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Everything posted by instantramen14

  1. Id probably slide into a coma of disbeliefe. I cant live without anime, its the best!! But yeah id have to say id have a ton more money. heh heh heh ;)
  2. Yeah it happens all the time for me too. I wonder how it works. ::ponders:: It is really confusing
  3. well with our math/science class we went to catalina for a science camp, it was really cool, and we go alot of different places with the orchestra like knotts, county fairs disneyland it is really fun
  4. I like Catalina Island. It is a small island (about 21 mi. long) 40 mi. off the coast of california. It is so pretty i would love to live there. The biggest town on the island is about 1 sq. mi. but it has everyting you need, they have fablous weather all year round. If you are ever near long beach in so. cal. i recomend taking a day trip to catalina it is lovely there :)
  5. ummmm the stupidest thing that i have ever done is... i was riding my bike and i came to this big puddle at a corner that i had to turn at, my dad said go straight through the pudddle than turn so i wouldnt slip(we were racing and i was in the lead) i ignored him and i turned through the puddle cuz i thought it would be faster, the bottom of the puddle was all coverd in alge stuff and my tire slipped so i fell in this pig puddle of muddy, mossy crud. oh yeah i was wearing a new outfit too some nice kaki (sp?) shorts and a white t-shirt. It wasnt fun getting the stains out of shirt and shorts.
  6. a kid i kno from school gave me the link to theotaku.com and i saw forums and i decided to sign upso here i am
  7. i like daria on noggin haha daria is soo cool i also like spongebob ::starts singing the spongebob theme song::
  8. Death isnt that bad. There are only two things in life that are sure, death and taxes. Theres a quote i once heard, Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die. This seems to be true. Hey its death, it has to happen.
  9. Id love to learn sword play ect. , ive always wanted to take fencing, but alas i am a pathetic ballerina, so i dont have time to take martial arts of any form :( . Even tho my dance studio is rite over a martial arts studio.
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