have to wait untill next year ::waits::[/color]
  22. [color=Purple]Um the first anime i ever saw was probably Sailor Moon but then toonami took it off and blah blah blah[/color]
  23. I love Lupin III, same for me, i posted about lupin III at another forum and they were all like it really sucks the animation is so bad and blah blah blah, the first episode i saw was Hell Toupe(sp?) i liked it wen lupin was all [spoiler]throwing the german soilder dudes out the window and he was all counting in german to 3 and then he said whatevery the heck 4 is in german , that always cracks me up. Also how they get out of that predicament it always makes me laugh sooo hard ::laughs::[/spoiler]
  24. I have a guitar , it was my moms, but, its not tuned and i dont know how to play :( But i can play the violin :)
  25. Hey G.D. Ryoko, thanks for the comforting thoughts of 8th grade (im entering 8th) And aYokano, 7th grade isnt that bad, unless you get a very evil teacher, otherwise its very very easy.
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